All Chapters of Beloved Old Lover: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
125 Chapters
Chapter 31: Trying To Prevent – 2
Although Daniel came home late from a business trip, because he missed his lover so much, he drove straight to Emily's house to meet her.Talking on the phone did not make him miss her any less. He did not expect that one day he would miss a girl so much.Hearing the bell ring, Emily immediately ran downstairs and rushed to the gate. She knew the person outside was him because earlier, he called and said he would come.Looking at the man with a tired appearance, and slightly wrinkled and disheveled clothes, she felt sad in her heart. Only his smile is still the same, happy and warm.“You're tired so why are you still trying to come here?” She pretended to blame him.“I miss you so much that I can't bear it. It seems that I have to marry you quickly.”He pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly. The smell of masculine sweat swirled around the tip of Emily's nose and gradually covered her whole body.Her slender arms slowly raised up, gently patting the man's back, hoping to ease
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Chapter 32: Successful Persuasion
When Daniel returned home, everyone was asleep. He gently went upstairs, entered his room, closed the door, took out his love diary, and wrote in it.From the day Emily agreed to be with him, he started writing a diary, recording his feelings for her every day. He wanted to give this gift to her on her wedding night to let her know how much he loved her.After a quick shower, he lay down on the bed and slept until morning. The meeting at the corporation would take place at nine o'clock, so he did not go to the office early but stayed at home to talk to his parents.When the car driven by Kevin rushed out the gate, he also began to speak.“Engage? Why are you in such a hurry?” Matthew frowned when he heard his son discuss plans to hold an engagement ceremony.“Because I met the right person.” He smiled and replied.The sound of the fork hitting the plate startled Matthew and Daniel. Jessica tried to control her anger, stood up, and asked her son to follow her to her room to talk.Matth
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Chapter 33: Late Love Confession
When lunchtime came, Emily ordered food from outside for Kevin as usual, and she followed Daniel to the restaurant opposite the company.The female employees cooed in admiration when they saw the general manager's assistant being led across the street by the deputy general manager.“It's strange, she's the general manager's assistant but why is it like she's dating his younger brother? Why doesn't she flirt with the general manager?” A girl happily asked questions.“Oh my god, imagine if you saw your boss's frowning face every day and sometimes got scolded by him, would you be able to love him?” Another girl smiled and replied.Those words reached Emma's ears as she carried her lunch and passed them.Daniel is not like his brother, he always goes to that restaurant to have lunch and does not stay in the office with simple food. He only eats simple meals in forced situations.When Daniel was not dating Emily, Emma was the one accompanying him, now she could no longer sit in that positi
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Chapter 34: Let Go of the Past
Both of them just sat like that, no one said a word. Emily also didn't know how much time had passed.Kevin's tear-stained face haunted her. He had never shown such weakness in front of her.“Emily, I'm sorry. You… you should forget about today. I promise I won't cause trouble for you and Daniel anymore. Please treat my brother well and don't... meet any other man.”After saying that, he stood up and walked into the bathroom. When the sound of running water rang out, Emily got out of bed, picked up her bag, and left the room, where the incident that had just happened made her terrified.The moment she turned her head to look back at the closed door, tears flowed from her eyes.She and he chose two paths for themselves and the farther they went, the more they could no longer stop.If two people split up so that four people can all be happy, then let it be as it is.“Kevin, we will forget each other, our love has ended.”Leaving the Gold Hotel, Emily wandered along the road because she
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Chapter 35: Good Girl
A gloomy atmosphere covered Kevin's office. From the moment he entered, the only thing that could be heard was Emily's good morning.From time to time, she glanced at the man, it seemed like his lips were a bit swollen. She remembered that yesterday because she was panicking, she bit him, but not very hard.The bell of the landline phone suddenly rang, pulling her out of her chaotic thoughts and she quickly picked up the phone.On the other end of the line was the voice of a man who seemed to be older, very calm, and slow.He introduced himself as Mack, president of NA Bank, and asked her to tell Kevin to give him a few minutes to meet and talk.“Yes, I will ask my boss and inform you later. Please help me read your mobile number.”She picked up the pen next to her and wrote the numbers on the blank page.She had to admit that the phone number of the president of NA bank was different from everyone else's, a long series of nine numbers, very easy to remember and attractive.After hang
