All Chapters of Kirstie's Tale: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
50 Chapters
Chapter 41: A Conspiracy of Ravens, Part 4, Apologies
Ben speaks slowly, almost slurring his words.He's humiliated...... But he's doing it anyway..."I spoke with Kirstie a few days ago. She didn't want to talk to me, gave me a real piece of her mind..." James side-glances me then returns his attention to Ben. "She told me that, well, all of you are volunteers in what you're doing and that's it's really none of my business and... that I should apologise to you."James pauses, digesting his words. "It's not me who needs the apology, Ben. I can understand why you felt the need to defend your brother. But Charlotte is a different matter.""I know, I know. Is she here? I'll talk to her while you're present if you would prefer that. I'm guessing that you don't want to leave me alone in her company...""You are quite correct there," says James. "Kirstie, can you call Charlotte, please. I believe you will find she is in her own office, extension 4528."Back at my desk, I tap the number, "Um, Charlotte, it's Kirstie here from the
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Chapter 42: A Conspiracy of Ravens, Part 5, James' Proposal
"Really?""Yes, really. I liked the way you dealt the situation out on the street the other day, and Ben in the downstairs lobby; even, dare I say it, the situation when Ben dragged you to our home, although I'll admit, that's with the benefit of hindsight."I flush. "You didn't seem very impressed at the time."He rolls his eyes ceiling-ward. "Yes, I've never apologised for that, have I...""I don't think you have a lot to apologise for, Sir. I feel terrible about it...""Well, get over it. It's in the past. I want to talk about where we go from here. It seems to me that you handle yourself rather well in awkward situations and that being the case, I have a favour to ask of you."What's he talking about?"Right... what is this favour?"Perhaps I look suspicious. For a moment, he meets my eyes, his gaze level, expressionless; then he says, "Don't misunderstand my motives, Kirstie. I'm not about to go dipping my nib in the office ink. It would be horribly unprofessional
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Chapter 43: A Conspiracy of Ravens, Part 6, Why?
James pauses, letting that sink in.Weighing up my reaction?"But..." I stammer. "But everyone thought that was a terrorist attack or an attempt at ransom. That's what the news reports said."He arches his brows. "The full details of that... incident... were not released to the news agencies, and I think that people who commit such acts could be called terrorists, don't you?"I drain my cup and sit, staring at the dregs. James takes the cup from my hand, refills it and pushes it back into my hand.Sipping my coffee again, "So, the people you are watching for are dangerous then?""Oh, yes, very dangerous." He leans forwards, touches my hand, "Don't misunderstand, Kirstie. I am not asking you to get involved. I wouldn't do that. It would be grossly unfair of me. But since you are doing the job you are anyway, I thought I'd speak with you; sound you out."What's this all about?"Why would anyone want to hurt Charlotte? She's such a nice person, at least when people aren't
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Chapter 44: A Conspiracy of Ravens, Part 7, Open Up
"Open up," he murmurs.I swallow, looking around, but the sea of faces is aimed squarely at the stage. "Are you going to do as you're told?" he says, not looking at me at all, his attention apparently on the stage."Here?""Yes, here. Open up."Easing my thighs apart, despite my nerves, my pussy glows, growing loose and moist. His hand covered by my cardigan, Ryan's fingers glide up and in, sliding inside my panties, weaving through warm, damp curls and further.His eyes still looking straight ahead, "Yes, gratifyingly wet there. Good girl. That's how I want you." A finger advances further, probing my pussy lips, skimming my clit. Struggling to keep my gasping silent, juddering as I struggle for self-control; in my peripheral vision, Ryan is suppressing a smile as he makes relentless spirals of my hardening nub.His voice is low but distinct. "I'd finger-fuck you, but I think the movement would show, so for now, I'll settle for this...""Ryan...""Shhh... You'll d
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Chapter 45: A Conspiracy of Ravens, Part 8, Pesto and Spaghetti
And with that, his hand pushes in and up, and through my mouthful of food, I suppress a squeal as fingers plunge deep, rubbing at my g-spot.All but disabled by the earthquake in my flesh, I judder against the penetrating, delicious, invading, electric fingers, struggling to swallow long strands of spaghetti."That's it. Enjoy your food, but I want you good and expectant for later when I get my cock inside you."It's not going to take too long. My already swollen pussy is unfurling as he speaks. The fingers probing inside me are sending electric shocks pinging through to my clit. My hips quake and jerk and he smiles edge-ways at me.He leans in close to me again, working my inner muscles all the while "You're still not coming yet. But this is your last appetiser. You get the main course soon."And with that, he pulls free, wiping his hand on the immaculate white linen napkin.He dabs at his mouth with the napkin, talking behind it. "You're drenched, Kirstie. Wonderful. How'
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Chapter 46: A Conspiracy of Ravens, Part 9, Redbreast!
