All Chapters of Fated to be Luna: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
172 Chapters
Chapter 51
Alpha Ethan (POV) Our bodies slumped together as we both came down from our sex high. My teeth were still clamped onto her neck, and she was still clamped around mine. I slowly released my grip retracting my teeth before licking the spot sealing it in place. The sensation caused her to moan and release my neck before licking me as well. "Mmmm" I purred at the tingling sensation that was washing over my body. She was now mine completely. I couldn’t possibly explain how happy I was in this moment. She gave her mark one more lick before pulling back and inspecting her work. A smile spread across her face. "There now you are stuck with me" She stated proudly. "There in no one in the world, I would rather be stuck with." I laughed at her before pulling her to me as I laid back. I wanted her close, we laid and cuddled for a few minutes."I know, I'm probably kind of ruining this moment." She paused looking up at me "but I am starving." She laughed and I laughed back. "No worries I wi
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Chapter 52
Renee's POV It felt so good to fall asleep in Ethan's arms. He felt like home, it relaxed me more than I ever thought possible. I slept deep and well until the nightmares started again.I was in a dark cave holding the girl, I had seen in my previous dream running through the field. She looked older now maybe fifteen years old. Her head was on my lap, and she appeared to be sleeping. I'm startled to hear a voice coming from the entrance of the cave."Katya?""Victor we are here." I answer"They have found us love; you must run." I quickly wake the girl in my lap."Hmm what is it mom" she asks still very sleepy "We must go child; the vampire court soldiers have found us." I answered hurriedly grabbing the bag that was laying beside me and slinging it over my shoulder, before getting onto my feet. The girl also stood up. We started walking to the mouth of the cave. "Which direction?" I question looking back at Victor"North" he answers, and I can hear pain in his voice I stopped
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Chapter 53
Alpha Ethan (POV) I followed Renee out of the room, she was waiting for me in the hall. I grabbed her hand and laced our fingers together. I wondered if the tingly sensation that danced across my skin whenever I touched her would ever go away, but I hoped it wouldn't. I lead her down to the basement, where we had a few holding cells and interrogation rooms. "Do you want me to go in with you?" I questioned, I really wanted to be with her, but I didn't want to overstep. She is currently an Alpha in her own right. "Yes, please" she answered "although, I think it will be best, if I do most of the talking, since I'm supposed to be the Alpha." She looked a little unsure of herself. I stopped and put my hand under her chin pulling it up until her eyes met mine. "You are going to do great; you are such a strong and sexy Alpha." I smiled at her reaffirming what I said was true. She nodded her head in return and took a deep breath. It seemed to restore some of her confidence as she strutte
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Chapter 54
Alpha Renee (POV) We had just left Timothy in his room to get cleaned up and relax a bit before lunch. "Thank you for arranging the lunch, it was a good idea." I tell Ethan as we were walking down the hall."I thought you might like it, and I would do anything to make you happy." He huskily answers. Sending tingles through my body, I felt my pussy clench in anticipation. "You know it will probably be another hour before lunch." I state thinking of all the things we could do to one another in an hour. He seems to follow what I'm saying. "Mm, is my little mate craving me?" He replied in a low groan while turning to push me against the wall. One hand is next to my head bracing him while he leans over me. The other is on my waist before sliding around to massage the soft mound of my ass. His eyes darkening in desire his lips are about to meet mine, I lick mine in anticipation. "SHIT!" Ethan suddenly exclaims dropping his head. "I just remembered; I have a conference call with a few o
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Chapter 55
Alpha Renee's POVOnce we got to the banquet hall, we had a short conversation with Timothy making sure he liked his room ok. Then Ethan started pulling him around the room to meet different people. I hung back and let them have some time, Since I was going to have to work closely with Timothy for a while, I thought it would be good for them to bond some. I was watching them talk and laugh with various people when someone drove their fingers into my sides I squealed, and my body jerked. I wheeled around to find the culprit. Amber was standing there laughing so hard tears were almost falling. "I think being a Luna is distracting you." She giggled while pointing at my disapproving face. "Excuse me for not expecting that here." I hmphed crossing my arms. "And Amber always remember to expect the unexpected you could be attacked anywhere." Amber says in a mocking tone while shaking her finger at me. "Yes, that is true." I giggled at her "I'm so excited you are here!" I pulled her in
