All Chapters of The Alien Love Series: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
136 Chapters
Chapter 101: Friends.
Chapter 101: Friends.While Rhylent slept on the bed of Nebos, Chasm curled near his feet and stared at his glass plate. He watched the characters talking and interacting, and he also stared at the items they used to eat and live. He took a few notes on the food items that were in the fridge. When he got to Earth, he would have to learn how to buy food. They had to go to the store often. In the past few weeks, Chasm had made quite an extensive list of things he would need when he got on the planet, and he had to admit this show was a helpful guide. He wished that the humans had suggested it earlier."So, what did you learn from the humans today?" Norwell stroked her fingers through Rhylent's tubes while the alien snoozed. Rhylent's head was cushioned on Norwell's thighs, and she leaned her shoulders against the wall and sighed with contentment. Chasm had no idea how the thin woman handled all that weight of a fully grown Dagerstanteen draped over her legs with his head in her lap."No
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Chapter 102: Breaking a rule.
Chapter 102: Breaking a rule.Rhylent and Norwell were missing from the bed when Chasm woke the following day. He rolled around and inhaled their fading scent. After he got up, he checked the hammock in the garden doorway. When he didn't find Norwell, he checked his mind. The alien and Norwell spoke to other Dagerstanteens in the alien court, and the topic appeared to be a severe matter of some kind. Even though the tone was solemn, Norwell and Rhylent were not unhappy or worried. Their minds were calm and clear, so Chasm decided that he would ask them later what they were doing.Leaving the hammock, Chasm did what he always did in the mornings. He used the bathroom, ate, dressed, and by the time the Nebos was pulled back to produce Murry, Chasm was ready for the day. Since he would go with the humans today, he had even put on a shirt as Rhylent wanted. As Murry entered Rhylent's rooms, Jazz followed with Peltratria behind them. Chasm remembered the young Dagerstanteen from the slave
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Chapter 103: What is a Rosh?
Chapter 103: What is a Rosh?Everyone was on their bellies high up near the windows of the enormous room in the palace. Chasm peeked between massive waves of Nebos as he watched the giant assembly of Dagerstanteens below him. At the front of the room stood Octnavin with all of his siblings. The great ruler stood on a raised platform with his offspring next to him and Sloan seated behind him. On the floor stood all his family in a row except for Rhylent.Chasm didn't see Norwell or Rhylent anywhere. He scanned the mass.A large gathering of Dagerstanteen warriors stood on the right and left sides of the room. The crowd left an aisle up the middle, leading to their glorious leader."This kind of looks like a wedding," Jazz whispered to him. "Everyone is in jewels."Chasm had followed everyone up the Nebos silk ladder to Peltratria's secret spot. Now, as he hid, he started to change his mind about this being a good idea. Honestly, this assembly appeared to be a dull political matter to hi
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Chapter 104: Liars.
Chapter 104: Liars.After leaving the ceremony, Chasm reached the bottom rung of the ladder. He paused while the other humans got to the floor. He stood in a long back hallway off of the great room where the meeting was held. The walkway was silent, and the Nebos was thick here. As he stepped to the side, Chasm could feel the eyes of Jazz, Murry, and Peltratria on him. By the time they started walking down the hall back to the training area, Chasm was so mad that he had the feeling even the humans could tell. "Are you okay?" Peltratria asked him."Fine," Chasm snapped. He could barely be respectful right now. His mind was on all the sex he had. Chasm had sex with a bear.He had fucked a bear."Chasm?" Murry put his hand on Chasm's arm to slow his stomping forward, but Chasm shook the other man off him."I'm fine," Chasm repeated.His rage reached a boiling point right as they got to the end of the hall. Never did he think he could be this angry, but this was a betrayal of the worst ki
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Chapter 105: Earth.
Chapter 105: Earth.Talking to Sloan and getting human clothes was nothing but a blur. Speaking with Octnavin and JP was nothing but a mist in his mind. By the time Chasm got on the spaceship to take him to Earth, he was in a haze of pain and betrayal. Chasm had been on hundreds of ships, but some part of him was so broken and angry that at the moment that he didn't even notice the differences of the Dagerstanteen's space vessel. He went to his assigned room and slept. As the ship approached Earth, Chasm was awakened by JP. The alien inspected Chasm's body thoroughly. JP touched Chasm from the tip of his head to the tip of his toes, trying to sense if Chasm was carrying a Dagerstanteen baby alien. When JP stroked over places only penetrated by Rhylent, in his head, Rhylent lost his temper. Chasm didn't pay any attention to Rhylent's rage at him sharing his body with JP. At least Chasm didn't lie about what was happening to him, and besides, JP wasn't the first alien to touch him and
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Chapter 106: Maybe whiskey will work?
