All Chapters of Teaching her a lesson: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
200 Chapters
"I... you're right. Cassie wouldn't like it. Tell you what, let's do it regular today, OK? Just climb on and fuck me, and we'll call it a day." She arched a brow. "You're sure? You wanna fuck an ass, I'm happy to be the ass you fuck. I'm down for whatever. Besides, I owe you." "I know you are, Meg. Just... shut up and fuck me, OK?" She tapped my nose playfully as she once more reared up to mount me, though this time face to face. "You say the sweetest things, Canon." I let Megan do the work. After all, she was the one paying down a debt. She didn't let my distractedness deter her, either, grinding those wide hips of hers with vigor. Why had I turned her down? It wasn't like I'd made a promise to Cassie to use her ass exclusively. I'd even promised Tabitha that very morning to give her a chance to do a little "holework" (my pun, but Ithinkher laugh was sincere...?) on that front. Or back, as it were. Now though, I felt bad. All I was putting them through, and who knew how much wo
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A meeting, eh. That one was hard. I was no expert on what could and couldn't be shared by Principal Horen. Employment law wasn't covered in teacher school. Still, I doubted that whatever confidentiality I might enjoy extended to issues of student discipline, so the rest didn't really matter. The trip from "by the way, apropos of nothing, we found four girls exposing themselves in H121 Monday afternoon" to "oh isn't that Mr. Canon's room? Say, where's he been the past two days?" could be measured with a slide rule. From there, I'd be an object of suspicion in perpetuity. Maybe Megan had been right, resigning was the way to go. Spare the girls any more discomfort for lying to me, avoid a potentially hostile work environment. There was no need to decide until I knew I wasn't being arrested, though, so we'd cross that bridge when we came to it. Tonight was the last girls track meet of the season, so it would be hours yet before Cassie (and probably Tabitha) would arrive. Focusing enough
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I hit send. I'm busy for a little while yet. 10:00 sharp. Don't be early. Don't be late. It was only half past eight now; should give us plenty of time. "Two at a time is plenty," I answered casually, then returned my attention to whatever Cassie was yammering on about. I lead them to the bedroom, patiently waiting for a breath in which to interject. "So you did well?" "Not a personal best, but I came in third, and the top time was from this girl who's all-state so there was no way I was gonna beat her anyway, plus I had almost three seconds on fourth place. I think it was 2.88, but I could be misremembering. It was close to that, at least. Anyway not to change the subject, but are you going to grade me from now on, too? That seems like a lot of pressure, but I guess pleasuring you is a lot of fun so maybe I need to be held to a higher standard to grow, huh. I'll never be the ultimate butt slut if I don't keep pushing myself." I couldn't help but smile at that. I tilted her chin up
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Fuck, the girl had a visible thigh gaps with her shorts on. It wasn't a thong, quite. Until it was, the jogging attire deftly jerked down and kicked away into the corner without skipping a beat. A thin red ribbon split her cheeks, as if in homage to that other nameless girl's slinky homecoming dress. Her ass cheeks bounced and bobbled in near, but not quite, unison as she worked her hips like a pro. "How long did it take to learn to do that, Cassie? That's amazing!" pressed Tabitha. I could see those notes being formed in her head, the designs she was prepping on teaching herself to dance like a slut. "Couple weeks now? Sorry, can't talk," Cassie answered breathlessly, hands folded behind her head so she could thrust her tits out in front of her as she shook her ass behind her. At the time, I was too mesmerized to realize we'd actually discovered a fix for her chattiness. "A couple weeks? Dang, gurl, that's incredible! Do you think you could teach me? I know I don't have a badonkad
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The two girls sighed rapturously as their lips met once again. Two pussies spasmed in near-unison around my fingertips. A few moments later, Cassied climbed over me, tackling Tabitha to the bed and pinning her there with her naked body. As I fucked first one, then the other, they never let up for a second. Only once, as I was coming in Cassie, did I catch that gleam in Tabitha's eye, promising that all had gone as she had planned. "A plus," I mouthed behind Cassie's quivering back. As 10:00 neared, we'd adjourned back to the living room. They had gotten dressed again, even donning their stealth-friendly attire. "You're sure we can't call them off?" Cassie groused. "We were having so much fun, weren't we?" "Yeah we were." Tabitha pouted. "We were. And we will again. But right now, I owe Abbie and Taylor a little something." "If you say so. This doesn't feel super nice." Tabitha patted the girl's arm consolingly. "It's not, but he's right. We'll get another shot. Actually, do you
