All Chapters of The Alpha's Daughter's Revenge: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
209 Chapters
Chapter 100 | Commotion
Violet Phoenix and I couldn’t have slept for more than an hour when he woke me up as he jerked awake. I had been lying on his chest, but he moves to sit up so I move off of him with my eyebrows furrowed as I ask, “What’s going on?” He breathes out, shakes his head softly, his dark brown hair rustles in front of his eyes from the motion and he says, “Apparently our guests are causing quite the commotion.” I frown and he moves out of bed so I instantly follow. We had fallen asleep in the nude so now we both rush to throw on some clothes before running out the door. The moment we walk in the hall we can hear the faint sound of yelling. Phoenix grumbles as he quickens his pace toward the soul room with me right on his heels. If the door had been shut then no one would’ve heard my family because this room is sound proofed, but of course, it had been left open for their voices to echo down the hall. I can hear Charlie’s voice, clearly upset as he raises his voice, “I can’t be there wit
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Chapter 101 | Ready For It
Violet It’s been two weeks since Xavier Black died and Phoenix and I took over the pack. Today, we will have an official ceremony to unite our pack together especially because now we have so many new members that transferred over from the Renegade Pack. So much has happened in such a short period of time. The day after I came back from guiding the souls, we found Phoenix’s mom, Katy. Katy, my mom, and my dad all knew each other from way back in the day before I was born. From what my mom told me, Katy was purchased from the Academy by Xavier. Eventually, mom and dad freed her from Xavier’s hold, but unbeknownst to them, Xavier still went and visited her at night and threatened her if she were to tell anyone. Katy was pregnant and no one knew when the Moon Stone Pack had been attacked. Xavier found her, could sense the life inside her and kept her alive to have his children. After that, he kept her in captivity, using her as a pawn to make his children do his bidding. Katy was w
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Chapter 102 | Reformat
Five Years Later Charlie I’ve been the Beta of the Moon Stone Pack for one year now. Things have gone well over the past 5 years… well, for the most part. Magnolia has still been unable to find Henry in this new form he’s taken. She doesn’t like to talk about it, she feels like she’s a failure for being unable to find her mate. There’s so many different possibilities of why though. Maybe she just hasn’t gone to the right place, maybe he has died in this new form he has, there’s no telling why she hasn’t found him again. I would understand if she gave up her search and decided to settle down. But I don’t think that’s what she wants. Instead, she’s turned into a ghost of herself. She rarely smiles, she drinks any chance she can get her hands on a bottle, and slowly, she has stopped traveling and instead mopes around the Moon Stone Pack. The Moon Stone Pack has done great over the years. The pack is absolutely flourishing under Phoenix and Violet’s hands. They have become well know
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Chapter 103 | Mine
Magnolia These past five years have been brutal. I constantly stay on the road, traveling to different packs, making frequent pit stops, doing anything I can on the road to heighten my chances of meeting my second chance mate. My Henry.The first year was the worst. I almost gave up after that. But Violet reminded me that I need to give myself time to live while I search. My whole life doesn’t have to be wrapped up in finding Henry.By the end of the second year I allowed myself to start seeing someone. I have a friends with benefits thing going on with Phillip Everest. He’s a nice guy, good to look at, takes me on wonderful dates. He makes me laugh, he’s the first person to really make me feel alive again.Honestly, if I didn’t know that Henry’s spirit was still somewhere out there waiting for me then I would probably choos
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Chapter 104 |
Hendrix I move out of that closed in room as quickly as I can. I need to get back to Harper, we need to get out of this mess and head home. As I walk back to the room where I left her, my wolf, Henry, constantly begs and whimpers for me to turn around and not leave our mate behind.Mate… pfft.Mates are how you get hurt in life. The whole mate thing should’ve died out by now. We should be free to make our own choices and decide who we want to be with. Not have some magic connection that is practically impossible to ignore.Obviously, this girl, whatever her name is… she made a choice to be with someone else and not to wait for me. And it’s fine, I don’t want her, anyway. I can’t take the risk... not again.I walk into the room to see Harper and the man who purchased her is holding his hand out t
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Chapter 105 | Free Will
