All Chapters of The Alpha's Daughter's Revenge: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
209 Chapters
Chapter 140 | The Plan
MagnoliaWe’ve been here for two days, at midnight tonight the Solstice Pack should reveal itself.I’ve talked with Violet and Phoenix to see what the plan is but Violet just keeps telling me to trust her. I hate when she says that. “Just trust me” like that should be enough to soothe all my worries.Phillip and I travel by wolf to get to Harper and Charlie. It’s not too hard to find them. All of their stuff is now packed away and Harper is pacing nervously. Charlie sits against a tree watching her when he sees us coming. There’s a hint of a smile on his face as he says, “Hey Mags, Phillip.”We both nod at him and Harper breathes out, “Have you guys talked to Violet and Phoenix?”Phillip answers, “We talked to them before shifting to come here. They said to trust them.”Harper huffs, “How does that help anything?”I snort because she and I think the same way. Phillip remarks, “You seem nervous.”She scoffs, “Of course I am. Who knows what’s happening with Hendrix and Emery hates me.”
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Chapter 141 | Mysterious
MagnoliaThe whole world feels like it slams to a halt for Isadora and Phillip. She tilts her head in confusion upon seeing him, but I can see the mix of emotions in her face, that longing that she’s feeling to be with him. She turns to face me and says, “You’ve been with him. Each of you are surrounded by the other’s scent.”I explain, “Phillip and I are from the same pack and have been traveling the past few days.”Her nose crinkles up and Phillip approaches her slowly, falling to his knees as he gets close enough and he says, “My name is Phillip Everest, I have searched for you since the day I turned 18. I made some mistakes… Magnolia isn’t one of them. She is carrying my child, but our relationship has ended. We haven’t even done anything since right after she met Hendrix. If you give me a chance, I swear, I’ll always be loyal to you…” His voice trails off, he wanted to call her by her name, but realizes that she doesn’t know it.Her shoulders relax slightly as she says, “Isadora
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Chapter 142 | Mental Battle
HarperHendrix is panicking, I can see it in his eyes. But he has no reason to worry, this is going to work and everything’s going to be okay. Emery’s eyes are glued to me and Charlie keeps a tight hold on me, the moment she gets too close or tries to harm me then he will teleport us out of her way. She’s going to get angry with the game that we will play, but honestly, I don’t care. Hendrix looks weary, like he hasn’t been sleeping properly since he got here. I hate how easily she can break him and I refuse to let it happen again.Emery walks towards us, relishing in the way that she thinks she’s intimidating us. Honestly, she’s delusional, you can see it in the way she walks. She walks with her head up high, a smirk on her face, and she tries to stare us down. But neither Charlie nor I cower or back down yet she looks so… happy about it.The whole thing gives me an odd chill going down my spine. She finally stops just a few feet away from us and tilts her head to the side as her ey
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Chapter 143 | Playing God
VioletIt’s been harder getting into position than we would’ve imagined.Isadora is continuing to play the part of Emery’s loyal servant. Charlie and Harper walked right through the front door to play as a distraction. Magnolia has to stay behind us by like a mile just to guarantee that Emery won’t be able to sense her near.On the back side of Emery’s house, it’s guarded by others like her. Harper warned us that when their eyes darken just the slightest that it means they’re about to penetrate our minds. We’re all ultra aware of it as we fight.They don’t seem to be as strong as Emery is which is a good thing because there’s more of them than there are of us.Phillip and Phoenix make a great team, they’re born fighters and with Phoenix’s ability they are able to render the people unconscious pretty fast. If anyone has any damage then I come to heal them. It’s times like this though that I’m grateful that I have learned how to fight because I don’t want to be just another pretty thin
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Chapter 144 | Fading
PhoenixViolet’s energy is fading fast. Whatever damage that Emery did to everyone was a lot more severe than what it looks like on the outside.She’s still working on Isadora and I move to sit behind her and rub my hands up and down her arms, trying to give her some of my own energy to help her push through and do what needs to be done.Harper paces nervously and tells me, “She practically melted their brains.”My eyebrows furrow and I ask, “Why do you say that?”She huffs, “I saw it in a vision. I told her she had to be here because I knew it would happen.” She sits on the floor and pulls her knees to her chest and she whispers, “Someone’s going to die.”I ask, “What do you mean?”She rubs her head, “I’ve had multiple visions and seen multiple outcomes. Someone always dies.”“Why are you having her save Isadora first? Why not Hendrix?”“If she saves Hendrix then he is the only one that gets to live. Isadora, Phillip, and Violet would die.”My eyebrows furrow, I didn’t realize Violet
