All Chapters of Fated to be Luna: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
172 Chapters
Chapter 43
Esther’s Point of View“Hannah NO!” I shouted while running forward into the room. Wesley was passed out on the bed with fresh blood still shining on his lips and Hannah was standing over him with a wooden chair leg pressing into his chest. I threw my hand up suspending Hannah into the air, while Dimitri ran forward to pull the chair off Wesley and check on him. “He is still alive” Dimitri said in relief.“Ok we will just tie her up for now” I huffed lowering Hannah into a chair and Dimitri brought some of the rope, we brought to tie up Wesley, over and tied her to the chair. “Hannah, you promised” I said shaking my head at her. “I only broke the promise because you stopped me, I didn’t intend to attempt to kill him, I was going to kill him.” Hannah sneered at me. “Unbelievable” Dimitri said under his breath. “Why do you even have wooden furniture down here?” I questioned as I turned to inspect Wesley’s chest wound. “Well generally it isn’t an issue, not many vampires try to kill
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Chapter 44
High Lord Dimitri’s Point of ViewTalking to Wesley was endlessly frustrating and I wanted nothing more than to get it over with. “Wesley did you tell anyone else about seeing Elizabeth in the United States?” I questioned. “My dad knows I saw Elizabeth in the United States.” He answered.“Does he know anything else?”“Yes” Wesley answered.“You will have to make it more specific, of course his dad knows other things.” Esther said.Oh, right duh, okay more specific. “Does your father know about the hybrid?” “No, this is a bunch of bullshit High Lord Dimitri, I haven’t done anything wrong.”“Do you not understand, how many lives are at stake with this information.” I huffed. “No” Wesley responded. “This could start a war between the species, countless lives lost on both sides.” I stated annoyed by his arrogance. “Have you told anyone about the hybrid?” “No” he answered, relief washed over me, soon this problem could be behind us. “Wait” Esther said studying Wesley’s face “Did you
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Chapter 45
Esther’s Point of ViewI would be able to sleep soundly tonight knowing the information about Renee has been contained. Unfortunately, Wesley had to lose his head to keep that information safe, but it was better than literally losing his head in my book. I still wasn’t sure what we should do with Hannah, as she had already lost some of her mind and unfortunately, I didn’t know of a spell in all the world that could help that. We couldn’t let her go and I didn’t know how to keep her here either. Once I was done with Wesley, we cleaned up the room and tucked him into bed. We untied Hannah and walked her back to my room. Which I was surprised to find empty, just a scribbled message from Silas saying he had to leave on business laying on the table. Which I found to be very strange, but I didn’t know what to do about that either. “Any ideals on what we should do with her?” Dimitri asked while pushing Hannah onto the couch and restraining her once more.“I guess until the trial is over o
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Chapter 46
Silas’s Point of ViewAfter we arrived in Berlin after our fourteen-hour overnight train ride we checked into a hotel, the sun would be up soon, so Gregory and Samantha needed to stay inside until it went down again. I settled into my room taking the time to read over the journal once more, I wished there was a spell I could cast to make the words appear, but to my knowledge no such thing existed. We would have to rely on technology. My eyes started to get heavy after a couple hours and when I awoke next the sun was already down. I jumped out of bed quickly and grabbed the journal before leaving my room and walking to Gregory and Samantha’s room a couple doors down. I knocked on the door and was told to come in. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to oversleep.” I said upon entering. “No worries, I just received confirmation from my friend that we can come to lab.” Gregory stated grabbing a jacket. “I have a case to put the journal into to protect it” Gregory stated grabbing a silver case off the
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Chapter 47
Silas’s Point of ViewI spent days moping around my hotel room, I had no ideal this would take so long. I didn’t trust that Doctor Schmidt guy anyways, maybe he had already read the pages and was off to find the relics. I more I stewed the more paranoid I got, what if Esther wonders why I am gone so long, what if she tries to find me. So many scenarios swept through my head. I was just about to go tell Gregory my latest fear when I heard a knock on my door, I nearly jumped out of my own skin. “Who is it?” I questioned looking about the room. What if it was Esther, what if she had found me out and was coming to take revenge. “It’s me Gregory” Gregory’s voice sounded confused, and I realized I had let my worries get to me again. “Right, come on in” I answered. Gregory came into my room and looked around with a look of disgust. “This place is a mess, what have you been doing? Have you even left this room?” Gregory questioned. I darted my eyes around the room, I guess it was a bit of a
