All Chapters of The Alpha's Daughter's Revenge: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
209 Chapters
Chapter 130 | North
Charlie Things around the Moon Stone Pack are… different.Harper is always around me or Violet. I don’t mind, it’s quite refreshing having someone new around, someone that I don’t know everything about, but long to know. I thought that having a mate would be more complicated, but Harper makes things feel effortless.I finish brewing a pot of coffee as Phoenix walks into the kitchen. I glance back at him and instantly see the bags under his eyes and the blackness in his hands. It’s not as bad as it used to be, hell, it still isn’t even bad, but the darkness is worse than normal.It’s like black vines slowly wrapping around his hands, threatening to consume them and move up his body. I question, “Do you need Vi?”Violet can always calm him down. It’s been that way ever. Sinc
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Chapter 131 | Exhaustion
Magnolia It’s been two days. I have two to three more days before I’ll finally be back home.The exhaustion within me is unlike anything that I’ve ever experienced before. I don’t know if it’s because of everything going on or this pregnancy or what, but… I feel like I could fall asleep right here.The worst part about it is now that I’m alone, I don’t have anyone to help keep an eye out for anything dangerous at night. I haven’t been able to stop anywhere. Last time, we stumbled upon the Willow Pack, it had been a complete accident. Now, I wish that I would stumble upon them just so I can have a small break where I’m not obsessing about what could go wrong. I stumble to my knees as nausea waves over me, I throw up, again. It seems like I’m
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Chapter 132 | Home
MagnoliaWe were able to make it home in like a day and a half. Phillip had a lot more energy than I did and was a fast runner. I could tell he didn’t want us to have to sleep in the woods at all, but unfortunately we had no other options.He’s taken care of me, I’m viewing him in a different lighting right now and I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s all the pregnancy hormones or something. But… before he’s always seemed like my best friend that I also had good sexual chemistry with. Now… now, he seems like someone that I could be with for the rest of my life. He’s taking care of me, he even hunted last night so I could eat more than just a protein bar. He’s reassuring me and he’s not trying to push for anything in return. He hasn’t even asked me about Hendrix and what the situation is there.And through all of these small acts, I’m beginning to realize that my feelings for him have been deeper than I ever realized. I think… I think I’m in love with him. But I don’t know how to say that, no
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Chapter 133 | Demands
HendrixMagnolia has been gone for almost four days. It’s for the best, I’m relieved that she’s gone, especially knowing that there’s a child inside of her.I don’t care about the fact that she’s pregnant with another man’s baby. It’s surprising, I thought I would’ve felt an immense amount of jealousy, but I don’t. Even my wolf, who apparently is her first mate, doesn’t care about the baby because it’s an extension of her.Life is dull without her, there’s no better way to describe it. Even if the couple of days we had before getting here were silent, it wasn’t bad because I was with her. Her spirit has a way of making me feel better, more calm like… like I’m right where I belong.Emery has gotten more powerful since the last time I saw her. She doesn’t talk to me much or explain how she’s learned how to do the things she’s done, but the way she is able to manipulate the mind is like nothing I’ve ever seen before. She’s fully taken over the pack, I don’t know what happened tot he pre
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Chapter 134 | One Stone
Phoenix For a moment, it’s like my ears are ringing. I don’t know why, but the thought of going up against the Solstice Pack causes me to have a chill go down my spine. I glance over at Violet, trying to read her face and the feeling she has through our bond.She seems as nervous as I do.She tells Magnolia, “Mags, I understand wanting to get Hendrix back, and we support you 100% with that. But… this sound a little extreme.”Magnolia shakes her head no, “We can’t stop at just getting Hendrix back. There’s more going on there, stuff that we need to uncover.”Charlie breathes out and asks, “Like what? Magnolia, you know we love you and support you, but… with how fearful Harper is of that place, I don’t think it’s the best idea for us to try and take over t
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Chapter 135 | No Interruptions
