All Chapters of The Laurel Springs Emergency Response Team Series: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
280 Chapters
Chapter 151
SullivanMy footsteps beat a cadence on the material of the treadmill I'm running on. A bead of sweat drips from my forehead, rolling down my nose, dangling at the very tip. Shaking my head so it'll fall off, I lift the back of my hand up to wipe at my mouth.The heat is on in here today, because it's the end of February, and it feels every bit as such outside. But my clothing choice makes it hot too. A pair of sweatpants with a shirt and a hoodie, the hood covering my head.Glancing down, I groan. I'm only at mile number three; I need to go five. Especially if I want to make a spot on the Laurel Springs SWAT team. That's been my goal since I came up here with my sister. The five-mile run is the first obstacle I have to overcome if I want to even be considered. So far, it's kicked my ass."Nice pace."Ransom hops onto the treadmill beside me, warming up by walking briskly."Thanks, I'm trying to get it where it needs to be.""It took me a while," he admits. "I'm not
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Chapter 152
ShelbyHe's speechless. Sully keeps opening his mouth and then shutting it. No words come out, even though his throat is working so hard his Adam's apple bobs up and down. The tension between us is slightly awkward, and I do the only thing I can think of. Invite him to lunch."I was about to head over to The Café. You wanna join me?"The question seems to pull him from whatever stupor he was stuck in. "You sure? I just worked out, and I don't smell the best. I was gonna take a shower at the station, but I had to get outta there.""I've smelled you worse than that before," I remind him. "I am the one who helped you after the kid in the downstairs apartment puked on you."His face flashes red before a smile tilts up the side of his full lips. "For a while I was able to forget that happened. Thanks for bringing it back up, though.""You're welcome." I grin.Grabbing hold of his arm, I start us walking toward the direction of what will be our lunch. My body recognize
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Chapter 153
SullivanI watch her run away, glued to my seat. Get up! Go after her! But I can't seem to make myself move. This didn't go the way I imagined it would at all. In my mind I'd always pictured us talking about the night of the Christmas party in a controlled environment. We would laugh remembering how hot we were for one another, then we'd admit we both had feelings for each other, ending with a fucking replay of what happened that night.The only thing I can do is beat my palm against the steering wheel. Why didn't I go after her?Inhaling deeply, I grab up the food and take it over to one of the homeless men who uses our square as his home. I've completely lost my appetite. Irritated beyond belief, I start up the car and head toward the apartment complex I call home.Halfway there, my phone rings. For two seconds I think about not picking it up, but when I see the smiling face of my sister, I answer quickly."Hey.""You sound extremely excited to hear from me. Are
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Chapter 154
SulllivanDriving home is uncomfortable in many ways. The biggest one is between my thighs. Going to the bathroom at Shelby's office did absolutely nothing for the hard-on I'm still sporting. Feeling the material of my sweatpants against the sensitive head of my dick isn't making the situation any better.Parking, getting out, and taking the stairs two at a time doesn't do anything either. Even slamming my front door fails to give me satisfaction. Neither does throwing off my clothes as I walk through my apartment toward the bathroom, letting them land where they may. Cranking the hot water, I let it run for a few minutes as I try to talk myself out of what I'm about to do. It would be wrong.But it would feel so good.It wouldn't be any different than what you've been doing since you moved here.My thoughts are getting on my damn nerves. Pushing the curtain back, I get in, though the flow is still cold. I'm annoyed as it does nothing to relieve the throbbing between
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Chapter 155
ShelbyMy mind isn't where it should be - on Mrs. Haley's will. Instead, I'm thinking about the man who left my office as she came in. Sullivan's been occupying more of my attention than he should, but what a welcome distraction that man is.As I look over the papers she's brought, I softly sigh. This is the type of shit I hate doing, but it pays the bills. Thinking of a person no longer living has always been a trigger for me. I don't like considering end-of-life measures or procedures, but it's part of the job. A well-paying one, at that.Especially when I don't have people knocking down my door to be represented.Don't think about it, Shelby. You've never been in it for the money.But, my mind argues, it's something we need to have in order to live and eat."I don't want my grandson to get anything, Shelby." She slaps her frail hand down on my desk. "I'll make sure of it," I assure her for the hundredth time.Her hand; the sight of it causes my stomach to clench. Wh
