All Chapters of Fated to be Luna: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
172 Chapters
Chapter 23
Esther’s POV Once we finished our shower, we both started getting ready for our dinner with Samantha and Gregory. I was just finishing my hair when the phone rang to let us know that they had arrived. Dimitri had arranged for a private dining experience at one of the restaurants. We went to meet Samantha and Gregory at the entrance of the catacombs to greet them. The closer we got to the entrance the more nervous I got, at the time I didn’t understand why I was getting so nervous but now I know, it’s because the stakes were so high for me. If this went poorly it would affect my relationship and future with Dimitri, I never thought it would be a possibility to have a relationship with him after he married Samantha. It broke my heart when he decided to marry her, but being around Dimitri again and feeling what I have the last few days has made me want to try again, I know if I don’t try, I will regret it for the rest of my life, my very, very long life.We met Samantha and Gregory
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Chapter 24
Dimitri’s POV I picked an Italian restaurant for us all to eat at, because who doesn’t like pasta.I have been anxious about this evening because I know how much it will mean to Esther and I really hope her, and Samantha will get along. If they don’t it would be one more roadblock in our way. I picked up on parts of their conversation on the way to the restaurant, and so far, they seemed to be getting along just fine. Tonight, I planned to make my divorce official, Gregory had written me a while back asking if it would be possible, seeing as he was hoping to marry Samantha on their one hundredth anniversary. Once we were all seated the waiter poured us all a glass of wine. Once everyone’s glass was full, I raised my glass in the air. “A Toast” everyone at the table raised their glasses as well. “To the dissolution of Samantha and I’s marriage.” “Really?” Samantha squealed in excitement. “Yes, I think four hundred and something years is long enough, don’t you?” “Yes, I wholehear
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Chapter 25
Dimitri’s POVThe chef of the restaurant came out to see how we enjoyed the meal shortly before we finished. “It was, delicious as always” I exclaimed “Thank you, for another fine meal.”Once everyone was finished, we all got up to go to Samantha and Gregory’s suite to look at the journal. Esther and I led the way, their suite was set up at the opposite end of the hall from our room. “This will be your room.” I said opening the door when we got there and passing them the key.Their luggage had already been delivered and Gregory walked straight over to the suitcases once we were inside. “It is so exciting to share this with you.” He said as he slung the suitcase onto the bed and started unzipping it. Once it was open, he started rummaging through the contents until he pulled out a small silver box. “I keep it in a sealed, container at all times when I am not looking at it.” He explained while bringing the box over to us. “Why don’t we all have a seat at the table.” Samantha suggest
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Chapter 26
Esther’s POV “Well, I am sure you are both tired from your travels, would it be possible to borrow the scans, so I can look them over this evening?” I questioned, I really needed to know what the pages said, but I didn’t want to appear to eager, I have protected this secret for far too long to have it exposed now. “Of course, I think you will find them very interesting.” Gregory went over to the bed and rummaged through his suitcase for just a moment before bringing back a paper booklet and handing it to me.“As a matter of fact, you can hold onto it, I have other copies.” He smiled Sometimes I wish I was in the old world again, when things rarely had copies, who knew how many copies of this journal there were now? how many people he had sent this information to? All I could hope was that nothing of note was in the pages. Dimitri and I excused ourselves for the night and went back to our room. Once inside I cast a spell of concealment as I didn’t want anyone to be able to overhear
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Chapter 27
Dimitri’s POVI often wondered why out of everyone; Esther chose me, to share the burden of her past. She had never told another soul in all her life except me and then I betrayed our relationship, for power, protection, and status. If I could go back in the past, I would kick myself so hard it would knock my teeth out. I know my past is what made me who I am today, but my mind can’t help but to wonder what if. Having Esther back was bittersweet, it made me mourn what could have been, if only I had been different. I don’t know how, I came to take her for granted, but I did. We both read over the scanned pages from the journal, and it was fascinating to learn more about the seven. Esther never really told me much about them, just how it all ended. They were tasked to protect the relics of God, with their lives and for many of them that is exactly what they did, they were the last group of seven.The seven were in constant movement with the relics making sure they never stayed in the s
