Semua Bab The Victim : Bab 11 - Bab 20
74 Bab
10| different
Serine ***I stared at the girl in the mirror and I shook my head, disappointed. What happened to me? I was okay, I was completely fine.But I just had to be pushed down once again. I just had to let myself be hurt again, I just had to see him.Dream about him and have nightmares with only him in them. Why didn't I do something? Why couldn't I speak up? Why was I weak? Why did I have to fluctuate? Why did I pay the price at such a young age?Why did I leave my dad on my own? Why? Why did it have to be me.I hopped into the shower and allowed the hot water burn my skin. I never felt bothered as I saw some parts of my body become a darker shade of pink and allowed my muscles to relax.***"Everybody please welcome your new classmate. Serine Williams," I shyly looked up and felt more than a dozens of eyes staring at me and nobody said a word. "Why's everybody so quite?"Ms Pillar seemed to have spoken to soon when everybody began laughing.Their young mirths were like knives stabbing m
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11| tiredness
Serine ***The rest of the day had gone fine but I was not my usual self because of everything that happened with my dad. I wrote down the last words of my notes and then closed my book tiredly.Sinking down my seat, I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples."Alright students, your assignment is due next week-" Ms Blue wasn't able to finish her sentence when an army of groans were heard. "Do you want me to make it Friday?" She raised her brow and everybody else kept quiet."That's what I thought. So for this assignment no group work will be needed." I internally sighed and thanked the heavens. The last thing I needed, was to be surrounded by a group of people speaking, spilling and suggesting. "You will have to do this on your own. Due date is Thursday and it should be completed."And right on time, the bell rang. I tiredly got up and shoved my spare notebook inside my bag and got out after the other students had left. I wasn't even three steps out yet and a familiar pair of eyes met m
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12| bullying
Serine ***Previously: But Kelly then did something that I never expected her to do.She kissed him.But that wasn't the reason only why I had even acknowledged it. It's because he didn't stop her, he let her. I looked away once he pushed her away. I watched at Sarah and Levine watched as the drama unfolded in front of their eyes. "Serine I-""You don't need to explain anything," I simply said and walked away.And that was just every single day.I ignored him. I'd cross paths with him, not saying a word, not giving him any reaction, nothing. He'd ask me something and I'd stick with one word answers.Like right now. I was busy sketching something. An alley.I didn't realize how much time had actually gone by but it was only at the sound of someone else's voice that I snapped out of it. "Serine," I quickly slammed down my sketch book along with my pencil. I didn't respond nor even spare the source of the voice a glance and just stared into space."What was that drawing?" He sat down
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Serine***I entered my original classroom and took my seat. It seemed like today I was the first one here. Levine was on my right and she was glued to her phone for the past five minutes.I gave up in calling her and just stared at the empty white board that was in front of me. After getting bored for a while, I opened my sketch book and IT opened to the sketch I had done earlier. I frowned at the image and tore it out of the book. I gave it one last glance before crumble it up. "What's with the noise dude?" I heard a familiar voice whine."At least that snapped you out of whatever had you glued to your phone," I stared at her blankly. "Okay look, It's not gossip." I blinked at her. "Do you think I'm stupid or something?""Uhh..." she trailed off and I rolled my eyes. "Oh I know, shut up. You have more brains than I do but I swear it's not gossip. It's real information.""Ahh, I see.""Look your sarcasm is not nee-""Students!" My head snapped into the direction of the door and ther
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14| talk
Serine***"He is so hot! Jesus, oh my,""Dude, can you like, chill?" I said and shoved one of books into my locker. "No but I can't. I just simply can't. If you didn't see what I saw, then you weren't seeing anything at all. But it would explain everything, I mean, you were looking at each other like the rest of us were invisible." She smirked with her arms folded."What are you saying?" I rolled my eyes. "I'm saying the truth. And he was the guy who we bumped into earlier, outside the cafeteria, in the hall.""I know very well Liv," I rolled my head back."I'm just making sure that you haven't had any amnesia," I stared at her for a moment before shaking my head and stared elsewhere. "You're crazy,""Well speaking of the devil," I knitted my brows. "Wh-" I turned around but only to bump into something. "Ow!" I hissed. "Sorry, sorry, sorry. I am so sorry." I looked up to the pair of chestnut orbs and realized who it was.Speaking of the devil, huh."It's okay, no big deal." I shook m