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The two didn't protest further. I answered a couple questions as she jotted down information for her report. Outside, Abbie and Taylor were being led into the back of the squad car. Shit. I'd hoped it wouldn't come to that, but I suppose it wasn't surprising that Taylor and Abbie would escalate a confrontation with an authority figure. Whatever you do, don't try taking her chapstick, I thought wryly. Nothing I could do for them now, though. I could hear their streams of obscenities from inside. Attempted egging usually wasn't an arrestable offense, but there was only so much flak one could throw at a police officer before they got bored of it and decided to ruin your evening. (Most police officers, anyway. I knew one who couldn't get enough of my abuse.) As the police officers drove away, I could see Taylor pounding on the window, screaming something in the direction of my house. Delivered in the trunk of her own car, removed in the back of a squad car. My goddess. The two were ta
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I nodded. "No worries there. You and I will sit down together sometime soon, once finals are done, and come up with some protocols - starting with nothing at the school. Though I guess it won't really matter except for Abbie." "You say that like Abbie's still going to be a student next year," Isa replied. "You can't do the kinds of things she's admitted to doing and not get expelled, at the bare minimum. If Shipman really is some pathetic incel like you made him out to be-" "All I said was that he was awfully ready to mistrust the Sterns," I protested. "-then I'd be surprised if they didn't land in real trouble. They're two eighteen-year-old white girls, so, system being what it is, they might get off with warnings. Still..." She sat up, brushed some dust off of the thin sheen of sweat along the side of her breast. "Hard to say. Most likely scenario, I'd say, the two never go back to school, maybe finish their GEDs while serving time in house arrest." "Oh sure, because I'm the ass
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"Frankenstein wasn't the monster," Tabitha interjected, speaking even as she raised her hand. As she often did. "Hemade the monster, then it turned evil all on its own." It was Friday, and I was back in my room in time for a bit of last-minute final exam preparation. It felt like a month since I'd stood in this room, not four days. Entering this morning had been surreal, and six hours later, it was barely less so. I'd been all sorts of nervous about what to expect. Teaching can be a bit of a fish bowl, oftentimes, yet to my immense relief, as near as I could tell, people had enough of their own drama to worry about without needing to worry about mine. I'd taken lunch in the teacher's cafeteria, where Amy and the rest of my department were at their usual table. Their curiosity was plain, and I answered it without being asked. My tale of being seduced and subsequently framed was met with fretful gasps, women mortified by what those no-good Sterns had put one of us through this time. M
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"He wasn't wrong, you know," I told my pillow some ten hours later. A very naked Tabitha was straddling my own very naked self, her fingertips grazing sweetly across my back. It had begun as a massage, but true to form, she'd discerned that this gentle tickling was every bit as relaxing. "That's one reading of the text," she answered. "Admittedly, it's more in line with the apparent intent of Shelley, but that doesn't mean it's the only one." "I'm not talking about Shelley or Frankenstein or the damned creature and you know it." The sting in my voice was dulled by the filtration effect of my pillow. "I know. Which is all the more reason he's wrong. You only feel like he's right because your profession predisposes you to agree with lines of reasoning supported in the so-called Great Books of the western canon." "Really? Well thank you, Ms. Freud. Please, do go on, explain away the rest of my thoughts using your crack armchair psychology." I could tell she was bending down when her
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With my employment crisis over, it was also time to address the insensitive dickheaded move on my friend Jay's part. A bit of distance from the den of debauchery that was my home helped remind me that it would be good if I didn't punch him in the face next time we met up. I called him up and gave him a firmly encouraged lunch invite, and we met at Gooses. The bar was sparsely packed, and he'd taken a table in the section to one side with all the taxidermy stuff in it. Those animals, frozen in time, always made me a little more aware of my mortality than I liked in my place of relaxation. Jay waved me over, and I took the seat opposite him. He didn't take long to get curious about what occasioned the call, and why only him, though I could tell from the sheepish look on his face that he had a solid guess. After all, I'd already asked him to take down the video, but other than that, I'd had no contact with any of my friends since I left them to go pick up the hottie jailbait in her pro
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