Semua Bab In the Chains of the Alpha: Bab 81 - Bab 90
162 Bab
First Attempt was a Failure
Tara wasn’t sure what Cal was trying to prove to her while eating in the pack’s dining room. The only people that approached wanted to speak to Cal, Jaxon, or Rachel. Tara sat there, bored out of her skull, and feeling utterly useless. It was embarrassing for her. She caught Rachel giving her pitying looks several times, and no one at the table felt comfortable. Tara could see they were looking at her like she was his toy and not his mate. This was backfiring on all of them. They were a team, the leaders of the pack. She was a stranger, and she was overstepping her bounds. There was no confidence or even interest in who she was. “I hope you don’t mind, but I have a few things to get back to. You’re a little busy here. See you later.” Tara made to leave. All she wanted to do was hide in that little room they called her office. At least there she’d be out of everyone’s way. “Stop right there, Tara. I didn’t give you permission to leave. You may come t
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What a Failure
Cal hated how his pack, hesitated to reach out to Tara. Though, at the end, one she-wolf deigned to speak to her. He escorted her back to her office because he needed to just have her by his side. Dean right now deeply disliked having a meeting, he couldn’t take her to. Dean only wanted to play with his mate. But this was pack business, and he must deal with it. Tara entered her office, hating every inch. She couldn’t help but feel like a failure, and this place was her punishment and prison. Sitting at her desk, she couldn’t get back into her studying of the documents and procedures she needed to know and understand just to do the job of the Luna. There was so much. She’d always been taught that it was all about the Alpha who led the pack. Now, here she sat and learned that was far from the case. Yes, the Alpha led the pack regarding the outside world. He deemed to keep the safety and security in all things for the pack. The Alpha judged over i
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Elmwood Comes Knocking
Cal sat in his club office trying to concentrate on pack and club business but couldn’t get his mind off the disaster of a lunch. Sure he got work done with pack members, but he’d made no headway in having the pack accept her as their Luna. He racked his brain, looking for something he missed. Should he just give an alpha order that they must accept her and work with her? She’d done so much work to do the job of his Luna. It couldn’t be easy if what she said about her lack of education was true. He had to admire her. After the first time she questioned it, she didn’t question it again. There was no complaining. There was no communication about it at all. Cal suspected he must get her to open up to him. The problem lay there. Trusting him enough to open up to him. It would take time. He felt a change or two already, but there was still a long way to go. Cal knew gifting her with things wouldn’t be the answer like past interests he’d had. She wasn’t interested in money
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Tara's Conscience
Tara was now dragged from her office by the she-wolves and now she received a lecture on exactly what it meant to be their Luna. Half of what they told her had nothing to do with what’s she’d read or studied. Tara felt confused and comforted at the same time. However, it didn’t take long before an alarm interrupted them. Instructions were popping up on phones. Cal sent her a message to not do anything stupid and to follow the directions. This wasn’t a drill. “Where’s the safe level? Who’s in charge there making sure everyone gets there? Pups? Elders? The Alpha didn’t give me the plans for this to study.” Tara wasn’t panicking, she was frustrated because she didn’t know her place in this plan. Who made sure everyone got to safety? She had a feeling it was her. “Don’t worry, everyone knows what to do. They know where to go and they’ll take it seriously. Come with us and we’ll show you how to get there. The elevator is only used to mo
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The Attack
“I count at between thirty and fifty. That’s too many for the holding room, Cal. What are we going to do? The sheer number may be able to put enough weight against the doors going in both directions, and then what? Have our people waiting for them?” “We’re going to have to do that. How’s Jaxon doing removing the clientele from the front of the building?” “I’ll have to check. He and the bouncers went out there a while ago and no one’s called in.” Guy poked at his tablet to switch video feeds to the front of the building. “It looks like the clientele are gone, but there’s more rogues at the front of the building. There appears to be fighting on the street.” “Then get a few teams out there to assist them. I’ll get the enforcers here briefed and ready. You get out Jaxon and the others’ assistance.” “On it right now.” Guy was tapping away at this tablet, sending out instructions to various groups for Cal. “Six groups are on the way to Jaxon and
