All Chapters of The Mafia Lord’s Revenge Possession : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
182 Chapters
Chapter 101
Mia’s pov Despite how much I tried to prevent it from happening, my anxiety still managed to bled through my mind, causing my hands to tremble every now and then. I let out a long breath and glanced through the window at the moving buildings.The car was silent, neither of us had said anything since we settled into the car. It’s been over thirty minutes but I’ve been yet to get over how scared I had felt when those people had busted into the house. The ringing sounds of those gunshot still rang through my head every now and then and I hated it.Now that I was with Lorenzo, that crippling fear had managed to subside drastically. As soon as he had showed up to my bedroom, that fright had instantly melted away, leaving me to sob in his arms for long minutes. Thinking about that right now made my cheeks pink up and I let out another sigh, I should’ve have behaved like that, sure, thingsss are not the way it once used to be between us, but that’s still not an excuse to act like we w
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Chapter 102
Mia’s pov “Confused in what sense? I think you need to elaborate further.” He responded and I let out a huff as I brushed my hair out of my face. I don’t need to stare into his eyes right now to know that his eyes are currently gleaming.“You know what I meant.” I pointed out, refusing to turn around and glance at him. A snicker rang through the sitting room and I felt my stomach flutter in response to that tiny sound.“I don’t think so, which was why I asked you to elaborate.” He explained, clearly lying through his teeth.A sigh eased out of my lungs as I glanced at the roof for a moment while my fingers massaged my forehead as I contemplated indulging him or not.“You can’t say things like that cause it affects me.” I finally spoke up after a long stretch of silence. I didn’t need to turn around to know that Lorenzo’s brows are currently arched.“It affects you?” He continued and I bit on my bottom lip and nodded my head. My back was still turned to him but I know that it do
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Chapter 103
Lorenzo’s pov When I finally kissed her that night, it felt like everything had finally fallen into place, like a puzzle finally falling into its tight places, like what I had longed for for a long while had finally happened.As she whimpered softly while her small hands moved up to grip my shirt, I realized once again that I couldn’t lose her. My grip moved from her chin to sink into her hair as I tilted her head sideways in order to deepen the kiss. She responded beautifully as usual, soft, sincere sounds spilling from her each time I broke the kiss.Whether I kissed her, I always made sure to break the kiss every now and then, because I was extremely obsessed with the sounds she usually made. It drove me crazy more than I’d like to admit. Mia is someone who had never experienced any of this with no one until my arrival, which proves that all of her reactions were always real and not feigned like some people’s, and that alone was enough to drive my crazy.She whined when I s
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Chapter 104
Mia’s pov As I showered, I couldn’t stop thinking about Lorenzo, not even for a fleeting second. My nipples remained hard throughout the shower and each time I remembered how he had licked my nipple through the top I had on, I was always back to feeling like my blood was on fire. He had an effect on me so intensely that it was almost maddening. As I lattared my body with soap, each glide of the soft sponge over my nipple kept sending shivers down my spine.This was something I never discovered was possible until Lorenzo. Sure, I had read about it a little but that was where it ended, because I had never imagined that something like that could ever happen.The cold water pattered down my body and I losed myself into the spray, and hoping that it would help to quench that heat right underneath my skin. After everything Lorenzo did to me minutes ago, it ended with him sending me to go take a shower, when I had been extremely worked up. That left a displeased feeling inside of me b
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Chapter 105
Mia’s pov “There’s no need to shop, we can just go back home and get things I need, instead of wasting money.” I said for the hundredth time but Lorenzo was clearly not listening to me.After he declared that I needed things I’d be wearing now that we’d be staying in this bigger duplex for now, he had suggested we go shop for things I’d need, and despite me trying to disagree, we’re currently headed for a mall to shop.“How many times do I have to remind you that it wouldn’t be a waste?” Lorenzo asked without sparing me a glance and i scoffed underneath my breath.“Spending money on you should never be considered as a waste.” He continued and of course, my heart fluttered but I ignored that and scoffed once again.“That’s just a waste of time and money. I’d rather be in the house now.” I pointed out and he let out a small laugh.“Oh yeah? Doing what?”“A lot of things!”“Like what?”“Like— like…”“Like making out with me?” He asked and color flooded my cheeks at once.“What? No
