All Chapters of In the Chains of the Alpha: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
162 Chapters
Do You Believe
Tara really hated when other people pointed out the defects in how she saw reality. Now, not only did she see an entirely frightening side to Cal. A side she was pretty sure that she didn’t want anything to do with. But now she saw how his words and actions toward her didn’t match. She’d grown up never seeing how a fate pairing worked. The stories about fate and the Moon Goddess were just that, tales of fantasy with nothing grounded in reality. Yet everyone around her right now expected her to follow every detail of that fantasy to the letter. Tara feared what would happen when there was nothing holding Cal back. Would he really still want her like Rachel and Jaxon kept telling her? Or would his feelings change along with his rules, and this all fall apart like a house made of cards? Her mind told her she wasn’t being unreasonable, but her heart hurt, like she’d already been betrayed by everyone around her. Tara heard the noise of the club
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Cal’s Realization
Cal finally could settle into one vehicle that came with him, and he had the brain cells still to remember to pull out his phone finally.He’d finished changing out of his messed up gear and into a set of spare clothing the go bags always carried. They often kept several go bags in the trunks of their vehicles just in case a wolf did exactly what he stupidly did. Shifted without removing his clothes.At least, at this time of year, they didn’t need several layers of clothing to survive in their flesh. Nothing like shifting in a down filled parka. The song line may have been ‘It’s Raining Men.’ But there’s something about watching it rain down feathers at the beginning of a particularly bloody battle. Cal scrolled through his texts, and voice mails he’d deal with emails later. The complaints about the violence at his club and there was no warning about it from patrons were leading the way. But what caught his notice, though, were the three concerned messages from diff
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When the Powers Play With You
Tara knew she was dreaming and that would usually be fine with her. But the fact she could talk about it being a dream and not wake up, that was a red flag. Something wasn’t right. At first, she couldn’t put a finger on what was wrong. She didn’t sense danger, then another clue came to her. She was in her flesh, that wasn’t right. She’d gone to sleep in her fur. When Tara remembered her dreams, she was usually in whatever form she fell asleep in. She’d figured that was something the shifter mind did to make things a little less jarring when the shifter woke up. Next clue was how intense the colours were. She so rarely remembered her dreams. At least she’d not done something crazy like entering the Dream Realm. That would have been truly frightening, with the Dream Realm pretty much an unstable war zone. It was dangerous normally, but now. Now it was dangerous and unstable. NARC made sure everyone and anyone that could access it knew that it wasn’t s
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Someone Find the Cartoon Hammer
“Us? How many pups are we going to have?” “I can’t tell you that, but I can tell you after your first pregnancy you tell him you have enough to handle. News flash, Dad doesn’t listen. You have three pregnancies.” “How many pups?” “Enough that you’d be running away if I told you. Don’t worry, you love all of us by the time we’re all here.” Tara prayed this was just a dream turning into a nightmare. She couldn’t be talking to one of her pups, could she? If she was, who was the pup speaking for that Tara wouldn’t listen to? “Look, you have to forgive him and show him he doesn’t have to be perfect or in control all the time. Has he told you how he grew up and why he opened the club?” “Okay, no he hasn’t and I’m not discussing the club with any pup, let alone one of mine.” The horror of the downhill conversation. Tara now knew she wasn’t in control, and it wasn’t her mind running the show. “Fine, I’ll keep his four-yea
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Cal Takes Stock of His Actions
Cal finally made it back home. It took more hours than he’d planned. It didn’t help that a group of disgruntled humans want to blame them for their city falling apart around them, and their crime rates going on the rise. When a shifter casually commented on the fact that they were in fact interrupting them cleaning up their criminal behaviour which by the laws humans went by meant they were aiding and abetting the criminal in evading prosecution. It had gone downhill from there. After several arrests, Cal knew it would end up somewhere in the news. It brought to light an issue created by humans and that was if supernatural creatures had the right within Canada or anywhere that banned execution as punishment? He knew that wouldn’t go away soon. As if they didn’t have enough politics to deal with and grey area within the laws. His own club was now receiving the hairy eyeball from concerned citizens. There were now two groups coming for him and the club.
