All Chapters of The Laurel Springs Emergency Response Team Series: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
280 Chapters
Chapter 81
TuckerIf this is a dream, I one hundred percent don't want to wake up. I never gave up hoping I'd be right here between her legs again, but I didn't think it would be now. Because her bed is so high, I'm able to bend at the waist and situate my shoulders comfortably, grabbing her thighs, putting them over my shoulders.She gasps. "Tucker.""I'm gonna give you everything you deserve," I promise, burying my head in paradise. I don't ease in, like I know she assumes I will, because that's the way I've always been with her before. It's all been me easing her into who I am. Something clicked with me on the way over here. Maybe she didn't need me to be easy with her, maybe she wants me to be who I am.So this is how I'm trying it this time. Hoping we're on the same page, and praying that she accepts the real Tucker. My tongue flicks at her clit, causing her to tighten her thighs around my head. Her hands move down her body, tangling in my hair, holding me tighter to her."Oh my Go
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Chapter 82
KarsynHe isn't saying anything and that's maybe the scariest thing about this situation. I've never known Tucker to be a man of no words. Few words? Yes. More often than not, but speechless? Never. The longer he stays quiet, the more disconcerting it is. "You're gonna have to explain this to me babe, what the fuck happened?" He pulls away from me, pushing himself up into a sitting position. I sit up too, grabbing the sheet up to shield my nakedness from him. I'm about to lay myself vulnerable and the comfort is needed. The breath I take isn't nearly deep enough, but it will have to do. "We lived in Tennessee," I start. "Jackson, and my dad was working for an aluminum plant. Mom was staying at home back then, but that day she had a doctor's appointment. Thirteen was old enough for me to stay by myself, obviously." I grin.He smirks. "I think I was staying by myself at six.""You've always been an overachiever."We're quiet for a few minutes as I think about how I want to
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Chapter 83
TuckerI haven't slept since Karsyn told me her story. She's sleeping soundly wrapped in my arms. There's no way I'm going to let go today. Never mind the fact I have to be on-shift in about three hours. Without disturbing her, I reach over, grabbing my phone. Ransom owes me a favor.T: I'm calling in that favor where I worked twenty-four hours so you could go home and fuck your wife on your anniversary.R: Screw you, we make love.I knew that would get him all fired up.T: Fine, I worked twenty-four hours so you could go home and make love to your wife. Either way, I'm calling in the favor.R: Is everything okay?Ransom knows me, and he knows I honestly never call in favors, it's just not the type of guy I am. If I'm actually calling in on a favor, something serious has happened.T: I'm with Karsyn. Some things have gone down and I need to stay with her. I really appreciate this.R: Hopefully good things, I know you miss her. No problem, you always work with me, I'm
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Chapter 84
Karsyn"Stop!" I giggle, grinning widely as I slap my hand on top of Tucker's as it trails up my bare thigh. "I'm trying to get this done." I point to my laptop. "And you're not making it very easy.""It's not my job to make it easy," his deep voice teases. "I'm supposed to distract you.""Well it's working, but we have to get this message out so that we can get the ball rolling on the fundraisers," I remind him. "Not like you've thought anything about it."He moves his hand farther down my thigh, an innocent expression covering his face. "Can't blame me. I mean you've been sitting here in just my t-shirt for hours. Sooner or later, I'm going to want to see what you have under it."I try to bite back my smile because I don't want him to know how much this affects me. The truth is my heart is soaring, my stomach pitching with the thrill of excitement. It wasn't like this before. He wasn't completely open with his feelings; I felt his attraction, but I never felt his affection.
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Chapter 85
Tucker"Thanks for taking my shift the other night." I clap Ransom on the back as we meet in the conference room. I'm coming on-shift and he's going off. It's customary for us to have a meeting at least once a week. "No problem, I owed you." His eyes look me over. "Whatever happened, it looks good on you. I take it you and Karsyn are working things out?""Trying to." I nod. "You know as well as anyone else that it isn't always that easy."Nothing worth it ever is." He yawns. "Like parenthood.""Up all night?""Not all night, but a few times. I took over so that Stella could sleep. Keegan's getting his nights and days mixed up, especially with the hours we're working. It's hard to keep him on a schedule." He runs a hand through his hair. "And this one," he looks down at Rambo, "gets all worried when Keegan's worried. So then I have to deal with him.""They're only little for a while," I remind him."I know." He grins. "He's trying to walk, and I'm like dude, slow down."
