All Chapters of Biker's Baby Girl: Chapter 51 - Chapter 57
57 Chapters
Chapter 51: CREED
Jake was eyeing the kid who wasn't paying anyone any mind. He was there for one reason and one reason only, to share information. He passed off an envelope to Lyon who snatched it open before scanning the contents and then passing them around. "He's here." I looked up at the Travis guy who was leaning against the wall at ease. "Yep. But he's a small fish in a big pond. My dad's doing some more digging, but since my boy Colt needed this shit yesterday and it involves my Goddaughter I figured I'd bring what I have for now." "He's a small time crook who somehow made it onto one of those military contractor deals a few years back. There's no record of exactly what he did there, but he came back with new connections and a whole new group of friends." The SEALs shared a look and a grin. "Damn son you just answered one of our questions for us. We couldn't figure out how he went from small time crook to the big leagues. Funny though, we didn't find any record
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Chapter 52: CREED
For the rest of the evening we went back to the grindstone only this time with the new info from Travis' old man. Halfway through that shit there was a fucking roar that had each of us going on alert. Cord, one of the SEALs was being held back my Devon and Quinn, two of his SEAL brothers. "What is it?" Logan their leader got into the fray as the rest of their crew gathered around them. They were all looking at the screen before Cord broke away and headed for the door at a dead run. On the screen was the girl they'd brought along with them earlier, the one with the brother. "Damn, she his?" I looked at Ty for an answer. "Yep." Shit, there wasn't gonna be enough of that old boy to go around. Ty and I exchanged a look over the others' heads before going back to work. There were fucking thousands of girls there. I tried not to let it fuck with me when I saw an updated picture of my wife on the screen, but I wasn't too sure Lyon was fairing so well when he saw hi
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Chapter 53: TYLER
Finally, I was gonna get my hands on this fuck. It had been weeks since he'd flown the coop and I've been getting more than a little antsy. We'd thrown that book aside in lieu of the files when we'd first got back to the compound after the raid. Back then we were more interested in looking for evidence that would lead us to who was committing crimes in our little paradise. Never once did any of us think it would turn into this. The first inkling we had that it may be something is when my brother Dev had leafed through it and found the notations in the back. Being in the service all those years, we'd never really ran into anything like that. I'm guessing that was more along the lines of the F.B.I or some shit, but we had a feeling that the shit was off even though whoever had complied it had tried to be slick. We'd already suspected that there was a trafficking ring working out of our back yard, and this Stockton fuck was knee deep in the shit, but until then we had
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Chapter 54: LYON
I watched him disappear right before my fucking eyes and my respect for him went up a notch. Next thing I knew the sky lit up like the fourth of July and it was fucking on. I knew what my pigeon looked like from the pic they had passed around earlier, but I kept my eyes focused in the direction Ty had gone because I knew for sure he had a hard-on as big as mine for the fuck. Men were climbing out of trees and shit, people were running everywhere, total chaos but I kept moving forward until I found my boy crouched beside the porch just waiting. "Here he is." "Fuck." I barely moved out the way when he leapt through the air and took down the fucker. His fists connected with flesh at a rapid rate and all I could think was, when the fuck did we start making super soldiers in this fuck? Shit, wasn't gonna be none left for me if he kept this shit up. "Okay young'un, we need to ask him a few questions remember?" Damn I thought I was fucked but this motherfuck
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Chapter 55: CREED
Shit was chaotic, people were scattering like flies but I knew what my prey looked like. I heard a shot off to the side earlier and figured either Ty or Lyon had broken ranks. We'll have to deal with the cleanup later, or maybe not. These boys were loaded for bear. I'm thinking we were all on the same page here. Right now my only focus was on Sal and Dee. Lo's team and Law's crew were lining up the hate mongers like war prisoners as I walked through looking, but they were nowhere to be found. I was starting to freak the fuck out thinking they'd escaped when I heard a whistle a little off to the side. "Over here." It sounded like the Travis guy and he was calling from a little distance away, away from the fray. I jogged my way over there and found gold. "These two were hiding out in the outhouse." He had them by the necks and I'm guessing Sal was still weak from losing his balls because he looked kinda pale in the moonlight and wasn't putting up much of a fight, unl
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Chapter 56: CREED
We figured we were gonna have to give all that money back but we'd already spent it. We were gonna make a run for it. But then they stopped calling too and we were in the clear, or so we thought." He was sulking again. "Is that when you started going into her room?" For some reason he balked at this, he had no problem telling me he'd sold her, but he wouldn't admit to this; maybe because the memory of me ringing off his dick was still fresh in his mind. Then his eyes shifted to Jake's and he forgot again. "So what if I did, wasn't no harm in it, nothing wrong with looking is there?" My hand twitched and I almost did him then but I needed more. "When was the last time you heard from them?" "Not long after your little visit. It's like they were watching and waiting. How were we to know they still wanted her? And I was just working my way up to getting a taste." The fucker licked his lips and seemed to have gone off into his own little world after saying that shit.
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Chapter 57: CORD
I watched over her as she slept with my heart in turmoil. How had we missed it? How had we not put it together? We'd only just received the results of her parentage the day before, but somehow it appeared the Fox had known all along. How? She was even more precious to me now because of the blood that ran through her veins. She was a part of the man who had shaped me and whatever I'd felt for her before was multiplied because of that fact. We'd terminated Stockton, or Ty and his new pal had. I found a smile at the thought of our new partner in crime. For someone who'd never served Lyon sure was a militant fuck. But I won't be the one to tell him that since he tends to take umbrage whenever we mention it. We had formed a tight bond in the days we'd been there at Law's and that was good. Instead of just us we now had a whole network of brothers joined together to deal with what had become more than our little headache. We'd found out a lot more in the last few
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