All Chapters of Fated to be Luna: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
172 Chapters
Chapter 53
Esther’s Point of ViewThe party was a success, Dimitri had live bands play, supplied endless drinks and distractions to keep the lords occupied, and distracted. But today the trial would reconvene, and I was to give my statement to the lords about what I knew. Unfortunately, that meant we would have to leave Hannah alone for a little while since both Dimitri and my presence was expected. “What do you plan to do with her during your testimony?” Dimitri questioned a few hours before the trial was to begin. “I guess, I will tie her up so she can’t open the door or anything.” I answered. “Should we gag her too?” he questioned.“No, I cast a privacy spell the first day so the only way you can hear anything in this room is if you are in it.” “Have you heard anything from Silas yet?”“No, not a peep” I answered shaking my head “I sent Dylan back out last night and still no sign of him.” “That is strange” Dimitri answered his eyes distant as if he was lost in thought.“Have you heard bac
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Chapter 54
Silas’s Point of View Once we arrived back at the hotel room, me and Gregory sat down deflated, where as Samantha started happily packing her things into her suitcase. “I can’t believe there wasn’t more.” I said quietly almost to myself I didn’t want to believe it. “I know” Gregory answered. “I don’t even know if its worth pursuing any further.” “The only thing we have really learned is Esther does at least know how the first vampire came to be, but it doesn’t matter she will never tell us more.” I sighed.“We still have the possible lead at the Vatican, you could check it out just to be sure it doesn’t lead anywhere, I am sure you are probably returning to Rome anyways.” “Yes, I can do that, I will leave for Rome tonight.” I stated standing up to go pack. “Well, it has been good to see you again, Gregory and I will contact you when I know more.” “It was good to see you as well” He answered standing up to shake my hand and see me out the door. I went to my room and gathered up m
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Chapter 55
Hannah’s Point of ViewI did hate tricking Silas like that, but I didn’t have a choice it was time for revenge and justice. Besides he would have caught onto my lie when I couldn’t walk out the door. I didn’t know what, I was going to do yet, but whatever it was needed to be fast, maybe I could lure a vampire inside. I flung the door open, so I could see into the hall then I walked over to the kitchen grabbing one of the wooden chairs and flinging it into the wall. On impact it cracked into different pieces, I grabbed one with a sharp edge and went to lay down on the floor next to the door feigning that I was unconscious, I tucked the stake under me, so it wasn’t visible and now I just had to wait. I laid there for a while, I lost track of the time, but it was ok because I had my thoughts to keep my company, I tried to figure out ways to burn down the catacombs completely, although according to the information I found in Silas’s things when I was pretending to date him, there is magi
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Chapter 56
Esther’s Point of viewWesley’s lifeless body laid there taunting me, I pushed through the crowd, until I reached my room. I was surprised to find the door unlocked. I pushed the door open slightly, slipping inside. Once I was in the room, I was face to face with distraught Hannah, who looked terrified beyond words. I think this was the first time I had seen true emotion in her face. Then I took in the rest of the room, the broken chair shards of wood on the ground. The bathroom was barricaded, and I could hear someone crying on the other side to be let out.“What did you do?” I cried stepping forward grabbing Hannah’s shoulders, she burst into tears. “Why, why does he have a body” I scream cried.“What are you talking about?”“His body it didn’t disappear, all the others disappeared” She cried tears running down her cheeks. “Do you realize what you have done, the lives you have put in danger.” I squeezed her shoulders harder the anger coursing through my veins, I don’t even remember
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Chapter 57
Silas’s Point of viewIn all of my life, I had never seen Esther that mad, I didn’t mean for that to happen, I really did think Hannah needed my help. I knew it wasn’t open for discussion right now though. I supported Hannah and walked through the door Esther had made it led to another suite that was empty and much to my surprise another door appeared once we were in that room, I went through that one as well. We went through room after room until we were far away from Esther’s suite. We needed to get out of the catacombs completely, but I wasn’t sure how to make it past the guards yet. I peeked into that corridor outside the room we weren’t far from the exit and the hallways were abandoned for now. I pulled Hannah towards me.“Listen up, we need a plan to get out of here.” I said looking into her eyes, but there was no reaction, she had completely shut off now. Her body was merely going through the motions, but Hannah had checked out. Great I closed the door to the corridor once more
