All Chapters of Fated to be Luna: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
172 Chapters
Chapter 13
Esther’s POVDylan spewed soup across the table and coughed “oh shit, I’m sorry” he apologized grabbing a napkin to soak up the mess. “Are you ok?” I asked holding back a laugh“Yes, sorry, it’s just, no one has just came out and asked me that before. I was just surprised I guess.” He answered while he finished soaking up the mess. “Well?” I questioned still waiting for an answer. “Oh, right umm I was turned at a hospital here in Rome.” He took his seat once more. “I was about to die from internal injuries I got from a mugging, apparently, I was in a coma, so I don’t really remember anything, I just remember waking up and craving blood.” “Wow, who turned you?” I questioned“My nurse, she was a vampire obviously, her name is Sofia. She took pity on me and turned me, then sent me here and I have been here ever since then.”“What about your family?” I asked “Orphan” he answered “I’m sorry” “Don’t be, I don’t really remember them, I grew up in an orphanage until I was fifteen, then
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Chapter 14
Esther’s POVI opened the door to Dimitri’s room; the room was dimly lit with an imitation fireplace providing the majority of the light. Dimitri was sitting on a large couch in front of the fireplace with his legs crossed and his arms thrown over the back, and he looked delectable. “Come on in, Esther join me” I walked over and sat on the end of the couch leaving a large gap between the two of us. I handed Dimitri the files, he grabbed them from me making sure he brushed my hand as he did. “And what is all this?” he questioned while leaning forward and placing the files on the coffee table in front of the couch flipping them open to review the contents. “Proof, of Elizabeth’s crimes against the werewolves, including but not limited to, unprovoked attacks, murdering an Alpha, and capturing and torturing an Alpha and his mate.”“What is your point?” Dimitri hissed “I thought you said Elizabeth killed herself.” “She did, but as you said Elizabeth wouldn’t just commit suicide, these ar
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Chapter 15
Esther’s POVWhen I got back to my room I shut and locked the door behind me. I leaned against the door, my heart was pounding with excitement, excitement I haven’t felt in a very, very long time. I caught my breath and thought about what just happened, I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face. I felt like a teenager again, and it was exhilarating, especially for someone who has lived as long as I have. I just stood there for a few minutes with a big stupid grin on my face, then I started pacing the room with nervous energy. I thought about going back across the hall to see him again. To look into his eyes and feel his touch. I needed to calm myself, I went into the bathroom to prepare a nice warm bubble bath. Once the tub was full, I disrobed and sunk into the nice warm water. I sunk all the way under the water completely submerging myself. When I resurfaced, I pushed the water off my face with my hands and leaned back into the tub. I closed my eyes and for a few moment
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Chapter 16
Dimitri’s POVEver since I first learned that Esther was flying to Rome, my head has been filled with thoughts of her. It had been at least one hundred and thirty years since I last laid my eyes on her. I missed her more than I ever wanted to admit. I have always regretted what I did to her, she is the only person besides my daughter that I have ever truly loved. I tried not to get my hopes up too much though, just because Esther came to Rome doesn’t mean she is coming here. My heart was practically singing whenever the guard reported she was at the entrance. I did my best to keep my cool in front of my advisors and staff, but I was practically vibrating with joy. When she walked through the doors, her beauty took me by surprise she was even more gorgeous than I remembered. Her tight black curls falling to her shoulders and the most beautiful flawless ebony skin. She was wearing a blue t-shirt that hugged her curves nicely, I couldn’t stop myself from raking my eyes over her body bef
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Chapter 17
Esther’s POV I was just about to crash over the edge, when the loud bang of my door being kicked open pulled me back to reality. Within seconds Dimitri was standing in the bathroom doorway, his eyes filled with lust. “You called” His voice was deep and husky. I wanted to slip back under the water and disappear. “No” I answered, I went to pull my fingers from my folds, but the sensation caused my body to quiver with pleasure. “What else would you call moaning my name?” He grunted; I could feel my cheeks becoming flush from embarrassment, I couldn’t believe he heard me, I was doing my best to muffle my moans. “You should really invest in insulating the walls, Dimitri”“No, I like them the way they are.” He answered walking closer to the tub. “Pretending can be fun, but I thought you would prefer the real thing.” My breath caught in my throat, and I was truly at a loss for words. Dimitri leaned down and rubbed the side of my face. “So beautiful” I brought my eyes up to meet his, I
