All Chapters of The Mafia Lord’s Revenge Possession : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
182 Chapters
Chapter 11
Mia's POV A few nights later, I found myself cross-legged and locked in my room. There was no lock on the door but they might as well have been because I couldn't leave the room, food was brought to me at intervals in the morning afternoon, and then in the evening by a plump lady who always had a perpetual scowl on her face.Like I was the cause of her life problems.At some point, I began to seriously wonder if there was somebody that was always making her angry every damn time or if that was just how she appeared no matter how she was feeling at the moment, though I'm sure that I made her angry with the way I always suspiciously eyed any food that she bought for me.A little voice in the back of my mind was always telling me that there was a chance that the food was poisoned, but then I consider that if this man really wanted me dead, he wouldn't go through the roundabout way of poisoning my food and so I would eat it.Someone like him doesn’t seem like the kind to take someone’s li
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Chapter 12
Lorenzo's pov I could see fair reflecting off her greenish eyes which caught the bright lights in the bedroom beautifully.This was exactly what I wanted to see.The fear.The stark terror.The kind of fear that would make her tremble till she willingly fell down to her knees.The kind of fear that I had in my eyes as a child when I watched her father take the life of my parents without second thoughts. I had been helpless and powerless to do anything about it back then.Fine, I wasn’t going to kill her.I had pretty much accepted that I wouldn’t be able to do that to her.But, what about having a little fun with her body?I had to make sure that she suffered one way or the other, in order to leave her a scar on her soul like her father did mine. That she’d be consumed with so much fear that she would practically beg me to put a bullet through her brain, and I still wouldn't do it, because I’d want her to still suffer some more. Till I get my true revenge against her bastard father.
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Chapter 13
Mia's POV I tried to collect my breath every now and then.Every conversation I seem to have with this man was indeed a roller coaster, every encounter with him felt like I was a tightrope walker that was balancing ceramic plates on both of my hands, because honestly while he was so handsome which I couldn’t deny each time I saw him, there was this dangerous side to him that he never fail to show me each time.I ran over to my wardrobe, the abrupt order he had given me right before he had exited the bedroom was still echoing around in my head.Why would he want to take me with him? And, where to?I picked any type of clothing that my hands could grab first leaving me in a baggy top and jean skirt with sneakers. He didn’t give me a theme, and since I was not going to a fashion show, and it was already night time, I ran out the bedroom like this, not even bothering to touch up my hair which I just swept up into a big messy bun.As I made my way out of the bedroom, I wondered why I was e
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Chapter 14
Mia's pov "Wake up! wake up!" I doubted that I slept for up to 10 minutes before I was abruptly woken by somebody's irritated voice and then I felt a cold hand brush against my bare arm.I blinked my eyelids open. The person in front of me or rather by my side was my kidnapper, looking thoroughly annoyed as usual with the scowl that I always found on his face if he wasn't wearing his trademark smirk that was far too big for it.Here we go again."We are here," he informed me as he stepped out and I didn't need anyone to whisper into my ears to follow him before I did. When I looked around, civilization was gone and we were surrounded by a forest. I was scared that if he shot me here, then the echo of the gunshot would be hard to hear from further distances where someone would be able to catch it with their ears.But then again, that fear was quenched with the not-so-relieving reality that even if he wanted me dead, he wouldn't have bothered going through such precautions as taking m
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Chapter 15
Mia's pov The atmosphere suddenly became chilly and I felt goosebumps that were on my skin, something was off.I could tell that the man in front of me had just obviously declared that this was a trap. Was that supposed to be a joke between them? Well, my curiosity was quenched in only a couple of seconds as the heftiest of all the men who had spoken a little before came closer but then stopped several inches away."If you knew it was a trap, why did you come?""I wasn't sure of it yet and so I wanted to confirm it," He murmured easily, and I was once again, feeling confused. Each time he was scolding on me, which was almost everytime, he always had a scowl on his face and irritation in his voice.But, now that we had somehow walked into a trap that had been set on purpose, instead of him reacting angrily like I’d expect him to, he was doing the complete opposite.Suddenly, I felt the hefty man's eyes focus on me, and I felt like I was going to break out in a sweat even though the nig
