All Chapters of Opal Eyed Luna: Precious Luna Series: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
116 Chapters
Chapter 81
“IVORY!” Justina walked into my room, yelling at the top of her lungs. “I’m right here…” I said coming out of the closet. “You need to get down here. The witches arrived early and I’m already over it.” Justina sighed as she fell down on the couch with her hand over her face. “A bit dramatic?” I laughed. I had put on a cute romper. It was sleeveless but had long pants. The flowy material hid my stomach nicely. “NO! That Max guy is something else.” “Oh, he showed up?” I asked, happily. “Yes. There are three of them, but the one lady said she will have her phone open to many more to see who she can get on our side. The vampires haven’t shown up yet.” “So the party is just getting started!” I laughed as I slipped on my shoes. “What party?” Jet asked as he came out of the bathroom. “Apparently, the witches are here and Justina is being moody.” “Moody? I AM NOT MOODY!” She looked at me with hatred filled eyes. I knew the hatred wasn’t real but more baby emotional. “Oookay.” I
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Chapter 82
“Thank you guys for coming!” Jet said as we walked into the conference room. Penny, Ben, and Maximus were sitting on one side of the table. Cassius was sitting on the other side, incredibly still. Like a damn statue. “I will have my phone out and linking in multiple covens. They didn’t want to personal come due to the sensitivity of the meeting and people attending.” Penny frowned at Cassius. If he heard her, he made no effort to acknowledge her. “No funny business today.” Maximus said. He was eyeing me like I was going to light the room on fire. “No promises.” I joked. His eyes narrowed, telling me he didn’t find me funny. I thought I was hilarious. “Everyone else should b-” The door opened and Orpheus walked in with Estella. “The man of the hour.” Maximus said. “Welcome back. This is Penny, Ben and Maximus.” Jet nodded to each. Penny had a smile on her face. Ben was neutral, and Maximus was a tad hostile. “It’s good to be back.” Orpheus took a seat. “Now that we are all
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Chapter 83
Jet’s body started convulsing as he fell over on the grass. My hands were covered in Megan’s blood. My mind was blank as I looked between holding Megan’s wound shut and looking at Jet. “I got her!” Wade put his hands where mine were as he pushed me towards Jet. “JET!” I yelled as I crawled over to his head. Tears ran down my face as I was lost. How do I save him? Opening his eyes, I saw they were quickly moving side to side. I was frantically looking him over. His hands were digging into the earth, legs were painfully bending and straightening out, and his chest was rising and falling fastly. His head snapped towards me. The look in his eyes was not Jet. “You lost.” “NO!” My hand reared back on it’s own and slapped Jet across the face. The water in my eyes made it next to impossible to see but I kept slapping and slapping until I was pulled off of him. “IVORY!” My brain wasn’t even comprehending who was speaking to me. “Let them help him!” “GET HIM OUT OF HIM!” I cried. My
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Chapter 84
My eyes didn’t need to open for the memories to rush back to me. The rain still hitting the windows was a good indication of how much I lost control. Guilt slammed into me as my mind wondered to Megan and Jet. I could see feel the bond but he was having an internal battle with himself. Or, Adron was still inside him. My energy was completely gone. My body didn’t hurt, but it felt like a weighted blanket was laid over my body. The flutters in my stomach told me the baby was okay. “Ivory?” Wade peaked his head into my room. “Come in.” I said quietly. I was still chastising myself. “How are you?” He asked. “How is Jet?” Ignoring his question, I needed answers. “…still battling.” “How did you know about me losing control like that?” I had flashes of him helping pull me out of the devil, winning to take me over. “Jet told me about the mark and what it has been doing to you. He told me if he wasn’t around or… just what needed to be done to help you.” I had to swallow the lump
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Chapter 85
“We are in the jungle, located in Russia.” Penny said. We were crouched down, whispering. “I am done being a step behind, Adron. Tired of him always getting the drop on us. So, we are taking action. Us and Wade are the only ones to know and if we have someone helping him, I didn’t want him to find out. Our mission is to find Adron’s home base and destroy it somehow.” “Fuck yeah!” Jameson punched the air with excitement. “What are we getting into?” I asked Penny. “Not sure. Since Adron is currently in Jet’s head, I am hoping everything is quiet. However, we need to destroy everything we can. If we find his body, you can give him this, but it won’t kill him. That privilege is up to Ivory.” Penny held out a vial of black liquid. “It will temporarily paralyze him.” “But he is a god…” Jameson stated, confused. “Which is why I said temporarily.” Penny sighed as she stood up slightly. Still hunched over, we started marching in a single file line. The jungle was thick, but there wasn’
