All Chapters of Teaching her a lesson: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
200 Chapters
"Good afternoon. Mr. Stern?" We'd never met, and only once or twice spoken on the phone, but I could see a little bit of Taylor in this man's eyes. The man who opened the door looked me over for a moment. I wasn't dressed to make much of an impression, nothing more than a simple pair of jeans and a plain black t-shirt. They were both of them tight; I figured it wouldn't hurt to try to look decent. Though standing here on the front steps of the father/stepfather of two eighteen-year-old students I'd been covertly sleeping with and had recently gotten thrown out of school, I didn't want to seem like I was trying to look too good. "Don't believe we've met." "I'm Mr. Canon. I'm here about Taylor and Abbie." I didn't bother with more of an introduction than that. With all that was going on, my last name ought to be plenty. My legs were ready to throw me out of the way of a punch, or whatever he threw my way. I hoped it wouldn't come to a fight, but after the predicament I'd helped land
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She sat up, folded down her laptop and casually shoved it to the floor. A rolled up bath towel broke its fall. "They... what?" I gaped. "Do you really not know? Holy hell! Abbie, the detective who was looking into that whole stunt Principal Horen walked in on, he bought our story, but too well. He thinks you and Taylor threatened Tabitha and Cassie to make them participate, and that you were on some vendetta to end an innocent teacher's career." "Well... yeah. Like, that was the play, right?" "He's got you in his crosshairs. Both of you. When we spoke the other day, he made it sound like he was throwing the whole book at the two of you." I could tell this was news to her. I supposed that made sense. Not like the police needed to call you up and explain that you were under investigation. Thank goodness Abbie had given me the Serenex back before she did something else even more reckless with it. "Well, I guess we have to dose the detective then, huh." Something like that, for inst
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Once upon a time, foreplay had been one of my favorite parts of sex. It built suspense, prolonged sex for that extra stretch. Plus, it was necessary. Most women I'd been with didn't get me hard just by looking at me, nor were they dripping down their thighs simply from the prospect of a few thrusts, Big Gun or no. Now, foreplay was something I only did if I felt like shoving a tit in my mouth, squeezing a girl's ass, sampling the taste of her pussy. When it came down to it, these girls all had me on a hair trigger, and that Abbie's pussy would be gushing wet by the time I shoved my dick in her was something I took for granted. These girls' pussies drooled for me like a bunch of fat kids at the fried oreo booth at the county fair. "Fuck, I love the way you stare at my tits while you fuck me," she murmured elatedly as I did just that. They were mesmerizing, bobbling around in the confines of her bra. I could take it off, but for now, it was amusing watching their struggle for freedom.
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The girl on the bed took mere seconds to regain her wits, suddenly pushing me off of her. Before I knew what was happening, I'd been shoved into her closet, the door slid swiftly but silently closed before my eyes. Then I heard the door open. "Oh gross, your fucking tit's out!" groused Taylor. "You were the one who just had to see me. Happy, you dumb bitch?" There was a pause. "It reeks of fucking sex in here. Were you..." "It's none of your fucking business what I dot dot dot. Now shut your fucking hole, go to your room, and fucking wait like a good little twat muffin, K? That's a goddamn order from your fucking boss, understand?" Another pause. "I... understand." "So, what, you wanna take a picture, or can you piss off and let me get some fucking clothes on?" "Yeah. Sure. Just don't take too long. Please." The door shut. Abbie opened the closet a moment later. "Sorry," she mouthed, her eyes settling immediately on my conspicuously still-twitching cock. She continued in a whi
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She hugged back, sighing a little too audibly into my chest before I stepped back and let her go. I'd already woken up with my dick in her hands not twenty minutes ago; I wasn't trying to reel her back in. "So go on. If you have thoughts, let them out. I can take it." "I wasn't gonna try to tell you how to feel. See, sometimes I try to imagine what this all must be like for you. It's heckin' strange for all of us. Durr, right. Having sex with my next door neighbor, a teacher, knowing he's turned my mom into a hashtag free-use slut, sharing him with a half dozen girls... it's kinda wild. But I bet it's gotta be a lot for you, too, right?" "It can be." Not that I was looking for sympathy. "Yeah. I mean, I know you like us, and you're a nice teacher and you don't want to hurt any of us kids. Even though I know you try not to play favorites though, it's bound to happen. Isn't it? I guess I don't really know what it is you like about her, though. Like, I know Taylor is crazy hot, perfec