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Chapter 16
Mia's POV I glanced forward, locking eyes with the man that I expected to save me right now, especially seeing as he was the one that practically dragged me into the situation in the first place, but he was only wearing a nonchalant smile on his face, all the agitation in the abandoned warehouse seem to be coming from me and the man behind me who was holding a gun to my skull, ready to unleash a load of lead at any given time.He pressed it harder on my head as if he was trying to shove it through my ear, and even though he tried to appear relaxed, I could easily make out the terror on his face. My eyes strayed towards the men that my kidnapper had beaten black and blue as if they were nothing more than little insects as they were all sprawled on the floor with their bodies twisted at absurd angles and groaning with pain from their broken bones.It was a very gory sight for the eyes and I wish that there was some way that I could just peel it out from my memory.However, my entire at
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Chapter 17
Mia's POV After that night a lot of things changed, the most noticeable one being that my kidnapper finally allowed me to leave my room and explore other parts of the mansion. Of course, he restricted some places and told me to never go there unless I was tired of breathing and wanted to retire.Then I was able to confirm that his name was Lorenzo from when his people spoke of him. Honestly, I preferred it when I was locked up in my room because everyone was looking at me as if I was some kind of circus animal, some with curiosity and some with disgust and hate. Meanwhile, I was literally the victim here.I was the one who had been kidnapped on her wedding night.And I had the feeling that somebody was always watching me, as if they were taking turns in observing my every movement.My kidnapper, Lorenzo, also insisted that I should be eating with him whenever he found it suitable for him, meaning that sometimes I would be allowed to eat in my room but most of the time I would have t
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Chapter 18
Mia's POV The night was chillier than I expected it to be, but that was not going to be enough to discourage my plans, so I continued to entertain my kidnapper, Lorenzo.He had shown me that he was a very observant man, so if I acted even a little out of the ordinary, he might catch on to the fact that I was trying to escape and that would ruin the chances of me ever getting out of this place. He was going to punish me if he found out I was trying to escape him.I acted out my new normalcy for the rest of the day, being his passive-aggressive toy until the sun finally retired for the moon to take over the sky, and the darkness of the night enveloped the mansion.I was about to go upstairs when suddenly my kidnapper call me back and told me that he had a surprise to show me, of course, my heart began to race instantly, wondering what kind of surprise he had gotten.When I came down to the foot of the stairs, he began to search for something in his pocket and after a few minutes, his la
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Chapter 19
Mia's pov I stretched out my hand as far as it could go after that leap, hoping with everything inside of me that I will be able to grab a branch, and I closed my eyes as I felt my finger slipped through thin air. I managed to grab a branch, but it wasn’t strong enough to hold my weight.I let out the biggest sigh of relief for my body since my 18 years of existence and even though the entire weight of my body was being held just by my hands now and it was also extremely painful, I encouraged myself with the knowledge that I was closer to freedom or so I thought, because as I was trying to balance myself and move my way down the tree and found out that I had misjudged the strength of the branch and before I knew it…I was falling down to the ground and the only thing that stopped me from having serious severe injuries was the fact that I was bumping into one branch after the other that's actually scraped my face and body, dragging pieces of my flesh along with it but it somehow soften
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Chapter 20
Mia's POV That night, I knew that I really made a very narrow escape from the clutches of death, and I was genuinely grateful that Lorenzo hadn’t shot me as punishment.I decided to wipe away every thought of trying to escape from my mind at that moment.I knew my life was not something that I wanted to play with. Even though staying in this prison was tearing me apart, at least I was alive and breathing just fine.After that night when he had spared me, which of course was not enough reason for me to see him in a different light.He was still a monster to me.He had the same doctor who had tended to me when I had fainted come look me up again, apparently I hadn’t dislocated my knee but the bone shifted and needed to stay in a bandage for a few days.I did not see much of Lorenzo at all in the following days and I was mostly restricted to my room during that period as well, which I really appreciated because going outside of my bedroom was not good for my healing knee whenever I walke
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