All Chapters of The Billionaire's Second Chance At Love: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
93 Chapters
CHAPTER 11: He's my boyfriend!
MILES: Why the hell were business functions and meetings invented? It was just an avenue to show off and run into people you despise. Anyway, I got settled in my seat as the function began while I had a mini-meeting with my partner and his wife. We were looking into investing in an agricultural company, which seemed more sensible before they switched and brought up the hydro-electrical project idea. It wasn't a bad one. But, I wasn't looking at expanding my company considering my current state. Starting a new business was like giving birth. The procedures you go through in nurturing a newborn are what you apply to make a new business successful: groom, care, nurture, love, fight for, protect, and believe in it. And, it was best if you oversaw everything. That way, you could guide the path it took. Entrusting it to someone might not give you the satisfaction you crave when you see the result. I bent over the table, the din of the busy restaurant fading into the background as I strugg
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CHAPTER 12: Don't look back.
MEREDITH: “Please, give me more time. I know that I'm late for the payments, but I promise that I'll clear half of it by the end of the month,” I lied. End of the month? That would only happen by a miracle. I couldn't let him know that. Couldn't let him drop the case because it would be wasted energy and abandoning my brother. I deserved to know what happened to him. To get answers. Whatever it took, I was willing to do. His voice was subtle, although I could hear the strain of him trying to control lashing out. “Miss Tate, I wish things worked like that. I would've been more than happy to help you. But, they don't. I need to facilitate the team and, considering that it's a very private investigation, that's why it's harder. I'm sorry.” My heart ruptured into a billion pieces. Who would I go to? How was I going to turn back now and let go? “How about you give me an extra week? If I don't get back to you, then you can drop the case.” The phone went silent for a while before his voic
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CHAPTER 13: A lie to save the truth
MILES: As fate would have it, trouble always seemed to have a way of catching up, no matter how fast you tried to outrun it. They say the world is small, but did it have to be small enough for me to bump into Louis, my ex? Our history together was a whirlwind of emotions. Despite everything, I still harbored feelings for that witch. I gave her my all, only to be betrayed when she found out about the financial troubles in my company and cheated on me with a soccer star. Not only did she betray me, but she also turned me into a media spectacle, painting me as inadequate for her. Her fans rallied behind her, leaving me when I needed her the most. She was my first love, and her departure, coupled with the loss of my mother, shattered my faith in women. After Louis, they meant nothing to me. Caught in the midst of this chaos was Meredith, who seemed unable to stay out of trouble. Dealing with her ex-boyfriend was one thing, but now I had to face my ex-girlfriend too. What a day it turned
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CHAPTER 14: Broken with an unholy thought
MEREDITH: I didn't anticipate feeling heartbroken or sad if I ever escaped Miles's grasp. But when I heard him say, “you're fired,” my heart twisted, and my stomach knotted. I had the feeling of wanting to purge everything I'd eaten, the urge threatening to overwhelm me. Yet, he didn't even acknowledge my distress. How was I being blamed for something we both played a role in? It wasn't technically my fault. None of it was. Getting laid off was cruel, especially when I was struggling to make ends meet and hoping he would eventually start paying me. I guess I'll have to find another job. That might be better. Being around him was hazardous enough. The man was toxic, always nagging and never smiling. But before I go, I'll give him a piece of my mind. What else do I have to lose? Another lawsuit? “I don't exactly understand why I'm getting fired, sir,” I blurted out after moments of consideration. Miles shifted in his seat, turned, and glared at me. With the deepest, meanest voice I'd
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CHAPTER 15: Someone to call
MEREDITH: As the thought of ending my life crossed my mind, my nerves trembled. Many would argue it was against their religion or label me as selfish. But was living in such agony righteous and selfless? You don't truly understand someone's pain until you've walked in their shoes. As the burning clothes turned to ashes, I scoured my tiny apartment for anything that could aid my plan. I stumbled upon a rope, though I doubted it could support my weight. Still, I set everything up, forming a loop with the rope. It was ready, my path to freedom. For a moment, I stared at it, questioning if this was what my brother Christian would want for me. Was this truly my only option? Giving up so easily felt wrong, like taking the easy way out. Suddenly, my gaze fell on the empty ice cream cup on my kitchen island, which I had forgotten to clear out. It reminded me that I still had a box of vanilla and chocolate ice cream with some pizza in the fridge. My mouth began to salivate. Eat then kill mys
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CHAPTER 16: Breaking news!
