All Chapters of Fated to be Luna: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
172 Chapters
Chapter 71
Renee's POV Ethan snapped awake next to me. "What's wrong are you ok?" His voice was still laced with sleepiness, but his eyes were wide as they took in my disheveled appearance. "I'm, ok" I reached to place a hand on his thigh in hopes of calming him down. "What happened, why are you so sweaty? Are you sick?" "I'm not sure and no I feel fine." To be honest I didn't know what I just experienced. It was much more intense than any other vision I have ever had, and my gut told me it wasn't a dream either. "Can I just show you?" I wasn't sure how to explain the experience. "Of course," Ethan answered scooting closer to me. I could still see how concerned he was about me. I raised my hands to his temples to share my memory of what I just experienced. "I don't see anything" Ethan said opening his eyes to look at me. "Um ok, I will try again" I focused on the memory but once again nothing. "Nothing" Ethan's concern was growing his brows were furrowed studying me."Let me try a diffe
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Chapter 72
Ethan's POV I felt exhausted after the fruitless hours spent in Esther's room this morning. I was frustrated with how much time was wasted and we didn't get a single answer. Other than it probably wasn’t a witch’s meddling, but that left me feeling even more uncomfortable. A witch’s meddling could be reversed and undone, but this, whatever it was, who knows?Esther had questioned Renee for hours, and she is an immortal witch you would think she would have come up with something by now. Renee was walking in silence next to me and I could tell she was lost in her own thoughts by how far off her eyes looked. Did she even know who or what was causing this? Then I realized out of all of Esther's questions she never asked that. "Do you know who or what is causing this?" I asked turning towards her. She seemed startled by my voice interrupting her thoughts. She looked into my eyes "yes" was all she answered. We both stopped and looked at each other. "Are they a danger to us?" She pause
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Chapter 73
Renee’s POVOne moment I was in the clearing with Ethan and the next I was laying on a forest floor. I felt woozy and nauseous as I tried to stand up. “Lay still” a musical comforting voice sounded near me. “I had to yank you from your world for just a moment”I rolled my head around to try to identify the source of the voice, then I saw her Selene the Moon Goddess she was still wearing a flowing white dress with a blue glow emitting from her. “I’m sorry, but I needed to speak with you.” She said gentlyI tried once more to get off the ground, only for her to lean down and gently hold me in place.“Don’t try to get up, it will only make it worse, I need to tell you something important.”I tried to answer her, but when I went to speak no words came out.“I just need you to listen, as I’m sure you know I am the daughter of Hyperion and Theia but what you might not realize is I also have a sister, Helios. Helios created vampires, she wanted to create creatures that would always be her
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Chapter 74
Alpha Ethan’s POVI felt completely helpless as I held Renee convulsing body in my arms. It was clear the doctor had no ideal what to do and Esther just stood at a distance studying Renee, and occasionally muttering to herself. Suddenly Renee’s Body became limp in my arms and a bit of blood began to trickle out her nose. “This is so odd” Esther said loud enough I could finally her something she was muttering. “Do you care to share!” I growled loudly at her. “I don’t think Renee is here.” Esther stated never taking her eyes off Renee.This witch is batty of course Renee is here I’m holding her “have you lost your damn mind! She is right here!”“Her body, yes, but not her soul.”Both me and the Doctor were looking at Esther now. “What in the hell are you talking about?”“I’m saying what makes Renee, Renee isn’t here.”“Then where is she?”“I don’t know” Ugh I have had enough of this, the anger was rising in my stomach and I began to stand up but as soon as I shifted my weight to
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Chapter 75
Alpha Ethan’s POVI flung the office door open so hard I am surprised it didn’t come off its hinges. “What is it?” my voice boomed, and Jonathan looked understandably uncomfortable. “Alpha Timothy and Amber never made it to the Grey Lake Pack, and no one has been able to reach them either.” Jonathan answeredI sunk into my office chair silently bringing my hand across my face as I couldn’t believe what I had just been told. “Do we have a last location?” I questioned“We know they checked into their hotel the night they left, but we aren’t sure what happened after that.”“What is Grey Lake doing?” “They have sent out some trackers, but with everything that is happening they don’t want to send out too many pack members, I have contacted the council and I am waiting to hear back.”“I want you to send a five-man group trackers and warriors, start at the hotel and find them.”“Yes, Alpha” Jonathan got up to leave and carry out my orders. “Tell them to watch their backs” “I will” with
