All Chapters of The Laurel Springs Emergency Response Team Series: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
280 Chapters
Chapter 101
Tucker"You're lying," I laugh so loudly I have to hold my side."Hand to God." Ransom holds up the hand he's talking about. "First fuckin' time it's ever happened.""You're lucky, then." I wipe at my eyes.We're in one of the meeting rooms the Laurel Springs PD uses, and we're waiting for everyone else to get here. He's telling me about the night he had with Stella."Lucky my ass!"I laugh again. "More like nose up your ass.""Did you tell him about it?" Nick grins as he sits next to us, drinking an energy drink. "Yes!" I blow out a breath trying to keep my shit together."At least you didn't get a phone call at 5 a.m."You called him at 5 a.m.?" I give Ransom a look."He was up with the baby," he defends. "And so was I, plus I had to share with someone.""Not sure I'd share with my wife's brother, but you do you, fam.""What the fuck are you ladies making so much noise about?" Caleb comes in, having a seat in front of us, but turning around so that he can b
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Chapter 102
TuckerWalking over to where Ransom stands with the dogs, I am slightly freaking out. Did I really just say that to Karsyn? Yeah, I decide, I did really just say that Karsyn. The next thing I ask myself is did I mean it?It takes me all of fifteen seconds to realize I meant it.Now that I've learned more about her, about the fact she may have possibly never been around for me to get to know, I'm beginning to understand how much I need her in my life. Not only that, but I'm beginning to understand how much she adds to my life. "We need to take them over there." Ransom points to the spot they've decided to hold the dog photos at. "Dad and Mason are going to be heading up this part.""Gotcha." I grab Major's leash."Hey." Ransom stops me. "You okay? You look like you've either seen a ghost or like you're about to pass out."Glancing back over at Karsyn, I see she's still holding Keegan. That same feeling swamps me again. "Nah, I'm cool."He looks over to where I was. "Oh
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Chapter 103
KarsynTaking a look at the line to get into the parking lot where we're washing cars, and I mean we're washing them, I'm so fucking proud. It travels at least a mile down the road. Other members of the Laurel Springs Police are directing traffic around it. There's also a few people taking donations only. In my wildest dreams, I couldn't have imagined this would be happening. "This is amazing." Kels wraps her arm around my shoulder as we take a bit of a break. "I know, I'm going to go over and ask Mom if she has a preliminary count of how much we've raised. We've still got two hours to go, but I'm unsure if we'll be able to get all these cars done." I point to the line waiting to get in."We'll figure it out," she promises. "I'm gonna get back over there to where my hot-ass hubby is working hard with no shirt on." She purses her lips, making a noise in her throat."You do that," I laugh. "Girl, I am on it." She wiggles her eyebrows.I have a feeling she'll be on more than
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Chapter 104
TuckerKarsyn and I are lying in bed, watching some show on Netflix, but I don't think either one of us are paying much attention to it."I can't believe how today went." She turns over onto her side, propping up on her arm. "Like I knew it was going to be okay, but I had no idea how good it would feel to plan that and have it work out," she grins."Like I told you, you should be confident. You're legit, Karsyn.""Maybe I should apply to be Ruby's assistant." She laughs."I'm sure Caleb would appreciate that; it would give them more time together."Reaching over, I push my fingers through her hair. "You're like glowing with accomplishment. I love this look on you. Honestly, there's nothing in the world I wouldn't do to give you this look all the time.'Her eyes flit down my body, then back up to my eyes. "Really?"I'm not sure where she's going with this, but it's safe to say I'm on board with whatever she wants to do. "Yeah, if you could see yourself, you're so proud o
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Chapter 105
Karsyn"Hey!" I smack Tucker's hand when he reaches in, stealing a piece of my bacon. "I offered to make you breakfast, and you were all, I'll just have a protein shake. Which means you don't get bacon."He doesn't drop it. Instead, he stands in front of me, making a big show out of eating it. "Go ahead, enjoy it, I'll never cook bacon for you, ever."He finishes eating it before he has a seat across from me at his kitchen table. Major's outside getting his morning business in. "C'mon." He chucks me under the chin. "You know you'll cook for me. You can't help but want to take care of me."I frown, because he's got me there. He knows me probably better than I know myself when it comes to what I will do for him. Not giving him exactly what he wants, I raise an eyebrow. "I might cook it for you, but I'll burn it to hell."A laugh works its way past his throat and a smile spreads across his face. "I'd expect nothing less from you, Syn.""Don't call me that cute nickname and
