All Chapters of Fated to be Luna: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
172 Chapters
Chapter 63
Esther’s Point of View Part of me was hopeful that Dimitri would show up at the airport, but the longer I sat there, the less likely that seemed to be. I knew I shouldn’t be surprised; he picked the vampires over me last time; I just hoped this time would be different. Maybe it was better to find out where his loyalties lie, now, rather than later down the road. Boarding would begin in about fifteen minutes, if it started on time. The closer it got the more I watched the door, still hoping to see him walk through it. When it got down to about five minutes, I forced myself to stop staring at the door, I couldn’t hold the tears back any longer and they silently started rolling down my cheeks. I was a fool; I fell for him all over again. Somehow this pain seemed to cut even deeper than last time, because I forgave him, now I couldn’t blame him completely for my pain. I was also at fault, I was the one who chose to trust him yet again now I was hurt and felt stupid. “Now boarding flight
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Chapter 64
Silas’s Point of ViewCardinal Valenki had set it up for me to go to the library I requested and after checking in, someone led me to where I needed to go. I have my reference number for the book stack and number of the book, which was book twelve twelve. I didn’t have an author name or any additional information. I found the stack I needed and the book twelve twelve was wedged between two much larger books, I pulled out the book it was a small leather-bound book with nothing on the cover. I opened the first page and the inner page read. ‘The disbandment of the seven.’ I flipped to the next page and started reading. Excerpt from ‘The Disbandment of the seven’I knew from a young age that my Lilith had been given special gifts from God, and when she was called on by the church to join the seven. I faithfully sent her to serve, even though it broke my heart to see my baby girl go. She would not be able to contact us, and we would not be able to contact her for many years to come. I tho
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Chapter 65
Silas’s Point of viewWhen I got back to ‘Blacked out Coffee’ the whole place was a buzz of people excitedly whispering to one another and I realized something big must have happened. I spotted Ricky in the back corner and walked over to him, and I sat down at his table. “Here is the information you asked for.” Ricky stated handing me a folder with a couple papers inside. “Now where is the goods?” he questioned.I handed the cooler to him as I grabbed the file. “What is everyone so excited about?” I questioned flipping the file open. “I don’t know if this is enough to cover that little tid bit of information.” Ricky said looking smug. “That’s fine, as excited as everyone is someone will talk.” I answered looking bored. I skimmed the document in front of me until I found the information I needed. A vampire, werewolf, hybrid named Renee. I got up like I was going to leave. “Ok fine I will tell you” Ricky said quickly. I knew he wouldn’t be able to keep this to himself. I sat back d
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Chapter 66
Esther’s Point of ViewThe flight was long, but it went smoothly. I took the opportunity to get some much-needed rest, I leaned my head onto Dimitri’s shoulder and fell asleep. Once we landed, I rented a cargo van, so that Dimitri and Dylan could ride in the back. The drive to the New Lunar Pack would be during the day and we needed to protect Dimitri and Dylan from the sunlight. The cargo van still had some small windows in the back, so we found some cardboard and I bought tape to cover all of the windows.I also bought a few blankets from the gift shop to lay over them, just in case the cardboard fell down, once all the windows were covered Dimitri loaded the luggage and both him and Dylan laid down in the back of the van on the makeshift pallet, I made for them. I tossed a blanket over each of them covering them completely, before closing the back doors and hopping into the driver’s seat. The drive to the New Lunar Pack would take about two and a half hours. Dimitri and Dylan were
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Chapter 67
Luna Renee’s Point of viewAfter my shower, I decided to distract myself by going downstairs to watch TV. The television did distract me some, but I still kept thinking about the possibility that I was pregnant, I knew it was a possibility with my heat, but being told that by the moon goddess brought it into a sharp focus. Within a couple of hours Ethan came downstairs. “What are you doing down here?” He asked walking up behind me on the couch and wrapping his arms around me. ‘“I couldn’t sleep.” I answered. “Why not?” he questioned coming around the front of the couch, now looking concerned. “Just thinking about a lot of things, nothing to worry about” I smiled at him to reassure him that I was fine, but I don’t think it reached my eyes, because he still didn’t look convinced. “Do you want some breakfast?” He questioned next.“I don’t know, I’m not feeling very hungry.” I answered. “I will make you favorite, biscuits and gravy.” He coaxed. “No, I am ok really.” I said.“Okay,
