All Chapters of Beloved Old Lover: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
125 Chapters
Chapter 11: Old Love
During the long journey, the two of them didn't talk much, only occasionally, Emily turned to ask Kevin if he felt okay.At noon, both of them stopped at a small roadside restaurant. The weather was cold, so Emily chose a seafood hotpot to warm her body.Although they said they were going together, the young businessmen did not wait for each other because they all knew the way. They only arranged to meet at the slope leading into the village with more than two hundred ethnic minority households.They did not know that Kevin replaced Daniel and he did not contact the delegation leader even though his younger brother gave him his phone number.He had looked up the route on the map so he could find his way there. As for Brian, he contacted and sat in the same car with the group leader.Emily is no longer Kevin's lover, so she doesn't dare ask him to peel shrimp for her. He only eats fish and squid, not shrimp. After eating some shrimp and being allergic to it, he never touched it again.
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Chapter 12: Call Love Return
The water poured in more and more violently and the dark clouds above could no longer stand firm because they were too heavy. The rain suddenly fell.Emily trembled, trying to grip the tips of her toes on the rocks. On the opposite side of her, Kevin was also moving as fast as he could.- Don't go anymore, Emily, stand still and wait for me. – He shouted when he saw her almost slip.Obeying him, she did not move anymore. However, because she tried to cling tightly to the stream bed, she soon had cramps. Even though she tried not to move, the pain transmitted from her muscles made it impossible for her to hold on for long.“Emily, no...” Kevin panicked when he saw her suddenly fall.The stream of water suddenly widened the distance he was trying to close. Emily screamed in pain and floated down into the fast-flowing water.Her hands waved wildly, trying to find something to hold on to but in vain. The slippery, mossy rocks rejected her. Water continuously poured into her mouth and nose
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Chapter 13: Astray
Hearing the alarm bell ringing softly from her phone, Emily immediately groped around to find it to turn it off, but after searching for a while, she couldn't find it. She only felt her hand touching something that looked like a human.The moment she opened her eyes and saw Kevin's handsome face, she remembered that last night he had come over and slept here.Glancing at the phone screen, seeing that it was only four in the morning, she immediately shook him awake.“What's up? It's still dark, please sleep a little longer.” He pressed her down, speaking in a sleepy voice.“Go back to your tent quickly, it won't be good for people to see you coming out of my tent.” She tried to escape from his pincer-like arm and urged him.Emily's words woke Kevin from sleep. What did she just say? If everyone saw that, what would happen? He was also planning to announce to everyone that she had become his girlfriend and would be his future wife.“Are you afraid that everyone will know we're in love?”
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Chapter 14: Love In The Moment
Last night, sleeping with Kevin in the tent, although Emily was very happy, she was also worried, afraid of being discovered by others.And now it's okay, here only he and she know each other, around them are only strangers.“Go to sleep, don't play anymore.” He grabbed the hand that was touching his face and said.“Dislike.”Emily shook her head and continued to caress the bridge of his nose and then his lips. Every line on this handsome face has changed over time, becoming stronger, more masculine, and more mature than the student of previous years.“Have you called your father yet?”“I called a few times but he didn't pick up so I texted him. He probably went to meet friends and partners again.”She stopped playing with his face and wrapped her arms around his waist, snuggling her head into his chest to find warmth to easily fall asleep.This motel has walls but it's like there are no walls, the wind still blows in through small gaps, bringing the cold outside inside.The warmth fr
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Chapter 15: Feeling Betrayed
On the first morning of the week, Emily came to the company early. However, until nine o'clock, she still couldn't see Kevin.Today, he didn't have an appointment with anyone, so she reassured herself that he would probably be a little late for work.Last night, she ventured to call him a few times, but the phone kept saying it was busy, and now, the situation is not getting better.She was sitting and thinking when the phone suddenly rang. Seeing the strange phone number, she hesitated a bit but then she still picked up the phone.A gentle female voice sounded on the other end of the line and she quickly realized it was Kevin's mother, Mrs. Jessica.“Yes, hello. Are you calling me for something?” Emily put her hand on her chest, hugged her fast-beating heart, and asked.“Ah, at seven o'clock tonight, please come to my house for an intimate meal.”“Yes.”A tingling feeling of happiness ran through Emily's body. She secretly blamed Kevin. It turned out that he avoided receiving her pho
