All Chapters of Biker's Baby Girl: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
57 Chapters
Chapter 11: CREED
"Jason, I need a solid. I need you to look up Dee Reynolds and Sal Jones in Dorset. I want all their financial information down to the penny. Call me back as soon as you've got something." My next call was to her old home. That call was answered in pretty much the same haste but for different reasons I'm sure. Jason would know that a call from me on his secure line at this time was serious business. These two I'm sure were waiting up in case I came back for their ass. "By my reckoning you owe me quite a few grand for the past few years of bullshit classes that she never took. I'm going to give you exactly one day to have my fucking money or I'm gonna break your fucking neck." "What money? We've had the care of her for almost nine years and..." "And I paid you for her upkeep and then some. What the fuck did you do with my money?" I was getting more heated by the minute. Not only because she'd ripped me off, but because all this time I'd been thi
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Chapter 12: CREED
By the time room service showed up she was a little more relaxed. I'd stopped asking her the hard questions and had kept things light, just asking her about some show she was into on TV. I'm surprised the bitch let her enjoy that much, because it seemed like she'd been bent on destroying my babygirl's every pleasure. I wasn't surprised that Dee and Sal had taken me for a chump. There was no way they could've known my true nature, since I'd never shown it to them. Not that many knew it to be honest, except for those who'd ran the streets with me, and the men and women I'd served with. The fact that I'd been an absentee guardian, had no doubt given them the impression that I didn't really care. And so they'd taken that as a green light to continue shitting all over her the way her father had for the first half of her life. Little did they know, he might've gotten off easy, but they were in for a world of fucking hurt. I made sure she ate, and by the way she picked
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Chapter 13: JESSIE
I'm too excited to sleep. What does it all mean? Why had he come? Why now? And the way he looked at me, the way he reacted when he saw my naked body. It had given me butterflies, nothing at all like when... I cut myself off before the thought could take ahold of me, not here, not now. I wanted to think only of Creed. He was back. It had been so long. Sometimes I thought I would never see him again, I cried myself to sleep many a night over that. But now he was here, just a few short feet from me, but what did it all mean? Am I gonna go live with him now, or will he find somewhere else to pack me off to? That sounded really disloyal and I don't mean to, but sometimes I get so mad that no one lets me have any say. If they did I would've told them a long time ago that I wanted to go live with him. I guess that some would say that I was old enough to leave. I was smart enough to get myself a little job and maybe a place of my own. But he would never let me.
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Chapter 14: JESSIE
That night had been the best of my life. All the girls had been green with envy, but that's not what made it so special. He'd treated me like an adult that night, almost like a date. He'd catered to my every wish, making the other boys there seem so inconsequential. And when one of the other girls, one that I absolutely hated had asked him to dance, he'd politely turned her down. Now that had made my whole time at school worth all the pain and the heartache. Kids can be cruel and in my case they took every opportunity. My aunt had had no problem sending me to school in the cast offs of someone else and since the town was so small everyone pretty much knew. In the beginning when I'd been younger, I'd tried to tell Creed that she wasn't what she pretended to be, but somehow she was always able to convince him that I was lying. I'd eventually just stopped trying. But that night, when I was wearing the best dress because he'd insisted and I'd got my hair and
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Chapter 15: CREED
What the fuck noise was that she'd made in her sleep? Sounded like she was severely hurt. She said she was fine but I still kept my eyes on her. That's how I knew that she'd conned me the first time, she'd never been asleep. Now I'm a pro at this shit, I did it for a fucking living. It's one of the ways you survive in the thick of shit. So why would a young girl without a care in the world need to learn how to regulate her breathing to fool anyone that she was out? The answer had me jackknifing in the bed and hitting the light next to my bed. "Sit up, I know you're not sleeping." I hated that fucking wary look she gave me like she was expecting me to hit her or some other foul shit. I studied her bent head for the longest while as I tried to put my thoughts in order. This wasn't the easiest fucking thing to discuss for me so I know it was shit for her. But if the fuckery was gonna be fucking with her all night so she can't sleep, it was best I get the shit over
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Chapter 16: CREED
I listened to the rhythm of her breathing until it evened out in sleep. A quick look at my watch told me that it was already close to three in the morning. She had to be tired so that should give me a solid five to do what I had to do. It had taken me longer to get here because she was on the back of my ride, but if I make the trip solo it would take me half the time. Back and forth, in and out, this shit could not wait. I made doubly sure that she was out, left a message just in case she woke up before I got back, secured the door and headed out. No one was getting past that door I made sure of that shit. I hadn't planned on doing this now, had thought I'd put some more distance between us, get the whole story shit like that. But what she'd shared with me tonight was more than enough. My crew will pitch a fit when they find out I'd done something on my own, they've become over protective old women lately. Like they think success had broken my teeth and
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Chapter 17: CREED
I made good time getting back to her and found her still asleep all curled up like an innocent. I'd never seen her like this before, and I took the time to really study her without interruption. Her face was soft in sleep, her dark tendrils framing her beauty in the stark waning moonlight that came through the window. "So gorgeous babygirl." I whispered the words in the dark as I sucked her in. My heart literally moved in my chest at her incomparable beauty. Could this really be all mine? Could I really have lucked out after a lifetime of nothing? When I look back on my fucked up beginnings I don't see this, how could I? Born in less than stellar surroundings, to a woman that could barely take care of herself because of the ounce a day habit that she had to sell her body to afford. And most likely to one of the men she'd sold herself to, I never stood a chance. I was shifted from foster home to foster home where I had to learn survival skills even befo
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Chapter 18: CREED
We were both a little tired the next morning so breakfast was a rushed affair before we got on the road. I wanted to leave early because I wasn't sure what, if any play Sal was gonna make, and I didn't want her caught in the middle. If I'd been thinking straight I would've waited until she was out of harm's way like I'd planned to, but what's done is done. After her little trip down memory lane, I couldn't, not go fuck his shit up. He's lucky his ass is still breathing the sick fuck. "If you're gonna fall asleep back there let me know so I can secure you." She'd still been a little sleepy in the restaurant because I'd woken her early, and she looked like she could hardly keep her eyes open. I fixed her helmet and made sure she was seated properly while she assured me that she would stay up for the whole trip. There was a sense of excitement in her voice that I hoped to fuck I didn't kill somehow. She'd already dealt with so much bullshit, I shudder to
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Chapter 19: CREED
Now because of my ignorance and her fuck of an aunt I might have to start all over. All the work I'd believed I was doing to distance her from that parking lot had been a lie. I'd just been paying someone else to mistreat what's mine. I bit that thought off before I fishtailed and headed back to
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Chapter 20: CREED
The first thing I did was call a meeting. I needed all my boys to know who she was and how she was to be treated, not just here but in the county period. I also needed to give them a heads up in case Sal's people tried anything. He knew where I lived I was sure, because of his association with Dee, and I wasn't taking any chances in case he and the other fuck-wipes he hung with decided to pay me a visit. From what Law had told me these people were heavy into hate and low on sense, a bad fucking combination if you ask me. I never even knew she was around that kind of shit, just one more thing that I'd failed her in. Dee was gonna get her turn, but I knew her shit was money. I'm just waiting on Jason to take everything she owned so she'd get the picture that it was never too wise to fuck with me and mine. That little buzz cut was child's play compared to what the fuck I'd do to them both if they fucked around. She didn't seem too badly scarred by their
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