All Chapters of Destiny Brought Us Together: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
142 Chapters
Chapter 11
EMILY***“Emily, come get the door,” Mom said.I wanted to ignore her but I knew she knew I had heard her. It was only the two of us in the house, after all. I didn’t want to get the door. I didn’t want this day to come. I had been dreading it but that didn’t change things. It was here. Oh well, might as well get it over with.I got up from my bed and made my way downstairs. The only reason I didn’t drag my feet was that Louise was outside. The other party, I didn’t care much for. I took a deep breath then I opened the door.“Hi,” Gabriel said as he made his way past me, making sure to hit my shoulder as he did.He was so full of it. I wanted to roll my eyes but I didn’t. I put on the warmest smile I could muster for Louise.“It’s so good to see you,” she said as she gave me a hug.“It’s good to see you too,” I said and I meant it.I had missed her. She was like my second mother and my friend. I had always been sorry about the way I left things with her. I should have told her I was
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Chapter 12
(Bakersville Elementary 2001)***“You will be doing your elementary school Science Fair Project in pairs,” Mrs. Berry said. There were mixed reactions in the class. Some people were excited. Others, not so much.Emily was excited. It didn’t matter who she got as a partner, she was excited about doing the science fair project. She already had an idea in mind.“Do we get to choose our partners?” a student asked, and everyone quieted down. This was the most important part. A ‘yes’ from Mrs. Berry meant the world to the elementary school class. it would mean they could choose their crushes. It meant their dreams could come true. Mrs. Berry had the rare and unique chance of being Cupid. Would she take it?The air was thick with anticipation. Everyone was holding their breath. Well, almost everyone. Emily didn’t care much for crushes. She didn’t have one, and she was sure no one had a crush on her as well.“No,” Mrs. Berry said and the class deflated with disappointment.Mrs. Berry smiled
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Chapter 13
GABRIEL***“I’m so happy for you,” Mom said as she reached her hand across the table to hold Emily’s.Emily had just announced that she was dating Harry. And I hoped she was lying. Besides, it didn’t make sense. The only reason Harry could have been holding Emily’s phone on the day we met was that he was giving her his number, and he’d also told her to call him. If they were dating, they wouldn’t need to tell each other that. Moreso, he wouldn’t need to tell her to call him. He would call her, right? Isn’t that what boyfriends did?I’d only come to this conclusion because I had been thinking about it for the four days that had gone by since it happened. It bothered me that they might have been dating this whole time. But that’s not what bothered me the most. What bothered me was how she acted when I grabbed her wrist. She said she was okay but I doubted it. I was worried for her. What had happened to make her so scared?I had debated texting her, to ask her if she was okay. I knew sh
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Chapter 14
EMILY***This is not what I had planned. I shouldn’t have allowed my desire for revenge to take over. I regretted it as soon as I said it, not only because I was dragging Harry into my drama with Gabriel, but also because Gabriel seemed unaffected by the news. I had a feeling he knew I was lying. It pissed me off all the more that he knew but he chose to play along.What pissed me off even more, though, was the fact that when he was asked if he was dating he said no. He didn’t play along. He didn’t try to pretend the way I was. It was like he was uninterested, unbothered. But the Gabriel I knew was not the type to be upstaged. I had hit him where it hurt. It’s not that he wasn’t affected. It’s that he was coming up with a strategy.I could tell by the way he got silent for the rest of the dinner. I could almost hear his brain turning. As soon as we waved them goodbye I ran up to my room. I needed to text Harry. I paced around my room. What was I even going to say? How would I bring i
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Chapter 15
EMILY*** “Thanks again for agreeing to meet me,” I said to Harry as I sat down. We’d decided to meet at a coffee shop off campus. It was my suggestion. I didn’t know where Gabriel was and I didn’t want to run the risk of running into him before I told Harry what I had done. “Sure,” Harry said, “is everything okay? You look pale.” I was anxious. I had never done anything like this, and I hated that I was doing it to someone who didn’t deserve it. Someone who was genuinely interested in me, that I was genuinely interested in as well. I hated that I was dragging him into this. “I’m okay,” I said, “probably just tired from the weekend. It was a lot.” “How was the dinner?” he asked. I guess we were getting straight to the point. “It was great. I hadn’t seen Gabriel and his Mom in a while so it was great to catch up on things,” I said, sipping on my Iced Americano. “That’s great to hear. What did you want to tell me?” he asked. I placed my drink on the table and took a deep breath
