All Chapters of Boys of RDA: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
246 Chapters
Chapter 101: It's Done
"It's done, Simone. People will believe the hype from this article. It doesn't matter what the truth is.""And if you leave the company it's basically admitting her stories are true. I know the truth." Finn looks to me. "Simone knows the truth and Aspen knows the truth. We'll stand behind you.""It's not enough," Trey counters."Well I'm not taking your resignation, so find a way to deal with it." Finn stands ready to go head to head with Trey. His strong presence only tampered by the Batman pajama pants he's wearing."Finn, I've put the whole company in the spotlight. It's a PR nightmare." My head snaps back to Trey like I'm watching a tennis match between them.Finn laughs at Trey's forlorn words. "So, no one knows who we are. As much as you might think otherwise, no one knows who you are. No one cares about what we do. It's gossip and it'll pass.""He's right, Trey. It will blow over when Mari can't do anything else with it." Aspen shares her agreement with Finn and I wa
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Chapter 102: From Trey
** Trey **My girlfriend is hot.Grant follows my eyes as they track Simone across the room. Her bright pink skirt's short enough to give me a view of the long legs I hope to have wrapped around me later tonight. Of course the shoes with straps wrapping around her ankles will need to stay on."Those legs go on forever. You better not mess it up with her."I turn and slug Grant in the shoulder for his comment, and he sways with the force. A hand comes up to rub the spot and he shoots me a dirty look."What the fuck was that for?"Like he has to ask. "Don't look at Simone."He raises both hands in a surrender gesture. "Okay, okay. Point taken." Grant rubs the spot on his shoulder one last time and then turns and walks to where Simone's set up food on a table.Simone comes to stand beside me and I snake a hand out to catch her around the middle and pull her closer. She looks up and smiles at me. Her lips stretch across her face and cause her bright blue eyes to squint like
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Chapter 103:
VOLUME THREE: GRINDGrind: A form of warfare where repetitive actions are required to advance.The Ten Commandments of the Apartment1. No pets of any kind. Even those in tanks, bowls or cages.2. No music after 9 p.m. Television viewing is okay as long as it can't be heard in any adjoining room or the hallway.3. No unapproved paint on any apartment walls.4. No more than two additional people allowed in the apartment at any given time.5. No parking in any of the designated spaces. Parking can be found at a metered space on the street.6. No hallway adornments.7. No one besides immediate residents of the floor should be given any codes to access the floor.8. No sheer window curtains or any other fabric that does not completely block the view from outside.9. No personal relationships with the landlord.10. The apartment should be kept in an orderly fashion at all times.Any violation of these rules can and will result in immediate termination of the lease
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Chapter 104: First Dates
The wind sweeps up the street and blows my hair around behind me. I contemplate putting it up in a ponytail, but I want to look nice for this first date. A guy shouldn't see me in sweats with my hair pulled back until at least date five. If he has potential, maybe date ten.Hair whips around my face again and I reach back with both hands to tame it, holding on to the ends. It's cold in San Francisco and, while I'll never admit this to Aspen, it might be time to upgrade my winter jacket from the thick black fleece I have on today. I'd rather not walk around ready to go on an Artic expedition like Pen, but a little more warmth wouldn't hurt. I'm a southern California girl, even if I've been here almost five years now.I jump a few times and stomp my feet in a half attempt to warm them up. If my date isn't here in five minutes, I'll leave the sidewalk to wait for him inside. In order to make it here on time, I left right from work and my thin black pants offer little protection agains
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Chapter 105: Chompy McChompson
One hundred and ten minutes of blood, guts, and gun fights later my torture came to an end when the final credits rolled. The only plus for the movie? Repeated gunfire helped silence Chompy McChompson although I could have done without his repeated attempts to push his spittle drink on me.I caught a cab out of there as fast as possible thanks to Aspen's rescue text. With the sweetest smile I could muster, I explained to James how I had to get home to feed Aspen's new cat Mittens. There's no cat, but James graciously accepted my best friend as an irresponsible pet owner. Now I have to cross my fingers he never asks Aspen's sister-in-law about her grey tabby.My calves burn by the time I hit the fourth-floor stairwell and enter the code to open the door to my hallway. It's a few short steps to my wooden apartment door and I let out a sigh when I spot the bright yellow Post-it note stuck to the middle of it. What could it be now?I stop in front of my door not touching the note, bu
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Chapter 106: Grey Everywhere