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Chapter 16: Deceit
“How's it going? Have you felt the pain I have to endure? Emily, are you naive or stupid? Do you think I will fall into your love trap full of iron hooks again?” Kevin reached forward, grabbed her chin, lifted her face, and spoke in a joking voice.“So, all those words and actions of caring for me while in the mountains were just lies?”“Of course. You believed it, right? Are you disappointed now? You left me when I needed you the most, and if I did that, I would still be very good.”Emily raised her hand to push away the hand that was touching her and stepped back. She did not expect that time could change a person so much. Yet she thought that Kevin from five years ago had returned to her side.Did he say it was all a lie? But it was clear that he risked his life to rush into the rushing water just to save her.She didn't believe that he risked his life just because he wanted revenge on her. In the end, why did he become like this?Not far away, Daniel saw and heard everything. It t
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Chapter 17: Ignored
When Daniel returned home, it was already past ten o'clock at night. However, he saw his brother still sitting at the stone table under the sycamore tree, not sleeping.The call just now was also Kevin's first call that Daniel refused to pick up.“Daniel.” Kevin spoke up when he saw his younger brother intentionally ignoring and passing by.Daniel knew he couldn't avoid Kevin when both of them were living under the same roof and working in the same company, so he had to sit down and face the face that he suddenly felt a bit hateful of.“Emily is my ex-girlfriend. When I hadn't found a family yet, she and I fell in love. Then, when I got caught up in legal trouble, she disappeared without saying goodbye.”Not wanting to waste his younger brother's time, Kevin quickly spoke directly about the past problem.“Brother, she was still too young at that time. And you shouldn't take revenge on her like that. The past is the past. The law is still tolerant and gives criminals a chance to rebuil
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Chapter 18: Brawl
Emily did not know about Daniel's unexpected business trip. It wasn't until Emma appeared and informed the shareholders that she knew.Even though she had a high fever last night, this morning she still went to the company early to recheck the documents before bringing them to the large meeting room.And to make sure the same thing didn't happen, she sat in here until the board of directors and shareholders appeared.This extraordinary shareholder meeting mainly revolves around capital sources, business plans, and dividend prices. Some shareholders want to increase the dividend price.Even though Emily was very tired, she still tried to keep her eyes open and recorded all the opinions and discussions of the leaders.The fever still torments her even though she has taken medicine. It seemed like every two hours she had a fever, and she was extremely chilled and uncomfortable.Until lunchtime, the meeting still could not come to an end. At this time, Emily's whole body was exhausted, sw
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Chapter 19: The Second Heir
After receiving almost the entire bottle of intravenous fluid, Emily gradually regained consciousness.The moment she opened her eyes and saw Daniel's happy face, she thought she was dreaming. However, his big, warm hand helped her realize this was reality.“Deputy general director... ah, Mr. Daniel.” Emily quickly called his name because she saw him frowning when she said the first few words.“Uh, it's good that you're awake. Please eat some porridge.”As he spoke, he helped her sit up, took the warm porridge box, opened it, and carefully fed her.Her right hand was receiving intravenous fluids, so it was inconvenient to hold a spoon, so she obediently opened her mouth and let him serve her like a child.The feeling of coldness, loneliness, and self-pity in her heart was also greatly reduced thanks to this man's kindness.When the porridge box was empty, the tears she tried to suppress also broke.“Don't cry, I will be very heartbroken.”Daniel gently touched the cheek of the person
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Chapter 20: The Promise
At exactly seven o'clock in the morning, Daniel drove Emily back to the hotel. He took the initiative to go out so she could comfortably shower and change clothes, then it was his turn.The feeling of sharing the living space in this room with a girl made him feel like they were a couple, almost husband and wife.“The wounds haven't completely healed yet. Besides, you told your dad you were going on a business trip for a week.”Daniel spoke up when he saw her arranging the dresses and clothes he bought and putting them into bags.Although she hadn't said anything, he understood that this was the action of someone who was about to leave.“Ah, I... I miss him and I don't feel very secure, an elderly person being at home alone...”When she said this, she immediately fell silent. Her family's current difficult financial situation needs to be kept secret. Daniel would certainly be surprised to know that her family cannot hire a maid.In the past, her father hired a maid, but now she takes
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