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Chapter 68
Luna Renee’s Point of viewWhen we got close enough to pack territory for mind links to work, I sent one to Doctor Reagan. “Doctor, I have a confidential question for you, I know Ethan is my contact, but I would like to keep this one just between you and me right now.”“Of course, what can I do for you Luna Renee.” Doctor Reagan answered.“How soon can you detect if someone is pregnant?” I questioned. “Oh, I see, I can detect werewolf pregnancies as soon as four days after conception.” “Can you do that test on me? Like say today?” I asked.“Yes, it is a fairly quick test, I would just need a vial of blood.”“Can you meet us at the packhouse to get it, but please don’t tell anyone why.” “Yes”“Thank you, Doctor.” I said before cutting the link. Within a few minutes we were arriving at the entrance to the pack lands. I didn’t recognize the guard on duty, he must have been the replacement for Klaus, goddess rest his soul. “Welcome home Alpha, and Luna.” The guard stated while pushing
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Chapter 69
Luna Renee’s Point of viewOnce we were all inside the room Esther started making the introductions. “Alpha and Luna, I would like you to meet the previous high lord Dimitri, and this is Dylan. They are here to help.” Each man nodded in our direction, Dimitri was tall, muscular, and his facial features were strong and not unpleasant to look at. Dylan had a smaller stature, with boyish features, he didn’t appear to be a day over eighteen, there were air pods in his ears and his skin was so pale you would almost think he was a ghost. I knew based on their scent they were both vampires and now I knew one of them to be Elizabeth’s father. “Help with what exactly?” Ethan questioned looking at our visitors thoughtfully, taking a step forward positioning himself between me and them, wither it was consciously or unconsciously done, I couldn’t tell for sure. “There is a threat against Renee, from the council, we are here to warn you and assist in any way that we can.” Dimitri answered as he s
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Chapter 70
Luna Renee’s Point of view When I returned to the room all the men had taken a seat at the table and Dimitri had a laptop in front of him. “I think we should have someone listening at all times.” Ethan stated. “I agree” Dimitri answered as he typed on the computer.“I will need to contact the Elder Council and see how they can assist.” Ethan said. “I have already contacted them, Alpha, Elder Chase said they would hold a meeting immediately. Esther stated.“We also need to focus on making your pack land as unvampire friendly as possible.” Dimitri stated, “although it will be inconvenient for us.” “What did you have in mind?” Ethan questioned.“UV flood lights around the packhouse for one” Dimitri stated. “Now that word is out about Renee, any number of vampires might try something.” Esther walked over to where I was standing looking me over. “A blood test?” She questioned “Is something wrong?” “No” I answered hoping she would drop the matter.“Then why have a blood test.” She sa
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Chapter 71
Luna Renee’s Point of viewOur walk to the kitchen was done in silence and once we got to the kitchen Esther went silently over to the refrigerator pulling various berries out and setting them on the counter. I watched confused wondering why she hadn’t asked anymore about the blood test. I watched as she dumped them into the blender snapped the lid in place before turning it on. Once the noise of the blender filled the room Esther looked at me and asked“Why did you have a blood test?” Her face was serious and clearly showed that she wasn’t in the mood to be lied to. My eyes fell to the blender as it chopped and mixed the various berries inside creating a purple looking concoction. “I think I might be pregnant” I stated bringing my eyes back to Esther’s face. Confusion crossed her face “Why would you think that? You just had your heat. There shouldn’t be any signs.” Esther stated turning off the blender. “I had a vision” I stated “The moo” I tried to speak, but once more the words
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Chapter 72
Chapter 160Luna Renee’s point of viewAfter leaving Esther in the kitchen I made my way back to her room. My head full of thoughts about the baby growing inside me. I caressed my belly as I walked, thankful for the gift inside. When I reached the door that lead to Esther’s room a took a deep breath and turned the handle to let myself inside. The men were all still gather around one another discussing plans to protect the pack and me. Now even Jonathan had joined in. All their head snapped in my direction when they heard me enter the room. “Ethan if you have a moment I need to talk to you.” I statedEthan looked confused but didn’t waste anytime gaining his feet and walking over to me “I always have time for you” we walked out of the room together and I led us to our room, so we could have some privacy. When we got inside our room I turned to Ethan. “You might want to sit down” I said giving him a small smile, I was so nervous and I don’t even know why. “Is something wrong? you ar
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