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Chatting Up a Human
“Officer, is there a problem with the help we’ve requested from you? This is all but over now.” “How dare you come in here and cause such chaos and destruction? Then expect us to sit back and do nothing while you monsters destroy everything and leave destruction in your wake.” “We’ve been here over fifteen years, officer, and this is the first time these monsters, as you put it overstepped their legal bonds and attacked us. We never invited them here to do this. In fact, I was in the process of dealing through our legal channels with the main instigator of this. This sir is because I chose a lone wolf for a mate and saved her from a rather questionable and abusive existence. That she-wolf is inside there terrified that she’ll be murdered by the wolf that orchestrated all this because she didn’t fulfil the terms of his blackmail.” “What are you talking about? You need to make sense.” “She was born into a rather questionable pack. Her brother
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Round Up
Cal made sure that none of the human officers didn’t do anything stupid. There’d already been a few groups who’d gone ‘hunting’ shifters in other cities. Now he was met by two other Toronto Alphas. “They seriously came at you like this? Is this over the she-wolf you took from Elmwood?” “This is the second known attempt he’s made to harm her, and I’d have to check my records on how many attacks he’s made on my businesses. He’s out of his mind if he thinks he can do this. Organizing the rogues will fail him when he can’t deliver whatever it is he promised them.” “Do you know what he’s promised yet?” “No, but by the end of tonight, I plan to find out. There must be a good seventy rogues here and I know he’s poor as a church mouse.” “Sorry, I haven’t looked into him beyond what you brought to the last meeting.” “He likes to take from everyone else and give nothing back. So I figure he’s offered the rogues something he doesn’t
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It took hours for them to get the images of all the faces of the rogues. Sure enough, they had Elmwood’s lover within the group along with several of her friends. The leaders of the rogues all had known ties to Elmwood, but it was confusing to find out what brought so many rogues together. Before this gatherings of rogues, like this would surely end in infighting and murdering each other. Which forced them to break up a few incidents before they had them all contained. The thing with owning a club like this, was they had the stables? Once they filled the main stables, most were there waiting for the Ruling Council to decide what to do with each one. The second private stables were half full before they ran out of rogues for the cages. Cal couldn’t help but feel a little joy in putting the she-wolf who put the sandwich beside Tara’s cage into that very cage. He felt it was fitting in some way. With her friend in the cage right beside it. The two spitting at e
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Tara's Experience
It was hours later, with tired and scared pups in a confined space, it was difficult for all the adult wolves. Tempers were flaring, and Tara was feeling it quite keenly. The she-wolves that hauled her down there basically lectured her for mostly when they weren’t trying to keep the pups amused. Tara couldn’t help but feel so out of place. What did she know about pups? Beyond keeping Eddie alive from one day to another and out of one scrape after another. She didn’t have a clue what to do with them. But she wouldn’t let these wolves see her cave or cry. No, she’d done far more difficult things like lie to the faces of her very human bosses, when she’d been injured on the job one day and returned to work free of injury a few days later. Something about being sliced with a box cutter shouldn’t have healed so quickly. Well, it did if you were a wolf shifter. Three days later, that neat palm sized gash was all but a scar that was fading fast. Now Tara stood at t
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Interrogation Begins
Tara entered the observation room with Jaxon on her heels. Inside were three alphas who she’d met at the fundraiser the other night. She nodded in acknowledgement of them and one of them gave up his seat for her. Now she sat again among some of the most powerful wolf shifters in the city, and it scared her to make a sound. She wondered where Cal was when he entered the room on the other side of the window. The two she-wolves Tara hated most in the world, Lynn, Alpha Elmwood’s lover and her best friend, Debra, sat chained to chairs in the interrogation room. They pushed the table under the one-way mirror, revealing the drain and stains from past interrogations in that room. The women looked angry until Cal strolled in with Guy, which meant there were now four male wolves in the room with the two she-wolves. Lynn wasn’t phased but Debra appeared to worry a little. “Get the instruments ready. I don’t want to wait for you to find anything. This shouldn’
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17 Protection Status