All Chapters of The Mafia Lord’s Revenge Possession : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
182 Chapters
Chapter 51
Mia’s pov As I carefully climbed down the stairs, I made sure to be as quiet as possible. It’s past midnight and I’m currently creeping towards the kitchen because I couldn’t ignore the hunger pangs any longer.The last meal I had was the one Lorenzo had forced me into accepting, right before the weird encounter between us had taken place. After I fled the sitting room once I was able to; I made sure to remain in my bedroom throughout the rest of the day, because I didn’t want to come across Lorenzo no matter what. The large wall clock in the sitting room clearly read 12:26am.It’s quite late, and I’d have been fast asleep by this time on a normal day.As I made my way into the kitchen, my stomach began to growl at once. I knew there wasn’t any snack or easily prepared food laying around in the kitchen, I can tell because I’ve thoroughly turned the kitchen around the two times I had been forced to prepare breakfast. The only reason I’m here right now, is because I had hop
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Chapter 52
Mia’s pov As I descended the stairs, the smell of food being cooked wafted into my nose, shocking me out of my bones and prompting me into hastening my footsteps until I was standing in the doorway of the kitchen.I had woken up about an hour ago and took a lazy shower before finally leaving my bedroom and starting to feel hungry.A middle aged woman is in the kitchen right now, moving around in the kitchen like she belonged in it. She had an apron on and looked like she knew what she was doing right now, telling from how nice the food she’s currently preparing smelt like. Moments later, she was heading towards the sink when she noticed me. The shock had been clear enough, telling from how she jolted before hurriedly bowing her head at me in respect.“Good morning, ma’am.” Her voice was raspy but pleasant to the ears as she spoke and I felt taken aback instantly at the respectful title in her greeting, knowing damn well that she had definitely mistaken me for someone more imp
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Chapter 53
Mia’s pov When Lorenzo came down for breakfast, he barely glanced at me twice, and I wasn’t sure of what to make of that.The fact that he isn’t paying attention to me right now is supposed to feel relieving and pleasant, which is why I’m unable to place my finger on the meaning of the weird feeling bubbling in the middle of my chest.It’s been two days since I last set my eyes on Lorenzo.The last time we both saw each other was that night in the kitchen when he had returned from somewhere in the middle of the night, whereby I had made myself a bowl of cereal after being unable to fall asleep on an empty stomach.The days that had followed that midnight, I had been glad that Lorenzo hadn’t come to call on me to come prepare food for the both of us, and I had been pleased that he left me to myself. I spent those two days eating snacks and food that didn’t require me to turn on the gas.I had thought that was how I was going to be living the rest of my life seeing as he left to
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Chapter 54
Mia’s pov As I watched Lorenzo leave, a scowl settled on my face. He hasn’t even bothered to inform me of where it is that I’m accompanying him to, so I’d know what to actually dress in.I scowled down at my plate, slowly losing the interest to keep on eating my breakfast now that my mood has been ruined. With a long sigh, I pushed my chair back and rose to my feet, and then I began to clear out the table at once. After making the first trip to the kitchen, the chef hurried out along with me and hastily began to assist me with clearing the rest of the table.“Was there something wrong with the food, ma’am?” She asked once the table had been completely cleared and we were both in the kitchen, standing across each other.I felt taken aback and instantly began to shake my head.“What? Why would you think that?” I asked in shock and she gestured to the counter behind me where the reat of the food was splayed out on.“I noticed you didn’t eat yours well, and same with the boss
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Chapter 55
Mia’s pov Once the dress pooled around my feet, it took a few moments for me to step out of it because I was trying to get my bearings together. My heartbeat has accelerated and my face felt hot enough to fry an egg due to how much mortification I’m currently feeling.I could feel Lorenzo’s eyes on my back, on the curve of my ass in the flimsy underwear I had worn beneath the dress. I hadn’t worn a bra underneath the dress, which is why I’m still yet to turn around to face him.I swallowed emptily while wondering if he expects me to turn around and walk over to the closet with my chest completely bare while he’s in here right now, but as the train of thought was still going on in my head, the sound of his footsteps retreating echoed around the room, tugging me out of my thoughts at once.Next, I heard the familiar sound of the closet getting opened and I felt a weird feeling settled in my stomach at the thought of Lorenzo finding what he wants me to wear tonight by himself.Becau