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Chapter 28
Esther’s POV The alarm went off and I cracked open my eyes, the room was still pitch black, seeing as there wasn’t any windows to let in light. Sometimes it was very difficult to live underground. I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes, I did always sleep a lot more when I was underground though, or maybe that was because I had Dimitri to cuddle with. He was still sleeping despite the alarm. I thought about letting him sleep a bit longer, until it hit me what today was, today would be the burial. I really didn’t want to go. In truth, I didn’t mourn the death of Elizabeth, I only mourned the pain it caused Dimitri and others. I knew I should feel differently about the loss of life, but I couldn’t think about Elizabeth without picturing all the people she killed. I too have taken lives but not out of hate. I laid back down next to Dimitri, I gently stroked his handsome face with my fingertips. “It’s time to wake up” I said gently, a small smile spread across his face, but he still didn’t
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Chapter 29
Esther’s POVThe banquet hall where the brunch was being held was already quite full when we arrived. Several vampire lords were in attendance, and they would be seeing Dimitri and myself together for the first time, as far as I know, Dimitri hadn’t even told them off his divorce from Samantha yet. Before we even opened the doors to the hall you could hear the roar of many people talking at once. Dylan went inside first to announce our presence, he blew a horn to get everyone’s attention. Two other vampires pushed the double doors open to allow us to walk inside, the room fell completely silent as we walked in and straight down the aisle that led to the head table. I glanced to the sides to read the reactions of the room, some faces didn’t seem to hold any emotion at all about my presence but as for some others, their thoughts and disgust was all to present, it was written on every square inch of their faces. I continued to hold my head high and walk forward with Dimitri, I felt lik
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Chapter 30
Esther’s POV My blood ran cold at his words, he was going to tell everyone what he thought was the truth. I did my best to remain calm, I just had to get through this ceremony and then I would tell Dimitri everything, I had been holding back. There was no more time, I needed him on my side, or I needed to know where he stood. It felt like the ceremony would never end, after all the words were said in the Great Hall there was a silent walking procession deep into the catacombs to where Elizabeth would be laid to rest. Once her casket was placed, we all walked silently back to the great hall. I was in misery the whole time, based on what I could see in a reflection off the cross in front of me, I had narrowed it down to three possible vampire lords.I did my best to stay at Dimitri’s side when we got back to the great hall, and keep an eye on all the possible lords. That was until Gregory approached me.“So did you get a chance to read over some of the pages last night?” he questioned
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Chapter 31
Esther’s POVThe rest of our walk was in silence and once we got to the room, Gregory went right over to his suitcase and pulled out the silver box. I took a seat at the table and waited for him to come over. He sat the box down and entered the combination allowing the lid to pop open, he turned the case around to face me and handed me a pair of gloves. I slipped them over my hands, and I pulled the journal out gently and placed it on the table in front of me. I flipped through the pages, I was studying each one and when I got to the back of the journal I looked very closely at the pages, I flipped them up and down studying the pages from different angles. “Are you sure there are any impressions in the paper?” I questioned “Well, I don’t know for sure” Gregory answered, “May I?”“Of course,” I turned the journal to Gregory he slipped on his gloves and started flipping through the pages. “You see these first pages don’t appear to have anything on them but once you flip about twenty
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Chapter 32
Dimitri’s POV The day had went better than I expected, granted I was receiving plenty of dirty looks from various lords for having Esther by my side, but on the plus side, so far all of them have had the decency to keep their mouths shut about it on this day.When we got back to the Great Hall, Gregory came up to talk to Esther about the journal, and I was distracted by one of my advisors, as he wanted to confirm some details about the upcoming hearing.“So which Judge will be presiding the hearing?” Malcolm asked, Malcolm had been on my advising team for years now, he was amazing at his job, but sometimes he got a little too caught up on the little details. “Judge McComb” I answered“During breaks, do you want glasses or fangers?” “Glasses” “How many fangers do you want us to recruit for the next two weeks?” I always disliked the idea of recruiting people to suck their blood, but if I didn’t provide, things would be much worse, not only would the other vampires revolt against me,
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