Grey walls. Grey carpet. Grey desk top. Everywhere I look in my office there's grey. Well it's not so much an office as a cubical. Okay fine, it's a cubical. Why are cubical farms so gloomy? If they force employees to work on Saturdays, the least they could do is add a little color. It's depressing.The single highlight of my day thus far came from panicky texts from Aspen over Finn's talk of marriage. My bestie's so far gone for her gamer boyfriend I can't figure out why she fights it so hard. If I had a loyal and loving guy like Finn wrapped around my finger, I'd do whatever it took to keep him there forever. If my past taught me anything it's to grab on to a good one and never take him for granted."Marissa, do you have last month's figures for the Cline account?" Scott, another marketing assistant questions from his cubical three down and one over from mine.I stand with the forms and turn in his direction. "Yeah, they're right here. I'm done if you need them."The sheets a
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Chapter 107: Wooden Death Spears
I push twenty dollars through the plastic divider between the front and back of the cab, anxious to breathe air that doesn't stink of cabbage."No change," I say as I throw open the cab door.My hand catches the crutch tucked under my arm and it swings back almost hitting me in the face. I avoid the black eye from that attempt, but navigating around with these wooden legs will be harder than I thought. I've never had crutches before, and I found the three-minute tutorial my nurse gave lacking in a few major details. Like how the hell to walk with them."Do you need help, Miss?" the cabbie asks, but doesn't leave his seat.I wrap my purse with my shoe in it around my shoulder and stick the bottoms of both crutches on the ground outside the cab. "Nope. I'm good. Thanks." With one large push-pull move on the crutches, I clear the cab and fumble with them on the sidewalk for a minute. Somehow I manage to keep my wrapped foot off the dirty ground.The six tiny steps to the front d
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Chapter 108: I'm a Coordinated Person
I grunt at him but try to follow his quick directions. It's as helpful as the nurse while she adjusted the crutches."Have you never had crutches before?" This question annoys me more than the first and I visualize hitting him in the head with one. But I worry I'd fall over and hurt myself more."No. I'm normally a coordinated person. I've never needed them before.""Let me help." He slides into the spot next to me and takes each crutch while wrapping an arm around my waist.I want to complain, but I'm missing a leg to stand on. Literally. As much as I hate to admit it, I need this man's help.We make it to the elevator faster than I ever could have on my own, and Ryland uses the bottom of a crutch to open the elevator door. As we wait for the ride to start, he readjusts his arm moving it further down causing him to lean over me.He grips tighter and puts the crutches at an angle to better carry us both. "My God you're short."He's so full of compliments. "I'm average. Yo
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Chapter 109: Glass Clatters and Hot Kitchen Men
Objects in the room come into focus as I open my eyes, but my dream lingers right on the edge of my consciousness. The image of Ryland's flexed muscles as he carried me up four flights of stairs last night fades as I wake up more.I'm groggy from the remnants of the pain pill, but I definitely remember Ryland didn't carry me up any stairs. There were no muscles involved. There's no reason for me to be dreaming about such ridiculous crap.Glass clatters around in my kitchen and I tense up on high alert. Who in the hell is in my place? I try to move my legs off the bed, but they're stiff and my crutches are nowhere to be seen. I'm a sitting duck for whoever's out there mauling through my things."Time to wake up, Marissa."Ryland? Why in the hell is he here?I stay silent and consider the option of pretending I'm asleep. Ryland's head peeks around the bedroom door before I have time to adjust myself back on the bed. His smile falters into a tight-lipped frown."You didn't cha
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Chapter 110: It's a Coffee Table
My mouth falls open at his playful and bossy tone, but it doesn't mess with his smile. The man is unperturbed, which frustrates me. Rather than remind him I'm maimed, I move on to the next pressing topic."What's that?" I point to the table in question.He cocks an eyebrow in my direction and raises a hand like he's about to check for a temperature, but I bat it away. "A coffee table.""I realize it's a coffee table, Ryland. Where did it come from?""First, call me Ry. My mother's the only person who calls me Ryland. Second, I bought the table this morning.""You bought a table this morning?" My wrapped foot rests on the floor, the throbbing pressure increasing by the minute. It must be the reason I'm hearing his answers wrong.He slides the table a few inches closer. "Yeah, I stopped by to wake you up this morning and noticed you didn't have one. I picked it up down the road and they delivered it an hour later."My eyes rise to the ceiling as I work through everything he
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