All Chapters of The Alien Love Series: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
136 Chapters
Chapter 121: Red.
Chapter 121: Red. "Red," Ike murmured right as JP dipped his head and snuggled his face into Ike's neck. JP's hair tubes slid on Ike's skin like cool raindrops kissing him. They glided over his chest as the alien nuzzled his skin. Ike clung to JP, and his lips parted in a gasp. Aching and expanding breaths ripped at his chest as longing filled his soul. A dark, mysterious look appeared in JP's eyes, and the alien's expression tore at any plan to resist what was about to happen."I don't know what you want me to do. It's been a long time since I have touched anyone.""I believe the word is orgasm." JP was single-minded in his quest to remove Ike's shorts. He slipped his tentacles into Ike's underpants and then worked them down to Ike's knees."JP." Ike gave a weak protest."I have wanted to do this for so long." JP purred when he got the fabric to Ike's calves and then off altogether. "Please, Ike, say you want me. I want to hear the words from Voice. Do not say no to me again."The ra
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Chapter 122: No regrets.
Chapter 122: No regrets.Pinned under JP and yearning to climax, Ike gave in to whatever the alien wanted. Gasping, Ike tensed when there was an unfamiliar spark of contact with that particular part of him. No one, including himself, had ever touched his anus. The gentle glide of the tentacle over his back entrance had all his attention. JP pressed against his hole, and lightly at first, he pushed. JP waited until he relaxed, and then harder and harder, JP penetrated him. Ike was reduced to gulping on his whimpers. A guttural moan was trapped in his throat as JP worked him open and exposed him to the Dagerstanteen's eyes. "Do you want me to stop?" JP whispered. "No." Ike groaned, and JP pushed again, moving even deeper. "You are right. I like it, and I...""It gets better. Just keep relaxing for me, and I will help you climax. It will be as beautiful as you are."Giving in, Ike melted. Slowly so slowly, JP created a sensual heat and indulgent burn. There was a newness and a vulnerabi
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Chapter 123: Secrets.
Chapter 123: Secrets.When Ike awoke from his sexual stupor, it took him a moment to remember where he was. His eyes opened slowly, and he stared up into huge leafy branches. Moss was under his naked body, and he was sore in places he didn't know existed. Lifting his upper torso, Ike leaned onto his elbows. His eyes went straight to JP. The things they had done flooded his brain, and a grin spread on his lips. Ike had never felt anything like what JP did to him and his entire core buzzed with the memory. His ass was a little bruised, but he couldn't be happier if he tried.JP sat next to the acid pool studying the swirling liquid. Ike stood and then walked over to stand next to the alien. The Dagerstanteen was staring into the bubbly blue and didn't look at him as he approached."Are you trying to figure out what's in the water?" Ike asked as he settled next to JP."No." JP's eyes shot to him. "I am trying to figure out you."The look JP gave him was glacier, and a foreboding chill ran
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Chapter 124: Meeting the queen.
Chapter 124: Meeting the queen.Silently, Ike and JP walked behind Tullie as the guard swam down a long leafy hallway. Even though they didn't speak a word, Ike could sense the turmoil in JP. He knew that their conversation was simply on hold. Eventually, Ike would have to explain how he got JP's hair tubes, and as he walked, he decided more and more that maybe if he could share with the Dagerstanteen, the explanation would lift the burden from Fenton's shoulders. In a way, it wasn't fair that the youngest royal had to hold the secret of Ike all by himself for all this time.Besides, Ike would die soon, so JP wouldn't have to carry the information for long.They tailed the queen's guard through vines, leaves, and thick bushes until a narrow path opened into a vast rectangular room. The throne room of the Sirins was exactly like Ike remembered. Pools were on the left and right sides of a mossy walkway, and every wall and beam was covered in plants.Queen Tashkent was at the furthest end
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Chapter 125: Ike tells the truth.