He continues to ease in, gradually in and out, his thick shaft inside me."Redbreast, Ryan. Redbreast!"He pauses, withdraws. "Really? You really want me to stop?""Yes.""Why? Am I hurting you?""No," I confess."So, I'm not hurting you, and I don't believe that you are not enjoying this. You like what I do to you. So, my only answer is that you are getting cold feet. I thought you had more nerve than this, Kirstie."A woman who bottles out at her first test is no good to me. You asked me to dominate you. And now, when I do, you argue and tell me to stop. You brought me into this, Kirstie, and I find that I have acquired a taste for Domination. And I want you to submit to me and to enjoy doing it. So... are you going to submit? Or, are you standing by your safe word?" There is contempt and... disappointment in his voice.I lie, panting, trembling from my own disquiet, and the vibe working inside me. My body aches for orgasm...... I don't answer."Very well then,"
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Chapter 47: A Conspiracy of Ravens, Part 10, Meeting The Haswells
Richard Haswell is not aggressive or pompous with it though. In my experience, men who behave like that are invariably wannabe Alphas. Haswell carries himself like a lord, with an easy authority that cuts the air. He wears wealth and power like a mantle, unconsciously and taking the two entirely for granted. His manner is courteous and natural.If you can walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch...James waves me forward. "Richard, this is Kirstie Jamieson, who recently started as concierge in the main building reception. I was telling you about her the other day if you recall... and this is her..." he pauses, ever so briefly, "... partner, Ryan Dougherty, who I invited here today to discuss a possible tender in which he may be interested. Kirstie, Ryan, this is Richard Haswell, CEO of the Haswell corporation, and his wife Elizabeth.""Nice to meet you Mr Haswell, Mrs Haswell..." I hold out my hand to shake, as does Ryan, but as I set eyes on Elizabeth Haswell, I double-take b
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Chapter 48: A Conspiracy of Ravens, Part 11, James' Gratitude
Haswell breaks in, speaking slowly, thoughtfully. "It is worth pointing out that James' 'eternal gratitude' could be worth quite a lot to Kirstie. He's in a position to do her a lot of favours. And you..." He nods down at the documents, lying ignored by Ryan's hand."I don't give a fuck about James' favours," spits Ryan. "What is this? Some kind of conspiracy? If you think I'm going to be bribed into allowing you to endanger her..."James holds up a hand, interrupting him. "Ryan, I would say exactly the same were our positions reversed. I give you my word that I am not getting Kirstie involved. I am simply asking that she does exactly what she is already doing as a normal part of her job; watching the comings and goings of the Haswell Offices. The only addition is that I have requested that she reports directly to me."Ryan stares at the floor, arms folded. "And what does that involve? This 'reporting'?""She simply hits a button under the counter of her desk, and it sends an a
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Chapter 49: A Conspiracy of Ravens, Part 12, Spy
James raises his brows. "My apologies, Kirstie. I meant no offence. Of course, you buy what you can afford. But in this case, given the excellent work you did this morning, I want you to have the equipment to match the job. I assume you have no objection to a phone upgrade?""Er, no..."???"I didn't think so. I'll get something ordered for you with a decent camera and a lot more memory. I'd like to look at the laptop you're using too. What model is it?""Um, I've no idea. It's just what was being used on the desk when I started the job, to book visitors in and out.""Alright, I'll take a look at it when I'm passing through... Um, no, on second thoughts, it would look a bit odd for me to be sitting at the reception desk..." He stands, opens the door, calling out. "Francis, could you pop down to the lobby please and bring up Kirstie's laptop for me..."Five minutes later, there is a tap on the door: Francis, looking at me curiously, the lobby laptop in hand."Thanks, Franc
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Chapter 50: A Conspiracy of Ravens, Part 13, Kirstie's Dom... Kirstie's Lover
The cursor whirls across the screen, capturing imagery, clicking as it goes.Ye gods, but James knows what he's doing...Then I smile wryly to myself. You don't get to be Technical Director of a multi-billion corporation by being incompetent.Like he said... there's a reason he has the job...So, what now?*****"Could we stay in tonight? Just you and me? Get takeaway food perhaps?""Sounds good," murmurs Ryan. "I'd like to have you all to myself."He holds me in his arms and we dance to the lovely music washing through the air.As we sway around the room, my face pressed close to his chest, I inhale the sweet perfume of my... my what? My Master? My Dom certainly. My Lover too?The moment feels trapped in time, one of those endless moments where precious seconds are captured and preserved, held forever in the heart.Does he feel it too?He kisses my cheek, then my forehead. "Kirstie...""Mmmm...?" "I know you love the excitement and the thrill... and so
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