All Chapters of Straying Echo: Fighting to Escape an Obsessed Alpha: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
101 Chapters
POV: Echo Having finished stripping rooms, I quickly ducked into the basement to swap the laundry again and quickly freshen up before making my way over to wait in the dining room. Standing in a corner of the room, I was glad that I’d been able to keep my new dress clean for serving. My nerves were jittery, making me anxious as I waited for them to arrive. Hearing the front doors open, Alpha Brady’s voice drifts into the dining hall as many footsteps approach. The smell of something mouth-watering wafted through the door as warriors from both packs filed in. I closed my eyes and discreetly sniffed the air, taking in the scent of a forest after a rainstorm mixed with a strongly brewed coffee. Stiffening slightly as Tala chanted, ‘Mate! Mate is here, Echo!’. Her excitement flooded through me, and I couldn’t help but glance around the room quickly. There are men, mostly warriors, who are moving to sit at the table, filling their plates with mountains of eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, and
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Calm Meets Chaos
POV: Echo “Yes, I would like to know your name.” Alpha Atlas confirmed, his voice so gentle I couldn’t stop my wide-eyed gaze from meeting his. His eyes and aura match the gentleness in his voice and touch. I found myself lost in his eyes, drowning in their green depths, never wanting to surface. ‘Tell him!’ Tala barked in my mind. Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to speak. “M-my n-name is E…” A low hissing noise from the table caused me to shoot a quick glance at Alpha Brady, showing me the spark of intense rage that I could now feel pouring through his aura. I trailed off, trying and failing to stop the shudder that ran through me. I’d unknowingly entered dangerous waters and would pay heavily for it later. “The name of my Little Doll is not important, Alpha.” Brady spit, standing up and moving to my side. “Please release her and allow her to return to her duties.” He grabbed me by my elbow and jerked me roughly to his side. Sucking in a strangled breath as excruciating pain
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Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack
POV: Alpha Atlas I’m not terribly interested in this visit to the Red Stone Pack. Their Alpha and Luna are known for being incredibly vain and self-involved. In fact, the pack had been going downhill for the last decade. Apparently, the previous Alpha went mad with grief after the death of his Luna, and never truly recovered. He spent five years driving the pack straight into the ground before his son took over, and things haven’t improved. Their defenses are weak, the land is unkept, and the pack is going into bankruptcy. Alpha Brady requested I come to discuss a potential deal that would keep his pack from going completely under. Unfortunately for him, I know he has absolutely nothing to offer me. I am of half a mind to challenge him and take his pack to merge with my own. At least then the pack might have a better chance of staying afloat. Even a weak Alpha like him should know better than to irritate the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack. The rumours came from somewhere. I was not kn
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Seeing Red
POV: Alpha Atlas My stomach turned as I remembered the possessive name that he called her. His Little Doll, as though she was less than, as though she was something to be owned. I feel my Beta and Delta scrutinizing my every movement as I work through what just happened and force Zev back where he belongs. “Of course, Alpha Brady, as you wish,” I replied after a moment, my voice carefully devoid of any emotion, keeping Zev at bay as he demanded I tear this pitiful Alpha to pieces. I force myself to sit calmly as I watch her stand on one leg and try to serve my breakfast. Unfortunately, I can’t control the wrathful aura pouring from me as I feel Alpha Brady’s murderous intent aimed directly at my mate. I know my aura is making her uncomfortable, but if I focus on reining it in, Zev may use that distraction to take control, and then all hell would break loose. Travis and Blaze are also enraged, and I can feel their indignation at the Alpha’s behavior. She suddenly stiffened and I see
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The Beta and the Healer
POV: Echo Feeling like I was floating on a cloud, I slowly and painfully came to. ‘You’re lying on a proper bed, with pillows and proper blankets!’ Tala informed me and I could feel her kind smile at my wonder. Not wanting anyone to know that I was awake yet, I kept my eyes closed and tried to scent those in the room. The calming scent of the forest after a rainstorm mixed with freshly brewed coffee helped me remain relaxed, but I can’t remember why it’s so soothing. I can also smell a she-wolf, lavender and sandalwood. Oddly, I find her scent to also be extremely calming, but nowhere near as much as the first. Somewhere in the room, two wolves were quietly discussing some poor she-wolf who seemed to be extremely unwell. There is another scent in the room, a male, I think. He smells like freshly cut grass and leather. Trying to remember where I am, and how I got here, I’m flooded with flashes of the breakfast from hell playing in my mind. My heart pounds as I realize the scent of d
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My Name is Echo
POV: Echo I tried to slow my racing heart, curling in on myself, and wrapping my arms around my knees to form a ball in Atlas’s massive lap. I try to think rationally about the insane situation I’ve found myself in, but there is nothing rational about the man I am afraid of. Reflexively, I flinch away as Atlas tries to rub my arms in comfort. Tala whines at me, witnessing my internal spiral. I am not sure if I can even trust him. Maybe Alpha Brady set this all up to test me, and he’s waiting just outside the room to drag me back to the basement and torture me. ‘Atlas is not working with Brady. I trust him. His wolf, Zev, is kind. Zev says Atlas loves us so much already, but that he worries about accidentally hurting you while trying to help you. He carries no ill will towards us.’ Tala tries to convince me. We can feel Atlas sitting under me, feel his rising concern as he waits for me to emerge. I slowly lift my head, resting my chin on my knees, hair falling over most of my face.
