All Chapters of Mated Enemies: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
81 Chapters
Chapter 70: LUCIEN
I admit that I've been stalling. Our marriage ceremony will be in just a few days and although by rights she should've met the sky monarch upon arrival I'd been able to hold him off for much longer than I'd expected. But once word got back to him that my parents had been invited to dinner, he wouldn't hear of waiting just a few more days. Now to the reason I've been stalling. As the ruling monarch of the immortal world, my grandfather is known far and wide as a stoic no nonsense ruler who some sees as lacking in compassion and anything approaching emotion. He doesn't have much give in his dealings with the people he rules over and is known to be a hard taskmaster who does not suffer fools easily. I did not see things going well with a meet between him and the unconventional nymph, so I've been waiting for the fairy to make an appearance. I still have no idea how to call her forward at will, and it doesn't seem like she's about to return anytime soon so all I can do now
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Chapter 71: LUCIEN
"That wasn't so bad!" That was her conclusion when we landed back in the east palace. I had so many questions. "When is the last time your elf appeared?" She shrugged her shoulders as she moved to the mirror to remove her earrings. I guess it's going to take her a while to get used to having servants who are more than willing to do that for her. "She doesn't show up often, sometimes if I'm in danger, or when in the presence of an elder she can manifest. She's the most honor bound I guess, and is better equipped to deal with someone like the sky monarch, her manners and overall decorum are impeccable." "When in the presence of an elder? She never came out for me." I feel slighted. She turned from the mirror with a laugh and the air was filled with the sweet smell of spices that carried on the wind. And just like that she changed before me for the second time that day. Her wings came in fully formed this time and although I had questions, the only thing I could th
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Chapter 72: NATALIA
I'm hiding out from the monster. I'm literally peeking around the side of buildings and hiding in the bushes so I can get some peace and quiet. How do I get myself into these situations? And why are all of my many identities getting more and more scandalous? After living as a fairy my whole life, being a most fair and dainty being, it boggles my mind how all of my other personalities can be so very different. And this last one seems to be even worst than the nymph, which seems rather preposterous. She's the only part of me I'm not too familiar with, my elf-lady. I've only just gotten used to my nymph here in the last year or so when she started making a regular appearance, so her, I'm kind of getting a handle on. But my elf never really makes an appearance. Since I've spent so many hundreds of years in the earthly realm she's never really had reason to materialize since she seems to only show herself to immortal royalty and the elders of our people, so her I am
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Chapter 73: SABRINA
I no longer care about the outcome. I'm no longer worried what might happen to me if I were to be found out. There was only one thing on my mind and that was getting rid of her and to seek revenge. The hag, who until now I'd believed had come to me out of our shared dislike and disdain for the union between Lucien and the fairy had waited until now to tell me the whole truth. A truth that until now had been hidden from me; the truth about my parents' deaths, about why they had to die. The hate I'd felt before paled in comparison to the rage filled hate that now burned in my bosom. I'd spent the whole of the next day after that ill fated dinner reliving the words she'd whispered in my ear as the mix of emotions I already felt grew into something darker, much-much darker. Now for the first time in my life my mind was filled with something more than winning Lucien's heart. Now I have even more reason to hate her and her kind and what this union represents.