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15| mistakes
Serine***"So?""How about we sit down," he suggested. "It's either you talk or I'm out.""No- I'll talk. Just don't go,""You don't see my legs moving now do you?" He sighed with his eyes closed before speaking up. "Look I don't want to fight nor argue with you anymore. I'd never jeopardize what we had before. We actually were on good terms and we were communicating in a way, in the most civilised we could. And be fire you say anything, I know that you know all of this and there's not need to go back to it but I just need you to believe me when I say that I wasn't the one who told Kelly about what happened to your dad. Serine I'd never do that to you-""Then who did it?""Ser-""If it wasn't you, then who was it?""I don't know Goddamnit," I jerked my head back and shook my head in disbelief. "You seriously still think that I'll- simply believe you because it 'wasn't you'? Alexander, who do you think you're fooling?"I continued. "For the past few days of you wanting to talk to me,
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16| confessions
Serine***History had begun repeating itself when I was incapable of looking him in the eye once again.Not because I hated him this time but because he had kissed me."Hey what's wrong?" Levine asked."Nothing.""Oh Serine you've been saying that for the past week.""Because it's what's true." I shrugged. "You've been so quiet since the day I left you to speak with Alexander. And you never told us what happened, so tell us.""Yeah. You don't look okay and maybe if you'd tell us, you'd feel better." Sarah said.I sighed and opened my mouth to explain everything that had happened between Alexander and I."He kissed you?""Oh I knew it." I frowned. "You what?""Oh, this is what I get for being friends with two idiots." Levine face palmed."Hey!" Sarah slapped her arm playfully. "Haven't you realized that the schools most hottest boy is head over heels for our beloved, hot ass best friend." I knitted my brows. "Impossible.""No, no, no, it's possible." Sarah said and I glared at her."
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17| payback
Serine***I closed my sketchbook and put it beside Sarah's soup. "Don't you dare mess on it." I said even though and I knew Sarah was the most cleanest person I knew.I was sitting with my two best friends during lunch time and we were talking about what girls would talk about. Until,"Speaking of crushes," I rolled my eyes and lost all hope for this conversation. "What happened with Alexander?""Oh God." I muttered. There was really no escaping this.***"You? No- impossible. You like me? Your sister could do better than that." I shook my head with an eye roll. "I knew you wouldn't believe me.""Damn right. So why tell me?" He sighed at this and I could see the irritation in his eyes. "Why are you so Goddamn stubborn woman?""I could ask you the same thing." I folded my arms and looked up to him innocently. "Princess why is it so damn hard for you to believe that I actually feel something for you."Princess. "First of all, don't call me that. Second, that's humanly impossible."
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18| war
Serine***I frustratingly sighed as another minute went by with me searching for my book. "What ya looking for princess? " Levine asked."My sketch book. I've been looking for it for over an hour and I still haven't found it." I answered ignoring the name she called me. "Did you check the library?""I checked but it wasn't there.""Were you the only one there?""Ye- no. Angelo was with me. I remember he needed to find the library and I took him there before Alexander interrupted. But it was still with me at the time, I'll ask Angelo anyways. "I shut the door, irritated and I made my way to the living room. "Hey Sarah have any of you seen my-" I stopped mid end when I saw a green eyed, tanned skin human being drinking juice on the couch. "Darek?" My voice echoed and our eyes locked and stared at him, confused."I brought some- Serine." Sarah came into the living room through the kitchen and her eyes met mine and went back to Darek. "I- oh my God I-" I smirked as she kept getting tang
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19| promises
Serine***My heart stopped.Unwanted thoughts clouded my mind as I watched her twirl the book in between her fingers. For the first time in God knows how many years, Kelly had finally gained the upper hand against me.I remembered back to all of times where I was only a junior and she knew who I was because we had gone to the same school even way before."You are nothing.""You will always be nothing."I could hear my own heart beat, loud and clear and I even tried breathing in deeply."Kelly don't- please. Whatever you're going to do, please don't.""Oh no?" I shook my head with pleading eyes and I could taste the blood from my lips that I didn't even realize I was biting. Ever since I built up the courage to face my fears and face her, I'd never thought I'd see the day that I'd be pleading for her not to something crazy.I never thought I'd see the day of me letting go of my pride because of a situation.A Kelly situation to be exact.I swallowed all of my pride at that moment bec
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