All Chapters of Boys of RDA: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
246 Chapters
Chapter 91: Not Another One
I jerk awake. The rattle of Aspen's wooden door jarred against the frame so loud I almost fall off the couch in panic. Please, dear God, not another earthquake. Sunlight streams into the room and pools on the floor from a split where two curtain panels come together. The door rattles again and I sit up on the pull-out couch and bring the covers up to my chest."Aspen! Simone!" The noise carries through to the apartment and I breathe a sigh of relief. I'm pretty sure a robber wouldn't call out for us first.Aspen's bedroom door opens as she fixes her askew ponytail and walks to the kitchen. "I'm coming!" she yells toward the door. "Don't worry. Only Finn, Mar, and my sister-in-law have the code, and only Jake has the meaty fists required to make the door shake with such passion."Her long fleece pajama pants are white with big orange SF logos all over them. They match the logo on her short sleeve shirt. She's seems nonchalant rather than worried why Finn would try to break down he
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Chapter 92: It's All Settled?
"No, of course not," he reaches Aspen and wraps his arms around her.In one sudden movement Jake is off his chair. "Well now that it's settled, show us to the boxes."Wait, it's all settled? Jake strolls toward the bedroom where he piled the boxes the first time. He's a man of few words, but when he speaks, people listen because within seconds we all follow behind him.I guess everything's settled. I'd like a few minutes to process the latest development in my life, but Jake, Finn, and Trey all walk out of Aspen's room, each with a box, and head out the front door. I open my mouth to say...well something... but don't. I'm sure when I wake up in a real bed tomorrow, I'll have less reservations about it all. At least I hope that's the case.... Jake drops the last box in the middle of the small living room I now call my own and gives a swift wave as he heads out the door."The places come furnished or not, depending on what the employee needs. So I left everything here for y
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Chapter 93: Vagabond Lifestyle has it's Perks
I walk out from the bedroom collapsing the last cardboard box. "You know the good thing about my current vagabond lifestyle?"Trey turns around on the couch. "Huh, let me think." His eyes travel up and down and make me feel exposed even in the jeans and t-shirt I changed into this morning. "Hobo food is easy to make?"I toss the flattened box like a Frisbee toward the pile by the kitchen bar and surprisingly it hits the mark even if it lands on the side rather than right on top. "No," I point to the small pile of unpacked boxes, "easy unpacking." The couch sits a foot or so from the wall even though there isn't space for that kind of layout in the small apartment. I stop on the back side of it and lean closer to Trey. "I'm hungry.""Hmm, me too." He leans closer and one hand cups my cheek drawing me closer to him until our lips press together. He pulls away enough to bite my bottom lip and I moan at the contact. I'm seconds away from crawling over the back of the couch when he pu
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Chapter 94: I'm the One Tied Up
The Justin Timberlake song starts over again and Trey's eyes narrow at me. I give him my best innocent look to remind him I'm the one tied up here. From one instant to the next his expression changes. Reaching above me, Trey brings the still loose back section of his shirt over my eyes blocking out my light. The bed moves and I still to focus on listening for where he is, but I don't feel him next to me. The pounding of my heart drowns out any other sound in my vicinity."Hello," Trey answers my phone in the kitchen.He's not talking to my sister? He wouldn't dare. Would he? Of course he would, he's Trey. The blue material stops just below my eyes, not being long enough to reach my entire face from where my hands are tied. I try to move my head from side to side to uncover my face, but it doesn't budge. The bed dips again and a hand settles on my exposed stomach as his voice washes over me."No, Elena she's not here right now." He pauses and I tighten my lips, the only part of my
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Chapter 95: Another Melvin Email
My fingers hammer across the keyboard as I answer Melvin's most recent email. It's his third of the day and like all the others, he's marked it as high priority. This time he's concerned with the light above his desk. It's too bright. I no longer question why it's been so hard for Finn and Trey to fill this position. Melvin. Between the utter boredom of having less than nothing to do all day and Melvin's many needs, they've all gone insane. Finn suggested I bring a book, but at the time a part of me felt it would be wrong. Those feelings ended today."Melvin again?"I pop my head up from my computer screen at Trey's question."Yes, how did you know?" I narrow my eyes at him. I'd be concerned he's tracked my email with all his techy knowledge, but he's the one who sent me a racy email with pictures of what he plans to do with me tonight. I don't think it's a concern."I've noticed the volume of your typing is directly proportional to how scrunched up and distraught your face is.
