All Chapters of Fated to be Luna: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
172 Chapters
Chapter 3
Esther’s POVMy flight was fifteen hours long with one stop on the way, I don’t sleep very often but I was ready to crash after this day. I wasn’t able to sleep on the plane, but I was really looking forward to my hotel bed. I arranged for an Uber to bring me to my hotel and a service to bring Elizabeth’s remains to a storage facility until I was ready to deliver them to her father. Rome held many memories for me, several of them were happy but in contrast some of my darkest memories stemmed from this city as well.In my younger years I played with some dark magic here, the kind of magic that threatened to claim my very soul, it was without a doubt the lowest point in all my existence. I am sad to say I fell into it as a rebound or distraction from my heart breaking, because of the very man I was going to see. When I first met Dimitri, I fell head over heels for him and I thought he felt the same, over time I realized I would never hold his heart the same way that he held mine. Now lo
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Chapter 4
Esther’s POV“It’s been a long time since I seen you last.” Silas said looking me over.“Yes, it has been a while, and might I say you look like you are starting to get some wrinkles.” I winked and giggled a bit.“Oh Really? well we can’t all be immortal, why exactly are you immortal anyways, you still haven’t told me, I don’t know why you won’t tell me, if you did, I could be immoral too.” “Silas, I like you too much to wish immortality on you.” There was only one person I had ever told that story to and I didn’t plan to ever repeat it to another soul. “Believe me the average four-hundred-year lifespan of a witch or warlock is more than enough.”“Yes, but I will have you know, I just turned one hundred and ninety-one, so I only have approximately two hundred years left, and I don’t think that is quite enough.” He stopped talking for just a second before following up with “No, no two hundred years isn’t enough, you will have to tell me your secret, it isn’t fair you know?” he was no s
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Chapter 5
Esther’s POVI awoke the next morning to the sound of the door closing as Silas returned to the hotel room with some coffees, biscuits, and pastries. “I do believe, I love you, Silas” I said in a joking tone.“Well, I am pretty irresistible.” He joked back“Especially when you are carrying food and coffee.” I smiled at him and sipped on the coffee “So what did you hear this morning?” “You are not going to like it, but apparently Dimitri has already learned you are back in town.”“What how?”“Apparently, he has someone check every flight for you and your known aliases. What exactly happened between you two that he would do something like that?” Silas’s eyes were practically glowing with joy at his newfound information. “Damn it, I knew I should have got new papers” I huffed, I really didn’t think Dimitri would have anyone checking on me after all these years, but I guess I was wrong. I could feel a tiny sliver of my heart warm at the thought that he was still thinking about me. I sho
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Chapter 6
Esther’s POVOne of the guards disappeared from sight for a moment down the long corridor in front of me, He came back walking quickly. “Right, this was Ms. Esther.” He turned walking ahead of me while the other guard stayed behind. The catacombs were a maze, but I knew them well, they were basically set up as a large underground circle with different sections that led to the center. To begin with we would pass the quarters off all the vampires that are considered soldiers, they have been turned from human and have unpure blood. Since there is a lot of them, they are housed in the outer band of the circle that had the most space. Their quarters were basically that of a bad dorm room. Unlike pureblood vampires, soldiers do not have the ability to reproduce, but that doesn’t keep them from trying. The soldiers’ quarters was the last stop for the fangers before they were discarded back into the world. The metallic scent of blood was so thick in the air you could practically taste it. It
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Chapter 7
Esther’s POV The great hall is where you were really reminded that you were in fact in catacombs. The pillars that ran up the sides of the hall were encrusted with human bones, the two large chandeliers that hung from the ceiling were made up of bones as was the railing for the balcony. A rich red carpet with gold edges led the way from the doors to the very front on the hall where Dimitri was seated on for lack of a better word a throne. On the stone walls were various paintings portraying historical moments of importance to the Vampires. Between the paintings hung large deep red velvet curtains. The rows of blood red chairs all faced the stage. As soon I stepped inside my breath caught in my throat there he was, Dimitri. Dimitri was a tall man, his muscles were all defined but not too much there was still a softness about him, his skin was a warm pale not quite tan, but close, his facial features strong and beautiful. He was the perfect mix of pretty boy and rugged man all wrappe