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Chapter 106
Lorenzo’s pov “Sit still.” I murmured but in the mirror, I could see her rolling her eyes. I ignored that and continued to run the brush through her hair.Should abyone had told me that I’d be this domestic with someone some months ago, I’d have shot them right in the chest for having the audacity to tell me something like that.“You’re really bad at this.” She mused as she took in the work I was doing on her hair, amusement dancing over her face as her fingers tentatively patted the side of her hair.I rolled my eyes and shoved her fingers off before tsking. “Where is your patience at?”“Sadly, it’s a virtue which I do not posess.” She mused through a small laugh and I hummed as I ran the brush over the side of her face.“I’d recommend you mastering that virtue.”“I’d pass, and besides, don’t you think that’s hypocritical coming from you?” She shot back and i snickered.“Just shut up and let me work without distractions.” I continued and her eyes twinkled in the mirror before s
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Chapter 107
Lorenzo’s pov A chuckle bubbled out my mouth as I gazed down at her, right as her cheeks began to darken. She avoided my gaze but it was pointless.“Is that so?” I asked and she bit on her bottom lip before slowly shaking her head.“Nope, don’t try to deflect right now. Is that what you want? For me to eat you up?” I asked and watched as she sucked in a deep breath before it eased out of her breathlessly. I reached out and inched her chin around with a light grip around her jaw until our taxes were locked once again.Her mouth opened and closed over and over again but nothing came forth, causing the small grin on my face to widened drastically. That prompted the color in her cheek to deepen even more.“I- I…”I nodded my head in encouragement. “Go on, let me hear you. What do you want?”She was clearly flustered, her eyes were blown wide, lips trembling and face flushed, and that made my blood zing from hunger. The urge to claim and maim her was back in the middle of my chest, tak
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Chapter 108
Mia’s pov The song softly playing through the house was soothing and melodious and I kept humming it underneath my breath as I moved around the kitchen.It had been one of the biggest shocks of mine when I discoverers that Lorenzo knew how to cook. It had shocked me so much because it was something I hadn’t anticipated at all.Since the night Lorenzo drove us over here and decleared that we’d both be staying over here until the person behind that raid got caught, Lorenzo had been preparing the meals we had most of the time. Whenever he wasn’t cooking, we were ordering in.He had left the house about an hour ago when it stuck me that I should probably whip up something for him before he returned. And so I found myself in the kitchen, preparing something that isn’t too basic but also not too complex because despite all the lessons I’ve been getting, I was no Chef.The kitchen was fully stocked, which was one of the things that had prompted me into asking Lorenzo if someone used t
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Chapter 109
Mia’s pov “You really want this?” He asked, eyes filled with seriousness and I hastily nodded my head even though nerves was bubbling through my mind, it didn’t change the fact that I was extremely curious as hell.After the early dinner Lorenzo and I had, we had settled together in the sitting room and had tried to watch a movie together, but once again, it didn’t work out, we ended up being distracted along the way. I was seated beside Lorenzo on the couch and had been pretty much invested in the movie, but after a while, I grew conscious of his fingers which were drawing weird shapes on the top of my thigh. I tried to ignore that and pay attention to the movie, but after a little while, I ended up giving up and chose to instead focus on staring at the television without actually seeing any thing, because my mind was completely on Lorenzo’s fingers which had somehow crept in between my thighs while still drawing those unrecognizable shapes.“You gonna still keep pretending to
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Chapter 110
Mia’s pov The reaction was instant. Lorenzo’s eyes grew brighter as he regarded me intently and then he let out a small hum as his hand slowly kneaded my ass, a sensation which made me lose my train of thoughts for a couple of moment.“Oh, yeah?” His voice was velvety soft as he spoke and I bit at the inside of my mouth as I gave a tentative nod of my head.“And how do you intend to do that?” He continued as he leaned back against the couch and I felt the little confidence that i been able to gather slowly whooshed out of me. I made to speak but nothing came out for the first few seconds.“I- I actually don’t k- know…” I whispered and a chuckle tumbled out of him, one which made my cheeks darken a little as I stared down pointedly at my fingers. I could feel that hardness which I was sitting atop twitch underneath me every now and then, that reminded me of the throbbing of my clit and I tentatively grinded over it in that moment.Lorenzo let out a hiss and a quiet curse as his h
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