All Chapters of The Mafia Lord’s Revenge Possession : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
182 Chapters
Chapter 71
Mia’s pov “To begin with, what even are you doing here right now?” I demanded while regarding her and shaking my head at once. She had two girls with her, girls were were obviously some sort of followers to her.“We’re here to teach you some lessons.” One of the girls who had short, blonde hair responded while folding her hands at once. She looked like she wanted to pull my hair or something right now, which is very wild to me because I’ve never met her before. “You know, for one, it’s not only ridiculous that you and your minions have decided to come corner me here in the restroom, you had to also arrive with two followers. Tell me, Lily, are you that scared of me?” I continued, eyes gleaming on purpose as I spoke, while knowing it was going to get on her nerves at once. A scowl gathered on Lily’s face as soon as my words sank into her head, and I watched as shock crossed her two follower faces, which proved that indeed, Lily had kept the details of the both of us getting in
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Chapter 72
Mia’s pov My mouth fell open but nothing could come out of it. I couldn’t believe what I had just heard, which was why I’m currently rooted in this particular spot while trying to wrap my head around what I had just heard.Lorenzo said he was going to be killing me tomorrow.Which means he’s finally putting his plan into action like he said he was going to.It felt like my ears were ringing right after that, which prevented me from being able to listen to the rest of Lorenzo’s call. It also prevented me from moving away till Lorenzo turned around and sighted me.A surprised look crossed his face as he shoved his phone into his pocket before reaching for me. My heart hammered harshly against the sides of my ribs in crumbling fear as he tugged me against him. The fact that he’s currently acting like he isn’t planning on taking my life tomorrow was enough to make me sick to my stomach. “Where were you?” He asked as his hand slid down my hips and I swallowed down something that
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Chapter 73
Mia’s pov I wrapped my arms around my middle even more while pointedly staring at my feet as I quickened my footsteps, feeling like I was being chased even though multiple frantic checks had proved that I wasn’t being chased and was only being paranoid.After successfully exiting the mall, which took way longer than I expected because I didn’t know my way around the mall and got lost a few times while trying to find the back entrance.When I finally found it, I thought somehow, the guard must have figured out what it was that I was trying to do and would be there waiting for me outside the back entrance, and even though he was nowhere in sight, every veins in me was still strung tight in nerves as I hastily began to wap away from the mall while hoping that the guard wouldn’t notice my absence quickly.As soon as he does, he’s definitely going to alert Lorenzo at once, and then he’d order that they all go out to search for me, and then once they do, I’d be dead meat at once.That tho
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Chapter 74
Mia’s pov My heart was beating so erratically that it felt like I was about to puke from all the fright running through every inch of my body at once. I glanced around once again and breathed out a choppy, shaky gasp on realizing that I was indeed stuck between these men, which in order words, means that I was completely doomed for.I couldn’t believe my sheer luck, but I knew damn well that I really shouldn’t be shocked right now, knowing fully well that I’ve never really had a good luck in literally everything thst has to do with my life.Of course I didn’t end up getting caught by Lorenzo. Instead, I had to walk straight into the hands of some bad guys.I wasn’t sure which is worse for me right now. Dying by Lorenzo’s hands or by these guys’ hands.They were still all surrounding me and when I threw another frantic glance around, one of them let out a chuckle that sounded muffled as closed the distance between us. “You have no escape point, you’ve walked right in here, so don’t b
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Chapter 75
Mia’s pov I refused to call him at first, too scared to actually hear his voice over the phone, but a quick click of a gun made me scramble to accept the phone from one of the guy to call Lorenzo at once, putting it to loud speaker as ordered.“H- hello?” I whispered tentatively minutes after the call got answered on the second ring and neither of us had breathed out a word.“Mia.” Was all Lorenzo said. It wasn’t a question, it was a statement and it made my stomach tighten even more.Feeling unsure of how to continue, I glanced up at the guys who shook the gun in a silent reminder, which prompted me into spilling out that I had been abducted some time ago and that I’m being threatened to be killed if he doesn’t show up.Even as I said those words, I knew Lorenzo wasn’t going to show up. Lorenzo doesn't care enough about his plan to use me in his revenge plot to actually show up, and I was proven right when Lorenzo only snorted. Probably feeling fed up, one of the guy whisked the ph
