All Chapters of Heartbeat Will Speak: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
2011 Chapters
Chapter 181 Gift Reveal
Once they were seated, James smiled and said, “I have many ideas regarding our upcoming collaboration. Here’s an outline of my plan for your review. But before that, I’d like to give you ladies a gift.”As James spoke, he took out two exquisite-looking boxes and placed one each in front of Margot and Tamara.Margot hurriedly replied, “This is too much! You came to us asking for a collaboration. If anything, we should be the ones getting you a gift.”“Well, I think the good food and lodging here have already covered that,” James said with a smile.Hearing that made Margot feel glad. She shot Tamara a look that said, “Now that’s great business partner material!”Tamara could not help but laugh. She eyed the box, then typed on her phone, “Thank you for the gifts. We really appreciate them. Let’s take a look at your proposal first.”James was surprised by her reaction. “Do you not like the gifts I’ve prepared? Are they not enough?”Tamara hurriedly shook her head and typed slightly
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Chapter 182 A.I. Voice
“Why did you choose me?” A gentle voice immediately sounded from the phone. The voice was filled with emotion and did not have any robotic qualities to it at all!Tamara’s eyes widened as she stared at James.James merely shot her a warm smile. “This is a product that my people have recently developed. Individuals who have communication issues are the target users. Since this newest development garnered exceptional results, I wanted to let you try it. Do you like it?”Margot got overcome with emotion. “I had no idea your company would come up with something like this. It seems that not every entrepreneur cares only about profits, huh?”James burst into laughter. “But, Ms. Zimmerman, you’re also an entrepreneur.”Margot let out an embarrassed smile. Whenever she was excited, whatever she said always seemed to come back to bite her.Tamara carefully perused the phone’s available options. The software was designed simply, with no functions that were overly complex or made the interf
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Chapter 183 Saw Her Getting in Another Man’s Car
Tamara typed, “Alright, you should resolve that as soon as possible. You don’t need to send me home.”Margot was still a bit worried. She looked over at James and said, “Mr. Gladwell, I’ll have to trouble you to send Tammy home. She’s pregnant, so please don’t drive too fast.”The slight smile on James’ face suddenly froze. He looked over at Tamara in surprise without saying anything, but it was clear what he was thinking.Margot followed up hurriedly, “You weren’t thinking about getting together with Tammy, were you? Let me warn you; you’d better drop that thought this instant! She’s already a married woman, you know. She’s pregnant with her husband’s kid as well.”James let out a laugh. “No, of course not. Stop joking around.”Margot winked at Tamara. “Alright then, I’ll take my leave now. Text me once you reach home, alright?”Tamara nodded. After that, Margot left in a flash.“Let’s get going, Miss Simmons,” James said, walking her to the parking lot.Tamara was uncomfortab
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Chapter 184 Did He Force Himself on You?
Tamara was so angry that she began to sign, “Sebastian Lynch, what the hell do you want? Give the phone back to me!”When Sebastian saw how aggressive her hand movements were, his thin lips curled into a devious smile. “What’s gotten you so anxious?”“I’m not anxious! I just don’t like it when you take my things from me,” Tamara explained.When Sebastian walked in, she did not hear him at all. He snatched the phone away from her right away.She could not believe how annoying this man was.“Are you sure that’s the only reason? Do you have nothing else to be anxious about?” Sebastian asked, his eyes piercing through Tamara’s soul.Tamara blinked her crystal clear eyes at him and signed, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”A flash of dissatisfaction crossed Sebastian’s dark gaze. “You’re not allowed to use this phone.”Frustrated, Tamara signed, “Why not?”“I don’t want you to have anything to do with another man,” Sebastian answered coldly, then loosened his grip on her. T
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Chapter 185 Invited to a Party
Tamara went to open the door and was met with a smiling Ms. Thompson.“Young Mrs. Lynch, Mrs. Lynch came to visit. You should come to say hi to her.”Yareli was here?Coldness flashed across Tamara’s eyes. The man from the incident back in the Lynch manor that day had confirmed Yareli’s involvement.Even though there were a lot of holes in her theory, Tamara was certain that without Yareli’s explicit permission, that man would never have been able to step foot into the Lynch manor.Tamara honestly did not expect Yareli to come over.She nodded, then followed Ms. Thompson downstairs.Yareli was sitting on the sofa, chatting away with Old Mr. Lynch.When Tamara approached them, she first smiled politely at the old man. Then, she looked over at Yareli and nodded in greeting.Yareli exuded a wealthy, graceful demeanor. She looked at Tamara plainly, then pointed at a bunch of products at the side and said, “I heard that you’ve been getting ill. I brought you some health supplements