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Chapter 18
Esther’s POV“Oh shit” oh shit did I just say that out loud, oh my gosh, what did I just do? I laid there frozen scared to move, hoping he didn’t hear me, when I knew very well that he did. Dimitri pulled away from me so he could look at my face. I could see confusion and hurt written on his. “Oh shit?” he questioned “I didn’t” I paused “I didn’t mean it like that.”“Then how did you mean it? Because it didn’t sound excited like oh shit, he loves me, and I love him too.” “Dimitri, all these years there has always been a part of me that loves you, but I can’t say that I am in love with you, not yet.” This was so awkward and horrible, here I am lying completely naked on his bed, and he is pulling away from me. “I understand, it is all too soon.” He answered as he sat up on the bed, now we weren’t touching at all, and I missed it. I grabbed the top blanket throwing it over my exposed body before I sat up as well. “I guess, I will go back to my room.” I said in almost a whisper, I was
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Chapter 19
Esther’s POVI awoke the next morning laying the other direction, I could feel Dimitri’s arm around my body and another part of his body pushing against my ass. What happened last night came back into my mind like a flood, Dimitri said that he loved me. The thought brought a smile to my face, but this wasn’t the first time he had told me those words, and they didn’t hold up last time. He may have loved me before, but it wasn’t the love, I deserved, but many years have passed, and I couldn’t stop myself from wishing and hoping that this time maybe, just maybe, he meant them in the way, that he loved me more than he loved everything else. I couldn’t bring myself to move out of his arms, so I continued laying there until he stirred. “Mm, Good morning” He grunted tightening his arm, pulling me closer to him. “Good morning” I laughed as I wiggled my ass against his hard manhood. “Nuh uh, none of that for you, not until you are in love with me too.” He purred into my ear.“Ugh are you se
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Chapter 20
Esther’s POV Our hot make out session came to a halt, whenever the waffles and orange juice arrived. We both ate our share, and I downed a glass of orange juice.“It will be two days, until Elizabeth’s burial.”“I understand”“I would like you to attend”“Of course, I will attend” I answered“No, I mean I want you to attend, by my side.” He stated, looking at me intentlyI was surprised “Are you sure, won’t that cause issues?” I questioned, I wanted nothing more than to attend by his side, but our relationship wasn’t something that made other pure blood vampires happy, and that was why, we didn’t work before. “If I haven’t proven my loyalty by now, then I guess I never will, I want you Esther, and I intend to let everyone know that.”His words practically took my breath away, Dimitri was so different now and also so much the same, it was a little confusing, I just hoped that it wasn’t an act. “Then if that is what you want, I will attend the ceremony with you.” A big smile spread ac
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Chapter 21
Esther’s POVOver the next couple days several vampire lords had arrived for both the hearing and Elizabeth’s burial. Samantha hadn’t arrived yet, but she was supposed to arrive tonight. I have only met Samantha once before; I wasn’t looking forward to our second meeting, but I didn’t see that it could be avoided. I needed to know from her how she felt about Dimitri. I felt weird planning to talk to her, whenever she was coming here to bury her daughter. I guess I will just have to wait and see if the time is right. Most of my time here has been spent in Dimitri’s room. He still hasn’t given in on sex, but I have actually been enjoying the anticipation. We have talked a lot, about things that have happened to us over the years, things we have learned, and things that took our breath away. I could tell that Dimitri had really enjoyed being a father, but he wished for different circumstances. He never loved Samantha, and by the sound of it she never loved him. They had a mutual respec
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Chapter 22
ESTHER’s POV Dimitri pulled me into the bathroom, stripping my body of clothes along the way, and planting kisses on my chest, arms, and back. I was down to just my bra and underwear. I shoved him back into the wall and pulled the belt from his pants. “Mm” he groaned approving of my action. Then I unbuttoned his trousers letting them drop to the floor. His cock was hard and pressing against his boxers begging to be let out. I grabbed his boxers with both hands pulling them down and falling to my knees at the same time. I grabbed his cock bringing the head of it to my mouth, I glanced up at Dimitri and his lust filled eyes were trained on me. I pushed my tongue out to meet the top of his penis and began swirling my tongue around it.“Oh yeah” Dimitri groaned enjoying the sensation. I started taking more of his cock into my mouth trying to fit the full length. I bobbed my head forward and back stroking his shaft with my mouth and tongue. I grabbed onto his thighs for stability, and
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