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Chapter 76
Renee’s POVI was laying peacefully in a field with the sun beating down upon my face, I knew that I had worries but at least for the moment I could not grasp them. I took in a deep breath and could smell hints of honeysuckle dancing through the air. I closed my eyes and soaked in the warm rays, feeling every muscle in my body relax and in the next moment it was all shattered by a piercing voice calling my name it was so loud I felt it echo inside my mind. “Renee!” my eyes shot open, but no one was there. The sky above began to darken and storm clouds were rolling in. “Renee!” ahh I grasped the sides of my head from the pain of my name being called so loudly. Then the voice came again but this time it was taunting me “Renee, come out, come out, wherever you are!” I felt a shiver of fear roll up my back and in between my shoulders. I searched the area in front of me but to no avail. “Renee, I have a present for you, don’t you want to see your present?” the voice came from behind me
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Chapter 77
Renee’s POV“I feel fine Doctor, not to worry, where is Ethan?” “Alpha Ethan had some business to attend to off pack land and should return shorty.” Doctor Reagan answered. I was still reeling from what I had just experienced part of me wanted to believe it was just a dream, but in my heart and soul I knew it was not. I went to get out of the bed, I needed to speak with Esther as soon as possible. “Luna, what are doing?” the doctor questioned“I need to see Esther at once.” I answered “I will call her, please you need your rest.”“I have been asleep for hours doctor, I have had my rest, I need to see Esther.” I flung the doors open to the hall, surprised to find Klaus and Blake stationed outside, the pack warriors I met at the gate on my first day. “Good evening, Luna may we be of assistance?” Klaus asked while tilting his head obviously curious about what I was doing. “No need, I am just going to talk to Esther” “Allow us to escort you there” Blake answered“That’s really not ne
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Chapter 78
Alpha Ethan’s POVWe have been searching this city for hours, the trackers picking up a scent here and a scent there but with no discernable trail to be found. The weather had been fine up until now, but it was starting to drizzle and the more rain that fell the less likely it would be for us to find the trail. I looked at my watch to see that it was now nine thirty, I was anxious to get back to Renee. She still hasn’t woken up, but neither the doctor nor Esther thought there was anything to be done except wait. “Alpha, we got a trail, its strong!” a tracker’s voice echoed in my head.“Everyone on his position” within a few minutes we had all regrouped by the river where the tracker picked up the scent. “With this rain, there is no time to lose everyone in formation, and be on your toes” with this area being so populated it was best for us to stay in human form, it did make tracking harder, but it’s a lot easier to track without, people trying to shoot at the wolf or calling animal c
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Chapter 79
Renee’s POVIt was so hard to focus my thoughts right now, but I had to, this was the best option. I needed to visualize all the steps I needed to take, to make it real. I left Esther’s room feeling completely deflated, despite her best efforts there was nothing that could help. I only had one choice, I had to meet Elizabeth alone and find a way to save Amber’s life. Selene’s voice echoed in my head “You MUST protect yourself; all werewolves are relying on you. Do you understand?”I did understand, but this was Amber we were talking about here. I owed it to Amber I didn’t have choice, I had to save her. I decided to go back to my room to formulate a plan, Klaus and Blake followed me back to my room where the doctor was still waiting. Luckily Klaus and Blake stopped at the door and didn’t try to follow me inside. “Thank you for staying doctor, but I really feel fine, I believe a shower and a meal will be just the thing. I am sure you are needed more elsewhere.” Doctor Reagan looked
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Chapter 80
Alpha Ethan’s POVI placed my ear plugs and gave the signal, charges on both sides of the building went off simultaneously. We were separated into two teams and before the dust cleared, we entered from both sides sweeping the building, which appeared to be completely empty except for where Alpha Timothy was hanging by his hands from a chain in the middle of the building. His head was hanging limply forward, and I could clearly see what appeared to be silver barbed wire around both his hand and feet. His shirt was torn open on the back and his flesh was still healing from lash wounds, but I was beyond relieved to see his chest still moving, he was alive. Once my men assured me the building was indeed empty, I lowered my gun. “Get him down immediately.” There was a small table nearby that had some papers on it, so I went to have a look while my men got Alpha Timothy down. All the papers on the table were blank except one, it appeared to be a printed newspaper clip and on closer revie
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