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Chapter 36: The Conversation Between Father And Son
In the afternoon, right after leaving the company gate, Daniel took Emily to the dress shop to try on dresses.Because it was the engagement ceremony of the second heir of the Unicons group, the future bride could not wear mediocre dresses.The design can be simple but it must be a high-end product with a famous brand.Emily was speechless as she looked at herself in the mirror. She had to admit she was beautiful because of her clothes.Previously, she had dreamed of designing and sewing herself a dress for her big day, but she could not do it.Daniel sped up the process. After the engagement, the wedding would be held a month later, so she had no time to prepare. She entrusted everything to him to do.Her work is also busy, she can't handle too many things at once.“My wife is so pretty.” Daniel hugged Emily from behind and passionately looked at the reflection in the mirror.“We're not married yet, why do you call me that?” She lightly touched his hand and asked gently.“I like to c
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Chapter 37: A Small, Peaceful Corner In The Heart
When Matthew brought Kevin home, it was already past eleven o'clock at night. Because Jessica knew her son was with his father, she felt secure and fell asleep, leaving only Daniel awake because he had just returned from driving his future wife around the city.“Oh, Dad, why is my brother so drunk?” Daniel quickly helped his father help Kevin out of the car and asked.“Nothing, Kevin and I just drank some wine. Quickly take your brother to his room.”Daniel agreed and quickly accompanied Matthew to take the drunk guy Kevin back to his room. Rarely did Daniel see his father invite his son out to drink. No, it must be said that this has never happened before.“Dad, go back to your room and rest, let me take care of him.” Daniel said after placing his brother on the bed.“No, you should go to bed early to go to work tomorrow. Let me, I want to make it up to your brother.”The bridge of Daniel's nose suddenly stung when he heard Matthew speak. He knows that his parents can hardly compensa
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Chapter 38: Love Has Not Faded Yet
“Swipe card.” Daniel gave the black card to the employee and said.“Yes.”The employee quickly swiped the card to pay and put the ring box in the bag, giving it to Daniel. She didn't forget to glance at Emily again.She felt admiration for this girl. If it were another girl, they would have chosen a more elaborate ring.No wonder the deputy general director of Unicons loves Emily and wants to get married quickly.The fact that Daniel frequently picks up and appears next to Emily recently has been buzzing within the company, so people like this employee know all about it.“Emily, don't care what others say, just do what you like, I will support you.” He held her small hand and spoke gently.“Yes, thank you.”Leaving the jewelry store, Daniel took Emily out to eat and then to the riverbank bordering the city and its suburbs.He said that when he passed by here before, he saw a few couples sitting by the river talking, he didn't feel anything but since he fell in love with her, he felt i
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Chapter 39: Engagement Ceremony
The bracelet was already worn, there was no longer any reason for Kevin to linger. He slowly stood up and backed away.Today, she is very beautiful, her pure and fragile beauty is exactly like the schoolgirl of the past.He knew that today, he had to completely cut off his false hopes and sincerely bless her and his younger brother.The moment he turned his back, Emily immediately looked the other way. She didn't want to see that back leave, otherwise her tears would fall again.There is a place in her heart for Daniel, but Kevin's shadow has been imprinted in her heart for nearly ten years, and cannot be easily erased.It wasn't until she heard the door open again that she turned to look. Her hand suddenly reached up to dry the remaining tears.Daniel watched her until he was almost motionless. He knew she was already beautiful, but under the magical hands of a famous makeup artist, her beauty became even more beautiful.“Why are you crying?” He gently touched her cheek and asked lov
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Chapter 40: Jennifer's Plot
After the engagement ceremony, everyone returned to their work routine. Seeing Emily still wearing the bracelet he gave her, Kevin suddenly felt happy.His parents gave her a lot of gold jewelry studded with precious stones, but she didn't wear them, only the proposal ring and bracelet.“Daniel said maybe after getting married, he will come to your house to live.” Kevin returned the signed documents to Emily and said.“I'm sorry.” She bowed her head, slightly hesitant.“It's okay. There's still me at home. It's okay for both of you to visit our parents from time to time.”“Yes.”Emily breathed a sigh of relief, hugged the documents in her arms, and quickly left the room, taking them to the accounting department.Kevin's gentle attitude made her feel no pressure anymore, feeling very comfortable.Before, when she was abroad, she always felt like the fate between her and him had not ended. It turned out that the feeling was transformed from love to intimacy and she and he were still rel
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