All Chapters of Destiny Brought Us Together: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
142 Chapters
Chapter 81
Bakersville high school***“Gabriel hasn’t come by here in a while, is he okay?” Terry asked.Emily froze. She debated quickly on whether lying to her mother was a good idea, but she also didn’t want her to intervene in the situation, because she knew her Mom would go overboard and get everyone else involved and the last thing Emily wanted was for everyone to know what had happened between her and Gabriel.That was the first time they had argued in a long time and he had simply left her room and gone to his, packed up a few of his things, and left. She had seen him around in school, and he looked fine. But she knew that this was a facade. She knew that looking like he was fine was something he did every day even when he had stayed up all night trying to stop his parents from fighting.She felt guilty: she wondered how she could apologize to him but she also knew that he would take that chance to be especially mean and she didn’t feel like going through embarrassment and humiliation o
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Chapter 82
EMILY***“Hey,” Harry said as he sat down across from me.“Hey,” I said, offering him the friendliest smile I could muster because I didn't want him to think we were enemies, given how things had ended between us during our last interaction.I had texted him and asked him to meet so we could talk things out and he honored my request. I had half feared that he would completely ignore my text, leaving me to be embarrassed but he had come to see me on such short notice as well because I had texted him the night before.If I was being honest, I didn't know what I wanted to talk to him about. I didn’t know if I wanted to work things out or if I wanted to explain myself. It was just like the feeling I'd gotten when I was with my Mom: a part of me wanted to give a clear explanation as to why he was wrong about his theory about Gabriel making me uncomfortable in a way that could be misunderstood. It was simply not true.He didn’t even make me uncomfortable. That was what I wished I could say
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Chapter 83
GABRIEL***I tapped my finger on my phone screen, thinking of what I wanted to write. I was writing a message to the person who had texted me and I wanted to make sure that it was a message that would make them feel like they were losing because I was sure Emily was involved.I wanted to piss her off and get a punch of my own in after the absolute chaos she had brought into my own life. I needed to get some points on the scoreboard I was sure she had a mental record of. I needed to catch up.What message would piss her off? I needed it to be something that she didn't expect. What had she expected when she got the person to text me and ask me if I was sure I was okay with being exposed? I suspected that it was the response I had given: the fact that I had actually gotten nervous and shown her that I was afraid.She had gotten so much satisfaction from it, I could tell by the way she had acted. The crazy look in her eye shone like something crazy when I showed her I was afraid. The app
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Chapter 84
EMILY***“I thought I would find you here,” Tiffany said, walking towards Harry and me.I wished she could look into my eyes to see what I was trying to say, which was: it’s not what it looks like. She avoided looking me in the eyes though, which was too bad. She seemed to be focused on Harry. I turned back to look at him and I had never seen Harry look so scared and defeated in his life. What had happened between them? It made me scared of Tiffany, the fact that she could instill that much fear in someone.It made me wonder whether working with her was the right thing to do. Was I really safe? What if I did something she didn’t like, like what I was doing at that moment, for example? What if it rubbed her the wrong way and she decided to go back on the promise she made to me?“Here I am,” I said, standing up. I would make sure I didn't give her a reason to ruin me and if it meant not talking to Harry then that was what I would do starting from that moment. I walked towards her.She
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Chapter 85
GABRIEL***The more time went by without getting a response, the more I knew that I had won this round. I didn’t know what her scoreboard looked like, but mine was at one-one. I wasn’t too petty to admit that she had won with the thing at dinner but I had definitely won with this one.I didn’t have to see her face to know that I had pissed her off and immensely at that. I had done the opposite of what she had expected me to do and I was sure she was wondering what her next move was. I couldn’t lie, I was thrilled. I was excited and overjoyed and I couldn't think of anything better to bring me joy. It suddenly didn’t matter that she had embarrassed me that night. Besides, did it really matter if there had been no other witnesses? It was her word against mine and I had always won in instances like those.I had the power to influence a crowd and she didn’t. I had just scored it as a victory on her part so that it was a more realistic win when I actually won at the end of it all. It had
