All Chapters of Heartbeat Will Speak: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
2011 Chapters
Chapter 141 Deliberate Targeting
”You…”SweetTea glared furiously at Margot. However, after stuttering for a short while, she found that she could not get any words out.Margot crossed her arms, face filled with condescension. “Young Mr. Lynch’s right. If you’re this upset over it, you might as well compete. If you emerge victorious, it’ll mean that everything you’ve said was true. If you end up losing, it’ll prove that you’ve been spreading lies to set her up, which can be classified as slander!”“That’s right! Whether you’ve been telling the truth this whole time will be revealed once you guys compete.”“Yeah! You keep saying that Cutie-pie’s streams were fake, that she was just taking credit for someone else’s skills. Why not compete with her to prove your point? It’s not like it’ll cost you anything.”“I agree. If you refuse to compete, it’ll just prove that everything you said were lies.”Loud booing rang out. Still covering most of her face with both hands, SweetTea looked over the crowd of people and bark
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Chapter 142 Banned
The crowd watched on with hearts in their throats.Just as Adira was about to deal a killing blow to Yvette with a set of skills, Yvette unleashed the weakening skill.The skill managed to decrease the damage Adira dealt by half!However, as Adira was too focused on dealing Yvette a blow, the former went straight into the latter’s tower attack range.Eventually, Tamara managed to deal a fatal blow to SweetTea’s character with a normal attack, getting the first kill.SweetTea pursed her lips and said, “You just got lucky!” Her expression had darkened significantly.Tamara had a small smirk on her face. Her eyes were filled with condescension.When the crowd saw what Tamara managed to do, they let out quiet sighs of relief.SweetTea had been too eager to deal damage to Tamara’s character. The calm way Tamara managed to avoid her opponent’s attacks was awe-inspiring.To everyone, Yvette was the weakest character in the game. Anyone who played as her in a one-to-one battle was des
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Chapter 143 Provoking Me
SweetTea’s face filled with horror as she stared at Sebastian. “No way! You don’t have the power to ban me! You simply can’t!”However, no one cared what she had to say.Everyone at the scene was horrified by Sebastian’s cruelty.Since SweetTea was a famed streamer in the gaming community, she earned a living by streaming.Suddenly banning her from the community meant that SweetTea’s income would come to a sudden halt.The crowd stared at Sebastian in awe.Even though they had heard of the man, they had never seen him in real life.After meeting him, everyone thought it would be best if they never encountered him ever again.Sebastian was too terrifying.This man could control life and death with a single command.At the end of the first knockout round, Tamara managed to advance to the next stage without incident.Margot linked her arms with Tamara as they walked out of the club. Margot looked back to find that Sebastian was following closely behind them.Looking a little a
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Chapter 144 No Competing
Tamara did not know how to respond. She eyed Sebastian strangely before wiping her makeup away with the wet wipes.A few minutes later, her face was clear of makeup. Upon taking one look at her, the knit between Sebastian’s eyebrows loosened.Sebastian drove them back to Skarrowlilt Grove.A bodyguard came over to open their car doors. Upon getting out of the car, Sebastian walked into the villa without looking back, disregarding Tamara’s existence entirely.Tamara watched his retreating back, unable to hold back a long sigh.She could not believe how short the man’s temper was.She recalled that before having interacted with Sebastian, whenever the news would talk about the man, they would paint him as a cold, unfeeling person. He was known to never show much emotion.Tamara could not understand why the Sebastian she knew was worlds away from the one that was shown on TV.She much preferred the TV version of Sebastian. The TV version of him was cold, unfeeling, and would not g
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Chapter 145 Young Mr. Lynch Is Immature?