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Chapter 58
Esther’s Point of ViewI stayed in my room pacing back and forth, nibbling on my fingernails, listening to what was happening in the hallway. Many lords were muttering back and forth, Luckily, they hadn’t noticed anything other than the ground shaking from my anger episode and they merely thought it was an earthquake. I was waiting for Dimitri before I made any more moves, on the plus side we both had alibis with many witnesses the downside being Wesley was found right outside my door. A second pure blood, dead in so few months wasn’t something that happened very often. I had no idea when the lords would receive the information about Renee, but now that Wesley was dead it was inevitable. We were so close a mere few votes away from putting all of this behind us, and now I didn’t know what to do, or what to expect. Soon there was a knock on the door, I went over and peered through the peep hole to see Dimitri on the other side, I unlocked the door and Dimitri slid inside. “What in t
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Chapter 59
Esther’s point of view Dimitri ushered me into his room “Stay here, I have to get ahead of this and call for an emergency meeting, it can’t look like I already knew.” He stated before disappearing out of the door once more. I paced about the room restless for hours while Dimitri was gone. As soon as I would sit down, I would find myself on my feet once more. How quickly things changed in such a short amount of time. I couldn’t eat or drink I felt so nauseous, the waiting was agony. Finally, about three hours later Dimitri got back. “Well how did it go?” I questioned anxious for information. Dimitri’s face looked tired and grim, and I knew it wasn’t good news.“The final vote will be tomorrow evening, but I fear the majority want to wipe Renee out, they blame her despite me pointing out evidence to the contrary. There were even theories bouncing around that she was somehow responsible for Wesley’s Death.”“What if we go to them with evidence that it was Hannah?” I questioned.“They
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Chapter 60
Luna Renee’s Point of ViewTomorrow would be the last day of our honeymoon, these past few days have been pure bliss. I have almost forgotten about the outside world completely. Being with Ethan without any distractions has been amazing. Tonight, we are going to have a romantic meal together, that he is currently cooking. I wanted to get dressed up for the occasion, maybe have one of those walking down the stairs moments like in the movies. I still haven’t heard anything from Esther, and I was hoping that was a good sign. I felt so happy and complete in this moment, and while I knew it couldn’t last forever, I wanted to soak in every second that it did. I finished curling my hair before slipping on my dress. My phone vibrated on the vanity, and I looked to see that Ethan had texted me that the meal was ready. I texted back I would be down in just a minute, then took one last look in the mirror before leaving our room and heading down the stairs. The rooms at the bottom of the stair
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Chapter 61
Luna Renee’s Point of viewI quickly sat up and Ethan snapped awake next to me, and I looked down to see I was still holding my stomach. My face was drenched in sweat. “What is it?” Ethan asked his words groggy from being asleep.“I just” I started to say, but then I wasn’t sure if I should say anything yet. I didn’t know if it was true or not, I felt like it must be, but I didn’t want to tell Ethan and be wrong. “I was just startled awake; I am sorry I woke you.”I leaned over to cuddle up against him and he wrapped his arm around me. Ethan fell back to sleep fairly quickly, but I laid awake thinking about this new information, I didn’t even know how soon my pregnancy could be detected medically, if I even was pregnant.Then I started thinking about being a mother and wondering if I would make a good mother, I knew Ethan was sure to be an excellent father. I have seen how good he is with the young pups of the pack, he is patient, sweet and gentle. I wondered if it would be a boy or
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Chapter 62
Silas’s Point of viewWhen I awoke, I looked around my apartment and noticed that Hannah was no longer in my bed. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before looking around to see where she was, but she was nowhere in sight. I got up and walked over to the bathroom, but she wasn’t in there either. When I walked back out, I spotted a small paper on the end table next to the bed it was written in Hannah’s handwriting, and it read.‘I’m sorry I used you; I need help, checking myself in today. Goodbye.’ I laid it back down on the end table, shaking my head. What a shitty last few days I have had. I wanted to just lay down and go back to sleep but when I tried, all I could think about was Esther and that damn journal. I finally gave up on any additional rest and decided since I was up, I might as well check out the lead on Lilith, the possible author of the journal, at the Vatican. I knew one of the Cardinals there and placed a call to set up an appointment for a little later in the day. That would
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