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Chapter 16
GABRIEL***“Glad you could make it,” I said to Harry as he sat down across from me. He’d asked to meet at a coffee shop off campus. He didn’t seem happy to be here. Emily must have told him about what happened between us. I didn’t blame him, though, that he’d chosen to take Emily’s side over mine. It made sense. I would just have to plead my case. “Make it quick,” he said.He was acting hostile, probably because of what Emily told him about me but I needed to make sure that he felt that I was genuine. It was going to have to be Emily’s words over mine. “I told you when we first met, that Emily and I have been best friends since kindergarten,” I said.“I remember that, yes,” he said. I could tell he was getting irritated. I needed to choose my words carefully, to make sure he didn’t feel threatened by me. “We’re not best friends anymore. I’m sure she’s told you that. I hurt her so many times and our friendship ended completely when she moved here. It’s all my fault.”Harry’s face
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Chapter 17
(Bakersville Elementary, 2002)***Emily was woken up by the sound of a soft knock at the window. She had gotten used to it by now, and she had become a light sleeper as a result. She needed to hear Gabriel coming in, otherwise, he would sleep outside in the cold. This had been their routine for the past few months. Ever since the day Gabriel showed up at Emily’s door, she had been allowing him to sneak into her room when her parent’s fighting got worse.Their parents didn’t know that he had been sneaking out, and she hoped they wouldn’t because it seemed that the fighting was getting so bad that he couldn’t sleep. She got out of bed and opened the window for him. It was dangerous, because her room was not on the ground floor of the house, and he had to do some serious climbing to get there.He climbed into the room. She had already set out some snacks for him in case he had not eaten, and his sleeping bag for when he was ready to sleep. He had been crying, she could tell. She hugged
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Chapter 18
EMILY***“I’m genuinely happy for you. You deserve to be happy. And I'm genuinely sorry.”I couldn’t stop thinking about Gabriel's words. He had called me two days ago after he'd met with Harry. and he had proved me wrong. Apparently, he'd met with Harry to apologize for the misunderstanding that he'd caused and he hoped that the three of us could interact peacefully from that point on.I felt like he was lying, like this was just another scheme of his but my conversation with Harry had given me much to think about. I called him after the call with Gabriel."Hey," I said."Hey, he responded, "I'm on my way back to school. I just met with Gabriel."I liked that he went straight to the point so that I didn't have to. I had been a bit worried that he would have taken it badly if I was the one who brought up Gabriel. I didn't want him to think that I cared."Oh, really?" I asked, deciding to act clueless, "how'd it go?""Quite well, actually. He apologized for lying about the both of you
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Chapter 19
GABRIEL***Thanks for apologizing to both Harry and me. I hope that this fresh start will be good for you. See you on Saturday. I had not responded to Emily’s text, but I hadn't stopped thinking about it either. It filled me with a sense of guilt because it essentially meant she had believed me. So had Harry. He had texted me on the same day to tell me that our being friends wouldn’t be such a bad idea. I had gotten what I wanted, but I didn't feel happy about it. I had achieved my goal, but I felt guilty instead of feeling great that my revenge was underway. It was Saturday, the day Emily and her Mom were coming over for dinner. I had come home early in the day to help my Mom with the cooking and also to keep her company. I was away for most of the week and I feared that my Mom had been feeling lonely.She was still getting used to the newness of the town and although she had reconnected with Terry, she couldn’t hang out with her every day so she was spending a lot of time on her
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Chapter 20
EMILY***“Do you mind?” Nila asked.“Sorry,” I said, getting up from my desk. I had been bouncing my knee and it didn’t even occur to me that I was. It must have been irritating Nila and she just couldn’t take it anymore.I had gone to my desk to try and read but I couldn't focus on anything. My mind was still on the day that should have been my first date with Harry. He was going to say yes, that they knew each other, right? Why did he change his mind after she said they didn’t? I wished there was a witness, someone aside from me and them that was there to confirm to me that I was not crazy.I had wanted to ask him since then but I didn't know how to bring it up or how he would take it. Our relationship was fairly new and I didn't know how he would take me asking if he knew some girl that he clearly said he didn’t, a girl I didn't even know myself.But was it really clear? I didn’t know. I sighed and made my way to my bed. Pretending to read wasn’t doing me any good. Even Gabriel ha
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