All Chapters of The Alpha's Daughter's Revenge: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
209 Chapters
Chapter 80 | Capability
VioletWe run back up to the room where Magnolia and Charlie are waiting for us. When we walk into the room I notice Magnolia is standing very close to the soul chamber. Her arms are crossed as she stares at it. Charlie glances over at us and I walk over to him giving him a hug and tell him, “Thank you.”He hugs me back and says, “Nothing will happen to you on my watch. I can’t help but smile at him as I say, “I believe that. Thank you, Charlie.”Phoenix walks near the soul chamber and Magnolia notices us and it’s like it triggers her. Anxiety consumes her and she starts to pace the room as she asks us, “What are we going to do? People will notice that Beatrix is missing! And this whole thing with souls is so out of our capability!”Phoenix says, “Relax, it’s not uncommon for Beatrix to go away without saying anything. We have at least a day before people are hard core looking for her.”As Phoenix gives her that explanation, I frown as I take in what she just said. What does she mean
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Chapter 81 | Overwhelmed
MagnoliaWe all walk back into Phoenix’s room. Violet’s dad, my uncle, Donovan is lying on the couch and he pops up when he heard the door open. Phoenix talks in a soothing yet respectful voice as he says, “Sorry sir, didn’t mean to frighten you.”I freeze as Donovan stands up, he looks so fragile. I don’t know why I expected him to look any different, but it’s certainly alarming seeing how small he looks with his bones so obviously showing. Violet walks over to him as she asks, “Why are you lying on the couch when you could be in the bed?”He shrugs, “Don’t worry about it, Violet. This is better than I’ve had in a while.”I notice Violet’s face is pinched with worry, but she doesn’t say anything especially now that her dad is up on his feet and is bringing out his hand to shake Phoenix’s and saying, “Donovan Stone, thank you for allowing me in your room.”Phoenix smiles politely and says, “It’s not a problem, sir.”I notice that Phoenix doesn’t say his full name and for a moment I wo
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Chapter 82 | Not A Monster
PhoenixI rush down the stairs to the kitchen because I know I don’t have much time before the omegas will be awake and starting their day. I know that everyone will be hungry, but I can’t help but feel worried for Violet’s dad. When is the last time that he ate? How little has he been allowed to have and for how long?No person should look as bad as he does. I silently pray to the goddess that Penelope Fox won’t look the same way. I grab out a tray and haphazardly throw things onto it, chips, fruit, cheese, bottles of water, crackers, a jar of peanut butter, it doesn’t matter we just need stuff we can eat.I’m so focused on what I need to do and how fast it needs to be done that I jump when I hear a startled gasp. My eyes instantly move to the clock and I inwardly groan knowing that I took up too much time. I turn with a forced smile and I see the head omega.What was her name? Normally, the omegas don’t talk to me much… too afraid of my power. Carol! That was her name, it’s Carol!I
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Chapter 83 | Believe
VioletThe kiss that Phoenix gave me was so soft yet demanding. It contradicts itself, but my toes curled from the perfection of his kiss. The first time he’s done this type of public display of affection. It surprised me, and yet I’m glad he did it. Like he was officially claiming me and accepting as his mate.And then he asked, “How would you feel if I asked you to be my Luna?”I stare at him in stunned silence. Then I couldn’t help but feel painfully aware of that fact that almost everyone in this room is a werewolf and has enhanced hearing. Even though he did whisper his question, it doesn’t change the fact that the whole room knows our conversation.He’s staring at me waiting for me to answer him. That wolfish grin he has slowly fade as he can see the apprehension in my eyes. I gulp down the lump in my throat and force myself to breathe out before I grab his hand and ignore the heat coming from it as I bring him to the bathroom.The heat from his curse doesn’t bother me, it doesn
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Chapter 84 | Plans
MagnoliaBoth me and Uncle Donovan heard the question that Phoenix asked Violet and we both look at each other silently as we pick at the food that Phoenix brought us. Charlie looks between as Violet pulls Phoenix into the bathroom and he whispers, “What’s going on?”My eyes flicker up to meet my uncle’s and he gives me a small smirk before leaning back in his seat and asking, “How new is this relationship? They haven’t marked each other yet and seem to still be trying to figure it all out.”Charlie chuckles before answers, “They’ve known each other a couple of months now. It’s just taken them awhile to accept fate.”His eyebrows furrow as he frowns and murmurs, “Huh.”He glances to the door, I’m sure a thousand things are running through his mind. I wonder how it is for him knowing that his daughter is mated to his enemy’s son. Surely, that’s not an easy thing to process. We fall into silence though and I decide to move over to the bed to lie down for a nap. I don’t know how long th
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Chapter 85 | Take Over
Phoenix I stay by Donovan when Violet walks away to talk to Cora. I’m hoping Cora will even be able to help, I know that our situation is well, unique.Honestly, I’m surprised how kind Donovan is toward me considering whose son I am. He doesn’t seem to care and instead asks me questions about myself and my relationship with Violet. I tell him anything he wants to know, wanting him to feel comfortable with me, wanting him to know I would never do anything to harm her.We fall into silence for a moment and I ask, “Do you not care who I am?”The corner of his mouth twitches up in amusement and he shakes his head, “I don’t care that you’re Xavier’s son. That doesn’t mean that you’re bad. And I want my daughter to be happy, if you do that then you’re good in my book.”
