All Chapters of Kirstie's Tale: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
50 Chapters
Chapter 31: The Gathering Of Stormclouds, Part 9, The Storm
As he leaves, James calls after him, "No more second chances, Ben."Ben doesn't turn or acknowledge the words, but I see his scowl as he crosses the street.Michael turns to Charlotte, pulls her into his arms. "I don't know what he said to you, but I do not want a divorce."Now that the crisis has passed, Charlotte crumples. Her face pressed against his chest, she nods, tears in her voice. "I know.""Come on. Let's get you inside.""Can I get you a coffee or something?" I ask.Michael nods gratefully. "That'd be great, Kirstie. Thanks."I show the three into the small conference room which is vacant for the afternoon. When I bring in the coffee tray, James passes me a note. "Can you call that number, please, Kirstie. Ask for Sam Callaghan and tell him that Charlotte won't be on-site this afternoon. I'll be in touch with him about it tomorrow.""Of course, Mr Alexanders.""And apart from returning your belongings to you, if you see any sign of Ben Summerford near this
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Chapter 32: The Gathering Of Stormclouds, Part 10, The Club
In my apartment, as I hover between two different outfits, I hear the ping of a phone message, but not from my own mobile.After a few moments, there is the sound of cursing from the lounge. Sticking my head around the door, "Problem?" I ask.Ryan, looking thoroughly annoyed, says, "I'm sorry. I've been called away. There's something that needs dealing with...""Always on call when you work for yourself?"He grimaces. "Yes, that's the downside. Lots of freedom, but lots of responsibility too." He pauses, thinking. "Look, this shouldn't take me more than a couple of hours. Why don't you get yourself ready anyway, and I'll meet you at this club of yours?""Sounds great.""Good." He takes my hand, squeezing the fingers. "Text me the address and I'll see you there.""Sure. I'll tell them at the door to expect you and that you're with me. They only let in so many single men and if they think you're by yourself, you might not get in."*****At the Club, waiting for Ryan, I
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Chapter 33: The Gathering Of Stormclouds, Part 11, Marcie
Michael chuckles. "You and me both. Charlotte and James aren't keen either." Charlotte nods agreement.Marcie angles over towards us, her eyes fixed on Michael. His falls falls. "Oh... God..." he murmurs."Looks like she's still interested in you..." chuckles Charlotte."Mmmm..." His tone is wry."Hello, Michael. I've not seen you around here for a while." Marcie's over-made face radiates fake friendship, fake sincerity, fake everything.She'd look so much better if she toned down the makeup a bit... just tried to be a bit more genuine...... mutton dressed as lamb...Michael's smile is polite but distinctly unwelcoming. Nope, they don't like her either...Can't argue with their taste in people..."No, I've not been here for a while. I got married a few months ago." He holds up his left hand, displaying his ring.Her jaw falls slack, then she looks at Charlotte, venom in her eyes."Married? Really?" she almost hisses. She looks sideways towards Steve, then visi
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Chapter 34: The Gathering Of Stormclouds, Part 12, Ryan Arrives
"Hello, Mr Alexanders...""Kirstie, we discussed this before. We're not at work now. It's James...""Hello, James. Michael here was just telling me how you saved Charlotte's life..."His eyes roll sideways. "I thought we agreed not to advertise that..." he mutters.Michael's grin is unrepentant. "We agreed not to advertise it unnecessarily. Sometimes it is appropriate.""Like when?""Like when Marcie gets disparaging about my best friend and risks my wife punching her teeth out."James frowns. "Have I missed something?"I'm saved from answering. Ryan appears at the door. "He's here then?" says Michael."Sorry?""No woman smiles like that at the arrival of a random stranger." His words are calm, but his eyes are smiling.I blush.Oh, God. I just blew off your brother..."Kirstie, it's alright." He touches my hand; the briefest of glancing touches. "Ben's a good man, even if it doesn't look that way to you right now. But he's not the right man for you."The
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Chapter 35: The Gathering Of Stormclouds, Part 13, Kirstie's Past
"It's all a bit... public," says Ryan. "Are we expected to...""Only if you want to. Plenty of people get off on exhibitionism. And a lot enjoy voyeurism.""And you? Have you... done these things?""Yes, I've done them. But only with other people who also enjoyed it."Realisation washes across his face. "Is that how you know James and Michael? You and they...?"Oh, crap.Is this it?Might as well be truthful. He's bound to find out sooner or later..."Yes, once."He chews the thought over. "Once? They weren't your... lovers?""No, they're a couple of nice guys that I had sex with, once.""And what am I? Another nice guy you have sex with?"Now there is a challenge in his eye, and for the first time, I know in my heart of hearts that I want this man to be more than that."No," I say. "It started out that way. You know it did... the way we met. But you're more to me now." I wait for his response... which doesn't come.Anxiety snatches at my gut. "How do you fe
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Chapter 36: The Gathering Of Stormclouds, Part 14, I Can Do Whatever I Want With You.