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Chapter 48
Excerpt from Lilith’s Diary The days have grown long, someone is tracking us, but I don’t believe they are human. I see flashes, flashes in my mind’s eye constantly. A man fallen from faith, lost and searching. Then I see Esther’s face, her mouth filling with blood as she turns cold and pale. I am powerless to stop it. I have went to Remus and told him of my visions, his information makes him think someone is tracking us as well. It does not seem to matter where we go or what tactics we use he is always right there, a constant shadow, a plague on my thoughts.Every time I look at the faces of my peers, I am haunted by what I fear will be. Tabitha’s face cold and lifeless. William’s face warps to that of a wolf with blood dripping from his massive jaws, his eyes no longer his own. Theon becomes a headless body collapsing to the floor. Arya has a large arrow through her eye as the other becomes hazy and blue. Remus warps into one of a wolf as well, and Esther my dear sweet Esther she c
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Chapter 49
Silas’s Point of View“This is amazing!” I exclaimed after reading the passage from the journal. “Where is the rest of it?”“I am still trying to process the additional pages” Doctor Schmidt answered “I know the next two pages are too badly faded for our current technology, I couldn’t pull anything from them of any meaning. I thought you were both probably getting anxious, so I wanted to share what I had so far.” “Extraordinary, thank you!” Gregory grabbed his shoulder giving it a friendly squeeze.“Maybe we will even find out who the author is.” “Yeah, I don’t have any clues yet” Doctor Schmidt stated, “Where did you say you found the journal?” “It was in a lot of books, I purchased from an estate auction while I last visited a friend in England.” Gregory answered.“Do you know who owned the estate?” Doctor Schmidt questioned. “A Doctor Delilah Whittaker” Gregory answered, “I have contacted her relatives and they responded that she traveled extensively in her younger years, and it
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Chapter 50
Esther’s Point of ViewThe hearing has now begun, Dimitri held the first session today covering what happened to Elizabeth. We mixed the story of what really happened with the fiction of what made lord Wesley go insane. Now the lords will take three days to think over the information, and with any luck they would take it at face value. Many lords were shocked to hear about Wesley’s condition, but they seemed to take Dimitri on his word about his relationship with Elizabeth. If the lies were weighing on Dimitri you couldn’t tell, although he has been more distant with me. We take shifts keeping an eye on Hannah. When this is all over, I plan to bring her back to the states with me and check her into a hospital to make sure she gets the care she needs. I find myself beginning to worry about Silas I haven’t heard from him at all. I have tried to reach out, but he apparently hasn’t been home or at his usual haunts. Renee will now be the official Luna of her pack and I am sure her and E
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Chapter 51
Silas’s Point of viewI awoke the next afternoon after our visit to the pub with a pounding headache. Gregory was sitting at the desk in my room looking over some papers and researching something on his laptop. “Oh, good you are up” he said excitedly.“Ah, quieter please.” I answered grabbing the sides of my head.“Sorry I forgot; vampires don’t get hangovers after all.” Gregory said in a whisper that still seemed to bounce off all sides of my head. “I won’t have one for long.” I answered grabbing my suitcase and getting the herbs needed to cure this atrocious headache. I dumped the herbs into the filter of the coffeepot, added water, and switched it on. “If you can answer quietly, what are you so excited about?” I questioned.“There is a chance that I have found a lead on owner of the journal.” Gregory whispered happily.“What how?” I loudly exclaimed causing pain to radiate in my own head. I grabbed my forehead and squeezed. “Maybe we should talk after you are better.” Gregory sa
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Chapter 52
Silas’s Point of ViewA couple more days passed, and we searched and searched for more information but didn’t have any luck finding out more. Samantha was growing more and more impatient to leave. I was getting more and more anxious about being away for so long, I had no idea what Esther would think. I had thought about calling her, but I didn’t want to raise any suspicions, for all I know she wasn’t even worried about it. Finally, today Doctor Schmidt contacted Gregory to let him know that he was completely done analyzing the journal. We went straight over the lab. This time Samantha decided to go with us, we checked in with security and proceeded down to the lab. Doctor Schmidt was on the phone when we arrived, he just waved at us and pointed to printed out sheets on a nearby table. We walked over and found two booklets one for Gregory and one for me. I flipped past the cover of the booklet; it was made up of scans from the book that had been analyzed and the translations. The fi
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