MILES: I stormed into the house, barely waiting for Brandon to properly park the car. "Did she call me a selfish prick?" I shouted, unbuttoning my shirt in frustration. Her level of confidence always got to me. Why didn't she use the same to defend herself against her ex, who talked down on her? The only person she didn't fear was me. Yet, every other person feared me. "I'm not interested," I barked at one of the staff members who tried to talk to me, not bothering to see who it was. I marched straight to my study, and as if the telephone heard me, it began to ring. What now? "Mr. Pierce, I've been trying to get a hold of you," my assistant Neymar Kane said. Neymar Kane handled most things in the company in my absence and had proven competent compared to the recent nuisance Grenada swayed me into employing. "What is it, Mr. Kane?" I asked. "I'm sorry to bother you, sir. But, the annual cancer and kids fund donation needs your approval. Also, the new shelter project has run out of
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CHAPTER 17: Unexpected move
MILES: The flight was smooth and swift. We landed on the helipad of a penthouse I'd rented, situated close to where Meredith was. I came with additional security personnel, complementing the hotel's provided details. Since the entire area was swarming with crowds, taking extra safety precautions was prudent. From the helipad, we rode the elevator down to the first floor, heading straight for the car. Truthfully, my emotions were numbed. I simply yearned to reach her. Throughout the flight, I had been fervently praying she wouldn't end up doing anything reckless or unwarranted. The mere thought of her harming herself caused my heart to ache violently. I wanted her safe and away from that bridge. How this emotion had stirred within me, I hadn't the faintest idea. What had caused me to feel such profound concern for her eluded me. All that occupied my mind was ensuring Meredith Tate's safety. Navigating through the throng that had barricaded the avenue leading to her was an ordeal. Th
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CHAPTER 18: The alcohol talking
MILES: We drove to the hotel, and I maneuvered to the elevator, using my jacket to discreetly cover Meredith's face as I led the way. Punching the penthouse number into the VIP elevator to avoid running into others, Meredith began leaning against me. “It's hot,” she cried, fanning herself with her long, slender fingers. I briefly chuckled before regaining my composure. Restlessly, she moved around the elevator, trying to find a cooler spot. Meredith returned to lean on my body. “Your body is cooler,” she said with satisfaction. Her proximity was tempting, but I restrained myself. Her lips were looking up at my mouth, and I couldn't help but swallow hard. I was so tempted to kiss them but restrained myself. Finally, the elevator chimed and we got out. It was difficult walking with her as she tried to lie on the floor. By the time we got to the room, Meredith had practically roughened my hair and clothing. I looked as drunk as her with my appearance. Just as the door slammed shut
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CHAPTER 19: A proposal after the night of shame
MEREDITH: The warm hues of the sun caressed my face, prompting me to shield my eyes and turn away. Ah, much better, I thought, finding comfort in the dimmer side of the room. Beneath me, the sheets felt luxuriously soft, like silk, and the air carried a pleasant, relaxing scent. This was a level of peace and serenity I had never experienced in my apartment before. Was I dreaming? I almost wished I was, as waking up to this bliss every morning would be a dream come true. Well, almost. Did I finally give up the ghost? Because, hell yes! I'd give a kidney to wake up to this every morning. Just kidding, though. But, I'd genuinely be grateful to wake up in an environment like this. But my moment of tranquility was abruptly shattered when someone decided to draw up the blinds, flooding the room with blinding sunlight. "It's too bright," I protested, futilely attempting to block out the rays of the sun with a pillow. The damage was already done. Gradually, I stretched. Trying to open my e
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CHAPTER 20: The heart talking instead of the brain
MILES: I had considered sleeping on the sofa. But, hell no! This bed was large enough to accommodate the two of us without our bodies touching. So I thought. In the middle of the night, I somehow ended up cuddling Meredith. It felt possessive, yet oddly familiar, like I had missed doing that for a long while. Surprisingly, it eased my stress and made me feel better. I enjoyed it. Let me tell you one thing about myself. First, I never cuddle anybody because it makes me feel suffocated. Second, I never sleep in the same bed with anyone. Why didn't being in the same room and bed with this woman feel inconvenient? I moved closer to wrap her whole body, inhaling the scent of her hair, and she snuggled into me like a joey would in its mother's pouch. I stayed put, trying to fall back asleep. She began to whimper and let out small cries. “Don't hurt me,” she repeatedly said. She was having a bad dream. I got up and knelt, gently shaking her. “Hey, you're safe,” I ran my hand through her h
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