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Chapter 86
Karsyn"And I was thinking," Darren says as he shows me some of the designs he's made. "That if we could get a paw print of both Rambo and Major, we could burn it into these plaques.""Burn it?" I ask. This kid isn't even old enough to drive yet, and he's lost me already."Yeah, we can get one print from each of them, cast it, and then make a transferrable copy that I can burn into the wood."I'm still lost, I look to Kelsea for help."You know, those tables you like at the flea market? They're made that way," she says as she struggles with Ella. "C'mon, El, eat. We messed up our sleep schedule and it's been hell," she sighs."She wants Dad." Darren rolls his eyes good-naturedly. "She hates the rest of us right now.""She doesn't hate us," Kelsea argues. "I'm her mom."I snort loudly. "She'll eventually hate you for one thing or another.""What do you think?" Darren asks, looking at me for approval. "Should I make them?"The one I'm holding in my hand looks damn goo
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Chapter 87
TuckerThe alarm on my phone wakes me up from one of the worst sleeps I've ever had. Any time Karsyn would move in my arms, I'd wake up to make sure she was alright. I want nothing more than to spend the entire day in bed with her, but unfortunately today is our monthly training with the K-9's. Seeing as how I'm the trainer, I kind of have to be there."Do you have to go?" I roll over so that I'm facing her. From the dark circles under her eyes, I can tell she slept about as well as I did. "Yeah, I have training today.""Thank you for staying with me last night."Her face dips down, and I slip my fingers under her chin to lift it back up. "Hey, I'm coming right back when training is over.""You don't have to.""I want to." I lean down, kissing her on the forehead. "I want to hear all about what you're going to have to do. Even though I've been in this profession for as long as I have, I honestly have no idea what any of this means for you. I want to be there, help you wi
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Chapter 88
Karsyn"I can't tell you how excited I am to have a night out with you two." Stelle claps her hands together as we grab a table at El Chico. "Same," Kels laughs. "I feel like I haven't been out for a night of fun in a long time, and Tucker offering to drive us home? So fucking sweet. It means I'm free to drink my weight in margaritas.""I think we're all pretty excited about that." I grin as our waiter comes over.Stelle takes the lead. "I'm gonna need a pitcher on the rocks, my good man. As well as some chips and queso. Keep it all coming. Mama's having a night out.""With pleasure, my friend," he laughs as he gets a good look at us."It's almost like he knows he's going to get an amazingly good tip." Stella looks around at us. "Like I'm prepared to give him a hundred bucks as long as I don't have to worry about anyone but myself.""Amen." Kelsea holds her hand up for a high-five. I look at the two of them, so thankful to be out together. It's been too long since the
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Chapter 89
Karsyn"Thanks for coming with me today." I get into Tucker's truck, smoothing my skirt down.I took a half-day at work, because I'm going to go meet with my new victim advocate. Smarter than I ever gave him credit for, Tucker's idea of looking through the LSERT got me an attorney who took my case as soon as she heard my problem. Today, I'm going to meet Shelby Bruce. "No problem." He reaches over, grabbing my hand with his. "You know I'll be with you every step of the way.""I know, but I'm still nervous." I worry with my hair, twirling a strand of it around my finger. "It's understandable. What are you most nervous about?"How do I explain to him that I think I'm going to have to relive what happened to me this time? "Telling my story. Previously, the people in Tennessee knew what happened. They remembered it vividly, I never truly had to tell the story. Here, I think most people aren't going to know, and I'll have to explain in great detail. Then what if they don't bel
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Chapter 90
TuckerNormally I don't attack my workouts with the ferociousness I'm attacking this one with today. Most of the guys I typically get in the department gym with will tell you I'm level. I jog at a consistent pace; I don't go fast then slow, I don't lift heavy then light. Always level-headed, always the median. That's me.Today though? Today all the fucking anger about what happened to Karsyn is coming out. I'm looking to completely exhaust my body, because I don't want to have another night of tossing and turning, trying to get what I learned happen to her out of my head. I'd thought I'd been prepared to hear, being the tough guy I am, seeing what I've seen. None of that prepared me for how I felt when I listened to what happened to her. As a cop, I can definitely separate myself from the victims I help every day. This situation taught me I can't separate myself from Karsyn."You may wanna slow it down," Ransom says as he starts on the treadmill next to me. "You're gonna stomp
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