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Chapter 56
Alpha Renee's POV When we got to the bathroom, we both peed. I was washing my hands when Amber got done. "Hey are you ok? You didn't even eat much?" I questioned her. "Actually, I'm not feeling great. Would it hurt your feelings if I go home?" Amber answers "No, I understand, is there anything I can do for you? I can drive you home." I offer "Oh no that's ok, my tummy just feels a little off, I'm sure it's fine. I'll talk to you later." Amber said while giving me a small hug before turning to leave. I returned to the banquet hall. Ethan was going over some tips and pointers for handling Alpha duties with Timothy. "Hey there she is!" Ethan said reaching out and grabbing my hand pulling me to him with a big grin on his face. He positioned me in front of him before wrapping his arms around me hugging me to his body my back pressed into his front. "What happened to Amber?" Timothy questioned looking back where I came from. "Oh, she wasn't feeling great and decided to go home." I
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Chapter 57
Alpha Renee’s (POV)Once Ethan and I finished up in his office, I tried to reach Amber but she told me she really wasn’t up for any visitors right now. Another couple of days went by. I remotely solved some issues that came up at Grey Lake, nothing serious and Ethan continued training Timothy on the ends and outs of being an Alpha. I was starting to think Amber was avoiding me, because every time I tried to talk to her, she would come up with an excuse. I was feeling cooped up with all the business to be taken care of and learning. I had barely been outside and I wanted to spar, train, and run. If I just showed up, Amber couldn't really turn me away, right? Ethan and I had just finished one of our morning sessions, which is an amazing way to wake up. We were getting dressed after our shower. "I think I'm going to go do some training with Amber." I state "Ok, and when things settle down, I can't wait to do some training with you." He had a mischievous glint in his eyes. " I have
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Chapter 58
Alpha Ethan's (POV) I had spent most of the day going over Alpha duties with Timothy and wanted to have some fun, so I decided to go see Renee. I missed her and couldn't wait to hold her in my arms again. "Hey man, I think that's probably enough for one day. I want to go see my mate; she is training with Amber." I said trying to excuse myself "Really? You mind if I tag along" he asked excitedly, I already suspected he liked Amber and now I was even more sure of it. "Yeah sure" I answered, and we decided to run there. I had been so distracted lately I figured the fresh air would do me some good.We crested the large hill that looked down on Amber's house and could see the girls sparing below. Damn my girl is such a badass and sexy as hell. I stopped in my tracks just to watch for a few seconds. They were wrestling on the ground flipping each other. Amber tried to make a run for it, but Renee caught her ankle. Amber kicked her with her free leg. "Damn! she is frisky" Timothy said i
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Chapter 59
Alpha Renee's POV Every moment I got with Ethan was amazing regardless of what we were doing, I really enjoyed the quiet times we got together, when we could learn more about each other. Our bond seemed to grow more and more during those times. We discussed everything easily with each other from our favorite cars to our deepest fears. We tried to make sure we took time with each other every day, we rarely left one another's sight, but there were usually other people constantly around us, so it felt so good to have uninterrupted time whenever we could. Timothy's transfer ceremony was fast approaching, and we were expecting the Witch from the council to arrive today. I had made several preparations. I wanted her to feel comfortable while she was here. It's never a good idea to upset or disrespect a witch. Ethan’s office was now our office and Ethan even had them move a desk in for me along with other office equipment. I was sitting at my desk going over the details of the transfer c
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Chapter 60
Alpha Renee's POV We made it out the door just in time to greet Elder Chase stepping out of one of the cars."Good to see you again Alphas" he said while turning back and holding his hand out for someone to grab. A gorgeous woman stepped out of the vehicle. She had ebony skin and black tight curls that feel to her shoulders. She was wearing a gray T-Shirt and some blue jeans opposed to Elder Chases more formal suit. "Alpha Ethan and Alpha Renee I'm pleased to introduce you to Esther." Elder Chase announced."It's an honor to have you here." Ethan stated offering his hand towards Ester. She took his hand and gave it a gentle shake. "It's a pleasure to be here." She responded but she almost sounded bored and there wasn't any change in her facial features."Thank you so much for coming" I said as I extended my hand. Esther gently placed her hand in mine. Her body suddenly went stiff and she locked eyes with mine. She stared for what felt like minutes her eyes were on mine, but they l
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