All Chapters of The Ex-Husband's Revenge: Chapter 2831 - Chapter 2840
3037 Chapters
Chapter 2831
"Nonsense! Leon, you're not a doctor and I've never heard that you know anything about medicine. How can you treat her? Do you two take me for a fool?" Renee said angrily. After spending some time with Leon, she felt that she knew Leon quite well, but she never heard that Leon practiced medicine. Since Leon was not a professional doctor, he would be an amateur at best. If Candice was truly feeling unwell, she should have gone to the hospital or professional doctors. It did not make sense that she would come to the hotel to seek Leon's help. Hence, her first reaction was that Leon and Candice were lying to her. "Renee, I'm not lying to you! I'm telling the truth," Leon explained patiently but was soon interrupted by Renee. "I don't want to hear it, Leon! How could you sleep with Candice behind my back? You two are shameless," Renee roared, her eyes reddening. "Why you!" Leon was annoyed that Renee refused to believe him. Naturally, Candice felt the same as well and her
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Chapter 2832
"Renee, you are out of line. I'll say this one last time. Mister Wolf was just treating me. If you keep slandering me, I won't let this slide!" Candice was so angry that she was shaking all over. The embarrassment she felt completely faded. "You won't let this slide? I'm curious what a shameless vixen like you can do," Renee said in contempt. Ever since she got to know Leon, she rose to the Intermediate Emperor State with his help. Amongst the youngest generation, apart from Hugo and Felton, not many could compare with her, and she had nothing to fear from the likes of Candice. After spending time with Leon, she gradually started developing feelings for him. Candice 'seduced' Leon and even threatened her. For someone as proud as Renee, there was no way she could let this slide. If Candice dared to attack, she could take this opportunity to teach Candice a lesson and show her the consequences of acting shamelessly. "Why you!" Candice was furious. Unable to suppress her
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Chapter 2833
"Why you!" Leon was frustrated that Renee refused to listen to reason, but could not do much as Renee's accusation was not entirely baseless. When he was treating Candice, they were in a rather compromising position and coincidentally, Renee saw them. It was normal for her to misunderstand. At the moment, Renee stubbornly refused to believe that nothing happened between him and Candice. Leon did not know where he could begin to explain himself. Candice took a deep breath and slowly regained her composure due to Leon's interference. She knew that this was all just a misunderstanding and if she ended up fighting Renee, this would only deepen the misunderstanding and cause the situation to escalate. This would hardly benefit her and Leon. Naturally, it was rude of Renee to repeatedly question her innocence, so she could not accept backing down without putting up a fight. Suddenly, an idea crossed her mind and she recalled something. "Renee, you are being ridiculous! So w
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Chapter 2834
"That's right. I like Leon! I won't let a shameless vixen seduce him!" Renee was too proud to stand being mocked by Candice. Overwhelmed by jealousy, she did not think twice before confessing her affection for Leon. "What? Renee, is that a joke? It's not funny!" Leon was shocked. Renee was the almighty eldest daughter of the Morrisons and the most beautiful woman in the western region, who had countless pursuers. With what she had, Renee could date anyone she wanted so he never expected her to like him. This completely caught him by surprise. However, Renee seemed frustrated so he assumed she was just saying things out of anger instead of saying what she said. "I," Renee snapped out of it, unable to regain her composure. She was inexperienced in love and did not realize how she felt about Leon. It was not until now that she thought Candice was about to snatch Leon away that the jealousy within her made it impossible for her to deny her feelings. At that moment, she
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Chapter 2835
"Renee, I'm sorry, but I can't be your boyfriend," Leon snapped out of it and rejected Renee. "What? Why not? Is it because of Candice?" Renee did not expect to be rejected and was shaken. She turned to Candice with rage and jealousy as she assumed Leon rejected her for the sake of Candice. "No, this has nothing to do with Miss Daglesh. You don't know this, but I already have a girl-" Leon shook his head, intending to explain that he already had a girlfriend. However, something unexpected happened before he could finish his sentence. "How impressive!" A sneer sounded outside. Ruth, with her petite frame and beautiful features, stormed into the room, followed by four equally beautiful women. They were none other than Iris, Cynthia, Snow, and Roanne. Apart from them, Leon's subordinates, Henry and Chandler, were there as well. Leon completed the production of the alchemical pills in the afternoon the day before. He called Cynthia the same night, arranging for Chandler