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Chapter 86
The animal in front of me was something out of my nightmares. The human had transformed into his wolf. The wolf then grew a few feet but looks sickly. Its eyes were blood red and the fangs that were sticking out of his snarl were at least 5 inches long. It went from walking on all four legs to standing up and walking on two. “This is the perfect combination of human, werewolf, and vampire. With the deadly speed of a vampire and extra long fangs, it can capture and kill easily. The agility of a werewolf and warrior heart, he had the power and innate ability to do so.” Andreas said with a smile on his face. The thing lunged at me, but the chain stopped it from getting too close. My hands were still tied behind my back, so my reaction was not very good. “What have you done?” My voice was barely a whisper. My cure wasn’t going to work anymore. “Five more minutes.” Jameson said in the mind-link. “We don’t have five minutes.” Andreas was clueless to my mind-link. He was so focused on
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Chapter 87
“What’s going on?” Wade asked as he walked through my office door. “How did it go?” “Good… bad. I mean, we got what we wanted, but it came at a price.” I was standing, looking out of my window at the forest below. My nerves were at an all-time high. Bouncing from foot to foot, my hands kept alternating between being crossed on my chest and resting on my hips. “Just tell me what happened.” Wade crossed his own arms as he stood firm on the other side of my desk. Turning around, taking a deep breath and decided it was going to come out anyway, might as well break the news now. “Fine. Penny took us to this abandoned building in Russia. It was in the forest and honestly, I don’t know how Penny even found it, or even knew it was there. That’s besides the point, when we got there, it was obviously guarded by vamolves. When we were deciding how to get inside, a vampire walked out of the woods, dragging another vampire, and walked into the building. The vamolves didn’t even bother with him
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Chapter 88
Andreas: “Exactly! Now, I am running this shit show on the side and behind everyone’s back. Adron promised me I would get everything I wanted. I could go free and be the most scared person alive. For years, they will search for me and never find me. I might even allow them to get glimpses of me to keep them guessing.” Me: “Sounds very… inspirational.” Andreas: “I will be a huge inspiration the all the vampires out there!” Me: “So, you are collecting vampires and letting Adron use them for what? Their venom? Their abilities? What?”Andreas: “You haven’t seen the next generation yet. The ones you have fought are just the beginning. This new and improved generation is stronger, faster, and more durable. We have studied what makes vampires superior and put those genes in his already creation. I have improved his weak animals.” Me: “When will I get to see them?” Andreas: “How about right now? Now would be a great time for you to get a first hand look at what our new animals look like,
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Chapter 89
My alarm clock went off right as I was putting on my shoes. After getting a good night’s sleep, I was able to shower, do my hair and makeup. Plus, be ready for breakfast, all before my alarm. For not being a morning person, this was great! Last night, I was in the guest bedroom across the hall since I destroyed my bedroom. It needed a makeover anyway. Just shutting off my emotions was the best decision I have ever done. The freedom of not caring really takes the pressure off on your shoulders! The air felt lighter. The bounce in my step was higher as I made my way to my office. There was so much paperwork that needed done. Thankfully, Wade had been handling most of it, but there was stuff that only Jet or I could sign. There was a hot plate of eggs, sausage, french toast and a glass of orange juice waiting for me at the door when I walked up. The kitchen aid had just started knocking. “Perfect timing.” I smiled at her. “Yes, Goddess Luna. Would you like me to take it in and set it
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Chapter 90
“All done.” Emily said to me as Jameson and Samantha walked into the conference center. She handed me a mirror to help me see it. There was a mirror on the wall so I was able to use the hand-held mirror to look in the wall-mounted mirror. The line work and detail was amazing. I was in awe with how great it really did look. “I really like it!” Samantha walked up behind me as she got a close look at it. “Good, you can go next.” Emily said as she smiled at Samantha. “Perfect!” Samantha half ran to the chair and sat down. Her legs were bouncing as she looked around her body where she wanted it to go. “Can I get it…. HERE!” She pointed to her forearm. “Sure.” Emily glanced down at her skinny forearm and frowned. “Might be more painful since you don’t have much fat on you, but if you can handle it…” “I think I will be okay.” Samantha smiled as Jameson walked around and put his hands on her shoulders. Wade and I took seats a little way off. “Is everything ready to go to the field
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