Chapter 125: Ike tells the truth.As soon as JP and Ike got back on his spacecraft, Ike tossed himself into the tall-backed seat in front of his control console and prepared the ship for takeoff. The Sirins had cleaned his command deck to a pristine level, and the contraption that held JP was even put away and sparkling. He had to smile at the cleanliness. The aliens probably licked up the blood.Tullie's voice came over the message system right as JP sat at the power table next to him."You will need to follow my ship closely," The queen's guard said. "We will also have another ship behind you, and we will guide you through the center of our planet, and then we will come out the other side. You do not have the capabilities to outrun the Folantos. Be aware of your limitations. You need to fly with some stealth.""Got it. No outrunning anyone," Ike acknowledged and brought up the main controls for flying. He flipped up the panel for JP as well. "The center of the Melgen is all water. It
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Chapter 126: Waiting for the Tarpoduals
Chapter 126: Waiting for the Tarpoduals.Neither of them said anything more as they headed through a wall of vines. Beyond the seaweed, they were greeted with blackness. Ike and JP used more advanced navigation to stay with the Sirins as they traveled into the darkness. The rocks, fish, and plants no longer had such a bright shimmering glow on the ocean floor."We have a slight problem." Tullie's voice came over the messaging system as her ship slowed to a standstill ahead of them. "Tarpoduals.""And I cannot outrun anyone," Ike grumbled."Plan?" JP asked."The three of us will drop down to that gap in the rocks and wait. The tarpoduals chase and kill whatever they see, and they would undo all the work we did on your ship. We would have to turn around, so we wait and hide.""I figured." Ike sighed. "And what do you want us to do while we wait?""Lights off, don't move your ship, and that's all. We should be fine since it is their mating season. They are a bit busy chasing each other. A
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Chapter 127: Just the two of them.
Chapter 127: Just the two of them.Pressed to the front window of his spaceship, Ike felt the cool glass on his naked ass and back. While Ike studied JP's pink lips, he noted drips of fluid, making his closed mouth glossy. The scent of oranges got stronger, and Ike could almost taste the fizzy juice just by thinking about it. He was now positive he would never forget the taste of his Dagerstanteen."Can I see it?" Ike asked. "I am curious. Will you show me?"JP looked down, meek for a moment, and then he nodded. The alien opened his lips, and his mouth tentacle was presented. The shaft was a thick pink tube of flesh. The rod appeared smooth on all sides with a small hole at the tip. In a way, the alien's sex organ looked a little like Ike's cock without the flared crown. Slowly Ike reached up to touch the length, and to his surprise, JP didn't retract or shift away. According to Fenton, this sex organ was never shown to anyone for any reason. The pole was never taken out unless in the
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Chapter 128: Flying back home.
Chapter 128: Flying back home.When Ike awoke, he pulled himself into a sitting position and leaned against the front window of his ship. He was naked and covered in a blanket. After he rubbed his eyes, he glanced over his shoulder. His home planet was coming into view."What happened?" Ike bounded to his feet in shock and then wrapped the cloth around his waist. He hunted for his armor and picked up the pieces of clothing strewn all over the command deck."I do not know what you are asking me. Nothing happened." JP gave him a quick look before he went back to flying his ship. "You fell asleep after you reached your third climax. You have quite the stamina. I think that is your Dagerstanteen blood." The alien sounded amused. "When we were free to leave the ocean floor, and there were no threats to the ship, I took over flying and let you rest. I said goodbye to Tullie for you.""I bet you did," Ike muttered as he pictured what JP probably said about Ike being placed in a sexual stupor
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Chapter 129: Playing.
Chapter 129: Playing."I cannot believe I am about to make a fool of myself." Ike sat in the middle of the bench and stared up at the massive instrument. The strings were on the right and left and came down from a long bar across the top. He couldn't even reach some parts of the instrument unless he got up and ran around. He refused to be that ridiculous.Cracking his knuckles, Ike paused as he decided he would play the easiest song he knew, and even though he couldn't hit all the notes, it would probably sound good enough that his ears wouldn't bleed."Any time," JP teased."You'll regret this." Ike glared at the alien and then reached his hands outward and wiggled his fingers.JP made a slight giggle under his breath.Ike ignored the alien and began the song. He plucked at each string until the notes shimmered in the air. The sound waves rolled off the loominairin, and he grinned at the beauty of the music. The song was simple, and he had just reached halfway went JP moved behind him
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Chapter 130: Time to leave.
Chapter 130: Time to leave.Ike used JP's tentacle as a pillow as he stared at the ceiling above his bed. For the last two days, he'd had sex, talked, ate, laughed, and had more sex. In the end, he did everything he could so that he wouldn't have to tell JP that he was going to his death. He'd never been this happy, and he hated to end his relationship with the Dagerstanteen but....He knew he had to, and soon.Any moment Lee or Shay would show up with a ship, and he was leaving to fly to Albeon. He must get rid of the fire. The flame was staying calm right now, but the blaze could get out of control, and it was only a matter of time before the fire burst from him. His exhaustion was rising from trying to keep the fire from blowing, and he was scared to find out what would happen if he ran out of energy. He would not be responsible for that kind of destruction. Ike had to tell JP and explain. It was the right thing to do.Ike rolled over and cushioned his cheek against JP's shoulder. H
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