All Chapters of Heartbeat Will Speak: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
2011 Chapters
Chapter 151 Deliberate Provocation
After she finished changing into the party dress, Tamara walked out of the bathroom to find Sebastian nowhere in sight.She began looking for him everywhere. Just as she walked out of the villa, she spotted Margot and Anthony standing together. It looked as if they were talking about something.“Tammy, you’re finally here! He keeps ignoring me!”When Margot saw Tamara approach them, she complained right away.Tamara felt a little helpless. She began to introduce Anthony to Margot. “This is my pal, Anthony Night. He helps me with a lot of stuff. He’s used to staying lowkey, so him ignoring you isn’t all that unusual.”Margot blinked. “He does more than me?”Tamara nodded. Margot’s face immediately fell at that.“Tammy, I thought I was your one and only!”Margot sounded so aggrieved.Tamara patted her head to consolidate her.This made Margot break out into a happy smile. She resembled a kitten who had just been petted.Anthony eyed Margot for a short moment and hurriedly retr
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Chapter 152 Contempt and Ridicule
The crowd laughed contemptuously as they watched Tamara make her way to the stage.In the eyes of Londsville’s richest and most powerful, Tamara was not only a mute, but also a cunning wench. They did not believe that she would have any hidden talents, especially after the fantastic performance by Eugenia.Someone in the crowd had looked up Eugenia’s information and exclaimed, “Oh my God! Miss Cooper graduated from Harvington University! That’s a really prestigious university!”“She’s so well-educated, and her piano-playing skills were out of this world! She’s such a talented woman.”“Tamara really overestimated herself this time. How could she possibly compare to the likes of Miss Cooper? She’s going to cry from embarrassment later.”Contemptuous words and ridicule rang out from the crowd.Eugenia watched Tamara’s slender back with a smug smile on her face.“Tamara has definitely overestimated herself,” she thought.Tamara was in no way qualified to compete with Eugenia.Euge
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Chapter 153 Dissatisfied
Everyone stared at Tamara in amazement.“Tammy, you’re so awesome!” Margot rushed over to her and complimented her enthusiastically.She had been furious before. At this moment, she felt nothing but smug satisfaction.When Margot caught a glimpse of Eugenia’s sullen look, she nearly cheered with joy.Tamara smiled faintly. She hadn’t expected Eugenia to provoke her so deliberately since the start.It seemed that the woman had been thoroughly beaten by Tamara in the end.“She really underestimated me,” Tamara thought.“Young Mrs. Lynch, I didn’t know you were so talented! It seems that Young Mr. Lynch must fancy you for more reasons than one.” Eugenia was dissatisfied with the outcome and so decided to ridicule Tamara directly.A faint smile appeared on Tamara’s lips. She looked over at Anthony, who nodded at her, moving closer as he did.“Miss Cooper, I didn’t know you were so interested in other married couples’ affairs. Could it be that you’re interested in Miss Simmons’ h
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Chapter 154 A Bad Feeling
An unknown man’s voice could be heard over the phone.Tamara hurriedly hung up.If the person who picked up the call wasn’t Sebastian, it meant that the person who sent her the Facebook message definitely wasn’t him as well.What on earth was going on?Tamara’s beautiful brows furrowed. She looked down at her phone and contemplated what to do.A person came to mind. Tamara hurriedly tapped open her chat with Margot.Tamara: “Send me Benjamin’s Messenger account.”MargotIsAdorbz: “What? What do you need it for?”Even though Margot was puzzled, she sent Tamara Benjamin’s details very quickly.Since it was Yareli’s birthday, and Benjamin was Sebastian’s best friend, he would definitely be around. The manor was just too huge for her to find any traces of him.After she sent Benjamin a friend request, she received a reply seconds later.IAmTheHottestMale: “Why hello there! If it isn’t Little Mute. Did you want to ask me something?”Tamara frowned at the nickname, feeling upset.