Tamara was taken aback.It turned out that Sebastian was Y!Surprise flashed in her clear eyes as she regarded the man. However, this only made Sebastian’s expression darken.“What the hell are you staring at? Get to it!”Tamara pressed her lips together tightly, trying her best to contain a laugh.She did as she was asked and accepted the friend request from Y.Without sparing her another look, Sebastian spun on his heel and left.Tamara was rendered speechless.She laughed inwardly at how immature Sebastian was.He had stalled for so long just for this. It turned out that he had only wanted her to accept his friend request.In Tamara’s defense, Sebastian had not clarified that Y was him. How was she to know that Y didn’t have any ulterior motives?A small smile appeared on Tamara’s face, her tense body relaxing.However, after a moment’s thought, her smile instantly fell.“Could he have ulterior motives?” she mused to herself.Tamara felt her heart skip a beat. She hurr
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Chapter 146 Missing a Birthday Party Invitation
”I didn’t mean to imply anything. I just wanted to chat with you. That woman’s name is Eugenia Cooper. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lynch seem to value her very much,” Ms. Thompson explained hurriedly, then turned and left.Tamara wondered what Ms. Thompson meant when she told her that Yareli and William valued that woman. “Is she trying to hint at something?” she thought.She lowered her gaze and continued to eat. However, her appetite had suddenly disappeared.She got up and left the dining room. Upon noticing her leaving so abruptly, Ms. Thompson was taken aback. “Young Mrs. Lynch, what’s wrong? You didn’t even eat much.”Tamara shook her head, indicating that she did not want to eat anymore, then went straight upstairs.Ms. Thompson let out a soft sigh as she watched Tamara’s retreating figure.She had deliberately thrown Tamara the hint. She just hoped that the younger woman managed to catch her drift.Ms. Thompson knew that Tamara was a good person. However, the older woman was merel
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Chapter 147 Straight to the Lynch Manor
Eugenia eyed Margot curiously. “You’re Young Mrs. Lynch’s friend, aren’t you? I was just inviting her to attend Mrs. Lynch’s birthday party with me.”“Mrs. Lynch? Do you mean Yareli Baiss?” Margot frowned, then decided promptly. “She’s not going!”Eugenia was taken aback. “You’re…”Margot tugged on Tamara’s hand. “We’re not going!”After that, she pulled her out of the shop.Eugenia got up, staring at the women’s retreating figures. The cheery expression on her face disappeared in an instant. She flashed a smug smile in the end.…“What does that wicked witch’s birthday have to do with us? It’s not like we’re dying to go to the party!”Margot could not stand the sight of Yareli. The woman had always acted like she was better than everyone just because she was the wife of ST Corporation’s CEO.Furthermore, knowing how horrible Yareli treated Tamara, Margot despised her even more.When she turned back, she noticed that Tamara looked out of sorts.“Tammy, are you okay?” Margot
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Chapter 148 Tamara Humiliated
Even though she had changed her appearance with makeup, Eugenia had still been able to recognize her!Tamara hurriedly grabbed Margot’s hand.Margot was taken aback. “What’s wrong?”Tamara turned towards her and signed, “I’ve changed my appearance, yet Eugenia was able to recognize me instantly.”Margot was quick to react. She frowned and asked, “What on earth is that woman up to? How did she even recognize you?”Tamara shook her head, indicating that she had no idea either.However, she had a guess.Upon leaving Skarrowlilt Grove that morning, Eugenia had probably known about Tamara’s altered appearance. As such, when they bumped into each other at the shop, the woman identified her as Sebastian’s wife right away without question.Tamara shifted her gaze back towards Eugenia.At that moment, Eugenia was standing next to Yareli, smiling kindly at the older woman as they chatted about something.Their closeness merely added to Tamara’s suspicion of her.Margot moved closer to
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Chapter 149 Impossible to Chase Her Out
Tamara had been put in an extremely embarrassing position.Margot’s face was red with fury. She glared angrily at Eugenia. “Gosh, how dramatic. You keep insisting to everyone that it’s your fault. Well, if that’s the case, why don’t you apologize on bended knee?”Eugenia was taken aback. She looked at Margot innocently and said, “Miss Zimmerman, how can you ask that of me?”Margot shot her a sarcastic look. “Didn’t you just admit that it was all your fault? If you’re truly repentant, you’ll have to prove it.”Margot’s aggression intimidated Eugenia.Yareli glared at Margot with displeasure. “This is my birthday party! An ill-mannered bitch like you can’t make demands like that on my turf! Get the hell out! Tamara, you as well! Get off my property.”Yareli pointed at Tamara, her tone filled with disdain.The crowd watched Tamara’s humiliation take place. She had brought shame to the Lynch family.The birthday party had been going well, yet the damned mute had ruined everything.
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Chapter 150 Learning Sign Language for Her
Anthony remained expressionless as he regarded Margot. Then, he spun on his heel and left.“Excuse me?”Margot was shocked. She couldn’t believe that the man had walked away from her just like that.“This won’t do! I have to get to the bottom of who that man is!” she thought.“Hey, stop right there!”Inside the villa, Yareli turned back to look at Sebastian and found that her son was holding Tamara’s hand tightly. It frustrated her to no end.“Are you really going to let her stay here? Do you want to embarrass me to death in front of everyone?”Sebastian’s deep, magnetizing voice sounded. “Mom, as long as you don’t make a scene every time Tamara’s around, no one’s going to pay her any attention.”“You!”Yareli did not expect Sebastian to talk back to her in Tamara’s defense. The hatred in her eyes deepened as she regarded Tamara. However, Tamara did not seem to notice Yareli at all. Her gaze remained on Sebastian the entire time.Did Sebastian just defend her?Tamara did not
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