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Chapter 76
Mia’s pov If my heart hadn’t been beating fast before, then now it’s threatening to fly past my lips at any given moment. I blinked slowly while I tried to stop my heart from racing. I slowly pushed myself to my feet while my mouth remained parted in shock. The men who had held me hostage still continued to snicker amongst themselves as Lorenzo alighted the motorbike and placed his helmet on it before turning around and leveling the guys with a blank gaze.The lights in this part of the almost empty street was very little, but it still managed to illuminate Lorenzo‘s face. I felt a shudder run down my spine at once as soon as his gaze landed on my face.He stared at me for a few moments and I swallowed emptily, feeling extremely unnerved in his presence right now. I couldn’t believe the person I had ran away from is the person who had shown up for me right now. Although his plans was to kill me, it still made me feel unnerved that he actually showed up.I averted my gaze from his a
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Chapter 77
Mia’s pov I let my eyes full shut for a moment while I tried to figure out if I was hallucinating or not. Blinking my eyes open and seeing the shock look still plastered on Lorenzo’s face as he raked his eyes over the man who had spoken and the rest who were all slowly taking off their masks.Lorenzo slowly huffed out a breath, eyes slowly trailing over the bared faces and I watched as more recognition dawned on him.“Marcus?” A disbelief laugh escaped his lungs this time as he slowly moved his feet off the throat of the dude trapped underneath it. “What the fuck?” Lorenzo whispered and I watched as the leader who supposedly went by Marcus closed the distance between Lorenzo and tugged him into an embrace. My confusion tripled when Lorenzo returned the hug tightly, a throaty laugh leaving his mouth.It took a little while for the hug to be over and one after the other, Lorenzo exchanged hugs with them all, except the last one whose throat Lorenzo had stepped on. Lorenzo held him at
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Chapter 78
Mia’s pov As soon as I sighted the familiar building which is Lorenzo’s apartment, immense fear instantly lodged itself in my throat, just as his motorbike slowed down to a stop. The door slid open almost immediately and Lorenzo smoothly droved in, and my heart lodged further up my throat. Once the engine got killed, I let out a long, stuttered breath and tried to stop my heart from speeding erratically. It took a few seconds for me to realize that my arms were still wrapped around his waist. With a startled sound, I yanked my hands away and almost fell off the bike if he hadn’t reached behind himself to grasp my arm.That sent a wave of embarrassment through my veins as I carefully alighted the bike.I knew I was in deep trouble. I didn’t need a soothsayer to point that out to me. If the blank look on Lorenzo’s face wasn’t indication enough then the way he was gripping the handles of the bike should do. I awkwardly took the helmet off and smoothed my hair down with my sweaty pal
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Chapter 79
Mia’s pov As the hot water poured down my body and washed off the sweat and grime off my body, I still couldn’t find it in me to be relaxed. Everything in me was taut with nervousness and it was for a very reasonable cause. After Lorenzo had asked me to go take a shower, I had done just that, because I knew I was in no place to ask questions. It felt like I was a sacrificial lamb that was being washed before it got slaughtered. That made the fear inside of me to triple, which prompted me into shoving that thought away from the front of my mind. He had clearly been furious. Despite his face being blank most of the time, it wasn’t hard for me to notice the anger burning in his eyes. This was unlike the other times whereby he had been mad at me here and there. Tonight’s own was definitely a completely different thing, which in other words, means that I was totally done for. I let out a sigh as I exited the bathroom and toweled my hair dry. The shower felt very relaxing a
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Chapter 80
Mia’s pov After about an hour, the dinner finally came to an end and I couldn’t be more relieved. I had managed to eat more food than I expected into my stomach, which was a great thing because at least now I won’t get to live the last moments of my life on an empty stomach. I slowly got to my feet and began to pack the plates, wanting to clear the table as a way to stall since I had no idea of what’s coming, but I knew damn well that it’s not gonna be good.All I had managed to pick was a plate before Lorenzo spoke, making me halt my movements.“Leave them be.”All he said were three words, but those words were enough to make me become even more nervous than I was throughout dinner, if that was even possible. I let out a stuttered breath and mumbled something unintelligible before hesitantly dropping the plate and sinking back into my seat.Lorenzo let out something that sounded so much like a scoff before he got to his feet and moved off to wash his hands. Once he wa
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