All Chapters of Surrendering To The Billionaire Alpha: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
162 Chapters
Chapter 111: Bedroom Promises
FAYE Its grip on me tightened some more, tightening, tightening, drawing me in further as the glow filled my head and the magic hummed even louder in my ear. I snapped the box closed immediately and shut my eyes to shake off the feeling. The magic was too powerful. Too alluring and strong. I felt like something had taken over me for those few minutes and I'd been behind a haze. I didn't know what I'd do with something like that if I had it, but I could still feel its powerful thrum. A glance around the room showed me everyone had felt it too. Somehow, Axel and Gardner were standing even closer to me. Their eyes glued to the box until I let the hand holding it up fall to my side. "So for how much longer is it going to be the responsibility of the Eclipse pack?"I asked Gardner. It took a minute to gather his thoughts. I wondered if those who had their wolves felt the power of the moonstone more strongly than latents did. "Well," he shared a look with Brenda and Deindre, "
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Chapter 112: Double Trouble
FAYE "I believe by now he should have received the divorce papers." I was in the home office, with Yvonne sifting through files and documents that helped m learn about the family real estate company. It was a billion dollar company, and it was just recently branching out into the tech industry. Perfect for what I had in mind. "I didn't send him anything." I stopped flipping through the pages. "What are you saying, Yvonne? It's been days since I signed the papers." "The divorce papers are still on my desk in the office. I didn't send them to Nathan." I was stunned to a standstill as Yvonne kept walking in front of me. " But why?" "Because I wanted you to be crowned Luna first. I didn't want him finding out you were here until after you became Luna." "So I'm still Faye Carver?" I asked in surprise. I'd been hoping that by now Yvonne had received the divorce papers back and we could go to court and finally dissolve the marriage. But I was just learning that the divorce pape
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Chapter 113: Bad Moon Rising
FAYE I looked through my phone as articles on Nathan and Carver Tech kept popping up on it. The mere sight of it made me want to claw my eyes out. I didn't want this. I wanted Nathan to lose everything, to have nothing. I wanted to ruin Nathan and that stupid pack of his for all they made me go through. My heart squeezed as if it would shrink. I adjusted the shawl on my shoulders and crossed my legs at the ankle. The past week had really had been a lot. Brought me good things, but mostly so much responsibility. The past couple of weeks, I had frequently wondered how it would be if I was eventually crowned Luna and made leader of the Eclipse pack, according to my father's wishes. With me being a latent werewolf, I'd worried that I would be an outcast and treated like one, just like the Black Saint and his pack did. But that wasn't the case at all. The Eclipse pack had accepted me. They were all thrilled to have me as their leader, no matter my faults. It was no secret
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Chapter 114: Mixed Feelings
FAYE Rolling around the bed, I relaxed into the bed, my face pressed into the soft sheets. I felt ridiculously full from lunch I'd had with Axel. We had gone there without a reservation, but Axel seemed to have pulled it off. I had really had my doubts about Axel helping me with my revenge plan, which was why I'd worried and then succumbed to the need to ask him again. He'd cleared me on that fast. The way he watched out for me and was always all in for me made me feel loved and cared for. Unlike any other relationship with anyone I'd ever been in, sadly. I knew for sure that Yvonne wouldn't want any part in it. I didn't even need to ask her to know that. The only thing that was eating at me was how we would cripple Nathan. It wasn't as if Axel or I could do it ourselves. We needed to find someone that'd do it. Someone to do it for the right price, of course, and I was ready to pay it. Anything that would spell out Nathan''s doom. Now that I was Luna, I had access to t
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Chapter 115: Hard Choices
NATHAN I spent more time in the pack house. It seemed everyone had had enough of me being absent, and after Lannon and I had that talk in my office a week ago, I'd had to reconsider the decision to stay far away from the pack house. Even though each night I spent here, I still saw her in my sleep. He had convinced me to spend time at the pack house, even if I didn't want to move back in. He was right afterall, I was now deflecting from my duties as the Alpha of the pack and he wasn't the only one who had noticed. I had left the pack in his care, but I was still the Alpha. He'd done his best to make sure that things were running smoothly in the pack with assistance from Carolyn, Zelda and Ernouf. I hadn't even seen Ernouf and Carolyn in months, so when Lannon suggested I drop by more frequently than usual, I agreed. I hadn't even realized I'd been this absent and detached from everything. It was hell. I was having a meeting with my board members and as it was, I was alread