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Chapter 86 | Follow
VioletI feel stuck, frozen. I don’t know what to do now that Xavier Black is now standing in front of me. I knew that the time was coming that I would face him, but now that it’s here… I feel unprepared.All this time, the years I put into planning to take him down because now that he’s actually here in front of me, I feel like cowering and hiding in a corner the same way a child would.His gaze locks onto my hand that’s gripping his son’s arm tightly. His eyes move up to meet his son’s and he glares at him, a gaze that is so menacing that if looks could kill Phoenix would be decimated. His voice is surprisingly calm, “So, either the rumors are true or you’ve been deceiving her and brought her as a gift to me.” Xavier pauses, tilting his head just a little to the side as he tells Phoenix, “I would make your choice wisely.”Phoenix barks out a laugh and says, “If you really think that I would just hand over my mate then you’re delusional.”He slowly shifts himself in front of me, not
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Chapter 87 | Fight
Violet I rush into the room of souls, leaving the door open knowing that soon Charlie and Magnolia should join me. I feel Charlie’s presence when he enters the room. I question, “Mags?” He hums an ‘I don’t know’ sound. I huff, focusing on the chamber in front of me. We can’t release the souls, not until Cora gets here. What am I supposed to do in the meantime? Just guard them and make sure that Xavier doesn’t get a hold of them? The chamber looks like it’s connected to the floor and ceiling what if he’s able to access them from another room. My stomach churns, full of anxiety at the thought of him having this kind of power. A chill runs down my spine and I turn to see Beatrix walk through the door. She gives me a wicked grin as she asks, “Did you really think your novice level of magic could trap me.” Charlie tense beside me, ready to attack if he needed to. But I tell him, “I’ve got this, focus on the chamber. We can’t let her get to it.” He gives a nod before stationing himse
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Chapter 88 | The Chamber
Magnolia I rush toward the soul room, but by the time I get there smoke is clouding everything. I feel on edge because I know the only way that Violet or Charlie would use these vials is because of danger. I breathe out, trying to focus through the haze as the smoke begins to clear. I see Beatrix in the room and watch as she rushes towards Violet. All of Violet’s training really has paid off because she fights beautifully against her. If you didn’t know any better then you would believe that Violet grew up in a pack, learning how to be just like us. But one wrong move sends her sprawling across the room. I growl as I rush over to Beatrix shifting into my wolf as I move to knock into her. But she waits to the last second to move out of the way, all the while dragging a hidden knife she had down my side. Ada lets out a loud whimper, but it feels like a normal cut which provides me some relief. If it was laced with wolfsbane then we would’ve been in some big trouble. Already, I can f
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Chapter 89 | The Odds
Violet Everyone freezes seeing the position that Xavier has my mother in. He stands tall, a smug smirk on his face knowing that no one here is going to risk her life. My mother’s blue eyes find mine and they widen upon seeing me. Xavier’s eyes roam around the room, trying to assess the damage and when his eyes land on his daughter, still unconscious on the ground, his eyes narrow and he growls out, “Who?” Phoenix surprises me as he moves forward and states, “Me.” He pauses for a moment, looking at his father’s position and he crosses his arms as he asks, “Do you intend to hide behind that gun forever, father? Or will you fight like a real man?” My head snaps to Phoenix, my eyes wide. He does realize that Xavier has my mother, right? And that he has a gun and who knows what kind of bullets could be in there. They could be laced with wolfsbane or enchanted with some other kind of poison. Xavier growls, angered by his son’s words, and he moves the gun from my mom’s head and waves it a
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