"I can, Kirstie," he says calmly. "I think I can do whatever I want with you."Whimpering, vibrating with the desire for climax, I say nothing. "Do you want to come, Kirstie?" I nod, my face still pressed against the sheets."I thought so. I'll let you come in a while if you ask me nicely.""Please, let me come...""Mmmm... you want me to give you an orgasm... like this?" Fingertips play over my swollen clit. Hypersensitive now, I groan as he plays with the quivering nub. Slick and wet with my own juices, his skin slips over mine, sending pleasure rippling through me. Almost immediately, my climax rises again and I arch and strain, shuddering against the welling pressure inside me.And as I hover, brinking on my climax, once more, the fingers withdraw. and this time, there is a Slap! against my buttocks. I yelp against the sting. It's not truly painful, but contrasting sharply with my sizzling rise to climax, it sends shockwaves vibrating through me.Oh, God..."Ryan,
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Chapter 37: The Gathering Of Stormclouds, Part 15, Be Mine
And he falls silent.Waiting for my response?"That's good," I say, "because I don't want to share you either."He smiles and sits back, sipping his wine, his expression thoughtful."Tell me about 'redbreast' and 'ravens'," he says. "I expected you to simply give me 'yellow' and 'red' or something similar. It sounds as though there is a story behind the two words.""It's from when I was a little girl," I say. "There were ravens at the bottom of our garden, and when I was small, they seemed so huge.""You were frightened of them?""Yes. They felt like monsters from some fairy tale to me.""And redbreast?""The other bird I always saw in the garden was a robin. He used to follow my father around when he was digging the ground. Dad would toss worms and leather-jackets to him. He was a friendly little thing. I loved him, and I always put out food and water for him in the winter. He was a sort of childhood friend."Ryan nods. "Nice story." he smiles.I shiver a little,
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Chapter 38: A Conspiracy of Ravens, Part 1, Do You Trust Me?
He strips me.Whereas previously he has undressed me slowly, now I am almost unwrapped. My dress is a simple knitted jersey, skin-tight and clingy, showing my curves. He smiles appreciatively, running his hands over my contours, over my neck and chest. He slides his hands down to the hem, then tugs upwards, peeling it up and off me, leaving me in bra, panties and shoes.And my body reacts to his mock-violence; I'm liquid and warm inside, readying for him."Do you trust me, Kirstie?"My heart begins to pound. "Trust you? Why do I need to trust you?"He smiles, clicks open his briefcase and produces silk rope, soft, pliable and, as he trails it over my skin, with a silky, sensual texture. "Are you willing to let me restrain you? To bind you? I did it before with my tie, but not properly. You don't know me very well. Are you happy for me to do that?"Am I?Do I trust him?I do..."Yes, I think I am.""Good." He kisses the nape of my neck, then roughly, I am scooped up,
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Chapter 39: A Conspiracy of Ravens, Part 2, Do You Trust Me?
He pulls away, freeing my mouth, stroking his shaft as he speaks. "Tell me why you want me to behave this way with you. Why do you enjoy it so much?""Don't you like it? I thought you did?""I love it," he says, "but I want to understand why you do?""Sometimes... Sometimes... just the feeling of giving up control is the best feeling in the world. Out there... in 'real life', whatever that means, I have to look after everything, work, earn money, pay the rent, look after my dogs. When I can give up control, all that goes away, and the only thing left is the sheer sensation of..."Of fucking?""Yes."He moves closer, the sweetness of his breathing bathing my face. "Of making love...?""Yes," I whisper."You don't want me to do it in public though?""No, I want to see your gentle side in public. It makes me weak at the knees.""And in private?""You make me wet.""Good, I want you wet tonight... and tomorrow...""Tomorrow?""I want you walking bow-legged."A
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Chapter 40: A Conspiracy of Ravens, Part 3, Erin
"I want to talk to you," he say. "And I'm returning your bag. It was in my car that evening up at Michael's place.""Yes, when you abandoned me and left me without even the money for a taxi. I'd have been in real trouble if Michael weren't a very decent man."I snatch the proffered bag from his hand. "And you can't talk to me here. Even if I thought I had anything to discuss with you, I have no authority to let you into the building. So, please go, you can see I've got my hands full, can't you."His gaze finally transfers to the sobbing Erin in my arms."Why's she crying? What's wrong?""As you already know, Erin's broken up with her boyfriend. And, as you can see, she's very upset. I simply can't handle my job, her and you all at the same time. Now Ben, please leave. If anyone sees that I'm letting you stay here, I'm risking my job.""Too late." comes a voice from behind me, grit in the tone.I startle and swivel to face the lean-faced James, looking down at me, his expr
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