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Chapter 86
Bakersville High School“Have a great day,” Gabriel said as he walked away from Emily.They were standing at her locker in school. Nobody else might have known this, but it was a monumental moment for her. This was the first time since kindergarten that Gabriel had acknowledged her presence in public. It was a big deal. A very big deal. She wished she could tell everyone who could listen about it but there were few people who would want to listen and even fewer people who would listen and understand and rejoice at the fact that this was good news to her. It had been a few weeks since Gabriel had sent her the note and the flowers, and she still couldn’t believe that any of this was happening. She was still expecting that at one point she would wake up and realize that all of that had been a dream. It would make more sense, given that all this was so foreign.It was surprising that Gabriel was treating her so well. So surprising in fact, that she had expected the joke to appear at som
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Chapter 87
EMILY***“We seem to be meeting a lot nowadays,” Harry said as he sat across from me.I couldn’t help but laugh. It was true. This was our second meeting since the last one was interrupted by Tiffany. He had called me out this time and it was just as well because u needed to tie up loose ends and make sure the both of us were on the same page and also to make sure I was in Tiffany's good books. I didn't want to risk getting in trouble with her. She held too much power and I couldn't anger her.She had walked away from me that day after showing me the text from Gabriel and after I had recovered I had noticed that she was not happy. She was not at all pleased with the fact that I had met with Harry, for whatever reason. She had left me with two things to worry about. Not only was I worried about Gabriel and how I would exact my revenge, but I was also worried about her and whether she would stay on my side given the new circumstances.I hoped she would. I prayed she would. She had to.
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Chapter 88
GABRIEL***I was supposed to meet Harper that day but I didn't bother going. I made an excuse about feeling extra tired and I felt bad about it but I would feel worse if I went and then proceeded to be distracted the whole time. I was distracted. I had been ever since I saw Emily and Harry at the cafe. It had been days since but I couldn't help but think about the interaction and how it had made me feel.Jealous. It had made me feel jealous and I needed to admit it, even though admitting it annoyed me. What was wrong with me? Why couldn't my heart just function normally, loving the people who loved me as normal people did? Why did it have to keep beating for someone it hated at the same time? Why couldn't it pick a side?I was getting sick and tired of the back and forth, of loving and hating and loving again. I wished I could turn my feelings on and off as I pleased. I would turn on feelings of love for Harper and turn off all the feelings I had for Emily, even the ones of hate. I
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Chapter 89
EMILY***I had one less thing to worry about now that I had wrapped things up with Harry. It freed me up to focus on the other thing that was worrying me, which was Gabriel and his infuriating response to the text I had sent him through Tiffany.It still made my blood boil when I thought about it, and it was almost two weeks since he sent it. It was just as well that we had not met in that time because I couldn't possibly imagine seeing his face. He would know I was angry because I couldn't hide it.He wouldn't know why but he would get some strange satisfaction from it given that he needed a win. I needed to work fast. I had given him enough time to gloat, whether he knew that it was a chance I'd given him or not. I needed to put him back in his place and make him quiver once again. The scores were one to one on my scoreboard and I needed to get a few punches in while he was still unaware of what was happening.For all he knew, he was just being threatened by someone behind a phone
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Chapter 90
GABRIEL***"You don’t look too happy to be going over to Emily’s. Is everything okay?" Mom asked.I was driving us to dinner and my jaw was clenched so hard I was surprised I hadn't snapped a tooth. I was not happy and everything was not okay. I had gotten a text two days before that had yet again done a good job of shaking me to my core. I had begun to get scared when my phone buzzed and I had hoped to ignore that message but I knew I couldn't ignore it for any longer. I would just have to open it.I think you’re saying that because you think I'm exposing what happened to you growing up. That's not it. It wouldn't do me any good to expose that because you're the victim. What I am about to expose shows you for who you really are. A monster. If Emily had hoped that this message would have me shaking, she was right. She was right and it infuriated me that she was right. The scores had changed. It was two to one now. But this was no longer funny. This was turning serious quicker than
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