All Chapters of Heartbeat Will Speak: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
2011 Chapters
Chapter 171 She Killed It
Eugenia’s face fell. “I wonder what Young Mrs. Lynch meant by that?”Tamara smiled faintly, but there was something intimidating behind her eyes. One look at her will send shivers down anyone’s spine. “What I meant was no one is perfect. Some people are just know-it-alls. You have some piano skills, while I know sign language. It’s normal to not be able to play the piano, just like how it’s normal to not know sign language. I hope I have said it in a way that Miss Cooper could understand?” Eugenia was offended. She never thought Tamara would take the chance to teach her a lesson.Who did Tamara think she was?“You jest, Young Mrs. Lynch. The reason why I can’t understand sign language is that I’m not mute. Unlike you, I can still communicate with others without signing my words,” mocked Eugenia.Tamara’s eyes turned cold. Eugenia continued, “Sorry, I take that back. Even if you knew sign language, you still wouldn’t be able to communicate with anyone, since everyone around is lik
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Chapter 172 Bringing Sebastian His Dinner
Tamara hid her smile behind her hand. Ms. Thompson hurriedly handed the food over. “Here you go. Since you’re going there, you might as well have your dinner with Young Mr. Lynch.”After handing the food over, Ms. Thomspon practically ran away. It was as if she was afraid of what Tamara would say.Tamara touched her face. Did she look scary?…The driver was already waiting at the front door. Tamara changed out of her home clothes before getting in the car.The evening sky was dyed a beautiful pink. It looked like a scene straight out of a fairytale.When she arrived at ST Corporation, Tamara was greeted by the front desk lady in the lobby. “Hello, miss. Do you have an appointment?”This was the first time Tamara came to ST Corporation. No one here knew who she was.Tamara gave a faint smile. Just when she was about to pull her phone out, the door to the lift opened, and out came Jerome. “Young Mrs. Lynch, Young Mr. Lynch had asked me to bring you up.”Tamara nodded.Jerome t
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Chapter 173 Introducing Tamara
“Young Mr. Lynch, this is the finance report sent here by the finance manager. And this is the sales plan from the sales manager. And…”Jerome was going through the documents with Sebastian. Just when they arrived at the door, they heard a woman’s voice coming from inside. “President! I caught this bitch sneaking into your office with ill intentions!”Jerome looked up, and his jaw dropped to the ground.Wasn’t the woman from the PR Department?Why was she here in the president’s office?And she was even grabbing Tamara and accusing her of ill intentions toward Sebastian?Sebastian had a calm look on his face. His gaze fell on Jerome. “How did she get in here?”Jerome stammered, “I…”Jerome had no clue at all!He turned to glare at his helper only to find them missing from their place.Jerome was doomed!When the woman saw Sebastian, she was both excited and shy. But she needed to get rid of Tamara first.The woman pulled Tamara in front of Sebastian and pointed an accusing
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Chapter 174 You’re So Sweet
“You want me to love and cherish another woman?” Sebastian gave Tamara a cold look.Tamara was not afraid of him. She tilted her chin up and prepared to stand up.However, she was stopped by Sebastian’s firm grip.“Did I say you could leave?” Sebastian blew hotly in Tamara’s ears. Tamara wanted to dodge his advances, but she failed.After accepting her fate, Tamara signed in defeat. “The woman was obviously into you. Wouldn’t she be embarrassed if you just demanded her to be dragged away?”“What about you?” Sebastian nibbled on Tamara’s ears and asked softly.Tamara’s paused.What?Tamara didn’t know what Sebastian meant.“Are you into me?” Sebastian could see the confusion behind Tamara’s eyes and asked directly.Tamara blushed bright red.She placed her hand over Sebastian’s chest and tried pushing him away.Sebastian chuckled lowly. “If I were to have pity for the woman, you would be jealous.”Tamara flushed even redder. “Why would I be jealous?”She struggled out of S
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Chapter 175 James Gladwell
“You don’t have to send me back. I’m going to look for Margot,” wrote Tamara.Jerome was stunned. “But Young Mr. Lynch told me to fetch you home.”Tamara felt a little helpless. She typed: “Can you keep this a secret?”Jerome was conflicted. “Please don’t make this hard for me, Young Mrs. Lynch.”Tamara sighed. “Tell Sebastian I’ll be going to Margot’s place. He wouldn’t stop me. Drive me there.”Jerome was still on the fence. After seeing the gentle look on Tamara’s face, he relented. “Get in, Young Mrs. Lynch.”Tamara smiled before getting in.She sent Sebastian a text: “I’m going to look for Margot.”Y replied: “Ask her to come to you instead. You shouldn’t go to places like 1999.”Tamara replied: “I’ll be there soon. Don’t blame Jerome for this.”Tamara kept away her phone after sending the text.She ignored her phone whenever it buzzed.She was busy pondering over the possible reasons why Jocelyn would be working at 1999.Quentin had sent Jocelyn to study abroad and h
