All Chapters of The Alien Love Series: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
136 Chapters
Chapter 91: Not done yet.
Chapter 91: Not done yet.Rhylent's loud purring woke Chasm, and he turned his head. In the gray light of the room, Chasm could make out Rhylent's silhouette as the alien leaned over Norwell. On both sides of the doorframe that led out into the garden, the fabric of the Nebos was hooked. Norwell looked like she was sitting on a huge swing made out of the silk with Rhylent bent over her."Norwell, you are beautiful." Rhylent's voice, hoarse with desire, rode the air. "I am glad I met you." "I knew we would all get along wonderfully. I liked you the second I saw you in the market." Norwell laughed. "And one day, you are going to tell me you love me and never want me to leave.""Am I? You seem very confident of that.""Oh, I'm certain, Commander. I am easy to love." Norwell laughed again and then opened her mouth. As soon as Norwell opened her lips, Rhylent shifted even closer. The alien shoved his flesh rod in and pumped the shaft in and out of Norwell's mouth. Her fingers were in Rhyle
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Chapter 92: Now what?
Chapter 92: Now what?The next morning, Chasm woke in the bed of Nebos alone. He lifted himself on his elbows and glanced around, afraid of what was to come. Last night was a blur of Rhylent's taste and Norwell's body and doing things he didn't even know he could do. The one thing that never happened last night was a conversation on clear and concise rules.As he stared up to the ceiling, he tried to figure out what he was supposed to do now. The great leader of the Dagerstanteens said he was only to drink from Rhylent once. He drank from Rhylent, and now that was over. Chasm wasn't sure how he felt about that event as a one-time situation. He supposed sex was like everything else in his life. He had to take the good with the bad. The drinking was one time, and now he would have to forget ever doing it again. He could do that. Chasm had never thought about being inside Norwell before, so he probably wouldn't miss her body gliding over him.Scooting to the edge of the bed, he spotted t
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Chapter 93: Fixing the ship.
Chapter 93: Fixing the ship.Chasm had the Nebos divert the leaking fuel away from the power dowel. Although Chasm didn't know the name for most of the parts on an alien ship, that didn't mean he didn't know how they went together or the dangers. He knew that if the fuel got too close to the energy peg, there could be an explosion. He'd seen firsthand that the fire that followed was difficult to extinguish. Once the glowing liquid was streaming from the dowel, Chasm crouched over the power source. He had the Nebos form into a glove and then pulled the white fabric over his hand. Chasm used his thumb and the tip of his index finger to grab the very tip of the peg. At the two ends of the tiny rod, the energy was less powerful. The most treacherous part of the power source was in the very center. The dowel buzzed at his fingertips as he rose slowly. When Chasm straightened, he spotted Rhylent in the doorway of the room. Obviously, the alien had returned to work. He stood with JP and Kel
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Chapter 94: A pretty mind.
Chapter 94: A pretty mind.In the ship workroom, Rhylent had Chasm pinned and pressed against a Nebos wall. When Rhylent mentioned Chasm's desire, Chasm pulled, and Rhylent let go of his held wrists. Swallowing hard, Chasm placed his hands on Rhylent's chest and pushed as hard as he could. The alien let him go, and Chasm stumbled toward the broken ship. He scooted near a waist-high metal box. Realizing that he'd not put enough space between him and the alien he wanted to have sex with, Chasm dashed to the side and put the carton between him and Rhylent. He needed something to separate them. What he needed was a black hole to keep them apart.Rhylent's eyes tracked his actions like Chasm was his prey. The alien then took measured steps toward the carton, all the time watching him. Rhylent slipped into Chasm's mind with soft, delicate weaving. As soon as Chasm felt Rhylent's presence, he mixed up his thoughts into a sea of nonsense. He jumbled everything, and he hid what he could from th
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Chapter 95: Alien sex is fun.
Chapter 95: Alien sex is fun. "I have been doing some extensive research on human male anatomy." Rhylent moved even closer to Chasm until Chasm's back and ass were pressed against the waist-high crate. "I thought that you might like to have the information I have collected.""Is it like…" Chasm hunted for the correct words. "Is it like what we did last night?" Although Chasm tried to hide his thoughts, he knew that he failed in keeping the hopefulness out of his voice. He could tell when Rhylent smirked at him."Yes." A tiny smile tipped up the side of Rhylent's mouth. "I was just considering that we would work more efficiently on the ship if we were not distracted," Rhylent said slowly. "We could take care of our craving for each other."Chasm's heart started to beat a little harder. Rhylent admitted that he was feeling this need, this yearning, as well. The alien was right. If they were going to concentrate on anything, they should ease this clawing feeling. The hunger had been simm
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Chapter 96: Don't lose your heart.