MagnoliaCharlie brought me back to my room so I could rest and I end up sleeping until the next day. I don’t know if I felt so drained from the journey I’ve taken or from the pregnancy, but I don’t care. Being in my warm bed felt so freaking good.When I wake up, I think back on the conversation I had with Phoenix and Violet. I understand that Phoenix is right and they can’t just have all the high ranked members leave the pack, but I can’t help but feel sad over the fact that he and Violet aren’t joining me. Especially because Violet is the white wolf and we… we go together like puzzle pieces. We’re stronger together and I’m scared about going on this kind of a mission without her by my side.There’s a soft knock on my door and I murmur mindlessly as I’m still deep in thought, “Come in.”Violet walks in with a small tray. She set it down on the side table beside me and says, “I talked to our moms about their pregnancies. Your mom said the morning sickness was worse if she wasn’t eatin
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Chapter 136 | Get There
CharlieShe wrecked one of the karts.I thought that getting Harper out and away from the stresses of pack life and the impending battle coming up would be good for her… for us. I guess I should’ve put more thought into the date. It never once occurred to me that she wouldn’t have any idea how to drive a car.Harper is sitting to the side with her cheeks burning red as I talk to the owner, they have insurance to help cover these kinds of things but even he seems alarmed by how much damage she was able to do in such a short amount of time. I give him my information and tell him to give me a call if there are any issues and then I go back to Harper and ask, “So, are you hungry?”She runs her hands through her long red hair and says, “I crashed a kart.”I shrug, “That has nothing to do with food.”She frowns deeply causing there to be creasing along her forehead and she murmurs dramatically, “I don’t deserve food.”I bark out a laugh and take her hand leading her away from the establishm
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Chapter 137 | Really Well
VioletI don’t know how the fuck I just convinced that Supernatural Academy but I did. Maybe it’s because they’re tired of dealing with me, maybe it’s because I guaranteed safety that they didn’t have before, maybe it’s because I got some of the most influential supernaturals on the conference call all agreeing with me that a change needed to be made.But I did it.The Supernatural Academy will be sending a lot of support to help us with the Solstice Pack. In return, if we take the pack down then they get to set up their organization there and will work harder on turning it into a nonprofit.I sit in my office in absolute awe, not sure what to do or say now, but knowing that I need to see Phoenix. Do I mind link him to come in here? Do I run and search for him? I don’t know.My whole mind seems to be just running so fast it’s hard to keep up with the things going on. I push myself to my feet, ready to search for my mate and have a moment to celebrate with him.I take two steps and the
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Chapter 138 | Fears
MagnoliaThe morning feels like it comes too soon. Now, Charlie, Harper, Phillip and I are on a flight up north. I didn’t ask too many questions about where the flight was going, Harper showed Phoenix areas on the map around where the pack should be and he tried to fly us as close as he could.I don’t know how Harper and Charlie plan on getting in now to help Hendrix, but it’s not my place. All I need to worry about is when the Solstice happens three days from now. Phillip sits beside me on the flight, he’s been good at monitoring when I eat or drink and helping me stay on top of it. Because of this, I actually haven’t been dealing with as much nausea as I normally do. It makes me even more grateful for him… and more fearful of the future.I don’t want to hurt Phillip, but I can’t let go of Hendrix. I honestly don’t know what I’m supposed to do in this situation. The one thing I both love and hate with Phillip is his ability to read me. It’s like her knows my thoughts because he tel
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Chapter 139 | Suspended
CharlieWe didn’t take things any further than marking one another.I wanted to, I think she did too, but… it’s better to move slow with Harper. I don’t want her to have any regrets or questions whenever it comes to us. She sat in my lap when she marked me, the piercing of her teeth into my skin was euphoric and I did it right back to her. She fell limp in my arms and it scared the crap out of me. I thought she had passed out. She laughed when I started to say her name and told me she was okay.Now she lies beside me and sleeps while I am wide awake staring out at the forest around us.I feel different after being marked. Like I’m more alert. I don’t know how else to explain it, but things aren’t the way they once were.I wish I could talk to Magnolia about it or maybe Violet since she’s actually been marked before. Is this the way your supposed to feel? I thought you were supposed to feel all like fulfilled and completed or some sappy thing like that?I tilt my head back as I let ou
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