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Chapter 56
Mia’s pov After the heads up Lorenzo had been considerate enough to give me, the little bravado that I had managed to muster, completely crumbled at once. I bit on my bottom lip while glancing around. Lorenzo was still situated beside him, a glass of untouched drink in his hand while his second one was still firmly pressing into the curve of my hips like a searing iron. I puffed out a small breath and tried to get my bearings together. A few stutters kept going on around me, which is indication enough that our pictures are being taken at different intervals by the press, and I’m sure Lorenzo wouldn’t be pleased one bit should I appear anything but confident and in my element, in the pictures.As I worried my lips once again, I wondered which unfortunate person– or people is going to be Lorenzo’s prey tonight. Someone walked up to Lorenzo and whispered something into his ear, in which he gruffed at before giving a tense nod of his head right before the person disappeared into
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Chapter 57
Mia’s pov Lorenzo tugged the dude who had been trembling in his seat in front of us and asked that he say his last words, right before he shot him at the side of his throat. At this point, everything had scattered completely and blood was splattered on the front of Lorenzo’s white undershirt. At that point, he had already killed over five people, and I could barely suck in a deep breath without trembling in fear while still curled in my seat and taking everything in all at once with wide eyes.I had almost gotten shot at once by a dude who began to shoot back at me, but Lorenzo hurled me out of the chair and pinned me against his side as he emptied his gun in the person’s chest, grip tight around me. “Get my other gun out from underneath my shirt, the left part.” He ordered urgently as he moved us sideways and shot at a dude that was about to reach for his gun which had fallen from his hand after Lorenzo had shot it. My entire body was trembling in fright and my head felt woozy fro
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Chapter 58
Lorenzo’s pov “Now, get out.”I wasn’t surprised when she jolted, having been clearly lost in her thoughts a few moments ago. She turned around in her seat and blinked a couple of times.“What?” She whispered and for the life of me, I couldn’t help but think about leaning towards her and slotting my lips with hers.“We’ve arrived, so off you go. I have somewhere important to be at.” Her eyes darted everywhere for a moment as realization dawned on her, and then she mumbled an inaudible ‘oh’ as she proceeded to unbuckle her seat belt. “Uh, thanks for the phone, I guess?” She said next, voice unsure and when I kept staring at her without saying a thing, she gave a few nods of her head while audibly berating herself over slipping once again and thanking me when I had informed her about not liking it over breakfast, yesterday’s morning.She pushed the door open and closed it a fleeting moment, and then she began to walk towards the house without a backward glance. Of course, my eyes da
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Chapter 59
Lorenzo‘s pov At first, I hadn’t realized it was in that direction that I was driving in, until I was almost there, was when it dawned on me that I had began to drive towards there without even realizing it.As I exited the meeting office, a lot of thoughts filled up my head at once, and even though I hated to admit it, I had actually taken what Drake had said to heart a little. When he had said people might see me as weak for not killing her yet.I knew it was fruitless for ne to attempt considering killing her niw, cause deep down, I knew I won’t end up doing it. Thinking about her large green eyes blinking up at me right now was enough to remind me that there was no way in hell I’d be able to actually kill her.So many thoughts ran through my mind as I left the building in my car, and as soon as I began to drive, I hadn’t realized where I was heading to, until a few minutes ago.I was driving towards my childhood home.The house where I had grew up in. The home where I had
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Chapter 60
Lorenzo’s pov “Bella?” I called out in nothing but surprise as I watched the brunette whom I haven’t set my eyes on in months, saunter her way towards me to plop into the spot in front of me.“Enzo! You look surprised to see me.” She said with a giggle and I almost let out a grimace at how the sound grated on my nerves. I had been in so much thought before she arrived, and that said thought was about none other than Mia.After I exited Alex‘s place, I got a few things done and even attended a quick meeting. I had just rounded the meeting up about a few minutes ago before Bella has reappeared unannounced.“Of course, I am. You suddenly disappeared.”She giggled once again, hand moving up to twirl a strand of her hair as she blinked her eyes at me a couple of times before speaking. “So you did miss me enough to notice my absence.”I almost snorted at her absurdity because frankly, I hadn’t thought about her for once since the moment she suddenly disappeared, but I decided to keep
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