Chapter 106: Maybe whiskey will work?"I'll be home later tonight. Don't watch TV all day." Elijah's words didn't stir Chasm from where he curled on the man's couch. As soon as he heard the door click shut, Chasm rolled over and stared unseeingly into Elijah's apartment. It had been three weeks here on Earth, and Chasm was no closer to being happy here than any of the other places he had lived in his life. Even though Elijah took him all over the city and showed him one thing after another, all of the sight-seeing left Chasm hollow. He missed the view of the mountains, and he missed Norwell even though she lied to him. And he missed… all of Rhylent.Chasm found the remote and turned on the television. The show was the one he had watched before. The music played, and the characters flashed across the screen. While he stared at the laughter and drama, he thought about Rhylent. His thoughts brought the alien to his mind. Though the link had started to fade, Chasm still felt the connectio
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Chapter 107: In the hospital.
Chapter 107: In the hospital. The beeping wouldn't let up, and Chasm didn't know how to get the annoying noise to stop. Was this a new kind of cruelty? His head throbbed, and his mouth was so dry he felt like he had not drunk water for years. While agony beat at him, he tried to turn off the beeping with his mind. Would he have to listen to that damn sound over and over again forever?As Chasm gained full consciousness, the steady beep had him confused. He didn't think he was in Elijah's apartment. His entire body screamed after every inhale and exhale. Chasm was used to pain, but this frozen pain feeling was new. He couldn't move, and that was the thing that he didn't understand. Where was he that he was suffering like this? It was as if his body now matched the torment in his soul.Chasm's eyes opened first to a fuzzy light and then to a white paneled ceiling. The room was primarily white walls with pale blue and tan accents. Odd-looking machines were to his left and right, and he w
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Chapter 108: An important conversation.
Chapter 108: An important conversation.The soft bed of Nebos was warm, and Chasm didn't want to wake up. He didn't want to return to the agony he was swimming in before. Eventually, sleep left him, and his eyes opened to light streaming and dancing on the ceiling of vast waves of silk. Turning his head, Chasm knew where he was the second he felt the silk glide on his skin. He was home. Chasm lifted himself onto his elbows and looked to his right. Norwell sat at the end of the bed with her back to him. She didn't turn around or move as he shifted to a sitting position. Rhylent stood in the doorway that was open to the garden. The alien also had his back to Chasm and didn't turn around or move either. Both aliens were silent as Chasm shifted to the foot of the Nebos bed. He tipped his head at Norwell. Being quiet was never Norwell's gift. "You brought me here to fix me, but you don't want to talk to me?""I want to talk to you." Norwell turned her head, and her golden eyes looked w
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Chapter 109: The mark of the Rosh.
Chapter 109: The mark of the Rosh.Norwell rode him, and Chasm threw his head back on the Nebos in sheer, unadulterated joy. His penis was encased in heaven, pure and bright. He moaned out his pleasure as Rhylent slipped into his back entrance. The slick oil-covered tentacle pressed and played until he was twisting, turning, and begging for more.It was so nice to be home. What was he even thinking? Sloan was right. Earth had nothing on this.Suddenly, Norwell froze on top of him. He wiggled to get her to bounce on top of him again. He tried to thrust up inside her wet heat, but she had him pinned. He should have noted long before now how heavy she was. No human girl was this strong either."Norwell," he groaned. "Fuck me.""I think my Chasm has learned some new words from Earth.""I think my Chasm has given up on his caution." Rhylent laughed. "She will fuck you as you put it. Just wait."Chasm gasped as Rhylent slipped into his body a little deeper. The alien's sense tentacle used me
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Chapter 110: The end of... Catch and Release.
Chapter 110: The end of... Catch and Release.Chasm paced back and forth in front of Rhylent. The alien sat at the table like he didn't have a care in the world. He leaned back and tipped his head up to the sun. Chasm wanted to shake him until his tentacles fell off."I thought you said she would come back?" Chasm glared at the alien."So brave to scowl at a Dagerstanteen warrior. I should take you into the bedroom and distract you just for that.""You know I can't think about sex when I'm worried. What if Norwell doesn't come home?""She will.""You said that when a Rosh is happy, they reproduce, and then they come back. She isn't here. What if she is hurt in the mountains all alone? What if something got her?" Chasm couldn't believe that Rhylent wasn't more concerned. Didn't he love her at all?"Yes, I love her. Yes, I care, but Norwell is a Rosh. She can kill anything. Norwell is stronger than me.""But…""Chasm." Rhylent turned and pinned Chasm with a stern look. "Norwell could kil
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