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Chapter 176 What a Coincidence
The drunk man saw how relentless James was being and pointed angrily at him. “Just you wait!”Then, he spammed the close button on the lift.James did not enter the lift. He tidied up himself and turned, only to come face-to-face with Tamara’s smiling gaze.James smiled apologetically, “I hope I didn’t scare you?”Tamara shook her head before typing on her phone.James was taken aback by this before he came to a realization. His gaze fell on the screen.“Thank you for saving me,” Tamara typed.Something flashed across James’s eyes before he flashed Tamara a smile. “You’re welcome. Are you here to look for the boss?”Tamara nodded before shaking her head.She was indeed here for Margot, but Margot was downstairs.James said, “Cool. I’m here to meet the boss too. Let’s wait together.”Tamara nodded and headed for Margot’s office.James was shocked to see this. “Are you acquainted with Ms. Zimmerman?”Tamara nodded. It wasn’t until she entered the office that she typed: “We’r
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Chapter 177 Yelling at Margot
Tamara nodded. Of course, she had heard about Bellmare’s Gladwell family.There were the big four in Bellmare, and they had a monopoly over Bellmare’s economy, with family branches all over the country.And the top dog of Bellmare was the Lynch family.Tamara used to wonder if there were any connections between Sebastian and the Bellmare’s Lynch family.“James is here on an errand in Londsville. The business operations here were all hosted by him. He had been staying at 1999 so that he could meet up with his business partners easily,” explained Margot. She soon changed the topic. “I heard from the manager that Jocelyn had been working here for the past week.”A week?According to Anthony’s investigation, Jocelyn only came back three days ago.It seemed that someone had sneaked Jocelyn home.Tamara stood up. “I’m going over to have a look.”Margot copied Tamara’s action. “I’ll go with you.”The two of them arrived at the basement. It was a big bar with dim lighting and shining
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Chapter 178 Little Mute
Tamara frowned and smacked Jocelyn’s hand away.Jocelyn grew unhappy at this. She pushed Tamara back. “How dare you hit me, Tamara? No one had ever raised their hand at me before.”Margot widened her eyes. “Tammy!”Tamara’s expression changed into that of fear. She wanted to steady herself but could do nothing as she fell backward.Margot couldn’t reach her in time. Tamara thought she was doomed.In the next second, an arm caught her, and she fell into a warm embrace.Tamara’s heart had dropped to her guts when she was falling over. Now, she quickly placed her hand over her stomach as adrenaline pumped through her veins.“Didn’t I ask you to go home?” A low voice came from above her. It sounded cold.Tamara snapped her head up and saw Sebastian’s displeased gaze.Tamara’s body was tense before. Upon seeing Sebastian, she relaxed and allowed herself to lean into his embrace.“I’m glad you’re here, Young Mr. Lynch. I almost shit my pants.” Margot patted her chest to calm hersel
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Chapter 179 Congenital Vocal Cord Disorder
In the car, Sebastian carefully tucked Tamara into the front passenger seat and bent over to fasten the safety belt for her.Immediately, she was overwhelmed by the refreshing scent on his body. His alluring face was close to hers, his breath gently tickling her face and causing her to blush.When he was done with the seat belt, he noticed her delicate earlobes were as red as beetroots. With a suggestive look in his eyes, he chuckled. “Are you shy?”The question sounded like a statement to her.Trapped between the seat and his chest, she had nowhere to hide.“I’m tired. Let’s go home,” she trembled as she signed.His breathing deepened as he cast a serious gaze at her. “Have you tried any treatment for your vocal cords?”Surprised, she paused before shaking her head.She recalled that her mom had told her about the congenital vocal cord disorder that she was born with.Her birth was a joyful event for the family. Unfortunately, after she was diagnosed with the vocal cord issue
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Chapter 180 A Gift
At the same time, Tamara was texting Margot.Margot texted: “Tammy, why is Sebastian so scary? Does he treat you the same way?”Tamara texted back: “Shocking news! Our fearless Princess Margot finally met somebody whom she fears!”Margot: “Stop joking! I was scared to death for real. Did you see the look in his eyes? Thought he was going to kill me.”Tamara sent a laughing emoji that had a hand over the mouth. The rest of the message read, “Don’t sweat it. He acted that way because he was concerned about me.”Margot: “Hmm, are you showing off in front of me?”Tamara: “I wouldn’t dare to.”Margot: “Let’s drop the topic. Every time we mention him, you’ll break into that silly smile. By the way, James just called me to ask if you have time tomorrow to discuss the cooperation.”Tamara: “I’m free. I’ll meet with him tomorrow then.”…With that, Tamara exited WhatsApp and was about to check the latest news when she was distracted by the heat radiating from a palm currently rubbing a
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