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Chapter 106
Tucker"Does anyone have any idea why we were called in for this meeting?" Ransom, Caleb, and Nick sit in the front row of our common meeting room. There'd been no information given to me, just an emergency response to get to this space at a certain time."Negative, Ghostrider," Ransom answers."Do you really have to quote Top Gun?" I grimace. "It's not my favorite.""Nobody asked you, Tucker." He folds his arms over his chest.Just as I'm about to tell him what I think about him asking me, Mason walks into the room.It doesn't take long for us to realize something serious has happened. He immediately goes to the front and waits for the room to settle. All I have to do is look at this face and I snap to attention. When some of the room keeps on talking, he gets irritated. He whistles before yelling. "Settle down."The group of us who've gathered know that tone. It's one that means he's not playing around. Looking around the room, he makes sure to meet every single o
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Chapter 107
KarsynI'm still sitting in the police station when I hear the Amber Alert come out. My stomach drops to my knees, because I know what's coming for this girl. They say her name is Leah, and when they show her picture, I start shaking. She could be my twin when I was a little girl. Immediately I want to help. There's no way I can sit here in this room and not do anything. It goes so far against everything I've learned about myself, the person I've become. Getting up, I walk over to where Holden is sitting at the information desk. Even though he's officially retired, he volunteers a few hours a week here. He can't stand to do nothing from what I've heard."I wanna help," I tell him.He nods solemnly. "Are you sure? This isn't easy, you may see things you won't ever be able to forget.""I live with that every day," I remind him. "I was his first victim." But I think about that, and something tells me I'm not actually his first victim. "Scratch that, I'm the first one who got hi
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Chapter 108
Tucker"Run a report on that van," Mason yells. "Find out if the owner knows where it is, or better yet, find the damn owner."We decide quickly that we're going to wait until we hear back from the owner. Birmingham police have already sent a unit over to the last known address. My heart is pounding as I stand with the rest of my fellow officers and Karsyn, waiting to hear if this van is stolen.When our radios start squawking, my adrenaline spikes again.Registered owner of the van say it's stolen. Repeat registered owner of the van is reporting it stolen. That's all I need to hear. I grab Karsyn's hand and together we run for my SUV. "What does this mean?" she asks as she buckles in. "It means he's probably right where you said he was gonna be.""Shouldn't we wait for everyone else?" "It was already discussed and decided that Ransom and I would take point on this. If he runs, we need to be there ASAP to get the dogs on the scent."Major is whining and barking in
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Chapter 109
Karsyn"How's it going?" Kels asks as I have a seat in the chair next to her.She's updating her charts, while I've already done mine. "I want my peace back again," I grimace. "I've had to change my number again." I frown. "You should be getting a text from me tonight with my new one."Since everything came out with Clarence, news organizations have found my name, and they're all asking for interviews about what happened not only recently, but back in my childhood. To say I'm sick of it is an understatement."It's a good thing you and Tucker moved in together, huh?" "Yeah," I agree. "I went by my apartment yesterday because I have like a box of clothes left there. I can't tell you how many news vans were there. I just said fuck it, I'll buy new clothes. So far no one seems to know I've moved in with him.""Today's a big day for him, isn't it?"I grin. "It is. He should get the okay to go back to work. Not that I haven't loved having him off to help me move and get stuff
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Chapter 110
KarsynThe house is dark when I get home, but I'm not surprised. It's been a hot as hell day and we've decided to grill out tonight, as not to warm the house up too much. I picked up the sides on the way home."Tucker?" I yell as I approach the back porch."Yeah, we're back here." I can hear Major making his presence known.Opening the gate, I see the two of them. My man standing in front of the grill, no shirt on, while Major sits next to him, probably waiting on some meat to be dropped. Climbing up onto the porch, I go over to them.Tucker leans back, pursing his lips for a kiss. I oblige, resting against him slightly."Long day?""Super long. Just wanted to be here with the two of you. I hate when you're off and I have to work.""You get so jealous," he teases me. "Not because you're off work." I'm slightly offended. "But because I don't get to spend the time with you.""Sure." He rolls his eyes good-naturedly. "What did you get for sides?""Pasta salad and co
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