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Chapter 186 Cunning Man
“That’s good to hear!”Old Mr. Lynch was overjoyed, pinning all his hopes on Tamara.Tamara eyed the chessboard for a moment. Even though the game had just started, it was clear that Old Mr. Lynch’s black pieces were already at a disadvantage.Tamara could not help but pursed her lips. Clearly, the old man did not know how to play chess at all.The white pieces could easily capture the black pieces with an open path like that.Tamara could not help but let out a loud sigh. Judging by the look of the board, defeating Sebastian would be challenging.However, when met with Old Mr. Lynch’s hopeful gaze, she tried to conceal her thoughts.She focused her gaze on the chessboard and continued to play with Sebastian.Old Mr. Lynch had been able to follow their moves in the very beginning. However, he found himself at a loss as time went on. He ended up dragging Ms. Thompson over to assess the game.“Can you read the board? Tell me who has the upper hand now.”Ms. Thompson hurriedly r
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Chapter 187 Just Miss Me Candidly
Tamara did not reply to that.Margot: “You got all anxious from a single look he shot you! Tammy, I’m so disappointed in you.”Tamara remained quiet.Margot: “You don’t have to make up any more excuses. It’s clear that you’ve fallen for Sebastian.”Tamara froze. Had she fallen for the man?Her hand unconsciously made its way to her chest. She had no clue when the man had made his way into her heart.Tamara blushed harder at the thought.At this moment, her door opened. She hurriedly looked up to see Sebastian standing by the door, gazing deeply into her eyes.Subconsciously, Tamara got up, looking a little helpless.“You’re blushing.”Sebastian locked the door behind him after he entered, then walked up to Tamara, pinching her red cheek.“Why are you blushing? Were you hiding here thinking about me in secret?” Sebastian asked, his tone happy.Tamara hurriedly refuted by signing, “As if!”“You don’t have to pretend. You don’t need to think about me secretly like this, you k
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Chapter 188 Snubbed Intentionally
On the surface, it appeared that Yareli had brought Tamara to the birthday party out of kindness, but the older woman planned to snub her deliberately.If Tamara had been any other woman, she would have broken down into hysterics from Yareli’s actions.However, it was a shame that she wasn’t.Tamara was quick to discern Yareli’s devious plot. It was only natural that she refused to follow the older woman’s instructions.She walked up to a blue velvet dress, pointing at it as she looked over at the worker.The worker froze. “You want to wear this one?”Tamara nodded.The worker had a troubled expression on her face. “But Miss Baiss…”Tamara showed her the text on her phone that read, “I’m pregnant with Sebastian Lynch’s child, you know? Miss Baiss is very fond of this grandchild of hers. Are you sure making me wear a tunic dress will be wise?”Upon reading that, the worker did not dare to insist on the dress Yareli picked. She quickly removed the blue velvet dress from the hange
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Chapter 189 What if There Are Defects?
Eugenia was really confident. She looked at Tamara smugly, her gaze filled with provocation.After she realized there was no way that Tamara would warm up to her, Eugenia decided to give up on pretending. Her real intention had been to steal Sebastian from Tamara, after all.“Wow, that must mean Young Mr. Lynch really likes you.”“Of course he does! If Miss Baiss is this fond of her, Young Mr. Lynch must share the same sentiment.”“Eugenia, I’m so envious of you. Don’t forget about us once you become the next Young Mrs. Lynch, okay?”The flattery and envious praises made Eugenia puff with pride. She turned to shoot a smug look at Tamara but found that the woman had left.Eugenia scoffed inwardly.“She’s just a mute! What is she so proud of, anyway? She’s going to get kicked out of the Lynch family sooner or later!” she thought.…Tamara thought Eugenia was getting too much ahead of herself. Her arrogant, smug expression made it seem like she had already taken her place as the
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Chapter 190 Fainted From Anger
Tamara was communicating with James about the upcoming shoot through her phone.Suddenly, clumsy footsteps sounded from in front of her. She lifted her head to find that a girl had tripped before her.“I’m sorry… I’m just really dizzy…” the girl explained, her entire face blushing red. She looked drunk.However, the only alcohol available at the party was champagne. There was no way that the girl had gotten drunk on them.The girl furrowed her brows in obvious discomfort. Tamara looked around and noticed that no one was paying attention to them. She moved forward to help the girl up.“Can you please help me?” the girl looked at Tamara pleadingly.Tamara hesitated. If anything were to happen in the lobby, it would be easy to clear things up. However, if something were to happen in one of the hotel’s rooms, there was no way that Tamara could explain herself without seeming guilty.Tamara typed on her phone, “Sorry, I’m not the right person to ask.”The girl ended up crying. “Some
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