All Chapters of Fated to be Luna: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
172 Chapters
Chapter 33
Esther’s POVOh, shit was all I could think, I guess the vampire lord did approach Dimitri.“Yes, that is what I wanted to discuss” I answered studying his face for even a hint of emotion, but so far there wasn’t any. “I wasn’t sure if I could trust you yet.” Then I saw it a flash of pain sweep across his face before it turned to stone again. “I don’t understand how you could keep something like this from me” He gritted “Really, after what happened last time.” My anger was flaring up, I didn’t owe him anything, not really if anyone needed to atone for the past it was him. “I didn’t want her involved because what happened wasn’t her fault!” “So, you just decided not to mention her at all? Well, that’s just great Esther, here I am trying my best and you were just lying to me the whole time.” His anger was flaring now as well.“I didn’t lie to you, you didn’t ask” I knew that excuse was weak, what I did was no better than a lie, but I was only trying to protect Renee. “After what you o
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Chapter 34
Esther’s POV What I needed was a plan, a plan to figure out not only who Wesley had told, but what his end goal was, if he had one. I needed him to tell me the truth, but that wasn’t as simple as a spell, getting the truth is complicated and so is the brew needed to extract it. I had all the ingredients I needed in my trunk that I left in the care of Silas on the surface, who I needed permission to contact. Once I had the brew made, I would still need to dose Wesley with it and it’s not like he would drink anything I gave him.There was no choice I needed an accomplice to accomplish it. I walked to my door, I knew Dimitri asked for the night, but the faster we handled this situation the better. I swung my door open, surprised to find Dimitri right outside, about to knock. “I was just coming to see you.” I spoke “Do you have a plan?” He questioned “Yes, come inside” I answered swinging the door wider and stepping back. I chanted a little privacy spell, so we wouldn’t be overheard.
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Chapter 35
Silas’s POV“Who was that baby?” Hannah asked as soon as I got off the phone with Esther. I was so happy my little vixen came back to me. “An old friend, I am afraid, I have to deliver something to the catacombs.” I said as I laid back down next to her and kissing her back. “Oh really?” She answered in a perky voice “Can I go with you?” she questioned sitting up on the bed letting the blanket fall around her waist revealing her bare, perfectly plump breasts, I bit my lip drinking in the sight before me. “Silas? Hello Silas!” “What? Um are you sure you want to go back down there?” I questioned “I thought you were over being a fanger.” “Oh Silas, of course I am, but they will be happy to see me, and I can show off my man.” She purred her chest rising and falling as she spoke causing her breasts to gently jiggle. “Please Silas?” “Well, I guess it will be fine” I answered, “But we have to go tonight, and I have to bring this.” I said pointing to Esther’s ridiculous trunk, thank goodn
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Chapter 36
Esther’s POV I was enjoying the feeling of Dimitri suckling my neck when an ideal hit me, it was perfect.“Do you know how; Wesley takes his blood?” I questioned. Dimitri pulled his head back showing his blood covered fangs.“You want to talk about Wesley’s blood preferences right now?” Dimitri huffed “He won’t drink any blood we give him; he has always been superstitious as hell; he probably has his own stock.” “Well, I know he won’t drink from a blood bag or cup, but what about a person?”Dimitri looked confused to begin with then it registered “Will the brew even work that way?”“Yes, it is absorbed by the blood, and I can make it, so it won’t affect the host, only Wesley.” Dimitri licked the blood from his lips “That could work, he does have a weakness for fangers, especially the slutty ones.” “Now we just need a fanger who won’t talk.” I stated, the phone rang on the wall next to us. Dimitri grabbed it. “Dimitri” he stated holding the phone to his ear. After a couple of secon
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Chapter 37
Esther’s POV“Well, I guess, I should get started” I stated walking over to the small kitchenet in my suite. “You can just put the trunk down over here.” I pointed to direct Silas. Once he sat it down, he said “Oh, thank goodness that thing was a bear to float all the way down here.” I just rolled my eyes and got busy working. “Hey I saw that!” Silas shrieked, like it hurt his feelings.“Oh, Silas stop being such a baby.” Hannah said in a bored voice. “So, what exactly are you doing?” Silas questioned coming over to stand next to me. “Truth brew” I answered as I opened the lid to my trunk, I remember the journal tucked in my dress and pulled it out to place in my trunk. My trunk held my life in a way, everything I deemed important enough to hold onto and the ingredients needed for various brews. My trunk not only had extension spells on it, but it also had various protection spells on it as well. I placed the journal inside, tucked away on one of the lower shelfs. “What is that?”