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Catching at Home
“I’m glad you’re finally back. Tara’s upstairs resting. It’s been weird, around here while you were gone. The pack has been sending people to talk to Tara about every little thing. So far, she’s listened to every single thing they’ve had to say and not turned a single pack member away, no matter how crazy the request is. They drained her of all her energy. Oh, and I think you really need to meet with the Council of Elders. Several carefully inquired about Tara having a problem she might need to talk about. Either she didn’t understand what they were talking about, or she ignored it for now.” Jaxon met Cal in the garage when he finally pulled in. Exhausted as he was and out of sorts, he could see Jaxon was upset about something, and needed to tell him all about it. Now whether Cal would do something now about it was a different story.” “What do you think the Elders are trying to get to her to see if they can get proof that she’s a poor selection for Luna? Well, it’s a
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Coming Home
Cal entered his apartment and then winced. He’d been so absorbed in his mistakes and screw-ups. Then everything that’s going on around him, that he looked down at himself and realized he’d made another. He looked like he’d bathed in blood and gore. He prayed Tara was still sleeping and didn’t see him like this. Gad, it would solidify the horrible image she must have for him. He was pulling off his boots when Cal noticed the small wolf asleep on the living room carpet. That had him pausing with a frown. Why was she sleeping on the floor? This was her home… Then it hit him. Their relationship started as Master and slave. She wasn’t comfortable sleeping on the bed or sofa. Did she truly fear that he’d be angered by her sleeping like that? He needed to do something to fix that. First, he had to go clean up; he looked like he’d been swimming in an abattoir or slaughterhouse. He didn’t smell much better, either. Now he remembered why they’d decided not to war so o
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Getting the Conversation Started
“Okay, calm down. It’s off. Let me look at you and sure it didn’t hurt you. This has shift silver in it. How did you shift?” Cal was trying to examine her throat. He thanked whoever decided Tara would be a small wolf. The collar was tight and digging in, but it hadn’t done more than bruise her. Tara whined again. It sounded so lost. Clearly, she didn’t know how she’d done it. “I’m sorry, take your time. That must have been a surprise waking up like that. I didn’t even think about your collar when I came in. It’s a relief that we don’t need it anymore. I came to tell you that Elmwood and what’s left of the rogues won’t be trying to harm or kill you anymore. We’ll talk about that later when you’re more comfortable. Are you ready to try shifting again?” This is crazy. She’d tried in the beginning to shift with the collar on and she couldn’t. What changed since then? Tara grumbled a little and he could see her concentrate on shifting. Unlike before, whe
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The Conversation Begins
“Tara, it’s not like that at all. Come, let’s get off the carpet and get something to eat. We’ll talk about this, and I’ll see if I can’t make things make more sense to you. It sounds like you’ve missed something or had a different perspective than I thought you would.” Cal stood up and helped Tara to her feet. Then he retrieved her clothes from the floor. “As lovely as you are to look at. Right now, I think you should dress now, so there’s one less distraction. Then we’ll get something to eat from here and talk while we eat.” Tara looked up into his face for a moment before saying. “If I have a dress, so do you. Your tattoos have always been distracting.” Cal laughed as he looked down at his mate. This was the she-wolf he saw hints at before this and wanted to see more of. What did he have to do to get her to show herself more often? “Fine, I’ll be back in a moment. It’s only fair in this situation.” He left her getting dressed in the living room and went t
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Seeing Where It Will Go
Tara never told Cal about her dream or whatever that was that she experienced. He made it quite clear to her she needed to speak up, and say how she felt. Cal admitted it made him uncomfortable to know that she wasn’t happy about something, but to let it avoid confrontation. She was his mate where the pack and the public were concerned. But within the club and their private spaces, she was his submissive. He’d make sure she knew when the tables turned from now on. This wasn’t a simple conversation to start for either of them. Tara could tell Cal wasn’t comfortable putting himself in a vulnerable position. Tara feared angering him, and Cal taking his anger out on her. Or calling it quits all together. Tara knew she didn’t have anywhere to go if she left this pack for any reason. There wasn’t any sane explanation why she feared this happening. Now, she sat there eating the food they’d prepared together and wondering how or when this all chang
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