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The two shared a long look, and there was a lot being communicated in their faces that wasn't readily apparent to me. They spoke in elevated eyebrows, tilted heads and twists of their lips that emitted no sound, their own intimate language. It was Candy who finally answered me. "We're holding up OK. Why do you ask?" "Because a few weeks ago the two of you were so malcontent over my behavior that you tried to chop my nuts off. Figuratively speaking. I've been at this long enough now to know that things run a lot smoother when the other participants are happy. If you're still unhappy, I want to hear about it. After everything that went down last week, I'm sick to death of forcing miserable people to share my space, much less my... well." Again, the looks. The two practically had a sign language. "So what is it you want? Our blessing to keep fucking us?" Isa asked. "Not sure how much it would mean, considering." "No. I know you don't approve. So be it. I'm way past caring what you thi
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Her face took on a serious cast. So serious I was actually taken aback. "Listen. I am mortified by what Taylor made me do for you. Or to you, whatever. It was hard just to walk in here when you came back, knowing what you've seen. What I've shown you. I wanted to curl up in a ball in the women's restroom and just ditch your class." This was not a person who displayed emotional vulnerability casually, but in those wide eyes, I saw real shame. I frowned. "Wait, really? I didn't-" "I feel like such an idiot. But worse, I feel awful for what my cowardice put you through. You are an excellent teacher, Mr. Canon. You've gone the extra mile for me all year, even before all this crud. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. My conscience would never fully heal if I graduated without trying to make things right between us, and leave you on a note that reflects both my respect, and my shame for my poor judgment." I was stunned. Had she really been burying all that? What had I been putting
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I thundered over her, though I quickly lowered my volume in case any sound carried beyond the confines of my room. "You, Ms. Stern, have abused my trust countless times, and done unspeakable things to your classmates. You've bullied people, deceived people... Taylor, you've enslaved people! Do you even understand how wrong that is?" "Don't look to me like the skinny bitch got complaints." Before Tabitha could get into it again, I snapped right back at her. "You removed their capacity to complain! I don't pretend to grasp the precise ethics of all this, but... Oh sure, give me that look, because I'm the jerk who's reaping all the rewards." "Aren't you? You talkin' big shit now, but I ain't hear you bellyaching when you were basking in all that pussy in the locker room after Saturday class. Aw, but shucks, then you gotta rinse a little yolk off your house, so suddenly it's boo hoo, fuck Taylor, fuck all she's done for me, fuck the best mother fuckin' thing you ever had come your way!
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I was staring at the door, the after-image of Taylor's departure burned into my eyes. When she spoke again, however, I realized something was amiss from the muffled sound of her voice. "She said, 'I am a stupid, easy, flat-chested cocksucking whore,' right? I think I heard that correctly." I turned. Tabitha was at the board, dry erase marker in hand, writing those very words along the bottom of the board. "What on earth are you doing?" "Huh? She said to... you know. Write." She gestured to where I am a stupid, easy, was already enscribed in red marker. "A hundred seems like a lot of times. Is it OK if I stay after school, or should I come back to finish in the morning?" "You don't have to write that!" I snapped. "I do whatever Taylor tells me to do," she replied with chilling casualness, and resumed writing. "Though that goes for you too, obviously Mr. Canon." Still trying to wrap my head around what she was saying, I glanced down at the rolled up paper in my hands. There at the
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Social media was blocked by the school internet server (plus it was pretty hypocritical to chastise them so many times for being distracted by it if I was going to do the same), so that was out. My work laptop was a simple machine, but it had a browser. Out of options, I pulled up a news site and started catching up on the world. Not surprisingly, it seemed little had improved. I was in the middle of an article on summer travel trends when I fell asleep at my desk. The second worst thing was that when you fall asleep sitting upright, in a place you know you shouldn't fall asleep in, you wake up in that moment where your chin slipped off your fist and you have that tenth of a second falling dream. Even if you had managed to escape notice dozing off, your sudden jolt to consciousness cannot be missed. The worst thing, of course, was that I fell asleep in the middle of a final exam. For over an hour. "Ummmgbummng!" I stammered as I started myself awake. Laughter rippled through the
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