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Chapter 38
Silas’s POV I couldn’t help but notice how vague Esther was about the leather-bound brown book she put inside her trunk, which made me all the more curious. Usually, Esther was more to the point and specific about things, she is only vague when she is trying to hide something. After I got done eating, I couldn’t stop thinking about that book, maybe, it was the boredom sinking in after being here for so many hours, with Hannah asleep there wasn’t anything for me to do. I tried to make conversation with Dimitri, but I might as well have been talking to a wall, I really didn’t understand what Esther saw in the guy. I mean sure the guy was a ten in the looks department, but I don’t think he rated anywhere near that in intelligence. I mean, I should have been mad at Hannah for manipulating me, but her manipulation just made her hotter, see she was a ten in both looks and smarts.I always tried to respect Esther’s privacy, but that book kept calling to me. Esther was distracted stirring h
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Chapter 39
Esther’s POVAfter hours of tending to the brew, it was finally ready. “It’s ready” I announced.“Oh, thank goodness!” Silas exclaimed. He had laid down for a few hours but for at least the last hour he was up and was pacing about the room. “I will wake up Hannah.” He said as he headed towards the bed. Dimitri came over from where he had been sitting on the couch.“Maybe you want to have a sip and tell me, how you feel about me?” Dimitri whispered in my ear. “Maybe you want to have a sip, and let me know what you plan to do when it comes to Renee?” I responded. Dimitri just sighed and walked back over to the table. I removed the brew from the burner to cool, pouring it into a mug. Hannah sleepily walked over to the table followed by Silas. “Ugh I have to drink that? It looks disgusting” Hannah huffed looking at the mug. “It also smells disgusting” she crinkled her nose at the odor. “Yes, you do.”“Fine but how does this stuff even work?”“Once you drink it, it will take about thir
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Chapter 40
Silas’s Point of ViewIt has been about twenty minutes since Hannah choked down the truth brew, I am sure it tasted terrible, ten hours is the minimum for a truth brew, the longer it cooks the less flavor it has. Dimitri and Esther were preparing to escort her to Wesley’s suite when a knock came at the door. Dimitri and Esther, both shot one another a look. “Are we expecting anyone?” Esther questioned eyeing the door. “Not to my knowledge, I told Dylan we did not want to be disturbed.” Dimitri answered walking over to the door, while Esther grabbed Hannah’s arm pulling her into the bathroom and closing the door. Dimitri slowly opened the door. “Ah Samantha and Gregory what a pleasant surprise.” Dimitri said once he saw who was on the other side of the door. Dimitri continued to stand in the doorway blocking them from coming in. “Yeah, I just thought we should say goodbye” Samantha stated waiting for Dimitri to invite them in and when he didn’t, she took matters into her own hands “
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Chapter 41
Esther’s Point of ViewOnce we made it out of the room past Samantha and Gregory, we proceeded straight to the suite next to Wesley’s. Once we were inside, I went over the plan once more with Hannah. “Ok, so you are going to knock on his door and act like it was an accident and you have the wrong room, remember to act very slutty.” I said looking over her appearance. She did look the part, she had a white tank top on that was practically see through and you could clearly make out the cheetah print on her bra underneath, she was wearing a black mini skirt and black high heels. Her makeup helped seal the deal with her bright red lips and dark shadowed eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I got it, then I compliment him on his looks and giggle while biting my lip. I got it mom!” Hannah huffed annoyed and starting walking towards the door. “And Hannah” I called “Do not try to kill him, you promised!” She just rolled her eyes and was out the door. “This plan is so screwed” I sighed watching her leave.
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Chapter 42
Silas’s Point of ViewI decided not to mince words and instead, I just grabbed the journal from the band of my pants and dropped it on the table in front of Samantha and Gregory. “What, how do you have this? I just gave it to Esther.” Gregory questioned confused. “No, you gave her that one, that she left over on the end table.” I responded pointing to the other journal. “I pulled this one out of Esther’s trunk when she wasn’t looking.”“I don’t understand” Gregory said in confusion pulling the journal to him and opening the cover. “There is more than one copy, and Esther had already seen it, when she claimed she hadn’t, why?” Samantha also looked confused. “If I had to guess, this one is the original.” I answered, “But I need to know what happened.” Gregory recounted the details of Esther helping him pull the ink forward from the back pages of the journal and how it didn’t lead to anything more, so he was going to give up on finding out anything more. “Well, I will tell you what I
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