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Chapter 116: On The Brink
FAYE It took three long months for us to get Nathan right where we wanted him. Struggling at the edge of a precipice. All we needed to do now was push him off the brink. Right into the darkness that waited below. Let him feel how being at the bottom, desolate and scorned felt. I reclined back in my chair and stared out the glass window, not really looking at anything. It had taken Axel's contact some time to buy most of Nathan's stocks without arousing any suspicion. He had created many fake accounts, but he was still the one person behind all of it. We had sent some information to media houses anonymously, and they did the rest. Everything was going according to plan. With the media hounding him l, he was hella unfocused. It was the perfect time to throw the last blow that would make everything come crumbling down. I stood up and straightened out my dress before walking downstairs to the living room. I grabbed the remote from the coffee table and pit on the TV. As ex
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Chapter 117: The Big Reveal
FAYE Axel made us pasta. With meatballs that looked far too big. I helped him dish them out, and we carried them to the living room in. We ended both ended up on the floor, eating with me in sweats and him in simple worn jeans and t-shirt. We cleared out our plates and took the dishes to the kitchen. I'd never thought I'd have this much fun washing dishes. I couldn't help it when I suddenly thought of how it would be when we got married. Would it be like this? Him cooking most of our meals because I sucked at cooking. I shook my head at that, trying to dispel such thoughts. Before thinking of married life with Axel, I had to get divorced first. I'd promised Yvonne I'd send the papers in tomorrow but how? I didn't know how to go about it yet, and I didn't want to mention it to Axel now. We grabbed a bottle of red wine and two glasses before going back to the living room. We sat on the sofa facing each other, drinking red wine and watching the television with him occasiona
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Chapter 118: Devil in Heels
NATHAN "Should I set up a meeting with the guy?" Daniel asked from across the desk. I exhaled heavily. This darn thing had taken its toll on us. On me and Carver Tech. With the sudden drop in the market, there weren't a lot of options. But Daniel was somehow approached by an intermediary for a wealthy billionaire that wanted to buy invest in Carver Tech and become our primary partners. They already had quite a lot of the shares, it seemed. "Nathan? Nathan, man, are you listening?" Daniel asked me. His forehead creased, and he looked ready to give up. His wrinkled shirt sure clued everyone in on our dire straits and his hair looked as if he had been running his hands through it repeatedly. It wasn't as if I had many options, so I gave him the go ahead. "Sure. You can set up a meeting with them. If they agree to buy shares, we'll be able to cover up some damages." I said to him, running my hand over my face. He nodded in understanding. "I'll let Avril know the details when I
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Chapter 119: When Your Body Remembers
FAYE My entire body hummed with the tension at having been so close to him. That asshole had the nerve to say all those things to me! Who was he to say I wasn't fit to be Luna?! He'd probably thought I would be too broken by my miserable life with him to pull myself together and become something. I swirled the wine in the wine glass and then took a small slow sip. I felt hot underneath my dress. Despite the air conditioning, I felt hot and bothered. I didn't want to feel anything but hate and distaste for him, but my damn body seemed to love betraying me. I dropped the wineglass to the table and stood up to pace the veranda, the sunset I'd been watching now forgotten. I was sinking his ship. I'd seen the way he'd been with his investors. I'd gotten reports back on how far gone his company was. If he hadn't gone ahead and launched a new product without the capital and backing of the investors, I'd already stolen from him, then he wouldn't have sunk even further. I should
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Chapter 120: Down in The Ditch
NATHAN "We're sinking, Nathan. More and more into debt. We can't continue like this or we'd lose everything." She'd dyed her hair. No, not even that. She'd fucking cut her hair. Who the hell had told her she looked better with short hair? Her hair had been everything. And she'd gone and cut it. And fuck! The tight dress she'd been wearing. Did four years really do that to a person? She'd been wearing a tight black dress that came down to her ankles, and those fucking stilettoes, man. I let out a tight breath as I felt myself going ha — "Are you even listening to me, Carver? I said we're fucking losing investors!" Fuck Daniel and his ranting. I rubbed my hand down my face, almost getting frustrated with him. "You need to calm down, Daniel. We've amassed resources over the years and there are plenty of other solutions to this little 'crisis'." Now why the fuck did he have to go and cut off my… what was it called again? "Listen to me, Nathan. We have to sell out a couple
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