All Chapters of Mates Against All Odds: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
164 Chapters
101-Jack is Six Weeks
Warning: This chapter is nearly all sex. If you prefer not to read it, a second story moving forward chapter will be uploaded later today. If you are reading after this book is complete you can skip this chapter all together. Rebecca’s POV I made this appointment early in the morning on purpose. My men have been busy, busy, running two packs, caring for me and Jack, arranging a safe place for Shay and business too. I have no idea how Liam did it all alone. “Okay, Luna, you are healed. Do we want birth control?” The doctor is looking at me, I guess, hoping I say yes. “Nope, I will likely be in here with Sam in a couple weeks. If you say I can.” I ask. “You are young, healthy, you healed perfectly. I don’t see why not,” she smiles at me. Claire and Grace have Jack. Liam and Nic are covering pack affairs today. I’m shaved, lotioned, and cleared by the doctor. Let my day begin. I get home and don’t bother with a night gown; I arrange myself on the bed. I want Sam
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Edward’s POV Two weeks ago, I woke in the hospital and was told I rejected my mate. No one has seen her since Sam pulled her lover out of her. She was gone by the time my parents got to our bedroom. She was fucking him in the same bed we shared. Thomas understands and says he has no malice toward me, but it makes me nervous. Shay and I have been hanging out more. She and I both have cottages on the Packhouse grounds at Blue Mountain. Isaac offered me a spot as his lead warrior and trainer. I accepted yesterday and this is my first day at work. “Good morning, Sunshine,” I say, knocking on Shay’s door. “Go away!” She snarls. Her new normal. “We have to get to training, sleepy head,” I remind her. “How in the fuck are you so chipper?” She growls, I hear her moving around. “Don’t know, I feel lighter today, like I don’t know, I just feel good for the first time in months.” I actually feel a smile on my face. Everyone always said I looked like two men smashe
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103- Another Birthday
Rebecca’s POV Six days after Edward and Claws mated, I am helping Claire, Grace and Beta Nancy decorate the packhouse ball room for Alexis and Marie’s big night. “Max coming tonight?” Claire asks. “No, he is sending his lead Warrior and Beta couple. He said since Beth knows it’s gotten awkward.” “I didn’t want that, but I really didn’t want Beth to hate him.” Claire says. Marie comes and sits down. “What happened?” I ask, looking at her sad face. “He got delayed by Vampires, he is going to be late to the party,” Marie’s mate, Patrick, is the Alpha of Blood Moon and Lycanness. He is always busy. “I’m sorry sweetheart.” Claire hugs her. “Where is Jack, baby snuggles will help me,” Marie asks. “In the Alpha Office, Ike and Sam swear his training is important,” I roll my eyes dramatically at my husbands. “Liam was the same way,” Claire shakes her head. “Maybe if Nic had done that with Edward, he would still be Alpha,” Grace s
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104A-Monica’s Story
Monica’s POVAfter our ceremony and my not so welcome intervention, everything kind of changed. Before, Edward and I had sex a few times a week. Once he became Alpha, our sex life went from a steady stream, to a trickle. He and I talked about it several times, but he was busy and when we did have sex, it was slow and gentle. He was afraid to touch me, like I would break. I’m not made of glass!Then, one day at training, it happened. Shane and I looked at each other and neither of us could contain it anymore! We needed each other.We finished before Edward found us; we always seem to finish before we were found. At first, I thought Edward just accepted his fate; but I was wrong.He came to our room and told me he felt it and wanted the name of the warrior. I refused. I warned Shane to not attend any meetings, because I knew Edward would use his Alpha Command on everyone.When that didn’t work, Edward stopped paying everyone until someone confessed.“No Warrior in this pack will be paid
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104B- Monica’s Story
For the next few days, I learn to be an apprentice to Gabby. I can’t actually heal; I just assist Gabby.I wake up after two weeks of being here and my neck is killing me.I get to work, and Gabby is looking at me like something is wrong.“Gabby, what is it?” I ask.“Your mark has changed. It’s ugly and scared. What happened?”I shallow hard. I run to a mirror. My mating mark has become a traitor's mark. Simon will know it; he will smell it. I need to leave before he turns me in to either my brother or worse the Wallace family.“Gabrielle, your mother wants to see you.” Simon comes in, before I can form a plan. He sniffs the air, and his face hardens. “Gabrielle, get to your mother.”“Please no one here but you ever needs to know,” I beg.“Did you betray Shane?” His tone is threatening.“No, Shane and I loved each other. We gave in and took each other, while I was marked by my Alpha. We tried to resist, but we couldn’t. My Alpha was so cruel to me, he treated me so badly. Shane treated
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105-Gender Reveals
Rebecca’s POV Marie and Alexis’s birthday party saw three sisters get mated and the announcements of three new Wallace babies. Gina and Erin are due about two weeks before me. But, we decided to hold our gender reveals together. We will each hold our reveals at our own packhouse and live stream them to the others. Nancy had her little lady; she and Malcom named her Natila. Augusta’s baby boy is named Chester, and Linda’s little boy is Curtis. They and Jack come to my office every day to make plans for the pack and help me settle small disputes. “Ladies, ladies, we really need to soundproof this office,” Sam comes in, as we are all laughing loudly at something. “What on earth is so funny?” “Just thinking about these five kids,” Augusta laughs. “We were saying they will be friends, that’s a given, but will they be mates?” I say smiling. Sam raises his eyebrows. “I mean, how funny would it be your daughter and either Chester or Curtis.”