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Chapter 155 Getting Called Away
Benjamin was taken aback. “If the person who picked up wasn’t Seb, doesn’t that mean that someone took his phone?”Tamara pursed her lips. She did not know what else to say. All she knew was that she had a really bad feeling about the situation.They arrived at the level 1 basement in no time.After getting out of the elevator, they continued to search the rooms on the floor. The room located at the very end of the corridor managed to catch Tamara’s interest.Just as she was about to head over there, Benjamin’s phone rang.“Hello?”Upon hearing what the other party said, Benjamin’s expression turned solemn. After hanging up the call, he said to Tamara, “Little Mute, Mrs. Lynch wants me to ask about Seb’s whereabouts upstairs. Do you think you can handle this floor by yourself?”Tamara nodded. It was day time, after all. There shouldn't be any issues.However, Benjamin was still worried for her. “If anything happens, call me as soon as you can. Actually, you know what? Just come
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Chapter 156 Failing to Contain Himself
A hand suddenly grabbed Tamara and pulled her into the room beside her.Tamara was still high on adrenaline from what had happened earlier, and this sudden event only made her blood run cold.“It’s me,” came a familiar raspy whisper.It was Sebastian Lynch!Tamara snapped her head up to look at him. Because of how dark the room was, Tamara could only see Sebastian’s face from how close they were standing.Tamara gripped Sebastian’s hand as she trembled. In response, Sebastian tightened his hand around hers as comfort.At that moment, Tamara could feel the warmth from Sebastian’s hand spreading through her like a warm fire, and her racing heart calmed down.“Don’t move,” he said.Tamara's breathing quickened, and she wanted to check Sebastian for injuries.Heaven only knows how terrified she was when she was dragged into the room by that man earlier.That man had stolen Sebastian’s phone and texted for Tamara to come over. He planned to hurt her when she fell for the trap.Bu
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Chapter 157 You’re Worried About Me
Tamara’s mind went blank, and the rest was history.Benjamin came up from the basement. He had apprehended the man from earlier.When he saw Yareli, Benjamin unconsciously walked up to her. Thinking about Sebastian, his eyebrows furrowed.It was strange.How could Sebastian lose his phone in his own house? This whole ordeal was clearly aimed at Tamara.However, why wasn’t Sebastian out yet?He even hid Tamara away. Benjamin wondered if he had missed out any anything.“Mr. Inkling, have you seen Seb?” Yareli stopped in front of Benjamin. She had fixed her eyes on Benjamin, not wanting to miss out on even the subtlest of expressions.Benjamin gave her a laid-back smile. “Nope! Maybe he went out to look for some fun. After all, Little Mute is a bit of a killjoy.”Yareli sighed at this. “If that bitch hadn’t pulled a move on Seb, the Lynch family would never have tolerant her presence here.”Benjamin said indifferently, “You worry too much. Seb would never fall for Little Mute.”
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Chapter 158 An Odd Relationship
Tamara’s heart fluttered, and she played with her hand habitually.Sebastian grinned. “You don’t need to hurry to deny it. Even if you don’t know it yet, I know what your heart wants.”Sebastian’s eyes were fixed on Tamara.When he saw her trembling with nervousness, an amused glint shone in his eyes.Tamara bit her lips and didn’t dare to return Sebastian’s gaze.Her heart was pounding, and her mind a mess.Worried about him…Tamara had searched anxiously for Sebastian back there. No one would believe her if she said she wasn’t filled with worry for Sebastian then.Seeing how Tamara was cowering in a corner, Sebastian decided to have mercy on her and leave her be.They were a unique pair. Back when they first met, happiness seemed to be a foreign term in their relationship.However, relationships take time.And Sebastian was a patient man.When Tamara finally comes to terms with her feelings for him, he would finally have her.Determination flashed across Sebastian’s eyes.
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Chapter 159 Getting Rid of the Vermin
No words could describe the awful events that unfolded at the Lynch manor. Sebastian merely wanted to bring Tamara away from the place. Who knew a visit to the Lynch manor would result in a threatened abortion?Not to mention, someone had poisoned Tamara before this. Her body had grown weak from it.Indeed, these back-to-back events had not been kind to the pregnant lady.Seeing how pale Tamara was, Sebastian gritted his teeth and gave her a pitied look.“You’ll be fine. All you need is some rest,” comforted Sebastian.Tamara nodded and placed her hand over her stomach.She could feel her baby’s heartbeat underneath. Her baby was her everything.Tamara swore to herself that she would let no harm come to her baby.Yareli and Eugenia’s faces suddenly came to mind. Someone was definitely behind the events that happened at the Lynch manor.The only person that had an issue with Tamara was Eugenia.Was Eugenia tired of acting?She had put on a natural and poised act back at the u
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Chapter 160 Becoming Sebastian’s Wife?
“Why, Mrs. Lynch?” Eugenia covered her face in disbelief.She couldn’t understand why Yareli would slap her out of nowhere.“You stupid bitch! Everything was set in place! The place! The time! And you still managed to fuck it all up!” Yareli glared daggers at Eugenia. She thought a graduate like Eugenia would have a high EQ and IQ. Yet Eugenia was nothing but a disappointment!Eugenia blinked up at Yareli, feeling wronged. “Mrs. Lynch, the mute is just too vigilant. She had Benjamin go with her. How was I supposed to pull it off?”“Fine! We can ignore Tamara for now! What about Seb? Didn’t you give him the ‘special drink’?” Yareli stared mockingly at Eugenia.She could believe Eugenia would lose to a mute!Eugenia composed herself. “Mrs. Lynch, Young Mr. Lynch had locked himself in a room once the medicine kicked in. I couldn’t get to him.”Eugenia could not wrap her head around why things didn’t go according to plan.How could a mute be so attentive?Sebastian too!Yareli fa
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