CharlieI messaged Phoenix and Violet when I got to the car. They’re still in town, they asked us to meet up with them and potentially stay the night before going back home to the Moon Stone Pack tomorrow.I did as they said. I drove while Magnolia sits by my side and my mate Harper sits in the back with her brother Hendrix. Magnolia hasn’t said much, but… it’s obvious she believes that Hendrix has Henry’s spirit.The man seems to be a lot different than my brother was, even if they do share some physical features. Like they both have dirty blonde hair with brown eyes, but that’s where their similarities stop. Hendrix is tall, he seems to radiate with a dominate energy, his face seems to sit in a permanent frown.His sister, Harper, is completely different from him. Honestly, the two of them don’t look that much alike. She’s got dark red hair that goes all the way down to her stomach, her pale purple eyes are mesmerizing, and she’s a lot shorter than Hendrix. While Hendrix is probably
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Chapter 106 | Odd Circumstance
MagnoliaAs soon as Violet almost said my name I immediately mind linked both her and Phoenix and ask them only to call me MJ. Both of them do as I asked immediately and for that, I am eternally grateful.I stay quiet for most of the lunch that we have with them. I avoid looking at Hendrix, not able to handle the distaste he has in his eyes for me. I’m shocked by the news about Harper. To be honest, I was so caught off guard by Charlie bidding for her that I didn’t pay attention when they were announcing the special things about her. After Phoenix said she was expensive it makes me wonder how much money Charlie had spent on her. Violet, Phoenix, and Charlie do most of the talking through the lunch. Harper is unusually quiet, you can tell she is listening intensely, but she just doesn’t know how to add to the conversation. Hendrix asks questions here and there. He seems to be mostly concerned with the safety of the pack for him and for Harper. So far, the only thing he seems to have i
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Chapter 107 | Oblivious
VioletEveryone decided to stay at the private townhouse that we had for this trip. Phoenix and I stay in the master bedroom, Charlie and Magnolia are in one of the guest bedrooms, while Hendrix and Harper are in the other one. I lie down on the bed, my head still reeling from today’s events.Charlie bidding on Harper cost us a lot more money than we had been planning to spend on this trip. I’m just grateful that we’re doing well financially and it shouldn’t set us back too much. Plus, I can’t complain about him bidding on his mate, both Phoenix and I would do the same thing if we had been in his shoes.Phoenix lies down beside me and remarks, “She seems oblivious to the bond.”I nod my head in agreement, “I think the same thing.”“Is it possible for her to not feel it?”I sigh, “I don’t know. I wonder what happened to her and Hendrix. I don’t want to force them to tell us, but it’s obvious that whatever happened was significant for them.”Phoenix tells me, “Midnight Burrow is a long
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Chapter 108 | Hot Chocolate
CharlieI get everything out to make us some hot chocolate. Harper now sits on the countertop behind me. My body feels like it’s buzzing with excitement being in her presence. My wolf is hyper aware of the fact that she sits behind us and that the room smells like her sweet fruity lemon-lime scent. I turn to look at her as the milk heats up and she glances up at me and asks, “So, what were you doing up?”I shrug, “I told you, I get nightmares too.”She frowns, her eyebrows scrunching together as she does and she says, “Your group seems like it has the picture perfect life. I can’t imagine that you would have any reason to have nightmares.”I shake my head, “I can see why you think that, but it took us a long time and a lot of effort to achieve what we have now, but things haven’t always been so simple.”Harper tilts her head to the side as she asks, “So, what hardships have you faced?”“You know,” I start as I turn back to check on the milk, “I think there’s a lot we both want to kno
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Chapter 109 | Trouble
MagnoliaMy eyes snapped open the moment the door shut behind Charlie. I don’t know why he left the room, I feel an urge to follow him so I get out of the bed, put on my slippers and robe and head to the door.But I hear him talking down the stairs and I hear Harper’s soft voice respond back to him. I stay in the doorway, not wanting to interrupt them, but not wanting to go back to the room and be all by myself. That’s when I sense his presence, my eyes flicker up to meet Hendrix’s and he looks at me, fury seems to blaze in his eyes. He takes a step towards me and it takes all of my willpower to remain right where I am. I will not back down against him, I can be just as strong as he is.He frowns as he comes close to me and I can’t resist the urge to touch him. I long to feel the sparks I’ve always heard about, the sparks I never had the opportunity to feel with Henry since he died before my 18th birthday.My fingers lightly graze against his hand and his eyes shut, his whole body se
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