Chapter 96: Don't lose your heart.A shudder went through Rhylent's frame when Chasm said he trusted him. It was so fast. Chasm knew that on an intellectual level, but his heart cared nothing for the information. They had just met, and Chasm had no reason to give Rhylent anything, let alone his hope or faith, but the feeling was there all the same. Rhylent could have Chasm's belief that maybe this time, he wouldn't be let down and tossed aside.Suddenly, the alien was everywhere. Tentacles stroked over Chasm as if memorizing every inch of his skin and raising his yearning to a fevered pitch. Something inside of Rhylent shifted, and Chasm saw the change when the energy quaked. Chasm was drawn closer, with his heart beating wildly as if the organ might break out of his chest. He turned his head and nipped at Rhylent's earlobe before tracing his tongue over the shell."That is…" Rhylent purred deeply, and his mind scrambled with sensual delight.Chasm smiled and nibbled on his earlobe aga
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Chapter 97: Norwell leaves.
Chapter 97: Norwell leaves.Chasm and Rhylent couldn't seem to get any work done on the spacecraft. As soon as Rhylent came close to Chasm to show him an item that he wanted to be finished, they ended up bent over a box with Chasm slurping apple juice while Rhylent's drinking tentacle sucked on his cock until he couldn't see straight. Finally, Rhylent threw up his tentacles in exasperation. "We will work on this at another time," the alien growled, and Chasm heard the hint of the thought following that. Rhylent hoped that by tomorrow he could get his sexual yearning under control. Chasm's cock was sore with how used it felt. He was ready for sleep and a good meal."Yes, Commander.""Come, Chasm, let us return home. I need to let you rest." Rhylent stood in the doorway, offering Chasm his tentacle. When Chasm and Rhylent got back to the bedroom, Norwell was finally awake. He was still high off the feelings of Rhylent's tentacles owning him and entering him. Chasm wasn't sure if Norwe
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Chapter 98: Meeting another human.
Chapter 98: Meeting another human.Chasm finished putting the nine sets of gears together. When he was done, he looked up at Rhylent standing at the top of the ship. The alien was stretched with his tentacles above his head. He was adjusting wires, and his body looked bent in a position where all his muscles were flexed. The shape was gorgeous, and Chasm leaned back from his project to enjoy the view. The way Rhylent moved was downright erotic. Watching Rhylent work never got old. Even though he had been fixing the ship with the alien for two days now, he still wasn't bored with the way the Dagerstanteen gracefully turned and twisted."Stop thinking about me like that." Rhylent's command sliced through his thoughts. "Or I will come down and take you over that storage carton again."Chasm nodded and tamed his thoughts even though he wouldn't mind bending over a box a second time. He knew the alien was trying to focus, and Chasm wasn't helping."I need to interrupt your work, Rhylent." K
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Chapter 99: Weapon's training.
Chapter 99: Weapon's training.To Chasm's surprise, the weapons training class was fun. For the next two days, Chasm joined the humans as they learned about the planet where they now lived. Before now, Chasm was never allowed to touch things that could kill an alien master, but Keltrix showed him everything the humans were learning. After his introduction to alien weapons, he watched the hand-to-hand combat. Then he was invited to join. While listening to the teachings, Sloan, Murry, and Jazz were all studious and not silly. Chasm appreciated that. About mid-afternoon, the group took a break for a meal. On the first day, they talked mainly about Earth. And on the second day, they gave Chasm tips. By the third, he was actually excited when they got ready to eat. He liked listening to Murry and Sloan and Jazz banter with each other. The way they spoke was with affection and ease, and Chasm wished he could master that. He had not learned how to say more than a few words yet. As Chasm g
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Chapter 100: Sex in the rain.
Chapter 100: Sex in the rain.Chasm half pulled half pushed Rhylent down the hall in his rush to see Norwell. The alien chuckled at his eagerness all the way. When Chasm reached the bedroom, he threw the Nebos aside and raced past the bed. As soon as he entered, he scanned for Norwell. She was nowhere around the room."Commander?" Chasm looked back at Rhylent accusingly. "She is in the garden," the alien said as he gestured with his tentacles.Chasm nodded and stepped toward the large entrance to the outside. Right as he stepped forward, a roll of thunder sounded. Lightning flashed in the sky as he stepped to the threshold. The lightning from the thick gray clouds lit up Norwell. The woman sat in the center of the garden naked on a pile of Nebos. Rain pelted her. The water made her hair curl and stick to her spine and shoulders. Norwell looked perfect as always. Her skin was flawless. The only sign that she had been with JP was the knotted gray fabric strips around her ankles and wri
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