All Chapters of Mated Enemies: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
81 Chapters
Chapter 60: NATALIA
Why is he being so strange? He's been on my ass for the past two days, not leaving when he's been summoned and even putting off the meeting between his parents and I. He started off using me as his excuse in the beginning but once when his mom got too pushy and sent her head servant here to all but command an appearance I got to see the heir in action. Now I know he's a big momma's boy, so the way he shut her down that day gave me lots to think about. He doesn't know I overheard though, so I can't even bring it up. I get the feeling though that there was more going on than him giving me time to get settled like he keeps saying. I don't think I've seen anyone except him and Millicent in the last two days since he's been keeping everyone else away and the lion is never too far from my side even when he's here. He literally shadows my every step like he's been ordered to or there will be consequences. They're both making me daft. The morning sickness I thought I w
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Chapter 61: LUCIEN
All in all she's acclimated herself rather nicely to being here. Too bad I've had to curtail her enthusiasm so soon after we arrived. I had a few words with her staff who were ensconced in my palace since I had yet to take her to hers. I wasn't quite ready yet for the separate living quarters. I gave them strict orders not to leave her alone before giving her guards the same speech. I didn't send a servant to warn mom that I was coming as protocol dictates that I should, and I didn't walk over. Instead I just appeared in her living room, shielding myself from her as I stood in the middle of the room and watched her, looking for any signs that something was off. "Do you think she's ill? Or that something is wrong with the baby? Oh no!" She put her hand to her mouth as dad walked over to comfort her. "Now-now, don't go borrowing trouble. It could be just as he's said, that he's giving her time to get use to being here. You must remember, she's been raised to think of us a
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Chapter 62: SABRINA
I felt nauseous and lightheaded as my thoughts became jumbled and confused. A part of me knew that those words had been too good to be true. How could Lucien just change so suddenly? From cold indifference to sudden interest? But the fairy had explained that he'd seen things differently now, that he was dissatisfied with the fairy that had been chosen for him. She even said that he regretted the way he'd treated me in the past, keeping me at arm's length the way he had been. Had it all been a lie? No, she has no reason to lie to me; we have no grievances between us. Aren't we working together to achieve the same goal? I didn't look where I was going, as my mind remained locked in turmoil. *** NATALIA *** I propped one eye open and scanned the room. Somehow I can always feel him when he's around, but this time I didn't sense him next to me where he's been these last few days. I sat up slowly and looked around, and before I could even take a bre
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Chapter 63: NATALIA
I beat Lucien back to the palace by five minutes. That little conversation had killed any desire I had to go exploring on my own. Junior was doing jumping jacks in my tummy and I wasn't sure what it was that he wanted because all he's been doing for the last little while before this is eating and sleeping. "Natalia!""Uh-oh!" I flew onto the bed and under the covers snapping my eyes shut as soon as he opened the bedroom door. I'm getting to know his tones and that one did not bode well. He couldn't possibly know that I'd snuck out of the house, could he? Drats, I keep forgetting that he can read my mind and more importantly that these days he sticks to me like a second layer of skin. You'd think that he'd lighten up since we were here on his home front, but he only seems to be getting worst. I thought for sure I'd be safe this time though since I'd been asleep when he left. I felt his weight as he laid down next to me but fought hard to keep a straight face a
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Chapter 64: NATALIA
Now here's where things became a little bit murky. Lucien the dog has been trying to get me to try new things, things a girl has not been ready to even think about doing. So when I felt the slightest touch of his finger against my tight little rosebud my eyes flew wide open. He'd already got me heated up with those teeth grazing ever so gently across my nipple, which was probably his intention, the fiend, and I still had those people's heads to think about, and plus the fact that I didn't know if he was really playing me or not. Needless to say I was in a no-win situation. I kept my eye on him though, the sneak, when he kept rubbing his finger along that spot, but I soon got distracted when he bit the flesh around my nipple hard enough to sting, but in such a way that left me wanting more. And that my friends, is how I ended up with my first anal experience or as my husband so eloquently puts it, an ass fuck to end all. He started out slow enough, I guess to get