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Chapter 96: The City in Lights
Me apparently."It's so beautiful all lit up."My nose finally picks up the smell of meat. I check out the food at the table next to us for a quick moment and then turn back to the view and a partial angle of Trey's face. He takes the menu I didn't realize I still had and sets them on the table."I had a feeling you'd like it."Our waitress, in a standard black uniform with her dark brown hair up in a tight bun, approaches our table. I reach for the menu I never took time to look at, but Trey stills my hand with his and then begins to spout off an order for us."Give us three Kobe sliders, an order of spring rolls, and a queso fondito." He hands both menus to her. "With water and whatever Martini you think would be paired best."I'd protest on principle alone, but I like the sound of everything Trey ordered, and it's not like I looked at the menu. Rather than allowing him to see his over handedness might be growing on me, I go back to gazing at the view."How did you and
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Chapter 97: Martinis are Not Clothing
I flick off the light in Trey's hallway bathroom and walk toward his kitchen. We left the restaurant after Mari's outrageous display, which sucks because the view was great and I'm starved. I tug on the hem of the azure button down shirt Trey loaned me while he promised to save my sweater. His long sleeve shirt is large on me, but since I'm tall it doesn't completely cover up the plaid boxers I'm using as shorts, also from Trey's dresser. I'm not sure why he thinks the sweater can't be washed. But working on it made him stop muttering obscenities about Mari, so I ran with it.Honestly the man's more upset about it than I am, and I was the one wearing a martini. A double from the amount I soaked up. I give the shirt one last tug and turn the corner to find Trey leaning over his kitchen sink with both hands submerged in the tub of bubbly water.I lean on the entryway to the room, a little hesitant to enter for some reason. "Do you own anything besides button down shirts?""Yes, but
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Chapter 98: Unexpected Guest
There's someone right on the other side of the door, and the unexpected guest forces Trey to take a step back in surprise. I drop down to the kitchen floor and try not to make a sound, hoping they didn't see me through the opening to the kitchen."How did you get in my house?" The question echoes in the space.You have to go through Trey's garage on the street level to reach the living area of the home, and as that thought sets in, I breathe a sigh of relief. Who else but Finn would have a key to the first floor?"Your door was unlocked," a voice I never want to hear again answers. Mari.I can't see anything and the hard tile floor bites into my knees, so I crawl to the side of the kitchen covered by a large column and slowly stand again. There is no way I want to be caught sitting down by Mari. Not twice in one night. But I'm also not going out there. I'll stand behind this column as long as I need to."So you opened it and came in? We are not together, Mari. You can't do th
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Chapter 99: Cosmo's Comics and Café
I step on the sidewalk and turn back to wave good-bye to Jake as he pulls away from the curb. Aspen's already reached the door with Cosmo's Comics and Café stenciled on the glass, and the bell chimes as she walks through.Inside Marissa and Amanda are already waiting for us on the orange-ish couches in the back corner. The rest of the store is empty of customers. Sundays at nine must not be a prime time for comic buying, but the smell of coffee as I walk farther into the store continues to pull me in until I reach an empty space on the couch.Aspen stops beside me but walks around the large coffee table and sits on the couch opposite.Marissa drops her tennis shoes from where they were propped on the table. "Tell me again why we're at a comic shop for girls' brunch?""Many reasons, Rissa." Aspen stops to take off her coat and throws it in the empty space beside her."Rissa?" Marissa asks with one eyebrow raised."You don't like it?" Aspen waits for Marissa's quick head shak
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Chapter 100: The News
A zoomed-in picture of Trey and me as we walk out of the RDA building holding hands is placed to the right of the headline. I immediately move down on the couch to read more of the article but don't touch it. The secondary bi-line makes me hitch my breath. "Ex-girlfriend speaks out about the abuse suffered at the hands of Trey Good, Raven Digital Arts CEO.""Oh no, Simone. This isn't good."My first reaction is to say "no shit," but I bite my tongue. There are too many emotions for me to sort through first without anything I say sounding bitchy. We sit silently all reading the article at our own pace.The picture isn't the worst of it. Not by far. The story Mari shared with the Sunday edition of the local paper is so much worse. She starts with the cheating allegations, quoted as saying, "She can't handle the numerous affairs any longer," and while she doesn't use my name, the piece goes on to mention the company secretary as his latest victim.By the third paragraph they've mo
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