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106-James Christian Wallace
Rebecca’s POV“Is Jack trying to walk?” Nancy asks, as we go over the menus for Blue Mountain and Mountain Peak.“Yeah, everyone thinks he wants to walk before his sister arrives.” I nod.“He is freaking eight months old. Should we push him down or something?” Augusta asks.“No, Claire said the boys walked at 8 and a half months. So, maybe it’s an Alpha thing?” I shrugged. Max walked at 9 months, me at 11, so maybe it is an Alpha thing.“Hey baby?” Sam knocks.“Hey babe, what’s up?” I ask, smiling at him.“You ladies look like you are working hard managing two packs.,” Sam smiles. “Can I talk to the Luna in private?”The girls take the work they can do without me and go across the hall to a separate office.“We just had sex Sam, you can’t be horny already,” I smirk, sliding on top of my desk.“I’m always horny, but that’s not what I came in here for,” he sits in a chair away from me. “Nathan, Jasper, Cullen, Luke, basically everyone was just in the Alpha office. They want me to take o
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107-Alpha and Luna Again
Rebecca’s POVWe all meet in the pack house for breakfast. With so many sisters and mates we have plenty of room for guests. The the plane was first time Shay and Thomas were face to face since the rejection almost a year ago. Sara and Shay have done the visitation exchanges with Devon. And today they have breakfast together. “Marcus,” Devon’s little voice of delight fills the room, as we came in from the Alpha house.“Princess!” Marcus gleefully picks her up and swings her around.“Mommy,” Devon calls, reaching from Marcus to Shay.“My baby,” Shay smiles. “Have you been good for Daddy and Auntie?”“I’m always perfect,” Devon smiles.“Oh, is that so?” Thomas smirks, coming into the kitchen. “Who just pitched a fit over her dress?”“Thomas leave the girl alone,” Sara hugs Shay.We all stand by waiting to see what happens between Marcus and Thomas. There is visible tension. I can feel it from here. They look back and forth to each other. Marie and I are standing by the coffee pot shif
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108-Another Challenge
Rebecca’s POV The Wallace Family is on their feet ready to defend me. But I’m not afraid. I look at my father, who is holding Jack. He and I lock eyes and nod. “I accept,” I declare. To the shock of everyone but, Mom, Dad, and Max. “Training grounds let’s go.” “Monica, don’t do this,” Thomas begs. “Oh, shut the hell up” Monica says, as we walk to the training grounds “Asking you not to do this is a waste of my time right,” Sam says. I nod. “Begging you not to, would that work? I’m not above begging,” Ike says, as we walk. “I can put a stop to all of this now,” a pale man that Patrick, Liam and my father seemed to know. The man smiles. “My son, the Prince, has decided to make Monica his. I would hate for him to lose her. I’m sure Alpha Jackson has trained her well. I’ve seen what his training can do.” His eyes fall in Liam. I realize who this is, King Ralph, the Vampire King. “And yet, you allow her to challenge my daughter, knowing she
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109-Calm and the Storm
Rebecca’s POV It’s been a year and eight months since we saw Elizabeth. Part of me hopes she is gone for good. But, I’m told that is naïve to think. “Like that piece of popcorn between your back teeth. She is there and you know it, but you just can’t get it.” Claire said. “Would you stop, if I was murdered?” Sam asks me, knowing I wouldn’t. Jack, Chester and Curtis are walking and talking, leaving James and Natila out of their games. We attempt to make it less boys vs girls, but they always seem to do it that way. Sam has fully changed the way Mountain Peak is run. First of all, it’s now illegal to reject your mate on the basis of rank. Something that Liam started at Blue Mountain, but his father didn’t agree with. Also, the taxes paid by pack members has been reduced. The guys combined both packs revenue and when a project comes the size of the territory gives us more negotiating power. Of which the guys take full advantage. Nancy and April W
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