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Chapter 8
Esther’s POV The cell blocks were located on the back side of the great hall, after me and the guards exited the large doors of the great hall, we took a smaller circular path to the right that led to the cell block.The cell block was a mixture of holding cells, interrogation rooms, and torture rooms. The same laws didn’t apply here that applied to the human world above. There was one guard stationed in the cell block, when we entered the room, he got up to unlock one of the cells for me, I went inside of it without protest and sat down on the small cot against the back wall. “What is she in for?” The guard asked the entourage of other guards that escorted me here. “We are not sure; all I know is she brought Elizabeth’s body to Dimitri.” “Damn” the guard answered, looking me over once more. “Do you think she is the one who killed her?” “No, I didn’t kill her, and I am sitting right here.” I answered dryly“Hey, no one was talking to you!” the guard shouted. I didn’t bother to re
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Chapter 9
Esther’s POVI stood up from my cot to get a closer look at the girl. She had round face, a small stature, dark brown hair and didn’t appear very muscular. I raised my eyebrow in curiosity and a little bit of disbelief. “You staked five vampires” I questioned, I have learned to never underestimate people over the years, but I still found this quite shocking. “I allegedly staked five vampires” she said making quotations with her fingers. When she said this, I got a better look at her dark brown eyes, they were empty and void of emotion. “I allegedly did it while they were sleeping, after having sex with them.” A smile spread across her face, and she looked genuinely pleased with herself. “And allegedly why did you do that?” I questioned “A while back me and some girlfriends were at a club and these sleaze balls started hitting on us and tried to convince all of us to come to some underground club where we could see vampires, I of course thought they were out of their minds and said
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Chapter 10
Esther’s POV Later in the night, another guard came to the cell block with some trays of food for me and the human girl. There wasn’t much to them, a box of apple juice, some beans, and a bit of cornbread. The human girl was still knocked out, so the guard opened the gate and put the tray on the floor. He locked the cell again then switched out with the other guard. “Are you sure we shouldn’t call the doctor in for her?” He questioned the other guard. “She needs help, she isn’t in her right mind.” He questioned quietly, his voice lacking any authority. “No doctors! Now shut up and do your job, before I let her stake you next.” The first guard huffed before leaving. Once the door shut behind him, I asked. “How long has she been in here?” “Three days now, her friends come every now and then to see her, but honestly I think it just makes her worse.” He answered looking at her laying helpless on the floor.“Why hasn’t Dimitri signed off on the transfer?” “To be honest I don’t think
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Chapter 11
Esther’s POV “Open this cell!” Dimitri shouted at the young guard. “And then get out!”“Yes sir” The young guard answered fiddling with the keys, I was worried Dimitri would get mad at him, so I waved my hand unlocking the cell door and letting it swing open. The guard looked at the cell door dumbfounded. “Out!” Dimitri shouted while taking large steps towards my cell and me. I held my ground and maintained eye contact. Within seconds he was in the cell rushing towards me. He grabbed me by the neck pushing me back into the bars. “How dare you!” he growled his fangs elongating. His chest was heaving up and down, his breath unsteady and apart of me was becoming increasingly aroused.“How dare I?” I questioned “You sent me to the cell block!” his grip on my neck tightened slightly, still not hard enough to do any damage. He leaned his head closer to mine our faces were now mere inches apart. “You lied to me!” He said through gritted teeth. He was so close, his scent wafted around me,
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Chapter 12
Esther’s POVThe journey to my suite was one of silence, when we got to the room, Dimitri opened the door to let me in. “There are menus on the table from our finest restaurants, someone will be by soon to take your order.” “Thank you” It seemed like Dimitri wanted to say something more, but instead he just gave an awkward nod and turned away. To my surprise he went into the suite directly across from mine. I went into my suite and closed the door, releasing a breath I didn’t even know I was holding. The room was nice it was decorated in a modern way and had a nice open floor plan. My first stop was the bathroom as I refused to go in that awful cell. The bathroom was clean and brightly lit. There was a large tub and rainfall shower. I had to admit a bath after today did sound amazing, but food first. Once I finished up, I went and sat on the bed grabbing the menus to look them over, I decided on Hibachi style rice, vegetables, and salmon. Then in perfect timing there was a knock on
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