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Early Birthday Present
POV: Echo “When I came to, he told me he’d given me my ‘early birthday present’. He said he made it so that no one would ever want me, not even my fated mate.” I swallowed the sobs as they surfaced, determined to tell them everything. “I eventually passed out from the pain and woke up to him and his Luna pouring wolfsbane-laced water on me. It was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life.” I hear the hiss of breath as Beta Travis winces. Something tells me he has experienced wolfsbane to an open wound before. Tala soothes me, giving my voice the strength to keep going. “I passed out again, and when I woke up three days later, my back was bandaged, and he presented me with a full tray of breakfast. He told me that I am nothing more than his… his Little Doll and that he would do whatever he wants to me whenever he wants to.” I struggled to breathe, knowing what was coming. “He cornered me in his room later that day when I went to strip the linen. When I fought his… his advances, he
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Flash Backs
POV: Echo Atlas gently parted my hair and used a single finger to tilt my face tenderly toward his. “You never, ever have to hide in shame from me, Little Warrior.” He whispered, his voice husky. He caressed my face with both hands, and I leaned into him, the tension finally leaving my body. One look in his eyes told me there was no way he or Zev would ever reject us or allow us to come to any harm by his side. He tenderly wiped away my tears and pressed his lips to my forehead. ‘I told you, mate loves us, Echo. We can trust him.’ Tala practically purred. Taking several deep breaths, I blinked away the last of my tears. Atlas slowly released my face and shifted into a sitting position on the floor. Gently reaching out, he pulls me onto his lap, bundling me into my blanket while being careful of my ankle. Cradling me to his chest, he looked at me as though the moon rose and set at my command. I stared back at him in awe. How could this man hear everything I said, see the
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You Are My Luna
POV: Echo Thankfully, Cordelia had finished with my face and moved on to my ribs. Atlas took her place in front of me, kneeling to meet me eye to eye, reminding me just how small I was. He was a giant of a man and towered over even the tallest members of Brady’s pack. I marvelled at how someone so large can also be so incredibly tender with me, as he leaned his forehead to touch mine. His expression looked firm, and I watched him warily, confused. “Echo, my Little Warrior, certain members of our pack may call you by your name in private. However, in public, they and the rest of the pack will call you Luna, or Luna Echo. It is your title as my mate, as the other half of my soul, and it is a sign of their respect for you and me.” He explained, and his expression left no room for negotiation. “It will be a great pride for those in the pack to use your title when conversing with you. It is a reminder to everyone that you are my mate, very much wanted and taken by your Alpha.” His deep,
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Consent POV: Echo Before I could shrink into myself in fear, Tala’s melodic voice soothed me. ‘Mate is not mad at us. Mate feels terribly for what that other Alpha has done to us. Zev and Atlas are fighting together to calm down.’ ‘The idea of us not knowing that word makes them want to shift and tear this pack limb from limb. However, they know we need them, and that getting us out of this pack and safely away from Alpha Brady is more important right now.’ I felt an intense pressure behind my eyes and the growling cut off instantaneously. We look at Atlas and his eyes go dark before he rumbles, “Mate! Tala!” his voice deeper and rougher than before. I feel my head nod on its own and realize that Tala is in control. ‘Sorry Echo, I normally wouldn’t do this without permission, but Zev needs me!’ “Mate! Zev!” My voice was different, no longer delicate, but deeper, more dangerous. I heard the bedroom door click shut as the healer stepped out to give us privacy. Both wolves took deep
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