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Chapter 145 | Purgatory
VioletThere’s ringing in my ears. It’s hard to hear anything outside of the high pitched squealing.My wolf, Selene, is spent after all the work we have done. The fact that it was possible for Emery to have done this much damage to the brain is… terrifying. The fact someone could get to this amount of power it’s a grim reminder that no one is ever truly safe.I look at Hendrix across the room, but right now, all I can see is Henry. I blink furiously feeling like this is some trick on my eyes. But when I do this, I now see Henry sitting beside Hendrix.He looks like he’s distressed. He’s sitting with his knees pulled up towards him and has his fingers in his hair. He glances up and sees me. We make eye contact and then I hear his voice, “You can see me.”I look around us, I can see the others, but they look kind of blurry. I say in a wondrous tone, “We’re in the spirit world.”He nods his head, “I believe so. Kind of in the middle of it, like we’re in some kind of purgatory. We haven’
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Chapter 146 | Repair
HendrixIt’s like I’ve been suspended into nothingness.I can’t hear anything or see anything. I don’t know if my wolf is still with me. I don’t know if I’m breathing. Everything was really painful and then it went black.Can I get out of this?Do I want to?These are the questions that must be answered, but I have no way of knowing how to figure them out.HenryI admire Violet and her determination. I always have, but as I still cannot feel Hendrix’s presence, I have no hope that he will be apart of this body if it is revived.It’s an odd feeling, I am kind of happy because that means I would have a true second chance at being with Magnolia. But… I don’t want to lose him. I’ve been apart of him for the past five years and it feels wrong knowing that he wouldn’t be in the same body with me anymore.The process of Violet trying to fix us is… uncomfortable. I wouldn’t call it painful, but it’s definitely not relaxing. I don’t know how to help her so I just try to stay out of the way as
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Chapter 147 | Transition
One month later.MagnoliaThe transitions for everything has gone surprisingly well. Some people from the Solstice Pack moved to the Moon Stone Pack with us. Isadora and Phillip helped with those moving out here and they just got home about two weeks ago. It was harder to travel such a long way with so many people following them and they ended up going to real towns with hotels. They still chose to travel by wolf instead of car because most of the people from the Solstice Pack have never had to drive so it would’ve been too difficult to figure out accommodations.The people who chose not to come left to be with their families in different packs and overall, everything that we have heard has been positive. The pack members felt happy and free now that they weren’t stuck from the magic of the Solstice Pack grounds.Phillip and Isadora seem happy. They’ve marked each other and are practically glued to the hip. I’m happy for them, I have no feelings of jealousy or anything of the sort. I
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Chapter 148 | This is Happening
VioletI don’t understand why this keeps happening.I sit in the bathtub as silent tears pour down my face and I drain out the water that is mixed with my blood again.This is the third miscarriage I’ve had.I don’t know why. We don’t try for kids, but we’re not not trying and I just… I don’t understand why we haven’t had any yet.Phoenix lightly taps on my door and calls my name, “Violet.”I let out a shuddery breath before I tell him, “Come in.”He walks in and sees the blood and immediately knows what happened. He walks over to me and wraps me up in his arms. I lean into him as I cry, “What’s wrong with me, Nix?”He rubs his hand up and down my arm and says, “Nothing is wrong with you, my love.”“Why can’t I carry a baby?”He kisses my head and says, “I don’t know, Vi.”We fall into silence. How many more losses do we have to go through? How much more can my heart bear?I climb out of the bath and get dressed, making sure to put on a maxi pad in case I have anymore blood loss. I pu
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Chapter 149 | Q
Violet We went and took in the baby two days later. They hadn’t even named her, each person always called her something different. I shake my head in distaste as I hold her in my arms as I settle into the seat of the private plane one of our alliances let us use. I ask Phoenix, “What do you think of Quirina?” His eyebrows furrow and he asks, “What does it mean? I know you’re all about the meanings, Vi.” The corner of my mouth twitches up and I say, “It means warrior. Which is what she’s had to be until she found her way to us. We could nickname her Rina or Q. I think it’s cute.” I look down at the little girl and I ask, “What do you think little one, is Quirina the perfect name for you?” She touches my face with her small little hand and gives me a smile. I can’t help but smile back at her and I look to Phoenix with a pointed look and say, “I think that’s a yes.” He chuckles as he kisses my head and then caresses our daughter’s face and says, “Anything to make the two of you hap
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