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Chapter 2836
"Ruth, what's wrong with you? Why are you attacking me?" Leon was shocked and sent out his spiritual energy to cancel out Ruth's attack. He wore a displeased expression as he did not know what Ruth was up to. "What do you think? Leon, we've all been missing you and worried sick about you because you went to the western region on your own. You, on the other hand, have been cheating here and having the best time of your life in the western region. How can you wrong Cynthia and Iris?" Ruth questioned angrily. "Cheating? What are you talking about?" Leon was taken aback. Then, realization dawned on him when he glanced at Renee and Candice. "Iris, don't listen to Ruth. Miss Daglesh and Renee are just friends I got to know here in the western region. That's all!" Leon ignored Ruth and spoke directly to Iris. Ruth was hot-tempered so he did not care much about what she said. However, Iris was his girlfriend and he was worried that Iris would be convinced that there was something b
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Chapter 2837
"Oh, Renee, allow me to introduce my girlfriend, Iris Young. Iris, this is Mister Hugo Morrison's sister, Renee," Leon took this opportunity to introduce them. He did not have the chance to explain himself after Renee's confession so he made a point to introduce Iris as an indirect answer to Renee's question. "What? You already have a girlfriend?" Renee was shaken. She initially thought that Loen rejected her because of Candice, but it turned out that he was already seeing someone. It was no wonder that he rejected her. "Damn it! How can this happen?" She paled and took a step back, almost falling. She was a rare beauty and no one in the western region managed to win her over. Hence, she had yet to find someone she liked. It took so long for her to finally find a man she liked, yet he turned out to be dating someone else. This was even more devastating than the fact that Leon turned her down earlier. If Leon rejected her because of Candice, she could at least compete
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Chapter 2838
"I didn't do it! Iris, it's not what you think! This is just a misunderstanding. Renee misunderstood what happened between me and Miss Daglesh," Leon did not expect Renee to still have doubts about him and Candice, let alone say it out loud in front of everyone. This completely caught him by surprise and he immediately explained himself. "That's right! Miss Young, Mister Wolf was just treating me. We are innocent and nothing happened. Please don't misunderstand," Candice agreed along. "Treating?" Iris and the others relaxed slightly. Leon was a skilled doctor and cured plenty of people. Upon learning that Leon was merely treating Candice, they found Leon and Candice's words reasonable and started to believe them. "That's not possible! When I arrived, Candice was on the bed blushing and Leon was covered in sweat. How can he be treating her?" Renee questioned. Unlike Iris and the others, she saw Leon and Candice in a suspicious state. There were plenty of points that she
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Chapter 2839
"Miss Daglesh, right? Can you tell us what happened?" Iris's expression darkened and she turned to Candice. "I-" Candice blushed and lowered her head to avoid eye contact with Iris. As Leon guessed, Candice was shy and could not possibly describe what happened if even a man like Leon could not do so. Hence, she stumbled on her words like Leon, unable to say a thing. "Very well! Looks like something's wrong!" Iris was furious. She was no fool and from their reactions, she could tell that something was wrong and the treatment was likely just an excuse Leon and Candice used. Instantly, she was overwhelmed by rage. Taking a deep breath, she suppressed her anger and stared sharply at Leon. "Leon, what else do you have to say for yourself?" Leon was her boyfriend and the only man she loved. Out of her love for him, she intended to give him another chance to explain himself. "I have nothing to say. I'm innocent, Iris. After all that we've been through, you should know what kin
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Chapter 2840
"I-" Iris's heart sank when she saw the bitter look on Leon's face. She recalled the past breakup between her and Leon, realizing that she might have misunderstood again. However, Leon refused to explain himself and was feeling guilty. Instantly, she was hesitant about whether she should trust him. "This seems to be the perfect opportunity," Renee glanced at Iris and then at the depressed look on Leon's face. Her eyes lit up with hope. When she found out that Leon had a girlfriend, she was devastated. However, Leon presumably cheated with Candie and this enraged Iris. Iris may just break up with Leon over his betrayal, which meant that Renee would stand a chance of being with Leon. Her heart raced and the despair she felt earlier was now replaced by hope. "Leon, don't be upset. I know what happened between you and Candice was just a mistake. I stand by my point. I like you. So long as you leave your girlfriend and be with me, I won't mind what happened between you and
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