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Chapter 74: SABRINA
She was even more forceful than that night at the dinner table it seemed and I couldn't quite get a grasp of her. My magic by rights should be stronger than hers no matter what she was made up of, so why can't I get by whatever protective shield she'd wrapped around herself? I tried again to push through and was stopped once more. Then I felt her here, the only one who has ever been true to me and welcomed her gladly. Though she'd been told to stay hidden under cover of night, her powers added to mine should be more than enough to withstand whatever power the fairy was using to protect herself. I called forth the hag as I kept my eyes on the fairy, only now questioning whether it was Lucien protecting her. Too late, I'm already here and she's so close, just within my reach. Even if he hates me for destroying her at least his heart will be broken; like mine. "Here princess take this!" The hag held out what looked like a shield shattering sphere. I reached for it
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Chapter 75: LUCIEN
"That was a long time ago...""Mom, you both saw the way Sabrina acted when she came to dinner that night. Had I not been there who knows how far she might've gone. You also heard the story of how she forbid my wife to enter the throne room. Even if Natalia is ignorant of the facts, Sabrina has lived here her whole life, she knows that it was an offense worthy of death." "I won't blame you entirely. For too long I let her errant behavior slide because it was of no importance to me, but now that my wife is here I will not allow her even one toe over the line. You can choose not to tell me, it would just mean me having to pay a visit to the hall of records, which might start tongues wagging..." "It's not that we don't want to tell you it's just... that was such a dark time." I didn't answer but waited for her to go on. "Back then your uncle was betrothed to the fairy princess Hyacinth, she's your wife's ancestor." "It would've been the first such marriage. Other
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Chapter 76: LUCIEN
I took a step back from the look he gave me and I swear I came within a hair's breadth of telling his son to put that shield back up. "Do you know how close you were to losing your life? You were ten feet away from..." His body shook as if rocked by some unseen force. "I didn't go there intentionally, that airheaded halfwit tricked me into going there.""And how did she do that? Did she enter these rooms and forcibly remove you?" "Well, no, but..." He paced the room back and forth in an agitated state."I am calm... I know she can't be punished. You don't have to make excuses for her she....""Who're you talking to?" Had he really lost it? "Your son, he's pleading your case. Did you really get drawn away by the smell of fruit trees?" Damn, this kid is a snitch. Hey you in there? How do I get you on my side? You have to tell him everything? "He can hear you but you can't hear him so don't waste your time.""Stop listening, you promised.""I take
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Chapter 77: LUCIEN
"With all of you at each other's throats, filled with distrust, your eyes have no longer been focused on us have they, you are too busy fighting against each other to care about what we've been doing, as it should be." I dropped her back on her feet and waited for her to stop gagging. "But you failed this time, so why are you still here?" I'm waiting for her to tell me that she was here to take my wife's life. Not that I needed justification but I believe in being fair. I want her to know exactly why she was going to die. "All should've gone as planned this time. Had I not been careless I would've noticed the child and they'd both be dead by now." Good enough!"Bellaque!" "Sire!" He came out of the shadows and she tried going through the wall to escape, her eyes wild and wide with fear."Go!""How many?""All of them." "What does that mean? Where is he going?" She kept a wary eye on my pet.'To annihilate your clan. Starting with you!" The wor
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Chapter 78: NATALIA
Now everything was coming together nicely, if I could only get through this day without incident. Yesterday's little kerfuffle was more than enough to last me for the next little while. I have no idea what had happened to the hag and the halfwit because he refused to discuss it and now that I can read his mind he still has ways of keeping me out, so I guess I'll have to be satisfied with his, 'they won't be bothering you ever again.' Not that I cared though I had way too much on my plate to dwell on bullshit. He actually fell asleep again and I had no other choice but to bite him. He didn't even wince, just cracked his eye open and looked at me. "What is it?""Let me up." I hissed but he didn't even budge."I'm not ready to get up yet and neither are you. You had a long day yesterday and you're facing another one today, no." "But they came all this way.""So?" Unreasonable much?"It's not unreasonable for me to want to take care of you. You almost lost y
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Chapter 79: LUCIEN
The stuffy elders didn't make a sound didn't complain not once, too mesmerized by the spectacle. I doubt even they had expected things to turn out this well. At the top of the steps once again we both turned to face the crowd giving them one last look at the royal couple before turning to head to the throne. For most it will be the first and last time they'd ever see her. *** "Why couldn't I carry him in a pod like all other elf kind?" Now was not the time for laughter but I couldn't help it once Damien started snickering. His mother had gone into labor what felt like seconds after we'd gone to bed that night. It was just a few short months after our nuptial ceremony and she'd been settling in very well. Her days were longer now since the crown princess consort was more than just a figurehead and everyone seemed to need her attention at once. I know it was because they were still fascinated by her but I wished for the earlier days when she had to think of nothin
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