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Chapter 156
Shelby"You're not telling me what I wanna know, Ransom." I blow out a breath, annoyed at the man standing in front of me. He adjusts his stance, crossing his arms over his chest. Rambo whines, sitting at attention. The dog knows me, I reach out and give him a pet on the head. When I look back up at Ransom, he's side-eyeing me. "Shelby, if it were up to me, I'd give you the info you want, but you have to make an open records request. It's an ongoing investigation.""That's horseshit and you know it. If I'd been listening to the scanner, I would've heard it.""Then I suggest you get a scanner, or talk to your BFF Sullivan and see if he can help you."This time I cross my arms over my chest, tilting my head to the side. "I have a scanner. Don't be a dick, Ransom."He chuckles, uncrossing his arms and running a hand down his face. "Not my intention, Counselor.""Don't call me that," I snap."But it's okay for Sully to call you that, huh? I'm tellin' ya. Go talk to him,
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Chapter 157
Sullivan"If my mama found out, she'd kill me." I wave off the money Shelby is trying to force into my hand. "Besides, you brought the drinks." I pick my cup up, downing it as I make my way to the door. The doorbell rings again. "Coming.""That'll be twenty-three even."I put thirty in the delivery guy's hand. "Keep the change."Shelby's at my kitchen counter again, mixing herself another drink. "You sure you want a second one so quick?""Today's been a real shit day, Sully." She uses her finger to stir, before bringing it up to her mouth. The way she closes her lips around the tip goes right to my dick. I know she didn't mean for it to, but I'm a man who finds her attractive. I can't seem to help it. Walking over, I grab her hand, before bringing it up to my lips. "Why don't you let me make it better for you?"Her eyes are dark as she watches my movements, seeming to take in every single one. "Oh yeah?" She brings her bottom lip in between her teeth. "What would you
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Chapter 158
ShelbyEverything on my body shakes as Sullivan stands, dragging me along with him. I'm almost positive my brain is somewhere on the kitchen floor beneath us when he grabs hold of my hair, pushing me down to my knees.His hand wraps around the back of my neck, before bringing it down, tilting my chin up. The gravel in his voice is enough to put goosebumps on every inch of my exposed skin.His thumb rubs over my lips, both harsh and gentle at the same time. "If you feel uncomfortable, let me know. I'll never go further than you allow, but I warn you, Counselor, I can be overwhelming."Sucking his thumb between my lips, I run my tongue around the tip before letting him withdraw. "Maybe I want overwhelming."Eyes the color of coffee cloud with a desire I've never seen from any other man I've been with. Male hands answer with jerky movements unbutton his jeans and slide the denim along with his boxers to the floor. "You ready?" The tone dark, sexual, and every bit as dangerous
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Chapter 159
Sullivan"You've got a weird grin on your face.""Am I not allowed to grin?""You're normally not this jovial.""I always am when I'm with you, Ro." I throw my arm around my sister's neck, pulling her in tightly as we stroll through downtown Laurel Springs. It's cold today, our breath visible in the daylight. She snuggles in closely, allowing me to block the wind. "Don't give me bullshit, Sully. What's got you smiling so much?"We're in the square, and my eyes inadvertently go to Shelby's office. There's no denying it when Ro squeals, turning fully to face me."You and Shelby?""It's new." I hold my hands up, surrendering. She's a better interrogator than I am. "I'm not even sure what's going on with us.""What do you mean? You should be positive about this woman."Shoving my fists in my uniform pants, I shrug into myself. "If there's anything I've learned, I can't be positive until I know for sure.""I'm sorry about things ended with you and Candice."I haven'
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Chapter 160
SullivanI make sure I don't turn my back on the two of them as I escort her toward my patrol car. When we get there, I lean against it so I can keep an eye on what's occurring over at the door."Can you tell me what happened here tonight?" I ask her carefully."Nothing." She folds her arms over her chest, effectively trying to shut me out.With eyes that have watched too many other women in this situation, I see it all. The dried tears along her cheeks, the makeup she's tried to put on in a rush to conceal what's been done to her, the smeared mascara. The signs are all there, but there's one that gets me every time.The eyes.They always tell what the mouth won't. The fear, sadness, isolation, and hopelessness of a situation they can't seem to change."You're safe.""I know I am." She raises her chin slightly. "My husband would never hurt me."I wonder how many times she's told herself those words as she cleans up her face, or puts a homemade splint on a sprain.
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