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Chapter 65: SABRINA
Dru did a very good job of bringing me back around after our little talk. After I'd ran away from eavesdropping at my foster parents' door I'd been too despondent to think and it was she who'd cleared things up for me considerably. She was right too, maybe I'd taken everything out of context, and since I hadn't hung around long enough to hear much more of what was said after mom dismissed me so cruelly, it could be that I'd misunderstood the whole thing. And yes, I should focus on the more positive things, like the fact that Lucien had indeed asked for me. Her idea that maybe I was overthinking things because of my upset over the last few days had merit as well, and by the time she was through convincing me of my worth I had a whole new outlook on things once again. I headed back to my foster parents' with a new plan in mind. No matter what, I must find a way to get close to Lucien. There isn't much I can do about the mating, that's already been done. But there
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Chapter 66: NATALIA
"No!" I shook my head at the fourth gown Lucien held up for my perusal. We'd just come back from the bathing pool which I learned was for his personal use, which only made things go from zero to sixty in seconds, I do love making love in warm, swirling water. Now I'm lying across the bed all but boneless from the workout Lucien gave my poor passion flower; and just an hour before his parents are due here. I finally nodded when he chose a dark green silken robe over a gossamer gown of the palest cloud colored silk. He moved to the door to call the servants to help me get dressed and I stopped him. "No, you do it.""But I have to get ready myself." What a whiner."So?" I stretched and showed him some leg and heard no more argument out of him. I still owe him for tricking me earlier. He helped me into my clothes which now that I think of it might not have been a very good idea. The number of times he stopped to touch, feel, sniff, I could've been dressed ten ti
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Chapter 67: NATALIA
"Help my parents to the table and tell them we'll be there shortly." I turned to him after he sent the servant off on that little errand."Something wrong?" I made sure my head was void of all thought as he looked down at me as if he had something to say. In the end he just shook his head and took my hand in his "No, everything's fine let's go." Junior was lying dormant or asleep for once and not spying. I've found lately that he does that a lot. When his dad is around, except for those times the two of them are having one of their gab fests, he stays very quiet. But once his dad is gone he's all ears and eyes, almost as if they're taking turns watching over me. I shrugged it off for later as we walked into the dining room that could seat a hundred easy and saw the dignified couple who got to their feet as we walked in. His mom got tears in her eyes as soon as she saw me and I'm sure broke protocol when she came from around the table, arms outstretched and hugged me.
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Chapter 68: NATALIA
We went back to eating and I gave them ten minutes before I started in again. The conversation was going ever so smoothly with my in laws who were pretty down to earth for royalty and seemed genuinely fond of me. No one mentioned the baby which I was beginning to think was supposed to be top secret, so the conversation was light and centered mostly around the wedding ceremony. "So can we go back to that throne room tomorrow? I really want to see what I missed that day." Sabrina cut into her succulent braised goose too hard and the gold fork smacked against the fine china loud enough to make a din in the otherwise quiet room"Of course, you may go anywhere you please, but not without me." "Lucien, I got a look at the golden robe and I must say it is spectacular.""What robe?" I was genuinely interested and his mom explained."It will be part of your marital robes your royal highness, something Lucien insisted on that caused quite a stir at the time." "You s
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Chapter 69: LUCIEN
She distracted me with her charms and I let her. I'd seen the interaction that day of course and though I'd made up my mind to let her come to me with it, I had no idea she'd planned to handle it herself, and how. She's a vicious little thing when crossed. "Stop thinking about her, you're not allowed, not in our bed; not ever." I was startled by her outburst and even more so when I realized that she was serious. "You can have no doubt after tonight that the only woman on my mind is you. Didn't I prove myself well enough?" "Almost, but you're not allowed to even mention her name past that door." She indicated the closed bedroom door, pleasing me immensely with her show of jealous possessiveness."I won't I promise, but you must promise to tell me if something like that should happen again in the future. I meant what I said earlier, no one except the sky monarch and myself can gainsay you in anyway. Keep that in mind when you meet the elders as well okay." She d
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